
Hello all.
I was just wondering what everyone does for a multi vitamin.
My friend sells these Nutrilite pills/packs. Hes going through a hard time financially and i felt like helping him out in a none obvious way. So i started to them once a day.

I am just curios as to how this all works for mpf. does taking these multi vitamins really help?
Thanks for all comments, suggestions and responses.


  • R_Calvillo
    R_Calvillo Posts: 177 Member
    Bump. I've been wondering about multi-vitamins also.
  • CLFrancois
    CLFrancois Posts: 472 Member
    Help with what exactly?
    I think it would be rare that a multi vitamin would hurt you.
    It is rather difficult to get all the vitamins your body needs per day without one.
  • Luisbravo
    Luisbravo Posts: 11
    Thats exaclyt my question. if my body needs all these vitamins a day...and i take a multivitamins and eat these extra vitamins in ...lets say a nice green it over doing the vitamins?
    i am mostly doing it in hope to get this pain in my wrist and joints to go away.
  • tquill
    tquill Posts: 300 Member
    I take a multivitamin, but I'm not sure how much it helps. I tried to research it at one point, but there doesn't really seem to be any strong evidence one way or the other.
  • Luisbravo
    Luisbravo Posts: 11
    I take a multivitamin, but I'm not sure how much it helps. I tried to research it at one point, but there doesn't really seem to be any strong evidence one way or the other.

    i also noticed this. all i read was overwhelming... i just remember my doctor saying that taking ONE-A-DAY is good.
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    Flinstone gummies have never failed me yet!
  • RobTheGourmet
    RobTheGourmet Posts: 189 Member
    I been taking GNC mega men's and took them when I was younger and much more active. From what I can tell it helps if your diet is less then stellar in not providing enough different kinds of food, also helps them from being depleted.

    The premium vitamins like GNC or Animal Stack have a lot more of each vitamin and minerals then generics like 1 a day and centrum silver.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Vitamins and minerals will not affect your body composition, but they will affect your health. I would definitely recommend taking a multi to fill any vitamin and mineral gaps in your nutrition. Don't worry about going over your limits as most vitamins and minerals will be excreted by your body if consumed in excess.
  • lcantrell65
    lcantrell65 Posts: 228 Member
    I take a packet of multi-vitamins for women under 50 (purchased from QVC). I very rarely get sick, and I teach in a high school surrounded by germy kids all day! I can't say that it is the vitamins. Maybe I am just fortunate to have a really good immune system, but I don't plan to stop taking them just in case.

    I know there is a lot of debate on whether or not vitamins do you any good. Most people against vitamins claim that they won't hurt you, but you are simply wasting your money. There does seem to be some research that indicates you shouldn't take mega doses of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) because they can build up in your liver. It still doesn't seem to be much of a problem unless you take blood thinners or blood pressure medication. I did come across this article recently:

    I am certainly not a doctor and can't give you any advice. If you are really concerned, maybe you should talk to your doctor.