Pants getting looser but scale not moving

My clothes are definitely getting looser and I think I look slimmer but the numbers on the scale haven't moved in 2 weeks! I'm working out and doing some light weights but I really doubt I'm doing enough to be making significant weight gain in muscle so I'm not sure what is going on. Any ideas on how to push through this "plateau"?


  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    It sounds like what you're doing is working. You probably just need some patience.
  • jagi410
    jagi410 Posts: 97 Member
    My scale hasn't moved in 8 months! But yet I keep at it, because my clothes are fitting better, I'm feeling better, I'm sleeping better, etc. Ditch the scale, enjoy the new lifestyle. Results will come eventually!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You're not in plateau as it's only been two weeks. It may just be your pattern. Since I started I have lost a few pounds, maintained for a couple weeks, dropped a few more pounds, maintained for a couple of weeks... it's not fun. But if you know you're in a deficit, then you just have to be patient. You didn't mention your diet so if you're not already accurately logging, I'd start there.
  • rrlwelter
    rrlwelter Posts: 40 Member
    Scales measure only gravity's effect on you. Go by how things are fitting and energy level: that's much more accurate in so far as your actual size is concerned.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    In two weeks going by nothing but a scale the following things could have happened:

    1) You have lost no fat and retained no water
    2) You have lost 4 pounds of fat and retained 4 pounds of water
    3) You have gained 4 pounds of fat and shed 4 pounds of water.

    The point is using a scale over a period of just two weeks of measure cannot tell you your progress in terms of what actually matters which is fat loss. Takes more time than that.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    My diet has been pretty consistent, I'm staying with in my calorie limits and following the marco guidelines for 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fat.

    I guess I just have to be patient, any use in upping the protein and cutting carbs? or will that just result in water weight loss?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Enjoy the fit of your clothes and stop stressing yourself out. Water is also denser (takes less space)than an equal weight of fat so it may simply be water retention.
  • stevegietz
    Sounds like you're losing fat and gaining muscle. Keep it up.
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    My clothes are definitely getting looser and I think I look slimmer but the numbers on the scale haven't moved in 2 weeks! I'm working out and doing some light weights but I really doubt I'm doing enough to be making significant weight gain in muscle so I'm not sure what is going on. Any ideas on how to push through this "plateau"?

    If you are doing light weights you may not be burning significant fat either. Remember that muscle weighs much more than fat does. So if you lost some fat and gained a small amount of muscle, you might not notice it in the short term when you step on the scale.

    However, the more muscle you have the more cells in your body that want food; raising your metabolic rate. If you keep doing what you are doing you should eventually start seeing losses.

    I would not be afraid of the heavier weights if I were you.
    My diet has been pretty consistent, I'm staying with in my calorie limits and following the marco guidelines for 40% carbs 30% protein and 30% fat.

    I guess I just have to be patient, any use in upping the protein and cutting carbs? or will that just result in water weight loss?

    Many have found the increasing protein in your ratios is helpful when cutting. Don't make a huge change all at once, and make sure you are drinking plenty of water with that increase in protein. Maybe change to: C-35%,P-40%,F-25%.

    The increase in protein will help to make sure you don't lose too much muscle instead of fat, and the slight decrease in fats will help you to keep your calories within your goals.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks I'll give it a try. Any ideas on how to get the protein up without increasing the fat? Most of the protein foods I'm eating like meat etc also have fat so when I increase protein fat tends to go up too.
  • kamimac
    kamimac Posts: 3 Member
    I had a problem with that too, but i finally realized its truly a good thing!

    It means you are building muscle while losing fat!! Keep it up!!
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Chicken breast has very little fat relative to protein.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    I'm having the same issue. It's possible that your body is redistributing things, it could be taking water away from certain areas in the body and putting it other places. And even a little weight can add muscle mass, muscle does weigh a lot more than fat...

    And btw, fat content in food DOES NOT make you gain fat. It just has more calories per gram. :/ And can just contribute to heart/artery problems. So don't freak out too much on fat content, unless it's saturated or trans fat. That's just good to avoid in general.
  • knitknitknit
    knitknitknit Posts: 17 Member
    3 things:

    1. If your pants are looser, it's working!

    2. Throw your scale out the window and review #1

    3. Dietary fat does not make you fat. Your body NEEDS fat to function! Fat is especially needed for your cells and your brain!
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Same here. I've maintained for a year now with no significant weight loss except for that one measly pound that goes away then comes back periodically. I log my food daily and keep a separate spreadsheet that I track weekly. Still no weight loss.

    However, I have lost inches. I've gone from a size 12 to a 10 without losing a single pound so I've been measuring myself and weighing myself.

    Its frustrating. I want to lose five more pounds but it simply doesn't happen. I weight lift so it could be added muscle. Regardless, I'd still like to see the needle on the scale move.
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    I supplement my protein intake with Whey protein shakes. Look for one that is low in fat and carbs. A shake will usually give you around 26 grams of protein but won't up the fat. And the calories in the one I use is 130. Sometimes just having that extra protein helps to keep you full and with the weight training your body does need a little extra to help repair the muscles.

    Remember muscle weighs more but takes up less room. I am in the same position, the scale has been slowly inching down. I had a big 3lb loss one week and the past 2 have been .8 or .6. But I am walking more and a lot of hills, I have however noticed that my clothes are looser so I am losing inches.

    Keep focused sometimes it is small steps that get us there. And this is for your life not just for a few months, so try not to get discouraged about not seeing the number going down.

    Keep up the good work.
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm hoping that one week soon I'll see that big drop :smile:
  • Leanbean65
    Leanbean65 Posts: 176 Member
    I want that ladybug to crawl past the 10 lb mark!
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    You're doing it right. Just keep going !