Senior Golden Sneakers



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Thank you for all the nice Anniversary congratulations. I think Ed and I are kindred spirits and the fates brought us together. From the moment we first met we liked each other.

    Jackie what a pretty picture.

    Sandy, so cute. Ed really liked the one you posted on Facebook.

    Yesterday one of those sooooo busy days, fun, but go go go. We had a nice impromptu visit with a friend over breakfast at McDonald's after dropping MJ off at kindergarten. I eat at home and have tea and 10 almonds for a snack. LOL. Ed using has a muffin or some sort.

    Then after lunch we spent the afternoon at kindergarten and got home after 4. I was so tired as I have been sleeping very poorly. I get a cortisone shot in my left shoulder on Monday. Hope it works.

    Time run.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I am busy washing clothes, packing and getting organized for my vacation tomorrow. I will try to check in and say hi. Stay healthy and behave yourselves!!

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good day. After Tai Chi I got a passport photo from Costco. I did a bit of cooking and have been doing laundry and sorting through boxes in the basement and have been folding them up and putting them in the recycling bin. Will get back to both things tomorrow.

    There is a free HBO preview on Sling TV for a few days so I am now soaking up movies!!!!! Wahoo.

    Mae, I have a neighbor who comes over and finds a way to complain when grass isn't mowed, or a tree needs something or God forbid there's a blooming dandelion. He sprays Roundup on stray weeds without my permission and gets upset if my garage door is open all day. He turns people in for zoning code violations. I try to ignore him as nicely as possible. I wish people would lend a hand. When I lived on a farm a long time ago, neighbors helped each other.

    Sandy, happy travels. Be safe!

    Jeri, you have a busy life but it sounds very happy.

    Anne, a wild flower garden would be lovely. My mom had one and she fenced it to keep the deer out. But chipmunks and other critters from destroying it. I often wondered how they survived and thrived in the woods and meadows.

    Jackie, the bluebells are gorgeous. Thanks for sharing.

    Buzz, any better today??

    Hugs for everyone.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, y'all, I cannot find my yesterday post, so I guess Comcast is punishing me for complaining about how often my service has an Outage! I remember typing that word yesterday to explain why I could get online til 11:30 M!!! O U T A G E!!! AGAIN! But I did mention everyone, and complimented JERI, who gets better-looking with birthdays! And SANDY. wishing you again a wonderful trip down (almost) my way. Wish it were closer, but Jacksonville is a 5 hour drive! LIN, where are you planning to go with your renewed passport? I'm trying to decide if it would pay for me to renew, as I doubt I'll go anywhere now! I remember how a loved to travel, but now it seems a real hassle! PATSY. I've never (yet) had allergies, but my eyes get red and nose is almost always runny, though not clogged. I try a touch of makeup but it just looks worse! MARIE, glad you can hear again! Too bad there's no way to keep wax from forming! MAE, good luck on that biopsy. Your weather, along with JACKIE"S expected snow (!) would send me into shock! Though ANNE's thunderstorms aren't exactly in season, either.
    I finally called the pharmacy and asked for suggestions for the wheezing that never stops, and they delivered Mucinex, which I started today. While I have no fever, I don't want my lungs to become involved, and I haven't been able to clear the mucous. I hope it helps. My ribs are starting to hurt from the coughing and clearing.
    Good night and have a wonderful week end.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member

    Take care!
    One Day at a Time
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    Gone midday already but I have managed a large grocery shop at 8 this morning before meeting up with Scruff and her mum who are back from their week by the sea just a few miles down the road! We took our usual stroll in the woods and across fields and I'm now back to concentrate on the pesky decorating because our blue sky have been replaced by a leaden one although no sign of the threatened snow yet!

    Anne ~ I thought of you last night when watching a gardening programme where they showed an easy to make raised bed for growing veggies that I'm sure one of your boys could throw together with 4 planks and a couple of bags of compost. In the programme they set it on a section of lawn and poured the bags of compost in and immediately sowed seeds for lettuce and radish. Here's some for sale but it's such an easy concept it would be cheaper to buy the timber and make, that's if you still think you'd like to grow fresh salad or veggies.

    Sandy ~ Have a wonderful time in Florida and give some thought to those of us facing the return of winter and Mr Jack Frost!

    Lin ~ The one thing I truly miss in today's society is that sense of community when folk looked out for each other and don't understand the rush that everyone seems to be in today because surely nothing has changed so much that many have no time to give a tiny thought for others. It would appear your interfering neighbour has too much time on his hands if he's watching what everyone else is up to and I admire your patience in the way you deal with him!!

    Jeri ~ So busy you are but at least it does sound like lots of fun although I'm not sure I'd last long in a kindergarten these days!!

    Buzz ~ I do hope your medication helps with your breathing and at least gives you some rest at night. I'm with you when it comes to the hassle of travelling today and am not sure there's anywhere I need to add to my bucket list after next year's cruise in Norway plus of course the conflicts and terror springing up that have me wondering where next?

    In spite of my scales showing a 1 lb increase in weight I'm going to enjoy a bacon sandwich for lunch having bought a delicious granary loaf at our farm shop yesterday.... very moorish! Then it's painting!!!

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Thanks for the tip JACKIE. In the garage I've lots of leftover wood from Marks projects, but, I wonder if something else might work. I've got 2 or 3 huge green plastic storage bins left by Mike (sometimes our offspring can be useful when it comes to stuff being dumped on us car less ancients). With holes drilled in the bottom might that work? What do you think? I could just haul them back into the garage, soil and all, come winter, perish the thought! They would be deep enough to grow my favourite veggie, beetroot. You are the gardener, do you think it would work?

    Meanwhile, it's still very chilly here, but the trees don't care, blossom is starting to appear everywhere. I had a bumper crop of apples 2 years ago, then the trees took a break last year with barely an apple in sight, BUT this year it looks like a load of blossom is about to pop. I can see; with all the holes now sealed under the fence; the Bean and I are going to spend quite a lot of time in the garden!

    I bought two tubes of the magic shampoo, and cleared the organic shop shelf! I hope I won't be having a moan about my hair girls for some time now!

    I've been considering renewing my two passports me being a dual citizen, but honestly I can't see me going anywhere. I'm very content in my quiet little world! In fact it's an odd thing, but who would have thought in old age, and at this time, I'm at my happiest! More tolerant as well of log sawers, dog walkers with out of control pooches, religious zealots with pamphlets, real estate agents who want to shove me in a home I presume to make a buck and even phone marketeers with East Indian accents. No wonder The Diet isn't working too well!
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »

    Take care!
    One Day at a Time

    Have fun

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Just paused with wet paintbrush in hand to wish Sandy bon voyage.... let's hope she's not travelling with American Airlines and finds herself surplus to their requirements!!

    Anne ~ That would work very well I'd say, especially with holes already drilled in the bottom and perhaps you could find a permanent position so you don't have to drag it anywhere in the winter! We grow beetroot and they don't require deep soil in fact most veggies would be fine except the root variety. There again I gather small or short carrots are the in thing these days!

    Back to the painting and also cutting up of the old carpet a strip at a time so it's easier to remove, put in the back of my car and take to the tip next week.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good afternoon, it has been a busy day of little bits of this and that. I think I have more little tasks than the normal person. Started this morning with a hooded sweatshirt that came out of the laundry with the drawstring pulled half out of the hood with the other end well hidden somewhere! Good grief. Working that back in place took much too long. And I did the baking soda and vinegar thing in my kitchen sink followed by lots of boiling water but of course I had to bring the ingredients upstairs. Cleaned toilets, shook out throw rugs, tidied up my card project area, finished my passport renewal application and freaked when I got a letter from Medicare indicating I had messed up my last payment and have to resubmit (I will be at the Post Office Monday morning). Paid a couple of bills, one check, one online. Cleaned out email, broke down more boxes, ran out of space in the recycling bin so just broke down more and stacked them in the basement. Tidied up my non perishable food storage in the basement, etc., etc., etc.

    I did sit down for eating of course so have read the posts.

    Sandy, glad you made it to a Florida. I saw a photo on Facebook!! Wahoo!!!

    Jackie, another busy day but I note you are accomplishing much more than this old lady!! Good for you. And you are on target--my neighbor does not have enough to do to stay out of EVERYONE'S business. Please, no snow.

    Anne, I agree that the barrels would be a good experiment for raising beets and see no reason why they would not work. I would have trouble lugging that much dirt to fill them so harness your boys for that!!

    Jeri, hi!!!

    Marie, I also saw a post on Facebook that you have some new flooring in your house. How wonderful!!

    Buzz, I have no plans to go anywhere but feel happier having a valid passport so I could go anywhere at the drop of a hat. When I travelled I used my passport as ID to board flights. Haven't been out of the country for a long time. I just need a few illusions regarding my future. This one seems harmless.

    Lots to read, loads of TV shows to watch in the continuing HBO preview. Church tomorrow.

    I did not do anything I had thought to do for Earth Day. Cleaning the basement is good for my environment and recycling is good for the Earth.

    All best wishes Sneakers.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Early morning so not walked yet but a busy day ahead of me. It's crispy cold but bright and sunny so I'm sure with a warm jacket on our stroll will be as enjoyable as ever. This might be our last pleasant day weatherwise for a bit so the bedroom decorating will be put to one side while I mow lawns and tidy another area of the garden. More seeds are now popping up heads in their pots in my greenhouse so I'm hoping it doesn't get too cold. Lin, last night I saw a programme in line with Earth Day where comparisons were made with photos taken of our planet by astronauts in 1972 and today and goodness me, what changes have occurred. Quite frightening to think that, with the rapid expansion of our human race, we are running out of areas to produce enough food when we also see inland seas disappearing. It was a fascinating eye opener and I did think it's a shame we can't all take a flight to see our beautiful earth from afar and so appreciate what's happening.

    On that cheerful note I will get myself wrapped up and George out of his warm bed.
    A happy and peaceful Sunday to everyone.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    It's heartbreaking isn't it JACKIE what man is doing to this beautiful planet! Even here the beautiful famous golf course has been sold to a rich Pakistani or Indian bloke who has been granted permission to build hundreds of houses on it. I guess most of the mature trees will go. It would have made a lovely park could the town have afforded it. I suppose in the end it will be just like the dinosaurs that roamed the earth. We will disappear, the earth will recover and another species will take over, probably giant beetles. Some guy in America I think is predicting that world war 3 will break out on May 13th, now there's a cheerful note for you! He also says it will last 6 months so with a bit of luck I'll get to eat the beetroot IF Mark or Michael remember their drills to make drainage holes in the containers! AND help me transport the compost. My shopping trolley couldn't cope with the weight! I'll do a bit of whining and nattering today!

    I'm having trouble getting Jill out of bed today as well Jackie! Oh, after thought, my hundred year house sits on what was once strawberry fields! What was once fields and fields of decent growing soil when I arrived is now wall to wall houses and shopping malls. To view
    the countryside I now need transport of the mechanical kind. Sad! I hope green belts around cities still exist in merrie England.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    It is chilly here this morning but is expected to warm up quite nicely later on. A quick trip to TJ's to get a treat for my friend at church. And after church? Not certain at this point. Maybe I will make my lunch and sit on the deck to munch.

    Indeed, there doesn't seem to be any part of the world safe from human destruction and infestation. The last of the open areas near my house is now sprouting concrete and structures. It is so low and close to the railroad tracks that I had thought it would be safe a bit longer. We still have the walking/biking trail but it is just a strip along housing and commercial developments now for the most part.

    I remember the first Earth Day. I had lots more energy then, helped pick up trash and to plant a tree. But then that was a long time ago. :)

    Happy day everyone. Time to fly in my Hybrid vehicle to grab some yummies.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Whoops, almost forgot. HAPPY ST. GEORGEs DAY, JACKIE and GEORGE! Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Thanks Anne, I hadn't realised so early in the morning that it was the 23rd! Only we English could elect a Turk who joined the Roman Legionnaires as a Patron Saint but then I think that says it all about us!! I'm popping into our local town tomorrow for George's booster shots and will take a photo of our green belt and what the local authorities have agreed to. Of course it might not be finished before Armageddon!!

    Lin ~ Just a small glimmer of hope in the programme was a priest in Nabibia who held a regular tree planting and blessing ceremony and said he was responsible for nearly a million new trees. The woodlands with trees in neat rows could be seen from space!

    The lawns are cut and a few areas tidied so it's time for a cup of tea once the hens have been fed their afternoon tea.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Well, 2 large containers have had holes drilled in their bottoms, both filled to the top with compost and the beetroot and carrot seeds bought to get started. Just for fun I've put 4 seed potatoes in one container to see what happens. A little too sprouty for consuming today by yours truly. Anyway if this works I'll get more soil for another container to contain tomatoes. God bless Michael who made all this happen and if this wasn't enough he brought me a Mother's Day gift as well because he's seen me struggling with ancient equipment. I am now the proud owner of a huge quality chopping knife, a big chopping board, and OH bliss, a big bag of jelly babies straight from England. The Bean and I are very spoilt I have to admit! She got 4 long walks whilst he was here, he's just gone to see his pal after lunch, and we both now feel like a snooze!
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    St. George Day? This sounds very interesting. It is a warm but soggy day. We just had a lovely visit with our son. He is getting his boat ready for a sailing trip with friends. I love that his two dogs know how to get along on the boat and mainly sits out the sail down below in the salon. Dogs are so much smarter than we have any idea.

    Our daughter volunteers at our local anamal shelter. This past week has been very very hard. A mentally ill woman was found to have stuffed over 100 cats into her car. The police have her in custody and our vet has offered medical care for the cats. So many were starved and diseased. He saved as many as he could. Our daughter has been doing data entry for the police and the shelter about the condition of the cats. She comes home chocked up and in tears. And so it goes...

    There are good people who care about life, both animal and plant. Thank you all.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Just checking in from the sunshine state!! Everything is wonderful! And yes Jackie we did fly American with no incidents!

    One Day at a Time
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Yay,SANDY! Hope your flight was good and that you have better weather up in north Florida than we do down here! We do desperately need this rain as wildfires are springing up in Palm Beach County.
    The Mucinex seems to be breaking up my congestion, so I'm coughing a lot. Another couple of days and I can show my face amongst people again!
    JACKIE, today is a very different world, and too many priorities are spent on achievment rather than education for the sake of thoughtful development. Not too many (although I know a few) students are interested in broadening their knowledge except in their chosen field. And it seems the first few years of Liberal Arts is a thing of the past. So fields like finance, law, perhaps specialized medicine (at least here in the States) etc. are chased for the future compensation while the poets, artists and dreamers are frowned upon! Yet civilizations are carried down by those who carved on the walls of caves or wrote the soaring phrases that still affect our minds when we take the time to indulge! And somewhere along the way, the niceties of living in neighborhoods disappeared. I hope the pendulum swings back some day. ...Did I know you are going to Norway? I was ready to move there when I visited, back in 1973. I still drool at the thought of Gjetost cheese, a strangely sweet brown cheese made in Norway. The whale meat I can live without. The glaciers were magnificent and water unbelievably pure! Their arts and crafts kept me busy day and night; and the Kon-Tiki Museum in Oslo was amazing. The population struck me as being somewhat reserved but welcoming. .... Unfortunately, it was also a time of immigrant unrest and we saw many demonstrations, some rather threatening, in the squares of Oslo. Little did we know that was but the beginning of world-wide population shifts.The fjords were just gorgeous and were used as "roads" for ships. I wish you a fabulous trip!
    ANNE, how right you are about the many enjoyments of the freedoms of aging well! And with the company of your tiny Bean, this should be a great year outdoors for you!
    JERI, love, love, love your new pictures. And that wonderful smile!
    LIN, you did more than your share to get the Earth in shape around your home, so don't feel you neglected Earth Day. I sort of share your feelings about renewing my Passport. But having to pay for the next 10 years when my lifespan will probably be far less haunts my frugality! I remember paying far less for my early Passports, so technology advances haven't done any good for our budgets!
    MARIE, you are way ahead of me with Facebook, as I don't understand it one bit, though I sort of stumble through messaging sometimes finding my dear son online despite 7 hours or so difference between Florida and Germany!
    I was going to make this short and sweet and now I'm late getting to bed. I just talk too much!
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Carry on talking your interesting talk BUZZ. It's never too much for me!