

  • D3L4 .......I AM going to finish it. I have already purchased Work out w/weights and a 15lb kettlebell. I'm getting serious. Would like to add c25k as well but have a problem when running. Mother nature calls when I'm out running in mother nature. LOL Great job 80Ben!
  • L2D4 after work today. Missed a couple of days but staying with it. I just feel better when I do it so it keeps me motivated to continue. Won't get it done in 30 days but should have it done in 40.
  • Just found all of you. I too just finished D4L1. Love it. I was doing Physique 57. It was ok but I like the faster pace. I plan on doing 5-6 days a week. If possible I will add the 7th but some days unless I get up at 4 am it won't happen.
  • I totally understand where you are coming from.....I lost 40+ pounds 3 years ago. It just came flying off. Gained some of it back and it is so slow to lose. I went 4 weeks not losing a pound and was ready to give it all up. I'm hanging in there and hope you do too! We deserve it!
  • I ate everything I wanted on Thanksgiving and logged it all. I went over 900 calories. First time being over in calories in 7 weeks so I don't feel to bad. But I haven't lost anything in over 3 weeks and getting a bit discouraged. For the first time I have lost my appetite which normally would be a good thing but I don't…
  • Count me in.... Starting weight 152.5
  • Don't be too hard on yourself. I don't enjoy fruits and vegetables either but 2 years ago I lost 23% of my body weight. YOU CAN DO IT. I have gained some back and am now working to lose that weight.