karengreen7140 Member


  • RIP Marie. You did so much for so many, just by being yourself. My sympathies to her family.
  • Hi all! Just checking in. Haven't had a chance to catch up with you-all, but I guess I'll just follow along for a bit and will eventually figure it out. I'll share a bit of what's been going on with me as well as we go along. Best wishes!
  • Happy Friday and belated New Year greetings! I have returned to MFP since I resumed my commitment to "strict" keto diet and continued weight loss. I began a committed weight loss program for the umpteenth time in the spring of 2017 with my doctor's encouragement. He suggested the Whole30 plan and I did that for 2 months. I…
  • Hooray! I finally figured a work around to get into my "old" MFP id. My new id is kgreen82 in case you want to friend me there. I'll be posting more later as to what's been happening with me.
  • Good morning. Good to hear from all of you. Thanks for your comments and suggestions on the vertigo. Lin--I've been 'toying" with the idea of tai chi. Maybe it's time. I'm sure one of the senior centers has a group. I'm happy to report that the vertigo seems to have passed. Now I can concentrate on balance and building up…
  • Hi all and happy Veteran's Day. I am especially grateful for my brother, Hal, who served 20 + years in the Army, even though in his younger years he was a conscientious objector (Viet Nam). He served in the first Gulf War and returned safely, then returned in a support capacity during the retiree call-back several years…
  • Hi All-- I've been away for quite awhile, but I'm trying to get back on track. Started logging food on MFP and bought an online program to help me get back into strength training. I'm also trying to walk 6 days/week. So far I'm at about 40% I guess. Not sure how often I'll be checking in, but I wanted to know that I'm…
  • Hello again! I just wanted to post that I haven't forgotten you and that after months in the food wilderness I'm starting to get back on track. Met with my nutritionist yesterday and we had kind of a "come to Jesus" session that provided some insights into my eating disorder that I hadn't really considered. She had just…