30 Day Shred tomorrow 7/23/12



  • noeasyweigh
    noeasyweigh Posts: 107 Member
    Hello. Level 2 day 5. Feeling much better about level 2. Still hate some of the pylo. It is killer on my ankles... I am running half an hour every day in addition to the 30 ds. I took before pics and measured but am avoiding the scale on purpose. I feel stronger, but I don't feel leaner... frustrated!
  • lh1626
    lh1626 Posts: 241 Member
    Hi there....>I just finished day 2 of Level 1. Burned more calories today than I did last Thurs when I did it the first time. Let's see how my back does this time!
  • amiez
    amiez Posts: 8
    L2D4 after work today. Missed a couple of days but staying with it. I just feel better when I do it so it keeps me motivated to continue. Won't get it done in 30 days but should have it done in 40.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I did 5 days of level 1 (with a couple skip days because I got REAL lazy) but moved on to level 2 because level 1 got boring... LOVE level 2 so far, she kicked my @$$ but she's toast tonight ;-0)
  • How heavy of weights do you guys use? Do you increase them as you get more advanced?
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    How heavy of weights do you guys use? Do you increase them as you get more advanced?

    Most people use 3-5 lb. I use 5 and I have 4 days left of level 3... so far those weights are good, but I could use more for some exercises.
  • 80Ben
    80Ben Posts: 119 Member
    Today is day 30! Did anyone else complete it?
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    I've tried it once before, and went for about a week, but discontinued! :grumble:
    It's pretty tough but I do think I moved to level 2 too early. Afterwards I learned that you're suppose to move to level 2 on day 10 and level 3 on day 20.
    SO! I do believe that I will try this challenge again.. but when?
    I was in need of a good workout out last night and actually completed a level 1 workout.. it was as tough as I rememer! lol :tongue:
    But I don't think now would be a good time to start since I'm going on vacation on the 1st of September.. maybe when I get back! :happy:
  • jehuster
    jehuster Posts: 168
    Yup the complete videos are all up on youtube :)
    Level 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pc-NizMgg8
    Level 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKdJ9jJv594
    Level 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMN4g3D4ODE

    They are all about 27-28 minutes long

    There is also a video that has all 3 levels together. http://youtu.be/ve-WiQKi_W8
  • amiez
    amiez Posts: 8
    D3L4 .......I AM going to finish it. I have already purchased Work out w/weights and a 15lb kettlebell. I'm getting serious. Would like to add c25k as well but have a problem when running. Mother nature calls when I'm out running in mother nature. LOL

    Great job 80Ben!
  • stork32
    stork32 Posts: 36
    I start 30 day shred today...

    Anyone know how to input this into exercise diary?
  • hlinn01
    hlinn01 Posts: 36
    I would like to try this with all of you. I've never done anything like this, but want to give it a try. Thank you for posting where to find the videos. Much cheaper than having to purchase them.
  • tosmoothash
    tosmoothash Posts: 187 Member
    Let's do it!!!:bigsmile:
  • Steinish
    Steinish Posts: 8 Member
    I did one my first day of the 30DS and something went wrong with my sports bra because I had this huge strap burn on my shoulder and couldn't wear a bra properly for days but it's healed now so I'm in. :)