why arent i looseing weight!

i have been eating around 1200 calories a day for weeks and have been eating like..
chicken wraps, brown bread, toasties, apples and oven food and not eating after 8
av also been doing 4 miles on my crosstrainer a few nights of the week and drinking bottles of water no other drinks
i weigh 12 stone 7 an not looseing weight but i dont no why?!
help? any advice


  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    Eating only 1200 calories then factoring in your exercise is putting you below the recommended minimums for the day. In other words you are eating too little, your metabolism has slowed down, and your body is clinging to every scrap of food you put into it. Bump your calories back up to compensate for your workouts, at least.
  • Ashalahn_LMT
    Ashalahn_LMT Posts: 342 Member
    <double post>
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I agree with lifebloom - it also helps to open your diary - allows people to give you some constructive input......
  • rorosaw
    rorosaw Posts: 360 Member
    Lifebloom is right on. You're not consuming enough calories.

    (btw, lifebloom--love your motto "Obsessed is the word lazy people use to describe the dedicated." Gotta remember that one.)
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    sorry i dont no how to open the diary haha,
    and this fitness pal says that my goal is to eat 1200 a day in order to loose the weight
    im so confused :laugh:
  • kirstinkrueger
    i have been eating around 1200 calories a day for weeks and have been eating like..
    chicken wraps, brown bread, toasties, apples and oven food and not eating after 8
    av also been doing 4 miles on my crosstrainer a few nights of the week and drinking bottles of water no other drinks
    i weigh 12 stone 7 an not looseing weight but i dont no why?!
    help? any advice

    Some people can go without eating their exercise calories back, some can not, you may be eating too little. There could be other issues going on as well, a lot of things can contribute to a plateau, check this out http://justweighinginandmovingon.blogspot.com/2011/06/ever-ask-why.html
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    MPF may be saying 1200 to start, but then you need to add in the calories you burn from exercise (the same way you add in your food). That would bump up the number of calories you should be eating.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Sorry I have to disagree with the advice above - you can not worry about eating back all your exercise calories if you have a good bit to lose, which I guess you do (don't know your height...)

    Can't see your diary either, but I'd suggest reducing your carbs.
  • angeleyes13
    I do not lose weight unless I eat at least 70 percent of the exercise calories.
    As soon as you do, you will start losing weight, I promise!!!
    Good luck!!!
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    i have edited my fitness pal exercise its still saying eat 1200 calories
    skinny people eat like 600 calories how are they skinny i just dont get all this haha
    i reaaaaly want to loose weight i want to be slim this time next year
    i have put my food diary open to everyone..
  • LH2011
    LH2011 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm certinal no expert but looking at your diary I would say watch your carbs keep them in the green and try to get up to 1,200 each day in your calories. If you can do that then I wouldn't stress to much about eating back any excerise calories.

    Looking at some of the sugary items i.e weetos bar its say's carbs 0 and a cornetto 0 also I don't think they are right which would have put your carbs over on these days but could be wrong???
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    OK looking at your diary...where are the fresh fruits and veggies? And sugary treats that have no other nutritional benefit could be less frequent. Get some clean protein - lean meats, cheese, nuts, eggs etc, and make sure you reach 1200 intake each day.
  • Jo_Bird
    Jo_Bird Posts: 38 Member
    My suggestion is to read up on foods that help raise your metabolism ie; oatmeal, water, broccoli, lean meats. Also, if you've been working out and are at a stand still try switching up your routine for a month. If you're focusing on cardio go to strength training. Hope that helps. The longer you stick to this it gets easier and becomes normal routine. Good luck hun'.
  • daisabelle
    daisabelle Posts: 74 Member
    I think you're eating too much processed food and too many carbs. I would try and look for healthier more sustainable proteins I.e your frozen Iceland southern fried chicken fillets. Meat can be expensive and as a student I know this. I found a brand of frozen chicken which is only £2 a pack from Morrisons, it's by Spice & Co, perhaps try putting that in your tortilla wraps with a side salad and some low fat mayo or salsa? Try switching your nutritional goals to 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat (some people prefer to have 20% but fat isn't all bad as long as you're getting good fat i.e avocados and nuts). Instead of your wheetos cereal bars for breakfast, try Weetabix with tea spoon of Half and Half sugar (half sugar half sweetener, you should see it in the sugar aisle) and semi skimmed milk Or even grilled bacon with the fat trimmed off, tomatoes or beans, poached egg and brown toast. There are loads of options out there for alternative meals. Also I recently joined Weight Watchers which might be an option? I think the idea of a set weigh in each week makes you even more determined! Hope this helped.
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i have edited my fitness pal exercise its still saying eat 1200 calories
    skinny people eat like 600 calories how are they skinny i just dont get all this haha
    i reaaaaly want to loose weight i want to be slim this time next year
    i have put my food diary open to everyone..

    After looking at your diary for today (or yesterday - didn't closely check), I would say add in more FRUITS and VEGGIES (fresh if possible), watching processes foods and carbs, eating a little more - at least to your daily goal or BMR. Also, the statement about skinny people eating only 600 calories, I do not think that accounts for more 'skinny' or thin/lean people. It surely does for some, but others (I would imagine) eat to the level that you should be and maybe add in exercise as well. Also there are those who are just naturally thin = heredity. Don't worry yourself with others (especially if it seems unhealthy and unrealistic)...focus on what you can and should do for you... then you will get there.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Limiting calories is but a part of weight loss. You also need good nutrition. Too much processed food, no vegetables, no fruit, limited water intake and exercise and your body is going to hold onto every calories it can.
  • shorhota
    shorhota Posts: 4 Member
    I find I have to about double my fibre over what MFP suggests. I take benefibre dissolved in water, in addition to leafy greens, apples, carrots, and legumes. You might try eliminating wheat from your diet for a week or two, and see if that helps. Some people find that once the gluten is eliminated from their diets, their weightloss really takes off! Buy from the gluten-free section of the food store, eat more brown rice and quinoa, etc.

    Are you tracking your exercise in MFP? Your allowable calories should increase based on the calories burned through exercise. Also, you seem to be eating a LOT of processed (aka preedigested) foods. Make your gut work harder by eating more raw and single-ingredient foods. NEVER skip breakfast, and try to eat more nutritious snacks throughout the day. Lean protein (hardboiled egg) and high fiber (apple, carrots) snacks will help you keep that full feeling between meals, so you don't gorge yourself at dinner.
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    More real food, less processed junk. Veggies and lean meats are your friends.
  • KatieMiaX
    KatieMiaX Posts: 55 Member
    okay.. people are tellin me to up my calories people are saying 1200 is fine!
    iv up my calories too 1390 and i eat southern fried chicken on wrap and stuf i dont like veggies but i eat apples
    so am i doing it right? with 1390 calories or should i go back to 1200? hmm..
  • Schwiggity
    Schwiggity Posts: 1,449 Member
    i eat southern fried chicken on wrap and stuf i dont like veggies but i eat apples
    so am i doing it right?

    >Not sure if trolling.