Before EMTLW I rarely got my cycle. From netting less than 1000 calories to restricting carbs, it only came around mayyyybe once every three months or so, if even that. Since eating more (I've been doing this for about 6 weeks), I have been getting my period every few weeks. I do take BC pills, which should be regulating…
Which do you prefer? Why? What were your goals at the beginning and results at the end?
I want to start using kettlebells, but have no idea where to start...what kind to buy, what videos to use, etc. Any suggestions for a beginner from those who have had success?
Is it possible to do this? I'm not talking about huge bodybuilder muscles here, just to add tone and possibly burn even more fat.
Has anybody tried carb cycling? Low carb (less than 50g), no carb (less than 20g), high carb (approx 150g), repeat. I don't have a ton of fat to lose, ideally 15 lbs, but I'll take anything! If anybody has tried this, how did it work for you?