Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    Wonderful scenery from a white Scotland being shown on our tellies today and it's apparently on its way but I have to say at the moment I'm thinking "what snow?" Our usual walk through the bluebell woods and into the fields required George being unceremoniously dumped in the shower when we got home because wet from the river he picked up every bit of dirt on his legs and face! It's warm and sunny and I've enjoyed my coffee sitting outside but now it's let the wallpapering begin otherwise the bedroom will never be decorated.

    Buzz ~ Your moving post hits home at just where we are today and personally I don't hold out much hope for that pendulum swing because we humans fail to learn from history when looking back at lost civilizations which should ring warning bells. The world is a smaller place today in every sense and there's little room left for the anticipated extra billion of us by 2050 so it will be survival of the richest rather than fittest.... that counts me out!! ;) We had chatted about Norway before when I mentioned my bucket list but no reason for you to remember with so much going on in your life. A catalogue has arrived from Fred Olsen Cruise Lines so we now just have to decide on a departure port and how many fjords, glaciers, mountains and waterfalls we want to see! We will cruise to smaller towns and cities so hopefully no unrest will spoil our time there.

    Anne ~ You don't hang about do you and I'm so pleased you have already set up your mini veggie garden. A friend grew enough beetroot in her window box last year to satisfy her so I'm sure you will too. Good luck with the seed potato too.... we still find the odd group of spuds in our allotment ground that escaped past digs and we haven't grown any in 4 years so I'm sure one potato will be enough to give you some lovely salad delights!

    Patsy ~ Oh dear, how awful that people with mental health issues ever get into such a situation and I do hope the animal shelter finds homes for the surviving cats. Brave of your daughter to do such work because I'm sure it's not something I could face without breaking down regularly.

    Lin ~ Sometimes I think I'm a grumpy old woman grumbling about the so-called advances as more and more houses pop up where once we had green and pleasant fields. It seems even in your vast country you have similar problems. Progress, huh!!

    Sandy ~ Glad to see you weren't hauled off your plane!! :D

    Gone midday and that's a morning of no decorating or gardening apart from a few blades of grass pulled from an area they shouldn't be so maybe early lunch and then crack on.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Monday! :) The weather has been beautiful, the pool is perfect and the company amazing! We are going to St. Augustine today, one of my favorite places. Yesterday was a pool day and a visit to one of my daughter's friends from her church. They live in a beautiful home on a river that took my breath away. They were gracious enough to let my daughter take my grandson's graduation pictures on their property, including a pier. Having a wonderful time, wish you were here!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Something tells me Florida is in your future SANDY! You need to kidnap Babe and Daisy. Just think how the little ones would love to visit Grandma, AND their big graduating cousin and their aunt and uncle! Glad you are having a lovely time with loved ones.

    Here isn't so bad either. Beautiful day with blossom bursting forth, the tulips in bud and the grape hyacinths just glorious this year.

    Busy day for me as is most Mondays. But pretty little spring is finally here! Ain't life grand! Now if we could only convince certain other members of humanity!

    Hey ho, hey ho! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne ~ Back from our visit to the vet for George's boosters and managed to pull over on the side of the road to take a photo of the green belt outside of town that is no more! The field in the foreground is also earmarked for housing even though on the other side of the road is the town's comprehensive school already at full capacity so lots of kids are having to be bused to other areas and the GP practice is struggling to cope with the sudden influx too. You can see to the left in the distance houses that are on the edge of a massive housing development on the other side of town so they're all now being joined up. There's little employment in the area so goodness knows where they'll all travel to each day!

    I felt like a spy leaning out of the car window with my little phone before driving on!!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    JACKIE, I think my heart is breaking. What on earth would my dad say to all this development for a growing population that is unnatural, and why on earth did other family members lose their lives in past wars they didn't want to participate in, but did in the hope of protecting and preserving their way of life that is almost no more. Of all the deadly sins, greed is the worst.
    I'm so sorry, it must break your heart too seeing the character and charm of your village slowly disappearing.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    JACKIE, I think my heart is breaking. What on earth would my dad say to all this development for a growing population that is unnatural, and why on earth did other family members lose their lives in past wars they didn't want to participate in, but did in the hope of protecting and preserving their way of life that is almost no more. Of all the deadly sins, greed is the worst.
    I'm so sorry, it must break your heart too seeing the character and charm of your village slowly disappearing.

    I agree!!

    Oh my.

    Wishing everyone the happiest life possible.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yes, in our lifetimes, we have indeed seen huge population changes and tremendous growth so that the building trades are making a fortunes spreading out into Florida's treasure, The Everglades. Politicians fund their campaigns from all the "donations" (read bribes) from these industries, so never refuse to OK areas deemed "forever wild"! And of course there are always buyers for these monstrosities (known as McMansions). I also saw on TV tonight that our leader wants to declare his private club (membership $200,000 per year) Mara Lago as The Southern White House. I wonder how he manages the "guests he puts up there, as despite its new designation, and despite it being his Southern Home, it still remains a privately owned business! Conflict of interest? He couldn't care less. If private citizens broke rules in a similar manner, would they be ignored?
    I'm still remaining in my apartment, and hoping by tomorrow my cough will have subsided enough for me to attend the annual residents' show, It's usually a hoot. Especially the tutued
    men's ballet!
    SANDY, sound like you are truly enjoying your vacation; and I agree you may well end up here with Babe and Daisy and almost constant sunshine! ...JACKIE, oh dear, my memory is not what it used to be...or perhaps it never was! But I surely wish I could hide away in your cabin on what should be a memorable cruise! ...ANNE, gardening and watching nature grow was such a wonderful way to distract one's mind from the disappointments of dreams! ...LIN, what excitement did you encounter today? I hope all the plumbing and other wonderful home ownership delights have been solved for the time being and you relaxed today!
    I'll check my mail and get some early shuteye tonight.
    <3 Buzz
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Jackie -My buttercup/delicata/blue hubbard squash, a zucchini, some basil are doing well in my window. I transplanted them into bigger pots along with a couple leggy Romas. My cukes have not done anything so I bought fresh seed and dropped a few for starts. Hope by next weekend my nephew will have a couple beds ready to plant cold crops.
    I have debated planting a 'cottage' garden on one side lawn so I will not have to worry about mowing, but I do not think my fussy neighbors will appreciate it! ;)
    A cruise to Norway? Sounds wonderful. I have dreamed of taking such a cruise or one to Alaska.
    Anne – Glad to hear the shampoo is helping with you natural curls. I dearly hope WWIII never comes, but with the current POTUS and cronies anything is possible and scary! Very interested in how your 'bin' garden will do.
    Jeri – Kindergarten?
    Lin – At least these neighbors only complain to me (and among themselves), the one who called the 'officials' to complain passed away a few yrs back, may she rest in peace. We, as neighbors, back home (a couple towns vs city) were helpful when a neighbor needed it...more neighborly. Sorry your neighbor sprays his poison on your property. It is bad enough that when people use it on their own property it still leeches into our ground water :'(
    Buzz - I need to get a passport to visit just over the border. It is strange as we have always driven from town to town with only a wave to the border patrol as they recognized 'locals'. Things have changed living close to the border.
    Glad the Mucinex is working? I pray you are all better soon. ….You do not talk too long! Love hearing your take on things. Always interesting.
    Dear Buzz would you have ever thought you would see such a 'person' be the leader of the free world Where are the ethics and morals ? Oh DO NOT get me started.! It is a very SAD time in the US/World today.
    Patsy – Oh, what a horrible situation for the cats and the mentally ill woman. Send a hug to your daughter for dealing with what has come her way.

    Sandy – Glad you made it safe and sound. Thanks for checking in. :-)

    Anne said it so perfectly! Encroachment on our lands seems world wide :-(
    I have to learn how to post photos so I can show my flowers in bloom. My nephew came and power washed a section of my fence. The sun was shining bright but the light breeze drifted spray and chilled him “to the bone”. We will wait til warms up considerably to finish the job. This coming weekend he will work on cleaning up the back yard and start cleaning out and redoing the raised beds. I am so anxious to start planting. :-) The electric Company informed me that the diseased maple is on my property and therefore any damage done if/when it comes down I am liable for. Tree removal will cost me $2000.00 ….OUCH! On top of what I already have going on...oh well! By the time all the necessary repairs and up keep are done my 401K will be gone :( . My sister is trying to talk me into selling and going into a Senior Community nearby.
    My 'belly' is so sore with multiple large bruises from 7 days of Lovenox injections Q12 hrs prior to procedure tomorrow, a couple have left golf ball size lumps as well.
    Time to try and shut my brain off and sleep so I will be rested for tomorrow.
    Good night/Day everyone

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Winter popped back into our lives this morning with sleet and a few flakes of snow as well as a cold northerly wind but we still managed an enjoyable walk through woods and across fields. Although the sun is shining outside it's deceptive so I'm going to decorate to my hearts content until our yoga class this evening.

    Mae ~ Cottage gardens are a trend in England now, not only because they encourage bees and butterflies but also the lack of care required so you never know, perhaps you could start a similar trend and rather than complain your neighbours will think what a grand idea.... NO, I guess not!! I too have successes and failures in the seed department with sugar peas struggling to show themselves as are the French climbing beans but runner beans and patty pans sitting up nicely. Of course if I start to poke around in the potting soil I might find the slow seeds have germinated but are taking their time so I'll leave them alone for now. We struggle to grow by sowing directly into the soil at the allotment because the mice find them!! I'd suggest you only go into a senior community if they allow you to grow your own veggies! I wish you well with the procedure and hope it will be the end of whatever was found.

    Anne ~ When I moved to this area of Cornwall 28 years ago I thought nothing like the changes occurring would ever appear on my doorstep and although the fields being destroyed at the moment are about 2 miles away I do have to drive past any time I go into town and feel a mix of anger and despair at our local authorities that agree planning but the current government relaxed restrictions on the green belt so of course farmers see an opportunity to make a quick buck by selling off land and no one sees the problems ahead when the roads will jam up with commuters who will in turn pollute out beautiful clean air!! Now here's a true irony.... a local man who owns pockets of land was recently arrested and put in prison for a drug dealing offence and ordered to pay an amount the court felt he'd earned as a dealer so he is now having to sell land and on one piece sits our farm shop that the community will lose because he'll make more money selling to a housing developer and I'm betting the planning department will pass it!! You can understand why I tend to stick my head in my greenhouse and let the world go by!!

    Buzz ~ What you talk of with politicians is known in the UK as the brown envelope brigade who are slipped just such a thing full of pound notes to pop into their inside pocket when no one is looking. It goes on everywhere and I see why the leader of the free world so admires that man in Moscow... kindred spirits!! A fascinating and sometimes terrifying programme on our BBC last night on his first 100 days.

    This isn't getting any wallpaper hung so I'd better get on.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    I live in hope that at least in Florida the alligators will get their own back and chase a certain bunch of well clad folks off a certain weed free expensive membership golf course!
    Like JACKIE, I will soon be burying my head in the soil and veggie containers, but only god knows what could be whizzing across the skies!
    Afterthought: didn't a certain compassionate man say "blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth". Two thousand years on I can't think of one meek living world politician!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Tuesday ! :) All this gloom and doom, life is too short, enjoy each day, one Day at a Time!,,
    We have no control over anyone, so taking care of ourselves is our job! We make our own happiness.

    Had a wonderful time in St. Augustine, the weather was perfect, the company was great, the food and drinks were delicious! Today my daughter has to work, so it will be a pool day for me and my cousin!

    Enjoy your day! Enjoy your life! Good luck with your procedure Mae!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    On a more down to earth - no pun intended - does anyone know why, after writing to a friend my email is frozen at "sending" for 12 hours or so and isn't showing in the sent section, or indeed in the written Inbox either.

    Now there's a thought maybe all the red go buttons on all the missiles lying around will freeze as well, technology being what it is!
    Being an optimist by nature SANDY, I agree, but only to a point. We don't have control singly, but as a group we do. Don't forget what happened 70 years ago to millions of people who couldn't take care of themselves on a daily basis, whilst many of us carried on making our own happiness and some of those in the know chose to look the other way.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Try restarting your device to see if that helps with your email.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good morning. Typical Calgary spring here. Woke up to snow 2 days in a row. It melts then snows overnight again. The same forecast for the whole week.
    'I had a cortisone shot in my left arm yesterday. Not as quick on the recovery as before. Still quite sore, no very sore. Hope it improves. Ed's didn't work as well as my first one did so I hope this one isn't following that scenario by

    Two of our granddaughters are heading to San Francisco with the Girls Choir this week. Here is a clip featuring them on the news.

    No kindergarten this week but lots of running around.

    Sandy I'm envious of your trip - enjoy, enjoy.

    Buzz glad you are starting to see some improvement.

    Jackie I look around too and see how the city continues to creep. It is sad. Love your picture tho and your picture and comments reminds me that you drive on the opposite side of the road. You spy, you. LOL

    Mae good luck with your procedure.

    Patsy what a sad story about the cats. Awww

    Anne gardens and flowers bright such pleasure to life.

    Oops look at the time.. I must run. Cheers to all.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks SANDY, I think I'm back in business. You really are a genius with computers etc. Very impressed!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Glad you got your iPad working properly Anne.

    Jeri, I just watched that news report. Fabulous!! Were either of your darlings in that interview? Wonderful musical group.

    I heard we are on the way to much colder weather, a bit more rain and perhaps a few snowflakes! Argh! I can wait for that.

    After Mah Jongg today, I spent literally hours in Sears. I had a return for Lands End but I can definitely believe the stores will be closing. They have removed some of the checkouts, there are very few employees, massive amounts of merchandise marked down A LOT and room to walk around while usually there is so much merchandise you can barely squeeze through some areas.

    I have been playing at card making again. The rest of the week will be packed with activities. Tomorrow after Tai Chi we will be working on the mats for the homeless project. Thursday is errands and ladies at the library. Friday is huge for me. After Tai Chi I am going to the grand opening for the paper craft store. They have hourly events going on all day. Friday evening I am going to a class by a nationally known card designer. Excitement for me!!!

    Mae, I hope you are okay. I am sorry about the tree. I k ow how expensive it is to have a tree removed. I have been having mine removed bit by bit and I really never had many trees.

    Sandy, great vacation. Wahoo!

    Jackie, how is the wallpaper coming along? I have never tried that. I have messed about with wall paint. I was never expert however.

    Patsy, I too am sorry about the abuse your daughter sees. It is very sad.

    Buzz, on the mend? I think it is time for that co,d to leave you alone.

    Anne, now I am eager to see how your container gardens work out this year.

    Time for me to move along.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Wow, This must be a first! No one posted today? All day? I don't recall it happening before! I trust every one is simply busy but happy or my computer went crazy
    I finally dismissed room service and went downstairs for dinner, followed by attending the residents' annual show, which was a real rib tickler.Only problem was 2 days ago i dropped a hurricane lantern (heavy!) on my left big toe, which feels broken but there's nothing to be done for toes. So tonight, as I sat in the huge audience enjoying the show, my left leg also began having the jerks of Restless Leg Syndrome, joined a bit later by the Mother of all thigh cramps---left leg, of course! When this happens, I just want to shrink away, but I can't do a thing except pray!
    Everything except the toe is fine now, but I'm sleepy as can be and it's getting late. WHERE IS EVERYONE?
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hah! It WAS my computer! First, I couldn't log in! The site kept saying I had the password wrong! 4 times!....Finally logged in (same password!) and there was everybody! MAE, I'm with you 100%, and feel if the so-called investigating committee would stop making excuses for not investigating what really did happen in 2016, we might learn how things ended up in the mess we now live with! Today's target was a fight with Canada, for crying out loud! Change for the better only happens when citizen speak up, act together, and work hard at bringing about change. When I saw Hidden Figures, I felt vindicated! Anyway, lots of luck with your "procedure" and keep us informed please! By the way, although there is much to investigate about what is offered and how places are run, and how solvent they are, this move 4 years ago was the smartest move we ever made! Our nursing facilities, rehab, and physiotherapy center, as well as assisted living are all connected under one roof! I think I've already mentioned I live "Independently". I'm sorry I cannot recommend an affiliate in Maine, but Pennsylvania is as far north as the ACTS communities go.
    JACKIE, we are going through the same "selling off" right here, too :'( Future generations will never know the world as we once did!
    ANNE, Garden as much as you can, to keep your corner heavenly! And teach the Bean to hold a shovel!
    JERI, Snow? Oh my goodness! Hope you got your chores done in time today!
    LIN, how exciting Friday night sounds! I have not gotten back to making cards yet. It became a burden rather than a pleasure after Mike's death. I hope I can overcome that barrier soon.
    SANDY dear, you enjoyed one of my very favorite Florida cities. Anyone who has never been to St. Augustine should plan on that trip! It belongs to a different century! Have you ever given thought to moving down to the Sunshine State? I can't quite recall how I made the decision, but I think it had to do with Mike's desire to leave the ice and snow!
    Midnight! To bed before I turn into a pumpkin, or whatever happens at the witching hour.
    I'm so relieved I found you all!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another day of sunshine and wintery showers which is good for me because I'll stay focused on decorating. George and I walked alone as my friend had a list of appointments so I had time to stop and admire the carpet of bluebells. Yesterday's wallpaper hanging went well once I concentrated and apart from a small problem with a wall light switch that when I pulled it away to tuck wallpaper behind, 2 wires became unattached and there's no indication on the back of the switch which hole they go into. I did discover the live wire is just that but only with a gentle sting on my finger!! Next time I go near it I will cut off the electricity at the mains! It's going to look pretty but I'll have to keep an eye on Brady who at the moment thinks every flower in the pattern is a bug on the wall to be grabbed and he's done enough damage on walls downstairs! Boris has an appointment with the vet this afternoon because he has started to drink a lot of water and at the age of at least 20 I have to know he's not uncomfortable in any way.

    Jeri ~ You must be so proud of your grandchildren singing in the beautiful choral group and I can imagine they are so excited about the trip to San Francisco. Although I'm not on Facebook they did let me watch the video but blocked any messages underneath.... meanies!! Funny you picked up the left hand driving but then I suppose it just looks wrong to you! LOL

    Sandy ~ Good to see you are having a lovely time. B)

    Lin ~ It's what some would call the little things in life that can give us so much pleasure and it's obvious from the results of your card making that you love it. I can't wait to see your latest creations once you've had your master class on Friday! As for wallpaper hanging, it's not something I've done for many years and the biggest problem was fighting with paper laden with paste that wanted to glue itself to everything other than the section of wall I wanted it on! Patience is the name of the game I've decided!

    Anne ~ These days I'm assuming the meek in question are God's little furry creatures, not us!!

    Buzz ~ I love you to bits because you make me laugh and in the same paragraph sit up and take notice!! Computers have a mind of their own and at the moment I'm having my own little brainstorm over why 2 photos taken this morning on my mobile phone and emailed to my laptop still haven't arrived in my inbox 10 minutes later when the phone is about 6" away. Answers on a postcard please (as we say in the UK) which might arrive quicker!! The rapid political changes around the world are becoming eye watering but I agree, if we don't stand together and shout we have no one but ourselves to blame when it all goes pear-shaped.

    Back to the decorating. If the photos arrive in my inbox I'll post them.... more bluebells to bore you!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello everyone, and a beautiful sunny bright morning it is. I don't know about teaching Jilly to hold a shovel BUZZ. She might manage a teaspoon though! Her job is to stop the squirrels planting their nuts in my containers. I'm dying to get the seeds in but will wait until May 1st. The four experimental spuds I planted aren't showing yet, but then it's only been four days!
    You are so right about the meek actually being the furry creatures who will inherit the earth JACKIE. In my case the bunnies who will stay underground nibbling no doubt on a store of my beets and carrots!
    We had a power outage last night. No idea why but the Bean and I had an early night!
    Well, time to get on and I wish everyone a happy, peaceful, productive day.