cinmorrowlvn Member


  • Check out She has some really great recipes in general and some great ideas of quinoa (salads, main dishes, and deserts)
  • I"ve eaten around 800-100 for 2 years. I feel awesome Of course, mine is under close medical supervision and I supplement like crazy. Good job. I think UNDER CLOSE MEDICAL SUPERVISION and I SUPPLEMENT LIKE CRAZY are the key terms here. Your doctor is making sure you are getting adequate nutrition despite a low caloric…
  • You're calories are too low so your body wont lose weight. Try to get at least 1100 calories a day. You may need to add a protein shake or a meal suplement like ensure. I understand about not having an appetite but it truely makes a difference if you are able to get a minimum of 1100 calories a day. I agree that you…
  • Check out She has AMAZING recipes including a whole section just for slowcookers. The foods are healthy but taste great and are "real" food as opposed to "diet" food. She simply adapts regular recipes to be healthier. She's a weight watchers girl for a long time and includes the nutritional information for…
  • Absolutely consult with your doctor. If you are working out too much and not eating a balanced diet your body will go into a starvation type mode. Talk with a doctor AND a nutritionist. Good luck!
  • I have serious issues with sodium! I also have high blood pressure so I take a blood pressure pill and a "water" pill for water retention. I found that the packaged/premade foods are the worst. I've started cooking my meals in bulk and freezing them in sections. WAY lower on sodium and preservatives that I don't want in my…
  • I'm 5'10 and a very large frame (my fingers don't touch at all when wrapped around my wrist). Many years ago I was 145 and WAY too small for my body - my hip/clavicle bones were sticking out. My goal is about 200lb. That's pretty realistic for me.
  • 1 pound dried pintos 1 medium onion 1/2 bacon (can use turkey bacon) 1 can rotel tomatoes and green chilis salt pepper garlic chili powder cumin sorrt out ugly beans/rocks. Rince with water. Place everything in a slow cooker and cover with water. Cook about 6 hours on medium. A little spice and you can add them to…
  • It should be listed under recipes in your food section...
    in help Comment by cinmorrowlvn July 2014
  • Turkey tacos. Shred turkey. Add a little broth for moisture. Taco seasoning (garlic, salt, pepper, chili powder, cumin). Eat with corn tortilla, tomato, lettuce, avacado. Easy and YUMMY!
  • My back doctor actually suggested I lose weight by walking laps in the water. It works great. I use water shoes because my toes would get raw otherwise. I started cupping my hands and swinging them while I walk so I get more water resistance. The first few times I could only do a few laps but now I'm better. I feel a nice…
  • way to go!!!
  • Hi Melissa. I'm Cindy and I live in Alaska. I'm 34 years old, I'm a wife and mother of 2 teenage boys, and I'm a night shift nurse. I would love to share in a support group with you! I'm very new to this so I'm not sure how to 'friend' you. I don't have anybody on my friend list but I'm up for some shared support. At this…