

  • I order a something healthy... steak or grilled fish...when ur meal is delivered ask for a to go box and put half of ur plate in the box asap...outta sight outta mind... you will eat less.
  • I read on Max Health that after 3weeks your body has adjusted to your exercise. If you add the jogging this will help. Interval trainning helps to burn more cals. So if you do your warm up walk for 5 mins then jog for min then walk for a min you will burn more cals. and your cals will continue to burn cals even after you…
  • i take vitamin b6 pills... they crave my sugar cravings so much
  • yesterday i was feeling down in the dumps i caught myself wanting thoses chips ahoy cookies hiding in my kitchen... i told myself i cant stay here i loaded up my sons bike then mine and went on a bike ride... helped with my stress and cravings...also when ur boby thinks ur hungry it is usually thirsty... i drink alot of…