pcarpenr3r Member


  • Nice one mate. The missus was caught by the scam 6 months ago. Regarding detox in general: I'm no expert but from what I have read there really is no science to back up the idea of "detoxing". If you aren't ill (and haven't been seriously poisoned) your body should be able to get rid any toxins on its own.…
  • This is indeed a scam. One that has been around for years. They sign you up to a "free" trial that hides recurring high charges for the products on onerous conditions. Save yourself some money: Try googling "acai berry scam" Edit: from the bottom of the first result :"Do not sign up to any free trials – if a deal is too…
  • You get an iPhone4, then you realise you are left-handed and you can't find a case. I wish I had a million pounds.
  • You might want to try Mark Ripptoe's "Starting Strength" http://www.myweightlifting.com/beginner-weight-training.html You don't have to buy the book. Details of the program are easily available on the web.
  • Kickboxing (includes Turbo Jam)
  • Sushi is an excellent choice. As long as it fits in with your macronutrient goals. Don't be afraid of rice. As refined carbs go, its one of the healthier ones.