

  • i added. its always easier for me to lose weight when i am supported or challenged by a competition.
  • i also noticed this. all i read was overwhelming... i just remember my doctor saying that taking ONE-A-DAY is good.
  • i feel that my work outs will be insanity in the morning.(cardio/strength) and a jog after work. mainly cardio. im sure someone who has high cholesterol like i do should do more cardio? someone correct me if im wrong.
  • Thats exaclyt my question. if my body needs all these vitamins a day...and i take a multivitamins and eat these extra vitamins in ...lets say a nice green it over doing the vitamins? i am mostly doing it in hope to get this pain in my wrist and joints to go away.
  • thanks guys. today was my first morning doing insanity in the morning. i feel great. and have all this extra energy that i would have substituted with coffee ...i will be going to the gym tonight though. ill be doing two miles walk/run just to keep my legs from what ibelieve is stiffening. i decided my day off is going to…
  • Thanks for your input. i definetly need to let my body tell me when i need to stop. I selected sunday to be my day to rest. I feel that i had a great week so far. I have been doing well under calories and exercising every day this past week. I feel fantastic. and running everyday i was able to over come my legs soreness.…
  • thats great help you all. sounds very simple then..
    in Insanity Comment by Luisbravo July 2013
  • i bought the cheapest heart rate monitor on ebay (timex) with chest strap. It does not have a calorie burn count .... its a tremendous work out for sure.. Ill have to invest into a calorie counting hrm...
    in Insanity Comment by Luisbravo July 2013
  • i would love to also get an answer to this. im currently running and doing some weights but will be starting insanity and i would like to know how to log that work out on here. thanks to all for any help.
    in Insanity Comment by Luisbravo July 2013