

  • Thank you for your responses!
    in Hormones? Comment by kelkir July 2012
  • How do you recommend "rebuilding" a metabolism after eating so little for a long time? I've read Leigh Peele's books and they seem sensible...
  • I'm in a similar boat. I've been eating around 1000 calories for maybe two years, mostly because I don't have time to eat! But the past three weeks I've upped my calories to about 1400-1500 calories of healthy calories. And I can barely fit into my biggest pair of pants. I'm hoping*wishing*praying that this will subside…
  • I just upped mine. And now I can't fit into my "fat" pants. I have been eating approx 1000-1200 calories for maybe two years, mostly due to the fact that I don't have time to eat. But for the past three weeks I have been eating more, successfully getting about 1400-1500 net calories in. Healthy food, lots of protein,…
  • I'm kind of in the same boat, looking to tone up and work out at home. I do jillian michaels videos often, but i'm looking for something more challenging. I was thinking about getting some kettlebells and trying that (with videos), which are apparently good for toning and strength. But i haven't started yet, so I don't…
  • Speech therapy! I got my BS in communication science disorders and I'm in grad school now getting my masters! SUCH a good field, you can work in a variety of settings and they're in demand!!
  • Just upped mine this week to about 1500-1600, and I'm nervous! I'm finding it difficult to eat this much after being at 1200 for so long.
  • What happens after I complete the 30 days? Can I start over to maintain? Or will I still lose more weight doing it all over again? Should I move on to another JM video/workout plan?
  • I would also like to know how to rebuild a broken metabolism. I was eating around 1000 cals or less for about a year, just due to being so busy, and I am convinced I have wrecked my metabolism. Now that it's gotten that low, I don't know what to do. I just started carb cycling in hopes that might break a plateau but I'm…
  • @columbianwarrior, I read this was mostly for bodybuilders, but I figured I'd give it a try just to tone up even though I am nowhere near a bodybuilder. I think this is something I could keep up with, and not be 'done' if it is working. Although I'm not sure how long it would keep working. I'm pretty sure I wrecked my…
  • I've been going vegetarian for lent, and it's not as difficult as I thought. I don't ordinarily eat much meat to begin with, but I still manage to eat enough protein through nuts, eggs, beans, veggie burgers(they're good!) and fish. These are typically less fatty than meat (except for the nuts, which contain fat--but…
    in Vegetarian Comment by kelkir April 2011