

  • its only fair i reply to you too! you look ace! good diet? excercise! its all you need!! really well done!!! K
  • yeah, im on Jack3d for pre workout at the moment but as a coffee drinker I dont think im getting the benfit AS much! thinking about quitting booze and doing some fat burners?
  • p.s that stupid face im pulling in pic 1 is a habit i have of squinting.....sorry
  • How often do you eat? What types food do you eat? You need to eat often (6 times per day) with a balance of protein, carbs and fats leaning more of the protein and less of carbs. Eat 'better carbs' also. Id also try mixing up the exercise a bit now. Get out of the pool an try elliptical training or jogging. It is normal to…
    in Plateu'd! Comment by kristo March 2011
  • Hi :-)
    in new member Comment by kristo March 2011
  • Its good to do this...well one day max really. If you think of your body over the week eating less the metabolism starts to shut down and slow up. Eating bad on say a saturday pumps your body full of energy relighting the metabolism ready for the week ahead. If you read celeb diets (i mean decent ones for strength training…
  • All very good replies but you must bear in mind that when you exercise on a gym machine it will give you a calorie will pop that into MFP and it will increase your 'allowance' of calories. Gym machines are very flawed in their response as everyone is different and I guess they give a standard amount which from…
  • forgot to add... at least 25 mins cardio daily!
  • cheers! actually does this site allow html or photo uploads for progress photos? they should do and Ill keep it updated!