Senior Golden Sneakers



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    folks we don,t have our car here at Alice. and Jerry is yelling he going back to the old house tonight/. we have not told him we sold the old house. Wish me luck in explaining to him. i dread it.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, the Prince was apparently breathalized by local police before he headed for Sandringham and I wonder what on earth they'd have done with him if positive! A brave copper to even suggest he be tested!!
  • karengreen7140
    karengreen7140 Posts: 13 Member
    Hooray! I finally figured a work around to get into my "old" MFP id. My new id is kgreen82 in case you want to friend me there. I'll be posting more later as to what's been happening with me.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Don't think the copper had much choice, he'd have been in trouble if he hadn't breathalyzed him. No win situation. However, I bet the prince had a brandy once he arrived home! Bet the queen did as well! Something you have in common with the queen Marie. You telling Jerry the house is sold and the queen trying to tell the Duke he can't drive anymore on public roads. Oh boy. Good luck to you both.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    CALIECAT wrote: »
    folks Wish me luck in explaining to him. i dread it.

    Good luck Marie. Glad to see you dropping in.

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Got the results of the biopsy - negative for cancer. Hurray!!!!!!! However my doctor is referring me back to my original cancer doctor. He wants his opinion on whether I should have a surgical biopsy and whether I should get a mri earlier than 1 year. I’m glad he suggested that. I was going to ask him to refer me back as well. We are on the same page. More waiting.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Cheers indeed JERI. So very happy for you! Anne.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    ANNE, dear girl,, WRITE THAT BOOK. You wi be another Auntie Mame!
    I can't sit here as I'm fighting one of those painful thigh cramps! YEOW!
    <3 Buzz
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited January 2019
    OUCH !!! Sympathy, not much good, but sent BUZZ ! ❤️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    One of those days... horribly wet and windy so I got soaked walking round the village with George. Betty seems to have reverted to day one peeing and pooing indoors and refused to walk with us. The bathroom light broke for no apparent reason so more expense to replace but one funny incident, walking George up the road I turned at one point to see what he was up to behind me to discover his empty collar dragging on the road still clasped together! He was happily sniffing grass some distance away. Had to laugh as he trotted back to me and waited to be reconnected to his lead.

    I'm about to drive to a town a few miles away for an appointment with my optician to follow up if glasses needed after cataract procedures. Lets hope there are no more hiccups.
    Back later
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,358 Member
    edited January 2019
    Jeri!!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!!!!!! <3<3<3<3

    Marie, I hope you were able to handle with situation with DH. It is very difficult. Hugs. Much love. <3<3 I hope Alice was able to help.

    Anne, please write a book. I want to order the first copy.

    Buzz, ack, cramps. I slathered my legs in Biofreeze last night as the previous night had been cramps and spasms every hour or so. It worked, some tightening but made it through. I wish that worked for you.

    Jackie, what a darling George. Good boy. Hummm, Betty hasn’t experienced much real world weather right? Maybe she just isn’t used to inclement weather. Best wishes on the glasses.

    Karen, yeah!!!!! You’re here! Wonderful!!!!! Looking forward to more posts.

    Patsy, I am happy to live in the midst of the flatlands where many libraries have developed loads of programs and remain a vital part of the community. And yes, I picked up more books yesterday.

    Sandy, well, here is comes right? Streets are brined, schools are either announcing early outs or no school at all! Guess this storm is for real. I am going to get a couple of baking potatoes on my way home from Tai Chi/Qigong.

    Hugs all. Stay safe and warm.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Woke up to snow this morning but this apparently is just a little preclude. The same as LIN and SANDY I expect to be snowed in by Saturday. So..... Michael is galloping over early for me to pick up loads of veggies etc. I've got a huge pot of chunky veggie and bean soup simmering away on the stove and with cheese and chunky bread should do us nicely for lunch. It's in keeping with the new guidelines just published for healthy eating with animal protein eaten rarely. Save the planet sort of thing. Apparently one should only eat meat once a week and a small piece at that, maybe one egg once a week and steak etc once a month. Don't take this as gospel, I'll have to read it again, but the good news for me is it's how I eat anyway. No hardship yearning for a Big Mac.

    Just inserted this, next bit BORING. Read at your peril.

    Not so sure about a book writing stint, I consider myself to have had a rather interesting life but sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. A few "I'm lucky to be alive but rather funny moments" looking back and often shared with my accident prone friend Flo which would horrify Michael and Mark and Mary Jo who see me as a staid, unadventurous old gal. Believe me, I'm not at all the adventurous sort, rather "pristine" I've been called actually, which makes the hidden life of Annie even funnier. Of course none of this would have happened if I'd carried on living in my detached bungalow in England with my two children and handsome husband! Once over here and dumped for a younger model, forty, virtually penniless although working, my entire life completely changed. And you know what, for the better really, if precarious. Super memories of two lifestyles. Wouldn't change a thing.

    Well, must away,
    Hugs to all, and hello to Karen,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I postponed my visit with the kiddos due to the snow storm. I haven't seen them in over a week so feeling a little guilty but hate driving in snow. Starting next week I will sit for them every Tuesday so their mom can go to her meeting. She is also reading to Robby's class on Tuesday and has a doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I will make up for not seeing them this week.

    Anne, people tell me I should also write a book but no one would believe it was not fiction.
    I wouldn't change anything either everything happened just the way it should have.
    I don't think I could follow that healthy eating although I do not eat fast food.

    Lin, yes they are threatening 6 to 9 inches of snow here, how about you? I don't mind a snow storm if I can watch it from my own home but I worry about my family and friends on the road.

    Jackie, I think Lin could be right with Betty's set back. She is probably not used to weather changing and is confused. Love the story of George and wish someone took a video with you holding her empty collar. :*

    Buzz, ouch is right, sorry you experienced thigh cramps. I had a tummy problem with shooting pains yesterday but it seems much better today. I am thinking the hot dog I ate at bingo the night before caused it.

    Jeri, so happy our prayers were answered and hope you don't need a surgical biopsy. Also happy that you can go back to your original cancer doctor that you trust.

    Marie, I am sure with Jerry's confusion it was difficult to tell him your house was sold. I hope Alice was there to help you and keep him calm. Love you.

    Karen, so glad you got back on our tread, can't wait to hear all your news.

    Patsy, how did your hubby like the pasta?

    Have a great day everyone and I hope none of us get snowed in too much.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! The weekend is here. We are planning to have a sweet weekend of phone chats with our son and I will try to connect with our daughter. We have a new movie to look at and I am ordering a new decorative basket for Katie’s toys. She has a huge collection that she dives into each day. She loves them all and if we say a name, she can remember what toy we are referring to. She is smart but very stubborn and easily startled. She isn’t calm EVER! But then neither is John. They are a matched pair and are great pals. I am that boring person who feeds her, grooms her and throws her ball for her.

    We have rain, gloom and breezy weather. It is our normal weekend weather. Non-retired people always say it is only sunny on a Monday in Oregon. It is true..

    John liked my cauliflower rice dish. I doubled over laughing however. He said, “I think this is good but it needs some kind of meatballs or sausage or something.” I can see it is going to be a hard change to try to wean John away from chicken or fish as a protein. Tofurkey? Brawhahahaha! I don’t see that happening.

    We watched a cute movie called “house with the clock in the wall”. Or something like that. Wonderful artistic special effects. Starring Jack Black. Reminds me of the Harry Potter movies.

    The political scene is like watching a slow train wreak. How on earth is this going to end? Our coast guard is still on duty and unpaid. Locally we are donating funds for special needs. There is a large Coast Guard family housing neighborhood here. Gasp! This is just scary and unbelievable.
  • karengreen7140
    karengreen7140 Posts: 13 Member
    Happy Friday and belated New Year greetings! I have returned to MFP since I resumed my commitment to "strict" keto diet and continued weight loss. I began a committed weight loss program for the umpteenth time in the spring of 2017 with my doctor's encouragement. He suggested the Whole30 plan and I did that for 2 months. I lost 8 pounds the first month and nothing the second month and found it difficult to stick to when eating out as we were doing every Sunday at that time. I came across the keto diet plan and found that although I lost much more slowly than many do on that plan that my blood sugar dropped 20-30 points immediately and that my pain and stiffness went away almost completely. There have been some ups and down and plateaus, but I have been off medication for diabetes for over a year and currently am down about 55 pounds, I still have about that many more to lose, but at this point I have hope that I may eventually reach a normal weight in my lifetime. ;)

    2018 was a great year. Our middle son who has been estranged from us for 5 years has returned to our life which is the answer to many prayers. We spent 7 months of the summer on an extended road trip across the country including the Northeast. I have now been to all the lower 48 states and with Hawaii this fall and Alaska next summer I will have achieved my goal of seeing all 50 states, God willing. I turned 70 in September--which I am still adjusting to, I confess.

    2019 is off to a great start. In addition to recommitment to my food plan I have finally started a walking program--only 6 months after my doctor's suggestion. I'm also bowling again with Rick in a senior's "fun group". It was hard to keep going at first since I'm such an awful bowler. My first goal was to get at least one pin in each frame. LOL I'm now able to get the ball down the lane most times and even manage a spare--or a strike!-- once in awhile. Our 50th wedding anniversary is in August and I've begun thinking about how we want to celebrate.

    It is so good to be back and see all of you again. Jackie, I've really missed you as well as those of you who I don't see on Facebook, like Lin and Sandy. I still haven't been able to figure out how to get my group membership "shifted" to my new id, but I did finally manage to retrieve my password for my original id, so I guess it's all good.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Before my Windows UPDATE restarts me, I want to welcome back KAREN, Say "hooray" to JERI,
    agree with SANDY and ANNE that having lived an "interesting" life", I wouldn't change any of it! MARIE, my heart is with you in these so-called golden years. But even with the tarnish, I look forward to waking up each day! JACKIE, it goes to show how much you have won George's heart! And PATSY, we do suffer over the same worries, don't we? I'm glued to MSNBC at least half the day and still wondering what makes the other half tick!!! Just his tweets and name calling make me ill, but I've always hated bullies! LIN, I use a version of Biofreeze containing cannabis. Does it help? I honestly never know!!! Between the burning pins and needles and the sudden cramps near the crotch on my thighs, it's both embarrassing and painful. But I still am happy to waken each new day! KAREN, you've certainly accomplished so much! What is the keto diet? Sounds familiar! Gotta run.....
    <3 Buzz
    ......................Always Believe Something Wonderful Is About to Happen!..................................
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited January 2019
    My drive to the optician was awful in pouring rain and even though I drove fast was overtaken by huge lorries throwing up spray. What with that, many roadworks and a driver who blocked me as I drove into a car park I was 5 minutes late and I HATE being late! The good news was confirmation I now have 20/20 vision and only require light prescription reading glasses because my new lenses are not as flexible for close up as the real thing.
    A rather lazy afternoon followed and soon it will be bedtime.

    Anne, it may well be the weather putting Betty's training back because a couple of times she used the door mat in the garden room when the door was open! Roll on summer when she will be outside a lot more.

    Marie, thinking of you and hoping you can persuade Jerry the sale is for the best although I appreciate that's not going to be easy.

    Karen, welcome back to the fold. I had often wondered how you were getting on. Haven't you done well and appear positive too which is always a good sign. I just searched your keto diet and was impressed on their site how much correct detail it gave about me from very little information. I got as far as their offer of a 28 day diet sheet but didn't click on it as assume they'll request payment! Happy for you that your son is back in your life too and hopefully totally reconciled. How's your sister? Give her my best wishes.

    Jeri, I'm sighing in sympathy for you as I'm thinking your waiting game has gone on far too long. Nearly there so hang on in!

    Buzz, have you tried turmeric for natural pain relief? I ask because I've read a couple of articles on the subject and it appears a lot of people swear by it for relieving arthritic pain so am tempted myself. Not a cheap option though by the looks of it!

    Sandy and Lin, stay home and safe if that storm of yours is going to be bad. Next week we in the UK are finally going to get real Winter weather but I can't blame you for sending yours across the pond as ours is apparently drifting across from Scandinavia. A shame it can't bring a load of rollmops and meatballs with it!!

    Nearly midnight so bed for me.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I changed my photo to remember Spring because I expected to wake up knee deep in the white stuff. Nothing! Just 10 degrees F or - 12 C. Mind you it's supposed to arrive at 8:30 am now. Will let you know and of course the chance to have a whine.
    Oatmeal time,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Here's your weather correspondent. It's starting to look ominous out there. Just the odd snowflake drifting down and Harry's truck top now white. Michael who lives half hour drive away is at work all day and poor Mark who tried going back to work is off again in agonies with his back. However not much hope of being dug out by the lads if we get plastered. It will be me and MJ manning the shovels. As I said, see you come spring, unless we have a sudden heat wave and thaw.

    I got a letter from revenue Canada yesterday. I did my taxes last year and I did them correctly. However they said I didn't and awarded me a nice refund. 11 months later they tell me they DID make an error and "can we have the money back please", about $200 plus a years interest on THEIR mistake. This means I shall have to hook the Bean up to a dog sled to make it to the streets mail boxes or face even more interest payment in the spring. You can't win can you. Hey Ho it's only pension money!

    Will let you know what happens next re: snow. You have been warned.
    Annie the penniless!!!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And HERE WE GO........ITS SNOWING.