myecho88 Member


  • I love my dimples, they have gotten more compliments in my life than anything else. They're the reason I met my BF, the first thing he said to me was "I love your dimples".
  • Probably my arms, I'm self conscious with just about every part of my body but I've NEVER worn a sleeveless dress or top. Even in the summer I always keep them covered. My goal is to get them smaller and toned.
  • Welcome! I collect different workout routines on Pinterest, try them all out and see which I like best.
  • I've been on and off MFP, Iv'e lost weight on it, then gained when I stopped using it. I could definitely use the encouragement and push. I'm not a food/exercise nazi, what works for some doesnt work for all, so do what you like and feels right to you as long as its in the realm of healthy, youll be fine. As far as bad…
  • If you find yourself struggling to cut the crap out of your diet, try this, it really helped me, for one or two days, eat like you normally would, then eat tasty healthy food you like for at least 4 days to a wont feel deprived because you'll notice a huge difference in how you feel. More energy, better moods,…
  • My danger food is cheese, anything with melted cheese on it I will shovel it into my face until I hate myself. I love red meat and potato chips too. I used to eat an entire bag of chips before a dinner of just steak with no sides, no vegetables or anything as a kid. I was like 12. It still amazes me that im not 400 pounds.…
  • Anyone feel free to add me too! I need some friendly encouragement and I'm happy to help others too!
  • I'm right there with you! Your post really grabbed my attention because I have a similar problem. Even if I feel satisfied I still think about food. I've even had dreams about it. I need to lose about 20-25 pounds and I'm struggling with it. Consistency is a big issue for me. It's all about sticking with it and keeping in…
  • I'm 5'2" and at my highest I was 154, my lowest was 127, I'm looking to get back to that. I'm 148 now I seem to yo-yo up and down. I need to some the extra 20-25 pounds before a surgery. I need the motivation to stay on track and keep going. I'm more than happy to help anyone else stay motivated on their fitness journey.…
  • I would be happy to help! Iv'e used this site and app on and off for a few years. I sometimes need the motivation to stay on track, I admit I get discouraged too easily. Feel free to add me!
  • Im right there with you! Im 5'2" and 25 yrs old, my starting weight was 154 and yo-yoed up and down now I'm at 148. My goal is to be in the 125 -130 range. I need to lose the extra pounds before a surgery. Feel free to add me, we can do these last few pounds together!