

  • I mix it with tuna fish and make a sandwich. It's really yum :3
  • LOL! I saw that today on their sign on my way home today too. I'm not really a fan of bacon, but I love chicken sandwiches. Which is why I went home and made my own healthy version of it. :)
  • I am currently 5'4 and 154 pounds. My goal weight is around 125ish but I will be happy getting down to 130. I also want to have a good amount of muscle on me, so as long as its not fat the goal weight doesn't matter. lol
  • Also, I guess diet soda in a small way can affect weight loss. This is just my story, but when I was consuming diet soda, after a while I would get really bad pains in my knees and hands. It was the sort of pain you feel like in carpal tunnel. Obviously, I didn't work out while I had these pains. I stopped drinking diet…
  • Just curious about this part because I know a few people who drink different drinks with aspartame in it a few times a day and while I know that's probably not healthy, is it really better to put nearly 100 grams of sugar in your body a day for regular soda?
  • LOL! I took up crocheting as an alternative to spending all my free time on the computer and I think I'm developing callouses on my fingers.
  • Drink more water and eat foods that are more fullfilling than just junk food. Have food in your house that requires you to do something with it, not just pop it in your mouth so that you convince yourself that its not worth the time to spend cooking it so you don't eat it. Also, there really is nothing wrong with eating.…
  • Are you near that time of the month? It could be water weight. I have to be careful of what I eat around that time because the cravings do come.
  • Okay, from the looks of what you wrote, You started the conversation, she asked you a few questions and she made a recommendation from what you said. She was trying to help you in a way she knows how. I don't see why you would be offended. She didn't even push the subject she said if you wanted to know more you could talk…
  • It kinda depends on what he was using it for, I guess. I don't think it useless. Anything that allows you to get up and exercise is better than nothing.
  • Oh, I don't care for the magazine photos, and never will. I was just answering of why I thought it would be wrong to use photos as inspiration.
  • I guess it was just because of the negativeness of photos of people in magazines and how their bodies are "fake" because they are perfect and photoshopped. So I was curious if my motivation based off of a photograph of someone was wrong. It's also because I come from a family (not my mom though) who believe that you can't…
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