Good girl on the weekdays...bad girl on the weekends

Anyone else do really good on the weekdays by exercising and eating right, but do horrible on the weekends? Once Friday comes along, I find myself forgetting my diet and eating whatever. Any tips?


  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I do it, but I try to watch what Im eating. Maybe skip lunch if Im out for breakfast or dinner. Drink a LOT of water (especially if Im also drinking a lot of booze lol)
  • carriemyers927
    I eat healthy all week from Sunday to Friday and then Saturday is my cheat day. Whenever I get cravings for certain things during the week, I just push through it and tell myself that I can have it on Saturday. Now that it's been over a month since I started this journey, my 'cheats' consist of Starbucks coffee and a few beers/drinks and healthy the rest of the day.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    I had a big issue with this for almost two months. Then I switched to eating my maintenance calories (from my 1.5lb/week loss calories) on Saturday and Sunday and it helped a lot. I was still accountable, but could eat the things I wanted. Recently, I slowed down my weight loss to 1lb/week and have found that I don't really have an issue on the weekends anymore (I'm also working out more and am more busy though, which probably helped).
  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    Meee!! We like to go out on the weekends so it has been a problem of mine with sticking to the diet, especially since friends can have a bad influence on you without even meaning too. I need more willpower for the weekends! Plus my gym only has childcare on the weekdays so its alot harder for me to get a good workout in to burn it off. :sad:
  • kristo
    kristo Posts: 12
    Its good to do this...well one day max really. If you think of your body over the week eating less the metabolism starts to shut down and slow up. Eating bad on say a saturday pumps your body full of energy relighting the metabolism ready for the week ahead. If you read celeb diets (i mean decent ones for strength training and dieting, e.g Jason Statham) they will all have a 'cheat day'. AND most importantly it makes life a little bit better!