little_firebug Member


  • 5'4" and only 130! I wish! I think your only extra weight is your dude. :(
  • If you have read Wheat Belly you might also try Grain Brain by David Perlmutter.
  • I certainly don't think it was a foodborne illness (those take up to 24 hours to kick in and, in my experience, don't kick in RIGHT after you eat) and I also don't think it's dairy unless you've had problems with that before. I've never heard of lactose intolerance making someone throw up though. Lactose intolerance is a…
  • The longer you are Paleo the less intense these cravings for an afternoon uppie will be. I remember I was really bad at first--like bust down the front door to get to the kitchen hungry. But gradually this went away and I noticed I wasn't even getting hungry until about 5 o'clock in the afternoon. (I fell off the Paleo…
  • I used to have a Planet Fitness membership. I quit because they didn't really seem interested in helping me attain my goal of being fit and healthy. Example: pizza Fridays and bagel Mondays. Their free weight selection was extremely limited because, as they said, they do not cater to "the body builder crowd." I can see…
  • I personally enjoy working out in a fasted state. It does seem to take longer to get through my weights and I go easy on the cardio (no more than 45 mins) but I find I feel much better after. I generally avoid eating anything for a few hours before my workout anyway because when I used to run eating would invariably make…
  • Processed foods, sugar and grain = inflammation. It's a bummer and a lot of people will tell you it's a "fad" but don't knock it til you try it. I have had great success with cutting these things out of my diet. Turmeric is great too--I love it in scrambled eggs.
  • I have heard that 3500 calories=1 pound.
  • I have heard people say that vegans are healthier too. Most of them are vegans haha. But seriously my sister has been vegan for like...20 years and she is pretty healthy and pretty skinny. Now. not long ago she had a really big pot belly and bad skin and terrible breath because instead of focusing on what she should be…
  • If there is an Asian market near you can make one of my favorite light meals: homemade spring rolls. They should have rice and tapioca paper at the market (I like tapioca but they're both good) and you just soak it in lukewarm water until it's soft and stuff it with spring mix, cucumber, carrots, avocado, fresh cilantro,…
  • I love veggies!! My favorite over the winter was spaghetti squash and I simply make it just like I would spaghetti and use the squash as noodles. Not that spaghetti with noodles isn't delicious, but it's a good way to sneak veggies in when they're not the first thing you think of. You can also throw extra veggies in the…
  • I'm going to jump on the Paleo bandwagon on this one. I've tried both and had far better results with Paleo/Primal. I think it all depends on how you feel once you've given your body time to adjust. Personally, I felt awful when I ate a vegan diet (I did it for Lent too). I say flip a coin and if you don't feel good when…
  • I have added planks to my workout--gradually increasing the time I hold them. So far I can do almost a minute before I get shaky. Any other good core-strengthening moves I should throw in?
    in Abs Comment by little_firebug March 2014
  • I agree with everyone who is saying rowing. It doesn't seem like it could be intense cardio but it works you pretty good and can be pretty fun. Someone suggested boxing and this is also a good possibility if you are just doing bag work. I used to do Thai kickboxing so I don't know a ton about boxing per se but I do know…
  • Thanks ladies! Helps to know I'm on the right track!
    in Abs Comment by little_firebug March 2014
  • That sounds horrible! When I cut out bread/grain/sugar I had headaches for about a week but that was the worst of it. Its hard when your partner isn't supportive but if you stick it out I'm certain you'll feel a thousand times better and the weight will start melting off as well. I ate a lot of eggs when I was first…
  • I am in the same boat--trying to get in shape for my wedding. I have lost 10 lbs in two months without using protein shakes or anything of the sort; I just stick to whole foods and don't shy away from grass fed beef, eggs, butter or bacon. I eat a lot of "fatty" foods and limit my carbs and I feel like I've been getting…
  • Oh my gosh--I totally know how you feel! I am almost done with school but between that and my internship it is really hard to find time to cook and plan my meals. I'm trying to stick to 1200 calories a day too. I don't have trouble staying within that range if I cook but finding time to cook AND go to the gym is not making…
  • I'm new on here too but I got some really good advice from my friend once who is personal trainer and it works for me--he told me to do my weight training before I did my cardio because that way by the time I got to the cardio all my glycogen stores would be used up and my body would be ready to burn fat. Like I said, it…