Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Easter, thinking of all the kids eatimg chocolate right now. <Grin>. Best wishes, Jeri


    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,138 Member
    Sasha, Bessie, and I walked for almost two and half hours this morning--before, during, and after sunrise and the closest we came to seeing the Easter bunny was a squirrel and many quail. I hope he made it to your neighborhood.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    The Easter bunny made it to our neighbourhood alright. We have a glut of bunnies. They've increased since it became illegal to sell or buy pesticides and weed killers. Lots of dandelions, pretty flowers, and lots of bunnies chewing on them.
    Just going to Marks house for brunch. Jill had better be on her best behaviour in their immaculate place after living with me in our toy strewn house!
    She was much admired this morning by a couple with two little Brussels Griffins. They thought her adorable (they don't live with her!) and what breed is she they asked. Of course she's a mutt with mixed parentage, lol. Still adorable they said.
    Well, grandson and girlfriend about to pick me up, so bye for now!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    I am between places right now. I tried to post in between services this morning but I see nothing here. Happy Sunday, happy Easter, and all my best to the Sneakers. What lovely graphics everyone has posted!! Marie, good to hear from you and thanks for letting me know my card arrived.

    Time to move on to my friend's house. I don't know how long I will stay. Just remembered a cat lives there. Achoooooo. She was at church this morning and was very tired. I feel like we are imposing on her. Oh well.

    Before sunrise service another friend sidled over to me in my pew and dropped a bombshell--her husband has lung and liver cancer. Oh my gosh.

    Well, I wish them well as they start visiting with oncologists etc. She says it can't be bad as he had a physical last fall and there was nothing there. I kept my mouth shut.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    After Easter buffet, I finally watched "Hidden Figures" and needed loads of tissues at many parts. Brought back so many memories of that era, and it was a wallop of a movie about the contributions made by women (unappreciated) and people of color during our initial explorations of space. I strongly recommend it. I think the era was before women were truly accepted as part of the work force, and of course we are still fighting for "equal pay"!!!
    I suspect I'm coming down with a scratchy throat and drippy nose, so I will get some rest tonight rather than seeing "Lion"... I don't want to spread anything but cheer!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    So much for a peaceful Easter Sunday once my not so pleasant neighbours on the right hand side started up their petrol strimmer (again!) then lit a smokey bonfire mid afternoon that sent toxic fumes in my direction!! My garden was abandoned with me hoping the hens and bees would survive such an onslaught! This morning they're still with me but I'm currently in the process of mixing up an emergency sugar syrup feed for the bees because the cool weather and cold nights aren't allowing them much flying time.

    Buzz ~ That's the movie my friend saw and later told me the audience was on its feet and applauding at the end. I suppose that's a typical British response to underdogs!! Yesterday when sorting through old items with a view to clearing out as I decorate I came upon a newspaper cutting from the 1940's in a box that belonged to my grandmother with the heading "I apologise to spinsters ~ by a man" which did make me smile and think how we've hopefully moved on!!

    To London yesterday came men and women to argue the case for spinsters' pensions at 55. First was the charge by Mr James Snoxhill of Dudley "The world does not need the work of women. There is no earthly reason why a woman who is able to do a job should be pensioned earlier than anyone else". Then came the answer by Miss Vera Clemo of the Surrey Reform Society "A spinster of 55 has probably worked for 40 years, lost both her parents and lived on her own for 15 to 20 years. She has had to look after herself and run her own home. By the age of 65 she is sick to death of doing two jobs at once. She is very much more tired and worn than a man who has his meals laid before him, his washing done and often someone standing by waiting with his tie"

    Did women really stand with tie in hand? I suppose so! Anyway apparently poor Mr Snoxhill said he was both humbled and ashamed before the debate finished!! ;)

    Lin ~ So sorry to read of another friend of yours being diagnosed with cancer and do hope the oncologists will come up with a plan of action.

    Anne ~ Brunch must have been excellent if I read the pound a week club correctly!! ;) I'm sure it was worth it and do hope Jilly behaved!

    Barbie ~ Always lovely to hear from you. Unfortunately any Easter bunny would have been smoked out around my home but I live in hope! Our morning walk didn't take us to the fields where so many colonies survive in the hedgerows but I'm sure they would have been bobbing about in the sunshine. :)

    Hello to Sandy and Jeri with the lovely graphics. Time for me to feed my bees and then do some weeding. I did start to paint but realised very quickly I'm going to have to use a roller to cover the old paint with white emulsion to start with because the new more expensive pot is not covering without streaks. Hey ho, double the work but will be worth it in the end.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good day. I zipped along early to the car dealership to have my vehicle serviced and surprise--the inspection found a nice list of things that need to be addressed in the short term and another in the not too distant future. Not surprised. They are doing the top two items now. It is why they give a free inspection of course. :D

    Jackie, your neighbors sound a bit dreadful. I am sorry for the fumes and general upset. Ack!! Is this something they do regularly? Or is it a spring thing?

    Buzz, I am still waiting to get that movie from the library but everyone I know who has viewed it has shed some tears. Powerful subject and to think, it is true.

    Anne, illegal to use those substances? Goodness, I doubt that will ever happen here as it would cost all the lawn service companies immensely in revenues. But it would be fine with me. I do not care if there are dandelions in my lawn.

    Barbie, a squirrel and a quail? Of course you didn't see any bunnies, they were all busy yesterday. Actually, I see bunnies in my yard each and every day. They seem to like my fenced in backyard.

    Time to run along. Hugs to all.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I hope everyone had a great Easter, I know I did!! I ate so much food including carbs at breakfast/brunch and had a nice filet at dinner. I got on the scale to my surprise and didn't gain any weight! I guess the theory is true that you have to have a cheat day once in a while to jump start your metabolism. My car is also at the dealership for a recall on the door latches. All four have to be replaced because there was a danger of the door opening if leaned against. Yikes! Of course they also said I need four new tires and an alignment but I told them I cannot afford that right now so it will have to wait. I think I can get that done cheaper than from the dealership but will see what their estimate will be.

    I was leaving to go to dinner yesterday and my garage door only opened half way. The motor just hummed but the door wouldn't go up. I pulled the rope thing and the door slammed shut. I knocked on my neighbors door and got no answer same with the second neighbor.
    I was almost in tears and tried my first neighbor again and this time he answered, he was outside. While I pulled the rope he was able to open the door so I could get my car out and then he went into my garage and closed it. The garage repair man should be here within the hour and shortly after probably my landlady so give me a check for what the repairs will cost. She really is on top of things and never let's things go. Now if only I could explain my toilet problem to her..............if not flushed twice it runs on it own sometimes.

    Have a busy week with trying to get ready for Florida Saturday, little things like hair trimmed, mani / pedi, wash clothes and pack. Also maybe bingo Wednesday and my meeting on Thursday. A busy person is a healthy person??????

    Have a great day!!
    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, I thought I was going to have a quiet Easter, but no. It turned out absolutely smashing. I ended up at Marks place having what the family called brunch, but what I considered a full blown dinner, wonderful salad with almonds and orange slices, roast pork, roast yams and veggies, chocolate mousse with raspberries and Portuguese pastries. My DIL is a fantastic cook! Jilly was in doggie paradise. A huge fenced in garden to run around with grandson Derek and his girl Bev. A bowl of home cooked food she wolfed down and an exhausted nap for a while as the humans played euchre and scrabble. She was as good as gold and didn't blot her copy book so I'm sure she will be invited again.

    Today, Easter Monday, Mike came over and he and I have gone around my fence with the edging you can put around veggie and flower plots. With the dog pen blocking the opening between garage and house, my little dog has the freedom now to run around the garden without collar or leash. All I have to do is watch out for big vicious hawks!

    Mary Jo thinks I should get my mop cut in a Jane Fonda style. Unfortunately I don't have the face or body to match, lol. And where on earth do I find a hairdresser who can achieve such!

    Sorry about the racket JACKIE. Your neighbours sound like my Harry next door. He spends summer hauling great tree trunks into his front garden and then spends the rest of summer with electric saw happily sawing them into logs. He then stacks them all around his porch or against my fence. The town sends a chap over once in a while to tell him it's illegal filling his front garden with logs and sawdust but he carries on anyway.

    And that's it for now. I did an Easter Monday lunch for Michael. Roast chicken, baked potatoes, green beans, corn and peas, plus ice cream for dessert. No wonder my scales shot up, but the two day feasting was worth it.

    Unrepentant Anne!

  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    We had a grand Easter with our son and, of course, his two little old dogs. Katie was able to play ball almost full time. Lunch was fattening and delicious. Even the dogs has Easter treats. Now it is on to spring and spring house cleaning. It is a normal urge...part of our genetic urge akin to nest building. Katie was rude, bad mannered, and high energy. Like normal!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    I loved it all but am feeling that sore throat now joined by a stuffed nose, so I don't want you all to catch it! Love you all...
    <3:( Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    Busy, busy today and a glorious one too. George and I walked on our own because Scruff and mum have gone off for a week's holiday but we still managed a round of woods plus a stroll through the open fields to the river and back. My plan now is to wash paintwork and start to get some wallpaper up to encourage me to feel I'm getting somewhere because after just a few days of mess and chaos upstairs I've had enough! The delivery of my ebay purchase of the G Plan wardrobe went a bit awry today so more phone calls and now being delivered tomorrow morning. It's such a nice day I expect I'll get in the garden this afternoon for yet more weeding which is never ending! Patsy, Katie looks as if she could get away with anything and probably does!!

    Anne ~ Your neighbour could be the twin of mine... no consideration of anyone around him and the louder everything he does is the happier he is, especially when it comes to shouting at his family... I'll say no more!!

    Lin ~ It's luckily not a regular event with my neighbours but then they are not gardeners nor are they house proud so generally little gets done until one of them decides to crack a nut with a sledgehammer!!!

    Sandy ~ Not sure about a busy person being a healthy one although I suppose it follows on from the old saying don't use it and you lose it!! What a to-do with your garage door but good you have such helpful neighbours.

    Must get on with my chores. Everyone have a good Tuesday (had to think then what day of the week it was!)
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Tuesday!! :) The garage opener was shot, it was over 19 years old! A new one was put in and even with a touch pad on the outside door. My landlady came to pay them in person so that was a good thing. My car is fixed from the recall, the oil is changed but new tires and an alignment will have to wait for both of my trips. Babe said he would pay for them after I am done traveling. He is giving me more money for my D.C. trip, he has been more than generous and almost makes me feel guilty but he tells me not to worry. I just don't want him to think that all I want from him is his money because honesty that is not true.

    Jackie, I kind of made that saying up, I think I was thinking of busy is as busy does. Let's just say I have something to do each day until my trip!! lol Today is going to sign the tax papers to get in the mail by midnight and having my hair trimmed later. I am so anxious to see your new bedroom when completed.

    Buzz, sorry you are under the weather, hope today is a better day.

    Patsy, could Katie be any cuter? I do admit she looks like a little trouble maker! lol

    Anne, your Easter sounds wonderful and any extra pounds will be shed by next Monday.
    Family time is best when all can enjoy all the food together. lol Stop putting yourself down young lady, you are beautiful and can wear you hair anyway you like!!

    I have to get moving, Babe just called and has the tax papers and gets so anxious waiting for me to come and sign them. sigh!

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Kathy is feeling better. She has a busted ear drum and have more doctors to go to yet

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    Afternoon all.

    Well I took your word for it SANDY when you said I can wear my hair as I like, lol.
    After peering at the beautiful photo of Jane Fonda that my lovely Mary Jo sent me, I decided achieving that look would cost big bucks in some pricey salon. No way! So out came the scissors, and with Jane peering smugly at me from the iPad, I had a go!. 15 minutes later, Jane was still peering at me smugly, and I looking in the bathroom mirror had raggedy Anne staring not so smugly back.

    All is not lost however, I transferred the $60 it would have cost me in a "not so pricey" salon, into my saving account. The only problem really after paying myself is dare I go outside to face the world now tuque season is over. There's something to be said for those scarves the Muslim ladies wear!

    At least Jilly accepts me. Any other dog would have probably taken a chunk out of me taking me for an interloper.

    Katie is a big girl now PATSY, but like midget here, still of a puppy frame of mind.

    Not much happening here apart from housework. Jill and I about to go to the mailbox whilst everyone is inside having their lunch. Plus, it's come in cold again.

    Now ladies if you want a cheap haircut I'm your gal! Have scissors, will travel.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Anne, is that the new haircut in profile picture? I can't remember, nothing to do with age of course. lol
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    No, that was "before" SANDY. Hair: Well plastered down of course so you gals wouldn't see the real bushy me! I've just posted "me" today on the profile. Haircut and all.
    Sadly, I'm just not into beauty, although I could do with a bit of maintenance, it's just that I'd rather spend $60 on potted pansies and bulbs! Or treat The Bean, etc.
    I'm a lost cause!