

  • Sounds like you're losing fat and gaining muscle. Keep it up.
  • Take my bread away and I'll be a very unhappy person! Just make sure to get whole grain breads. I prefer the organic stuff in the freezer, because that's without preservatives and no yoga mat chemicals. A little more expensive, but a loaf will last me a week. The taste has grown on me. I actually bought a regular loaf of…
  • With issues like that, Insanity may not be the workout for you. I agree, get some physical therapy for it. The pushup/plank work only gets more intense in month 2. I recommend you switch to something low impact until you get that taken care of before it gets any worse. I will say that Insanity doesn't really focus much on…
  • I would alternate strength and cardio on different days. Since you want to lose weight, I'd recommend exercise 5-6 days per week and eating 80% clean (or 100% if you have the willpower :)). Once you're at your goal you can scale it back to 3-4 days to maintain. Diet is really where it's at in terms of losing weight. Eat…
  • This works for some, not others. I hope it'll help you kickstart your diet change. Make a grocery list for healthy meals/snacks. Pick a date, any date ... a Sunday, Monday, 1st of the month; whatever helps you get your head in the game. Then, the day before that one, eat whatever you want. When you're stuffed, throw the…
  • I smoked for 10 years and quit in 2005. For some reason I picked it back up in 2012, but then quit again last July. In 2005 I wasn't doing any kind of exercise, plus I was still in my 20s and felt good, but I had other reasons. Last year it was all about health. I started working out more aggressively and I could just feel…