

  • Thanks!!! my work had a bunch of donuts and pastries delivered to our office from a patient of ours... I was so proud, i ate some grapes instead lol :)
    in New here Comment by totsy88 January 2013
  • the zombie 5K is so much fun! I downloaded it after you suggested it :) Love it. Thank you
    in New here Comment by totsy88 January 2013
  • I have been thinking about smoothies doing smoothies! I have signed up for 2 5K runs, one called Hero Rush and one called Dirty Girl Mudder for breast cancer. They are all obstacle runs so im excited about that. The zombie app sounds awesome too i'll have to check that out. If i have a specific challenge and its fun im…
    in New here Comment by totsy88 January 2013
  • I just restarted my account, i was slacking as well. I just moved to a new city not to long ago with a new job and am trying to behave! :)