Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Buzz!! You are just gorgeous!! <3 Our church is having a Seder dinner on Thursday evening for people to learn about these traditions. I wish I could go, I am certain I would learn a lot but that side of town is increasing off limits for me. Too many shootings. It makes me very nervous to be out there alone.

    Mae, I like my Hybrid. I only drive it in town so it has very low miles so I hope it will last forever. I do not need the gas station often. What a contrast to my SUV. I drove that all winter and it is so comfortable but goodness, I was a regular customer at the pump!!

    Jackie, oh my, love those doggies. Great photo. How did you get such a wonderful pose?

    Marie, I am sorry to hear that Kathy still is not doing well. I hope that turns around soon.

    Time to move along again. Early day tomorrow with Qigong/Tai Chi and meeting friends at the library. I did not get to Target today. Maybe tomorrow. I did go to a sporting goods store that is closing and had a nice look around. But that took my Target time. :D



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Thinking of Buzz and Barbie.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    You all just wouldn't believe what happened here when I fell asleep during my reply to MAE! Anyway, bless my task manager, and I'm back from the netherworld, but getting to bed!
    <3 Buzz
    PS, MAE saving your info on Trac Phone; thanks. I don't remember my entire post, but I lost my WiFi and everything just froze! Thank you SANDY! Our Seder tonight was delicious and I overate the matzo, just as I worried about yesterday! Our Chaplain (Evangelical) gave much of the service and he was just wonderful! At any rate. I really need my sleep! ZZZzzzzzzz!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Not sure why, but I've woken up full of the joys of spring and counting my many blessings. Lovely feeling!

    I'm sat on the sofa with my cuppa, the iPad and Jilly sitting on my knee chewing her potato bone.

    No MAE sadly Jilly and Rheilly can't be the best of friends. Jill weighs 8 lbs whereas Rheilly is built like a cart horse. His paws are bigger than Jill's head and he's trodden on her twice. Big goofy dog who means well, but never the twain will meet except through gaps in the fence. We live in Ontario not far from the lake.

    Fairly busy day for me so I'll away,
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    For MAE so she can see how small Jilly Bean is.
    The flour was Robin Hood. Can't remember 1st date but up to 17th April.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good morning, lovely morning and I will enjoy it as storms including potential of hail are apparently headed our way. Showers and storms over the next few days.

    Early morning as I mentioned but for once I am not running on SLOW! :D

    Thank you for the Passover greeting Buzz. I just read a little article in the local paper which caught my eye due I suspect to the bombings of the Coptic churches. A local synagogue had dwindling attendance and ultimately sold their church. I had heard that but did not know it was sold to the Coptic church. They illustrated the story with several photos and one highlighted the lovely windows in the church and the other showed their priest (?) holding a service. They said all former members of the synagogue are welcome to come and pray or just visit the building. Interesting timing of the article.

    Anne, as always, love the photo of the Bean! And I also love the delightful leather chair in the room. Enjoy the spring day my friend.

    I will keep moving.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    We just got home after a few hours painting walls until we ran out of paint in a friend's new bungalow. My knees are complaining after kneeling to get at the lower areas as is my back but nothing serious but a reminder I'm not as young as I'd like to imagine! This evening I'm attending a beekeepers' meeting and have an awful feeling we'll be putting new frames and foundation together for the apiary hives which entails lots of hammering in of tiny pins.... oh joy but I did promise I'd attend.

    Mae ~ Not silly.... a bay window full of growing seeds is a great idea this time of year so long as they are all on the inside! The bedding plants people are currently purchasing are being planted out into dry weather with cold nights, neither conducive to healthy plant growing! Yes, bunnies are cute but unfortunately the cats drag them to the house and George has now decided he's a hunter!!

    Lin ~ The dogs didn't exactly pose for that photo but they always sit on the post that belongs to the first or last stile to be climbed depending which way we're going or at least squabble over who gets the highest point and wait for a treat purely because we spoil them so this time George was first and Scruff tried to join him when my friend was going to take a photo anyway.... a case of being in the right place at the right time!

    Buzz ~ Your hair looks lovely as do you and 2 lbs off is great however or why ever!!

    Anne ~ Love the photo and recognise the bookcase that went for a fortune at Monday's auction!! Jilly looks the perfect size to me.

    I'm going to have to get myself off to the kitchen to cook a piece of chicken for my supper and then out to the meeting. Perhaps I'll think of an excuse to not stay too long. Hello Sandy and Jeri and Patsy if still with us.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Waiting to hear from my friends on whether she is going to bingo or not. I hope she does as I made her a bunny and another lady who sits at our table. Been spending a lot of time in the little girl's room this morning, must have been something I ate.
    I might have kept my almond milk that I make my dessert with too long, I just dumped it!
    Luckily the friend who came last night doesn't have the same problem as she ate the dessert as well.
    I might change my Washington trip to include Florida because my grandson is graduating high school that same week. Lot's of flying but he is my daughter's last son to graduate and I am not going on the cruise they have planned during Christmas week. Not a good time for me to travel especially since it is Max's first Christmas. It would cost an additional $200 to add Florida into the mix but it would be worth it.

    Jackie, I loved the picture of the pups, frame worthy.

    Lin, I don't mean to correct you but the Passover greeting was for Buzz and Barbie. I am not sure if anyone else here is of the Jewish Faith but if so also for them. Looks like our rain is coming Friday and Saturday. Hopefully, it will be nice for Easter.

    Anne, could Jilly be any cuter? Love your comfy looking living room. Always grateful to wake up in the morning and enjoy life.

    Buzz, I am afraid to ask what happened when you fell asleep but it sounds like you hit some weird button on your keyboard. Glad you got back from netherworld unharmed. Love your haircut!!

    Mae, yes, grandkids are grand. I was given a pillow that says if I had known grandchildren were so much fun I would have had them first! Love it!

    Have a wonderful day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello All,

    Yes Jackie I am still here. My sister leaves today so I will have a day or two break before I get ready for Easter dinner at our house. Had so much fun with her and especially when we went up to Easyford, where we grew up. Stayed with my cousin, visited my 99 year old aunt. Had a wonderful wonderful time. And best of all, Val had sooooo much fun. She has finally realized that she has been mourning the loss of her 40 year old marriage and the fact that she has metastasized breast cancer. I see a big improvement in her state of mind. So glad.

    I have been (is it good or bad) losing weight at long last since I went on a Candida cleanse. It's very nice to see the scale come down at long last. Finally under 130 and my goal of 125 doesn't seem too unreachable.

    Anne Jilly is so sweet.

    Buzz love your haircut.

    Jackie Sandy is right the pups are adorable. Sandy if it was me i wouldn't want to miss the Christmas either.

    Lin Mae nice to see you posting.

    I know I am very far behind but I have been busier than I wanted to be.



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Sorry for my error Sandy.
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Oh my! Almost bunny day! I really envy those of you with little grandchildren. Holidays are so special when there are little ones. Our son will be dropping in from Portland. Maybe our daughter will drop by as well (?). We don't usually like those big family dinners. I used to cook and everyone politely ate but would have really liked something more simple. There it is! We are an odd group! We are having a buffet of appetizers and savery snacks, smoked salmon. Our son has recently been producing a series of vertiual reality programs. He will be bringing his special attachment lenses and goggles to see the visuals in 3 D. We old timers will be properly impressed and mystified by the whole thing.

    I am still plugging away at the graphics for the children's book. It is a real learning experience to recreate the animal personalities consistently. I need to have the cells done by early July for an August show. The gallery will reschedule the show for late summer or fall but the owner really wants it in summer. That is not too great for me. I wanted to plant flowers and do some painting inside of our house. I do love just whiling away the day in the dungeon, painting and listening to music. Katie likes old 60's bubblegum music. Her ears bob up and down. I like old rock and roll and classics. Currently enjoying Bobby Blue Bland..ain't no sunshine since she left...gritty blues sound.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Up almost a pound today but it was worth it! That darn matzo has just about no taste, but it seems to be quite addictive. I can never eat just one piece and with Irish Grass-fed butter spread on it...don't ask!!! Several people today mentioned I look thinner, and I gleamed! I suspect losing another 50 pounds would bring me to the slightly overweight class! Our psychologist assured me when one is a caretaker, it's not unusual to either gain or lose a great deal! I gained :'( ! Now I'm chewing gum to stop from nibbling!
    ANNE, Jilly is adorable in your lovely setting!
    LIN, Really scary about those bombings on the Coptic Churches! A Jewish "priest" is called a Rabbi. I have always felt welcome in any house of worship I entered, including Muslim. ISIP members are not Muslims; they are terrorists! Unfortunately, their distorted propaganda appeals to many needy unsuspecting young people without older guidance. Let us all hope for a Good Friday and Easter Sunday as peaceful as was Passover!
    JACKIE, right place at the right time is putting it mildly! It's a fantastic shot of 2 loveable pups, and should win a prize somewhere!
    SANDY, I totally agree the $200 would be well spent to be at his graduation! I'm sure Babe would agree, too!....I don't know what happened either, SANDY, but I woke to a blank screen, and nothing would respond to anything, so whatever I did, my laptop saw frozen and I had lost WiFi! I remember being pleased with my post, but that was forever gone, and it was pretty late, so since I get up around 6 to use my compression boots, I figured I'd better get at least a few hours! Thank you, I love this haircut, too! She cut it so the very thin spots and cowlicks in back are hidden by the curl I thought was long gone!
    JERI, how nice to read you good news! I hope things will be alright for Val; coming to grips with reality can be helpful! Getting below 130 is a dream I'll never see! Good for you!
    PATSY, glad to see you back, and don't for a moment believe you are the only family that prefers simpler celebrations. I rather suspect it might be an easier solution than the heavy preparations and cleanup endured by many for whom it has become a chore! On the other hand, let those who love big crowds and don't mind the work involved,...let them have their day of family fame! I think the appetizers, snacks and smoked salmon sound fabulous!...
    PATSY, are you enjoying the kind of work you are doing for that children's book? It sounds to me as though it's possibly too confining for your free spirited personality, and if one is not enjoying one's work, it can be an unhappy experience! I feel as if you are feeling pressured!
    You ought to be able to get your beloved planting started so you can enjoy the finished results later on! I guess I always pictured you at an easel with a brush rather than as an illustrator at a desk! I guess I should keep my big mouth shut :s !!!

    Perhaps I'll actually get to sleep at a sensible time tonight. 3 meetings tomorrow plus my cleaning helper is coming so I'd better pick up before she arrives!
    <3 Buzz
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Jackie – Cute dogs! Looks like a professional photo, you did well! I am hoping that it will be warm enough for my seedling starts in my little greenhouse with day time temps. up to high 40's – 60's F., maybe even 70 F they are saying for a couple days! I will only put 1/3 or so out to see how they do.

    Marie – prayers for Kathy and family.

    Lin – What a busy person you are.

    Anne – Thanks for the photo, Jilly is small :-) Your living room looks so inviting. It is so sunny and bright in the pic, what a lovely day.

    Buzz – love the hair cut.

    Sandy - Is that Washington D.C. or state? It will be nice to help celebrate your grandson's achievement! Hope your 'belly' issues are resolved. My sister has that same quote about grands done in cross stitch and framed.

    Jeri – Great to hear your sister's state of mind has improved and that you had a wonderful wonderful visit.

    Made braised lamb loin chops for supper and my grandson (Logan) loved them.
    Tonight was the 4th appointment that a contractor did not show up to do an estimate on fixing my cracked foundation! All different contractors! AAARGH! :-( Have left messages with no calls back!
    Had a couple 'sun showers' today with temps in the 60's. At 9pm (currently) the temp. is 49F out my backdoor. Turned my heat off last night and currently the thermostat is reading 72F. That sun sure heats up my little ranch, I may be digging out the fans soon as I do NOT tolerate the heat. In mid winter I keep my heat at 55F and only if/when temp. gets in single digits outside and/or very windy do I turn it up to 65F at the most.
    Hope I will get to Maundy Thursday meal and service tomorrow.
    Happy Passover (April 10th - 18th 2017) to our Jewish friends. I hope you all had a good Seder.

    Time to relax and maybe finish my book tonite.
    Everyone have a good night/day.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    I was asking what the title is for the priest or minister or whatever in the Coptic church. It was a Coptic service they photographed, not Jewish.

    Sorry again for my additional lack of clarity.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I believe they are priests. It's the same name, I think, as Greek Orthodox
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    Parsons and vicars in the U.K., the priests of the Church of England. Do you remember all those awful bishop and actress jokes JACKIE, bet you do. Whatever innocent remark one came up with, some English wit in my place of work would come up with the rejoinder "as the bishop said to the actress". There's no fun in religion anymore with all these zealots and defenders of THEIR faith. I think the creator has a sense of humour, well he has to have, doesn't he!
    Here's Jilly Bean waiting for walkies. No more photos, honest, I promise.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    I tried to eliminate but couldn't, so sorry!!!!!!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and a couple of errands. I was able to change my flight with Southwest leaving D.C. to Jacksonville for $43.00. My daughter used points to get my ticket home so I am extremely grateful for her generosity. Her MIL and FIL will also be there for Zack's graduation so I am looking forward to seeing them as I especially like her MIL so much.
    My bingo friends loved their little bunnies so that made me feel good.

    Anne, you can post as many pictures of Jilly as you would like, we love seeing her. I had to click on picture to make it bigger and she is just so cute.

    Lin, I feel as though I owe you an apology for correcting you. You are so kind and sensitive and the last thing I would want to do is hurt your feelings. Please forgive me.

    Mae, that is DC, but she actually graduates from John Hopkins University in Baltimore. Had the same issues this morning, I hope this is not a pattern. One more day will warrant a call to the doctor. Only happens in the morning though so very strange. TMI?

    Buzz, you are enjoying your holiday and that is all that counts, those pounds will come off next week when you are cautious again.

    Patsy, we are doing it more simple for Easter with just breakfast after Mass at my DIL mother's house. There are too many little babies to go to a restaurant and my son doesn't like to do anything too late since he works the next day. I will go for dinner with friends later so no cooking for me on Easter.

    Jeri, so happy to read your sister is doing much better. It took a long time to get there but she seems to be enjoying her life again. Have fun on Easter with all those kiddos.

    Jackie, where are you?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm home after several hours at the allotment where we've planted carrot, parsnip and radish seeds as well as cutting the grass on the paths between the beds and laying a membrane that will be covered in chippings so less grass cutting! Now I'm getting frustrated with my task of rubbing down the top of the cupboard I bought at the local auction and rubbing in French polish because each time it's streaking and bobbling so I have to rub down again even though I'm following instructions. Perhaps I'll rub down a final time and wax instead!

    Anne ~ Dear Jilly looks like a cat on the mat! Yes not only do I remember the Bishop/actress jokes they still float around today amongst the older generation (older than me that is!) and a now defunct News of the World Sunday newspaper would seek out any story involving a wayward Bishop for everyone to giggle at as if they're not as human as the rest of us!!

    Today I must just say a quick hello to everyone else because I need to muck out the hens and then stand by for the end of an ebay auction as I've left a bid on a G plan wardrobe which if I do get will have to sit in my garage until the bedroom has been decorated.... not exactly good planning!

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I googled the question, LIN, and this came up:
    The Coptic Church was founded in the first century A.D. in Egypt by St. Mark. It is led by Pope ... Title of Local Religious Leader Father: Priests must be married.
    So is that clear as mud? Unless married, a "priest" is called Father!
    Several meetings today so must finish "brunch" and run.
    <3 Buzz