

  • Hello everyone. I'm new to MFP, just joined a few days ago. I'm 43, 5 ft 6, currently unemployed and trying to stay motivated to lose weight (at least 100 pounds). I recently purchased a Schwinn recumbent bike about 2 weeks ago, wanting something low impact to exercise with due to back & knee issues. I do at least 20…
  • My long term goal is to lose 100 pounds. I'm drinking lots of water, cut out the sodas, soft drinks etc. I'm logging everything I eat (as best I can) & doing at least 20 minutes a day 5 days a week on a recumbent exercise bike.
  • Thanks to everyone for all the feedback & suggestions. I decided to go with the Ozeri Pronto It has basic functions, can manage a considerable amount of weight, was reasonably…
  • Just looking for anything that will help me keep track of what I'm eating, keep me motivated to exercise & lose weight.