Double work outs?

Hello all,

My name is luis, 23 yrs. old.

I just wanted to see if its beneficial to me doing double work outs.
Im on my first week back to the gym after about a year of not working out.
I quit smoking abouta month ago. Honestly never thought i would ever run like i have the past week.
first day i ran 2.16 miles and just yesterday i ran4.2 .
I feel great. and i am curently using MPF to count my calories. Its definetly becoming addicting to work out...maybe its just a beginners high or something(i hope not).
I have two month to lose as much weight as i can. I get married on 9-21.
I am currently attending the gym every day after work for an 90 minutes. 30 which consists of jogging on the treadmill.

I raise the amount of time im on the treadmill to 50 minutes.

I am contemplating doing insanity in the mornings as soon as i wake up. shower, go to work, after work go to the gym for 50 minutes of running and 40 minutes of arms/chest/abs.

I am a size 48 waist. i want to slim down as much as i can for my fiance.

considering that insanity is a lot of cardio/muscle training. would i be over doing my cardio?
I dont really want to bulk up as much as i want to shrink down sizes.

Thank you all for any information


  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    There are many views on overworking you body, alot of people you will find will work out 2 times a day, 7 days a week, 365 1/4 days a year and have no problem doing it.

    Then you will get the crowd who will work out once a day, 3-6 times a week and it works for them to.

    Its all about finding out what works for you, listen to your body, if your body is hurting stop give it a day off to rest and then start back up again. Im in the camp of 1 workout per day 4-6 time a week. I like giving my body atleast one day where i tell it im doing sod all repair away.
  • Luisbravo
    Luisbravo Posts: 11
    Thanks for your input. i definetly need to let my body tell me when i need to stop.
    I selected sunday to be my day to rest. I feel that i had a great week so far. I have been doing well under calories and exercising every day this past week. I feel fantastic. and running everyday i was able to over come my legs soreness. just this saturday night i was able to run 5.34 miles, the most i have ever ran in my life... my breathing was still great, not hurting or anything. legs felt great.
    Im sure glad i stopped smoking. I feel so great lately.
    i will be trying to do insanity in the mornings this week.
    today was hard for me to do it since my rest day wasnt fully used to rest. i was lazy for sure just not resting. i got 5 hours of sleep last night and was exhausted when i woke up at 8 today.
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    Two a days is something that should be worked up to, and still isn't for everyone. You could be putting your body at risk of over training and injury. This can also be a concern with one long session per day. It's great that you are motivated and want to lose weight and make changes, but be careful.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You should be gradually increasing your runs, a mile a week increase at most, and taki g days off between runs. Otherwise you risk an injury and will be unable to work out. It is new and exciting but you need to be smart about it. I would not do double workout right away. Maybe after you have worked out for a couple months at least.
  • Luisbravo
    Luisbravo Posts: 11
    thanks guys.
    today was my first morning doing insanity in the morning. i feel great. and have all this extra energy that i would have substituted with coffee ...i will be going to the gym tonight though. ill be doing two miles walk/run just to keep my legs from what ibelieve is stiffening. i decided my day off is going to be sunday and the day my wife is off work during hte week. two days of rest should be plenty?
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    As long as you aren't pushing your body through pain (soreness is one thing, actual PAIN is another) then I see no reason why you can't workout 2, 3 times a day, as long as you are also taking a rest day or 2 during the week for your muscles to repair.
    I would recommend keeping one workout focused on cardio, the other strength training or if you are doing HIIT or workout videos, something else for your other workout.
  • Luisbravo
    Luisbravo Posts: 11
    As long as you aren't pushing your body through pain (soreness is one thing, actual PAIN is another) then I see no reason why you can't workout 2, 3 times a day, as long as you are also taking a rest day or 2 during the week for your muscles to repair.
    I would recommend keeping one workout focused on cardio, the other strength training or if you are doing HIIT or workout videos, something else for your other workout.

    i feel that my work outs will be insanity in the morning.(cardio/strength) and a jog after work. mainly cardio.
    im sure someone who has high cholesterol like i do should do more cardio? someone correct me if im wrong.