alord426 Member


  • I like to do home workouts! I usually workout in the mornings before work and before I take the kids to school. Would love the extra support!
  • I am looking to lose 25lbs by the end of the year. Feel free to add :)
  • My workout time is usually at 4:30/5am when I wake up. If for some reason I don't do it at that time from being up all night with the baby then I do it when I get home from work in the evening but I do enjoy early morning workouts. I just don't understand why I seem to get "bored" with my workouts when I love working…
  • Thank you! I hate that I am stressing so much lately. I haven't stressed this much in years! I know that is playing a factor but I can't let that be an excuse. I try to take a nice hot, relaxing bath in the evenings but that doesn't always happen. I will look into the "worry time" app :)
  • Thank you sweetie!! :)
  • I will be starting Monday!! I did maybe 10 minutes of Level 1 about 5 years ago and gave up. I was 266lbs then and so out of shape. I am 170lbs now and had baby #2 in December and really need to shed these last 20lbs!!!
  • Hello :) My name is Amanda. After I had my oldest son back in 2010, I joined Weight Watchers and started exercising. It took me 3 years but I lost 121lbs. It can definitely be done!! Now WW taught me mostly portion control and nutrition which are both a HUGE part in weight loss. I just had my second son back in December…
  • Feel free to add me sweetie :) I lost 121lbs after I had my oldest who is 5 now and I just had my second son 5 months ago and need help myself losing these last 25lbs! We can do this this :D
  • I am also doing ChaLEAN Extreme and bought the Bowflex adjustable weights and yes, they are collecting some dust right now lol I had my second baby 5 months ago and am just lacking the motivation :/ I LOVE working out but for some reason this time around for me is harder. After I had my oldest I lost 121lbs (took me 3…
    in Failing.. Comment by alord426 May 2015
  • I would like to join please!
  • I'm In!!! I need a good challenge :) I am going to weigh in on Monday's though. Do I just update this post or make a new one each week? Name: Amanda Age: 27 Height: 5'4 Start Weight (1st May): 175 Goal Weight (1st June): 170 1st May: 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight…
  • You can do this sweetie! One day at a time. I lost 121lbs after I had my oldest son. It took me 3 years and I had good and bad days but never gave up. We are all here for you. I am on this journey again because I had another baby 5 months ago and need to lose 20lbs which honestly, has been a struggle. I'd love to have more…
  • You can definitely do this!! I lost 121lbs after I had my son 4 years ago and now I am pregnant with #2 and plan to lose whatever I gain after he is born :)
  • OMG yes... I really had a tough time and felt like I didn't give it my all :(
  • I couldn't agree with you more!! :)
  • Thank you :) Yeah I want one as well. I was looking at the fitbit (?) and they have some I believe for $50 which is cheaper than some I have seen so if I get some money in the near future I might invest in one!! :)
  • Yeah I definitly looked like an *kitten* doing it as well haha but we will get better :)
  • Haha yes my choreography was wayyyy off as well lol I will be doing the "new to class" again lol but I LOVED it!!
  • You go girl! You are doing an awesome job and will love TurboFire!! I know I am :) Can't wait until you start!
  • Same here!! lol I woke up at 4:30 and didn't get done with the Fire 30 and Stretch 10 until about 5:30 and with getting myself ready and my 2 year old son ready and out the door by 6:30, it was cutting it close lol so I think 4:15 will be my new time starting tomorrow!! And I will def be doing the "New to Class" again haha…
  • Wow thanks so much everyone for all the feedback!!!! Question... is it easier just going straight into the workouts and learning the routines/moves that way or should I do the New to Class workouts??? I had someone comment that they can be drawn out instead of actually just jumping ino the actual workout itself and…
  • You're welcome :) and thank you!!
  • Now I am getting so excited lol I have seen great results with TB and with Insanity and P90X! I love working out and use to go to the gym at 5am Mon-Fri but life got in the way and I stopped going but now I have no excuses and I cannot wait to start Monday!!!
  • That is amazing!! I have 35lbs to go until my ultimate goal weight so that would be freakin fantastic to lose!! We all fall off the wagon so its ok but you have seem to have picked yourself pack up :) WTG!!! I am very excited to start TB and see the results!! I love working out but life does get in the way at times so now…
  • Got your FR :) thanks and I am sooo excited to start it Monday!!
  • Wow that's amazing!! WTG :) I have seen awesome results with Insanity! Once I am done with TB, my goal is to go Insanity!!
  • That's awesome!! :)
  • Hey sweetie! I was in the same boat. I started out at 266lbs with 116lbs to lose. I have now lost 81lbs with about 35lbs to go but always looking for new friends for encouragment!! :)
  • I am having an issue with getting my pictures to show :( I am sorry!
  • The doctor ran a test were a swallowed a pill with clear rings in it and did 3 sets of x-rays. One right before I took the pills, 2 days after the pills, then 3 days later and the pills still never made it through my digestive tract!!!