have you lost weight by swimming (interested on those who we



  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    I'm not sure that MFPs calorie burns are accurate and I always adjust for my TDEE anyhow and would never eat-back more than 50-70% of my exercise calories to compensate for margins.

    The MFP calorie burn on swimming is comparative to what I picked up from researching the internet. Again, like most exercises, the number changes depending on how much you weigh, but I decided, after the research, that the MFP one is close enough for rough calculations.

    I do cheat myself out of calories though, I am lazy about putting my swimming in, different strokes burn a different amount of calories, and I mostly just put it in as "leisurely" instead of accounting for amount of effort and stroke.

    It is just as important to warm up and cool down with swimming as with other workouts... I just do a couple of leisurely laps, slowly picking up pace, and I stretch in the water. I don't have any evidence to back this up, it's just a thing that seemed reasonable to me, but stretching in the water after an hour workout seemed better than being mostly non-weight bearing for an hour, then hopping out, becoming weigh bearing, and then stretching. That seemed like a recipe for disaster... so I stretch in the water LOL. NO EVIDENCE though, so no quoting that to others, it just made sense to me LOL.

    And yes, you can TOTALLY loose weight from swimming. 20 pounds in my first two months in the pool, combined with healthier eating choices, keeping track of calories, and watching portion sizes.
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    thanks again everybody! I"ve made an appointment to go on Wednesday morning!
  • shlottelac
    shlottelac Posts: 41 Member
    very interesting post! :smile:
  • DPernet
    DPernet Posts: 481 Member
    Love swimming. Like everybody has already said, it's almost a must for overweight people. Low impact and a great way to exercise. Usually cheaper than a Gym membership as well.

    Been going every weekday for over a month, 30-40 minutes at a time. I'm averaging about 40-50 lengths of the 25m pool now. It was hard at first because I hadn't swam lengths in years, but I'm loving it.

    The hardest part for me was the initial 'Walk of Shame' to the pool with all my wobbly bits on view. But then I realised that a) nobody cared and b) there were people there with more wobbly bits than me.

    Of course it helps that there's usually a stunningly hot lifeguard on duty or a couple of very nice looking young ladies in bikinis swimming as well. Total Babe central :D
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    I went this morning for the first time! It's a 50 meter pool and I managed to go back and forth 12 times in half an hour, non stop. It won't qualify me for the olympics (this year!) but man, it felt amazing! I've never swam laps before in my life but I don't think I'll be stopping any time soon!
  • I have never tried swimming, but awhile ago my mom started swimming (walking/jogging in the pool lane) for aerobic exercise because she's diabetic and she doesn't want to put too much strain on her knees (plus she hates sweating). She lost a lot of inches from her stomach area (she went down from a size 20 in jeans to a size 14!), but then she gained it back because she wasn't eating healthy and also she stopped swimming due to her schedule. So, my advice to you is to swim and eat healthy (protein, raw veggies, fruits, healthy carbs, nuts, prunes). Oh and if you are really trying to lose weight, anaerobic exercise (weight lifting) is crucial so that your skin stays firm (and doesn't loosen from losing weight). Don't buy into the myth that heavy weights make you bulk up. The more heavy you lift, the more calories you'll burn, because muscle burns more calories than fat does.

    To sum it up:
    Aerobic: Swim (30 min: freestyle and jogging laps in the pool)
    Anaerobic: lift heavy weights dumbbells and/or barbell
    Arms: curls, tricep kickback, seated shoulder press
    Lower Body: squats, lunges, deadlifts
    Also, Pilates Reformer really changes your body (tones your core muscles, improves flexibility, reduces back pain, makes those skinny jeans fit better without necessarily changing your weight) so if you have the time and/or money, Pilates Reformer Classes can be really beneficial to you. I pay $120 for six weeks for Pilates Reformer Studio. I get 2 Pilates Reformer Classes a week and I also get to use the Reformer whenever I want if I so choose (open gym). I am seeing results!! :) Good luck!
  • iceqieen
    iceqieen Posts: 862 Member
    Love swimming :) Not the only thing I do though so cant speak of which part is thanks to that.

    A friend of mine is only going swimming, goes a few times each week. I think he started with 10x50m, and has worked himself up to at 15x50m last time I spoke with him. He feels a huge difference in his endurance and his waist is noticably smaller. So definately a worthy workout.
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi yes i do 50 lengths front crawl twice a week , plus Aqua , twice a week , hope this helps :smile:
  • I am a fish. You could never get me out of the water and still can't. In high school I was on the swim team and loved it. I can tell you that when you swim laps you can in fact work up a sweat and raise your core temp in the water. In HS we used to take cool showers to cool ourselves down afterwards and I eventually had to start that practice again in my adult life.

    Indoor pools usually keep their pool water at room temp or slightly above. The water in the pool physically feels cool when you first get in because the pool house's ambient temperature is always high from humidity and heating of both the pool water and the ambient air. (Just think how cool the temperature is when you leave the pool house compared to the temperature in it.)

    I lost 40 lbs within 3-4 months by swimming and eating a sensible diet. Being used to swimming 200 meters at a very face pace in HS, I was shocked at how slow I had to go to be able to maintain swimming laps at a constant speed when I started up again. (my heart was in constant protest) Swimming works EVERY muscle in your body, including your heart.

    Usually the pool house has a clock on the wall for lap swimming. You can use this clock to measure your lap time, or the time it takes you to swim one length. In the beginning, just pay attention to keeping yourself moving in the pool for a certain amount of time that you choose, like an hour. It's also a good idea to keep track of your heart rate. When starting out I checked at the end of each length. As you progress you can play beat the clock or even add the number of laps to be completed within a certain time frame. And it doesn't have to be a specific stroke (back stroke, free style, butterfly, breast) I do what I feel like based on my body. If one arm hurts, I don't use it. I can be seen cork screwing through the water, mixing a large number of different swim strokes while making one lap, or even grabbing a kick board to use to work only the legs, or just one arm, etc.

    The idea is to keep moving in the water. The water gives you resistance the whole time. Your body will let you know what a good pace is. If you get tired and need to take a break, try going to the deep end and treading water to rest while still getting some exercise benefit. Swimming will burn fat, tone your body, and slim you down. The only way to get a true calorie burn count is by having a water proof heart rate monitor on. You will also notice that based on your different movements your rate could spike (mine spikes when I do the back stroke, I just can't seem to slow down on that one)

    I am sad because we only have one pool in the area (the Y) and their pool seems to always be super crowded or unavailable
    :( I'm sure if I could swim again I would be in the pool almost every day, melting the pounds away! It had been so easy the last time.
  • boo_book
    boo_book Posts: 2
    Most definately but calorie control has been an important partner in my weight loss of approx 20kg in 5 months. I am 46, 165cm was around 85kg now 66kg. Have reduced my waist by 4inches, thighs even more so. I carried this weight for around 15 years. Have been swimming for around 10 years, quite seriously most of the time but had no weight loss, last year I decided to educate myself on the calories and see if combined with swimming I could loose weight and there was the answer for me.
    Calorie control AND swimming combined = success. I wasn't eating "all day" but I do believe I just got used to eating far too larger meals that were heavy in calories. Now I pay attention to the labels, if the recommended serving for say "weetbix" is 2 cereal biscuits then that's what I now have ( I used to have 3). Stick to the serving sizes and work out a suitable calorie intake per day. I started at 900 cal, reduced it a little each week and now am experimenting with how many calories to increase back up to for maintenance now I am in an ideal weight range. However it does not need to be so scientifc for me now as my body tells me - if I am noticing a bit of tiredness I have pasta to boost my energy and getting good sleep is definately important too.

    When I first started swimming 10 years ago, 3 x a week, although having a good natural action I could only manage one pool length (freestyle) at a time. I just kept plugging away setting little goals and by 3 months had definately turned a corner in terms of endurance and at some point in that first year I managed to achieve 30 - 45 -60 minutes nonstop of freestyle. I have also worked on my stroke, I try not to thrash and splash around, I prefer to put the energy into being a "quiet streamlined swimmer" allowing me to swim longer. I focus more on endurance than speed.

    To lose weight with swimming, of my experience I believe:
    You need to actually swim for at least half an hour x 3 times a week (no standing around/floating/talking - dedicate the time to putting in a real effort)
    Take your swim seriously, wear a cap/goggles/swimwear whatever is needed to swim unhindered or distracted.
    Educate yourself on calories, if you are hungry after a swim reach for an apple and a cup of tea/water.
    Don't make excuses why you can't go swimming eg stress, this is exactly why you need to go!
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    I hope this doesn't come off mean, but have you ever seen a fat swimmer? :)

    Swimming totally burns calories, it's how I stayed fit with two of my four kids during their pregnancies. And the last pregnancy? I wasn't able to do much because i was on semi bed rest and now, I'm trucking 45 extra pounds because of it

    Swimming is totally a great way to keep fit. Anything that gets your heart rate up, and keeps it up, is going to burn cals. The problems with swimming is a) you don't feel it as much because you don't notice youre sweating, and b) a lot of people eat the cals back because when you leave a pool most are ravenous! I know I am. :)

    Happy swimming!
  • Weighinginwithmy02
    Weighinginwithmy02 Posts: 369 Member
    thank you all again for all of your advice and continued comments! I've managed to swim twice last week and twice already this week with a third time planned for Friday. Today I actually went ahead and bought a card for the pool for my next twelve swims! I'm committed!

    In the short few times I've gone I've managed to increase my laps from 600 meters to today swiming 800. My big goal is to just keep moving, regardless of the pace/stoke or how silly I look flapping about. I've already got the goggles and cap but I think I may get a snorkel because I'm having some neck pain from having to hold my head above water for so long (I'm not in good enough condition yet to swim with face in the water and coming up for breaths). Each time I've managed to move in the water for 35-45 minutes solid! And of course I'm combining it with logging food with MFP.

    Thanks again!
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    thank you all again for all of your advice and continued comments! I've managed to swim twice last week and twice already this week with a third time planned for Friday. Today I actually went ahead and bought a card for the pool for my next twelve swims! I'm committed!

    In the short few times I've gone I've managed to increase my laps from 600 meters to today swiming 800. My big goal is to just keep moving, regardless of the pace/stoke or how silly I look flapping about. I've already got the goggles and cap but I think I may get a snorkel because I'm having some neck pain from having to hold my head above water for so long (I'm not in good enough condition yet to swim with face in the water and coming up for breaths). Each time I've managed to move in the water for 35-45 minutes solid! And of course I'm combining it with logging food with MFP.

    Thanks again!

    This is wonderful to hear. I'm so glad you're sticking with it! Great work!
  • muddyventures
    muddyventures Posts: 360 Member
    I didn't lose weight just swimming, but before I gained weight and was in tiptop shape that is 85 % of what I did, I was a lifeguard, and swimlesson instructor. I swam 5-6 days a week for at least an hour. I also rode my bike and although I did a little running at that time my main exercise was swimming.

    I swim now and love to swim by my main exercise is running. I don't know anything about core temp and swimming, but I've left the pool feeling downright hot and sweaty!
  • boo_book
    boo_book Posts: 2
    thanks again everybody! I"ve made an appointment to go on Wednesday morning!
    The hardest bit is the first walk in......the rest will become easier.
  • lindssaurus
    lindssaurus Posts: 98 Member
  • Its wonderful to hear all these success stories..I love to swim. I unfortunately only do it regularly during the summer. I am in the water 5 days a week. I do water arobics then I swim for 20 min. If I dont do water arobics I swim for an hr...swimming around 1 mile. I do see wonderful results. I would like to post a question about watches for swimming. I got two different mio water proof watches that both didn't last more than 1 year! Anyone have a suggestion on a good watch for swimming laps?
  • platogb
    platogb Posts: 1
    The answer is YES.
    20 years ago I had a car crash and broke, among other things, my jaw. They had it wired for 3 months so I was only able to consume liquids and lost a lot of weight.
    Clearly, my body thought it needed to make metabolic adjustments in order to 'survive' - result: when I got unwired and started to eat normally the weight just piled on. I'd always been reasonably fit and not overweight up until this point in my life (I was 34).

    Anyway, coming out of this, I decided not to go on some crazy diet because I felt my metabolism needed stabilising, not further upset.
    The weight stayed on even though I was walking a lot (for my job at the time) and riding racehorses out at training every weekend. I was working hard to get really in shape and shift the weight without going on a fad diet.
    This went on for about 4 years and I felt great but was still carrying around 10 pounds of extra weight.
    The only thing that changed this was when I started doing 1km every weekday (weekends were still for riding) in the local pool.
    At first I was doing 3 or 4 lengths breaststroke and 1 freestyle - I wasn't great at the breathing and it overtired me but as I continued to do it, I got better at it and after a few months, I was doing the whole 1km freestyle in about 20-22 minutes.
    This has pretty much been my programme ever since, I now average 3 times per week.

    The weight came off within about 18 months.
    No dieting at all.
    It has stayed off.

    This is an exercise you can do until you are abolutely ancient and anywhere in the world where you can find a pool or the sea.
    Don't let anyone tell you it doesn't work.
    It does.
    Good luck.
  • cinmorrowlvn
    cinmorrowlvn Posts: 16 Member
    My back doctor actually suggested I lose weight by walking laps in the water. It works great. I use water shoes because my toes would get raw otherwise. I started cupping my hands and swinging them while I walk so I get more water resistance. The first few times I could only do a few laps but now I'm better. I feel a nice burn and overall soreness so I'm definetly getting a work-out. I'm down almost 20 pounds now. I don't usually log my excercise since I'm not doing it to earn extra calories.

    Good Luck!
  • lisaanne1369
    lisaanne1369 Posts: 377 Member
    Its not even a matter of laps, treading water and just moving. I got to a river and use the current and can get a great arm work out in 3 feet of water.