

  • I am staying away from "junk" and I have also given up pop. watching what I eat and choosing healthy options instead of quick and easy. I try to stay about 100 calories under my 1700.
    in Calories Comment by southa77 April 2011
  • WTG! Always revel in the small victories!
  • Sometimes your body will also get used to the exercise you are doing if it is the same thing each day, try mixing it up, a couple days a week do one set of workouts a couple other days something else, that way your tricking your body and its not getting comfortable in a routine.
  • I just did 20 minutes of it and I have no idea where to list it?
    in Zumba Comment by southa77 April 2011
  • WTG! Good for you on ataining your desired goal weight.
  • I started out at 238 pounds and my doctor told me that for my weight and height which is 5`3 I should have 1700 calories a day for safe weight loss. Maybe you should contact your doctor to double check what you should be having. Hope this helps!
  • I would think you would just log what you actually ate, if you didnt consume it it should not go towards your calorie total. Just a guess.
  • Well I do the same thing but I had gastric bypass six years ago and my surgeon said that the more I drink, the more you go which means the more calories and such you flush out of your system which means the more weight loss. As for anyone that hasnt had the surgery I am not fully sure, but would think it would be along the…
  • I run a small home daycare and find it hard sometimes to exercise when I am working full time, if you have stairs in your house try taking 5-10 minutes at a time and go up and down the stairs, 5 minutes of stairs burns about 72 calories. I do 5 minutes three times a day. Something else if you have a Wii is the Wii Fit, I…