bcattoes Member


  • Actually, this would have been my tip. Buy frozen. Since some nutrients are destroyed by light, frozen sometimes maintains a higher percentage of those nutrients than 'fresh' that has been shipped in. You can also freeze whatever you don't eat. Either freeze an entire meal or just the leftover vegetables. Most vegetables…
  • It's not always about what eating it will do. Some people are against GMO purely for environmental reasons. Some people like honeybees.
  • That's because the organic or "non-GMO" label is the only way to know. The only reason not to label is to keep the consumer from making their own decision. If people want to know they should be allowed to know.
  • I don't buy many frozen meals, though I do usually keep frozen pizzas on hand for times when I don't have time to cook or just don't feel like it. I love to cook so I cook most meals from scratch. I buy fresh produce, frozen fish, lean meats, dried and canned beans, eggs, whole grains (mostly various rices, quinoa and…
  • Did I say voluntary labeling? I said preventing labeling. Overriding a state law to require it would essentially prevent it, no? Or do you believe companies would voluntarily label GMO foods? And honestly, it’s these lawsuits that create much of the fear. Why not label it? Too expensive? No. Most GMO are used in processed…
  • Thank you. I do try to be clear. Being clear has nothing to do with manner of delivery. Ranting is rarely clear.
  • I was typing. You inferred the manner.
  • There are state law re: GM labelling. I'm not sure you know the meaning of the word "rant".
  • I'm not lying. We do not have these laws, nor did I say we did. But it is a very real possibility. And THAT is the scary part about GMO, IMO. http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2014/04/09/genetic-labeling-bill/7519937/ http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/12/vermont-gmo-idUSL2N0OT20620140612…
  • My question did not ask about laws labelling GM foods as GM. My question was about laws preventing such labels. It is not against the law to label construction as "built with a hammer"?
  • So, we should pass laws forbidding truth in labelling because of what some think it implies? And THAT doesn't bother you? We don't have laws forcing meat raised on hormones, steroids and/or antibiotics from being labelled as such, but we don't prevent meat raised without from being labelled free of it. Do we need to pass a…
  • I do think it would affect sales. I don't see what it has to do with my question above.
  • Try to determine what led you binge eat all this food. Were you overly hungry? You resisted the sweets at work, but did you eat enough food? In resisting all those sweets did you set yourself up for failure later? Identifying the reason can help avoid repeating the behavior, though it's not always easy.
  • In what way would a label be scaremongering? Foods have labels of all sorts. Why is it necessary to forbid this one?
  • How do you know that the local produce is organic? Where do you buy it?
  • What harm would labelling it do?
  • There are laws being voted on regularly that would prevent the labelling of GMO foods. That would take away a citizen's right to know whether they are consuming GMO foods or not. I don't see how your hammer reference is relevant to this. Has anyone suggested physically attacking others with food should be okay?
  • How so? As you point out, the people doing the screaming don't generally live the areas that may need it. Yet isn't it here, in the land of plenty, that it is mostly sold and used?
  • I would imagine there are far more against laws that prevent labelling of GMO, or even forced labelling of GMO, than there are against the modifiction itself. Anyone in favor of laws that prevent labelling of GM foods are, in fact, also making a choice for others.
  • We don't pass laws that forbid labelling organic produce either.
  • But if one isn't starving, so why shouldn't they have choice over what food they consume?
  • It could play a part in why some people don't lose when MFP says they are eating a deficit. Especially when they are working with a small deficit.
  • If I had weighed them, I'd use the weight.
  • Yeah, I agree that cooking method doesn't determine whether a meal or food is healthy. I don't think Healthy Choice meals are unhealthy but I also don't think the few I've tasted were very tasty or filling. For the amount of calories, I can make a more delicious and filling meal from scratch.
  • Not really sure what you are talking about in regards to my post that you quoted. I didn't tell starving people or farmers anything. I didn't say anything was bad. I didn't attack anything. You have no idea who is smarter than I or what I understand. Seriously dude, calm down and get a grip.
  • I have only tasted peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter and soynut butter. Peanut butter is by far the best tasting IMO. It's not even a close race. Peanut butter has crossed the finish line, showered, gone to the after party, and is home sleeping soundly before the others even get off the starting block.
  • Oh. My advice above is probably wrong. Go for the watered down wine.
  • Wine with club soda? Just drink beer.