Again, Looking for Some Supportive Friends!

Hi guys!

My name is Ayla, and I have a problem with eating when I'm not hungry and eating bad food consistently. I need some supportive friends to help me break my bad habits and make new ones. I'm looking to lose around 40 pounds and get more active. I want to stop thinking about food and just live my life. I don't want to live to eat, but eat to live. I hope to hear from some awesome people. Thanks!

Ayla Lee


  • myecho88
    myecho88 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm right there with you! Your post really grabbed my attention because I have a similar problem. Even if I feel satisfied I still think about food. I've even had dreams about it. I need to lose about 20-25 pounds and I'm struggling with it. Consistency is a big issue for me. It's all about sticking with it and keeping in mind that results don't happen overnight. Also, I've learned that I have to stop watching the food network and looking for recipes on pinterest. That's just asking for a bad day. Feel free to add me!
  • AylaL13
    AylaL13 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm new and would love more supportive friends on here. Love seeing that your name is Ayla! I too tend to eat even if I'm not hungry just bored. It's crazy. I try to stay as far away from my kitchen when I get that feeling but it's hard not to give in. I added you as a friend.
  • Hi, I too am new on have noticed a lot of groups are no longer active. always could use extra support.
  • hdacmom
    hdacmom Posts: 39 Member
    Could always use as much support as I can get!!! Feel free to add me!
  • jmdrum007
    jmdrum007 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for posting! I too am looking for support on the journey to better health! When I was in High School I was active and could eat anything; Ten years later I despise going to the gym and struggle to eat healthy. Finally, I have had enough and I NEED/want to get in shape (lose the belly/tone up) and eat healthier. I am afraid without motivation from others I may get stuck in the same cycle and never end this curse.
  • twinsmom1117
    twinsmom1117 Posts: 27 Member
    Me!! I do the same when I am not hungry and all the wrong foods and then I wonder why I am not losing. I have started fresh this week and am determined to do this! I need to lost 40-50lbs.
  • theflatpick
    theflatpick Posts: 106 Member
    Pretty much the same with me. I need to lose 35 - 40 lbs. My biggest issue is in the evenings. I am not hungry, but just feel like I should go to the kitchen and get something to eat. I don't know why.. I have been sticking with MPF for about 5 weeks now, except for the eating in the evenings for no reason, I feel like it all helps. I need some inspiration to not eat when i am not hungry!!!
    Feel free to add me if you are in the same boat!
  • Renegade770
    Renegade770 Posts: 1,058 Member
    Recognizing the problem is the first step to solving it, you got this! Feel free to add me, I try to be an encouraging friend!