Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Our paradise vacation is sadly over. Time to go back to colder weather and rain. Yesterday was a pool day, so got lots of sun. Last night the neighbors came over for Bunco night and we had blast. It has been a wonderful week spent with loved ones and I look forward to coming back in May for Zack's graduation! I am attaching a picture of the beautiful driftwoods we saw on Amelia Island.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    jacean2017 wrote: »
    George and Scruff amongst the bluebells! Priceless Jackie. Thank you! Anne.

    Oh Jackie, I agree with Anne 100%!!!!! Delightful.

    And as to the photos, I think they will attach to your post unless you select the icon that looks like a photo and that inserts the photos into the post. I think.

    I am exhausted after my big nite out. Ha :D


  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Good morning! It is a chilly morning and we are to have sunshine again. My stressed or sprained (?) hip is gettting better. Whew! That was, and still is, quite unpleasant.

    As to LaLa Land, the movie,oh my! I know I have unusual tastes but REALLY! This was so awful, why would it even be mentioned as a possibility for an oscar? Contrived, and uninspired and boring. One hour into this, John looked over at me and he was begging to turn this off. I agreed.

    Spring is so late this year, it is going to be summer before some of the spring flowers brave the wet cold. Some of our rivers are flooding. The Columbia is jumping its banks a couple of places. That is an ocean of water to try to hold back. Nature's power has unstoppable fury. Yet things do heal and get better with time.
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    edited April 2017
    Just had some bad news. A friend put her little chihuahua on a leash attached to a stake in her back garden for a few minutes whilst she popped back inside. When she went out again the little dog was gone and obviously stolen. Warning for me, Jill is so popular, never leave her alone for even a moment.
    Sadly, Anne.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Quite frightening Anne. I know you keep your eyes on the Bean but good reminder. And please be very careful, we cannot have both you and Jilly bleeding for goodness sakes.

    Patsy, goodness, I had nothing but positive feedback from other about LaLaLand so thank you for your perspective on the film. I think I am on a reserve list at one of the libraries to check it out. Meanwhile, I just watched "Fences" which left me very sad and am now running "Hidden Figures" which is very interesting.

    Sandy, thanks for the photo. So glad you have had a wonderful vacation.

    Back to work. Hugs.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Little time but wanted to say hello between being where support is needed. You are correct , JACKIE, but at my age, this happens frequently until it simply stops. I remember too well my parents bemoaning the loss of all their peers, but I guess that's life, eh? For many of us, it's been a long and interesting road! And I do plan to stay around a lot longer, lol!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    My garden is singing this morning because we've had gentle rain falling since the middle of the night which after 3 weeks without is needed. Scruff had a great day with us until 15 minutes before her mum was due to pick her up when she decided to jump in the pond and stir up the muddy bottom so by the time I persuaded her to get out she was covered in muck and just as smelly!! I wrapped her in a towel and did my best to wipe off the mess because she was being taken straight on to her agility class and this morning I have a load in the washing machine!! Apparently by the time she had run round the course several times in long grass the smell had gone!

    Buzz ~ Don't you dare go anywhere for a long, long time otherwise you'll hear me shouting at you!! <3 It certainly is life and like you I appreciate every little moment and consider myself blessed to have got this far because so many don't!

    Anne ~ That's so sad about your friend's dog being stolen but wonder do you have a website in Canada as we do here where you put the dog's details up so anyone acquiring a new pooch can check to see if stolen before paying for it? Hopefully it was microchipped then there's always a chance it will be returned. I do hope so. Then poor Jilly with clipped nails AND a big needle. George's groomer doesn't clip his unless they are really long and I'm surprised sometimes just how long she's happy to let them grow but blood tests when there's nothing obviously wrong does seem extreme to me and also a money spinner for the vet!! Last but not at all least there's you hurting yourself although you didn't say where you were spouting blood!! Hopefully it was more pride than anything else that was hurt?

    Lin ~ Your cards as ever are beautiful and the sentiment in the first one so true, something I try gently to impart to a friend who swims with us but is so negative about it before she even gets in the pool so I tell her it's not that she can't but more she won't and of course she ends up swimming more lengths than me because I spend too much time chatting to people!!

    Patsy ~ Thanks, you've confirmed my impression of La-La before ever seeing it. Give me an original classic musical any time!!

    Sandy ~ Homeward bound! Hopefully it won't be too cold and wet when you get there!

    What to do for the rest of the morning? It's quite dark outside so perhaps I should go and buy a new light switch so I can see what I'm doing when painting. Everyone enjoy your Sunday.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hi everybody, it was my shin JACKIE and it took ages to stop the blood running down AND stop Dracula here licking it! I agree, I don't think we'll be going for anymore blood tests on the Bean just yet. The girl who carried her back to me said the needle was used in her jugular vein. However, no sign of any of her thick mane being shaved, so me being of a suspicious nature, I wonder! They said, if the test proves clear they won't bother to let me know. Still thinking of my departed $245! Lol.

    Then to add to this my youngest phoned to let me know he's got a kidney stone! My eldest has had 3 ops so far and the last one only 18 months ago. He, Mark that is, was told stones run in families but I don't know of anyone in either family having them apart from these two. I am told they are very painful and I hope Marks is removed naturally!

    Aren't LINs cards beautiful! Very impressed LIN.

    The tv is so lousy in programs etc I'm thinking of having a go at painting again in between peering at the containers to see if the seeds are showing. Tremendous thunder claps this morning and it's much cooler, so I guess not!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :) Got back yesterday and my cousin came home with me to spend the night. We went to Mass and then to have brunch where Bryanna works. I then drove her to her daughter's in the city which was a nightmare but declined the invitation to go to her granddaughters ice competition show since I wanted to come home to grocery shop and possibly go visit the boys. I did the shopping but Lisa and I agreed tomorrow would be a better day. It is freezing and raining here and I want to go back to Florida!!!

    I will be back tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Welcome home Sandy. Cold and very wet here too!! Looking forward to next weekend when they say it may be a warm sunny weekend. Wahoo!

    Anne, please do paint. Fill the house with creations from your mind and your talented hands. <3

    I must not take credit for the cards. Yes I made them and did the painting and inking but the original designs are not mine. I do not have that type of imagination.

    Jackie, your weather sounds much more hospitable than ours at the moment. I did have to marvel at your story of Scruff. Aren't dogs marvelous?

    Buzz, I am sorry for the continued losses. I am too acquainted with it this year.

    My friend at church announced to the congregation that her husband has Stage 4 lung cancer. This is the lady who said it could not be severe as he had recently had a physical and was fine. When she told me he had masses in both lung and liver, I believed it was very serious. He starts treatments next week although she did not specify what those might be.

    I have been working on cards all afternoon and now will watch the end of "Call the Midwife" and will read for a little while.

    It is the dentist's office for me tomorrow.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    edited May 2017
    Gosh, I actually fell asleep twice during my breakfast, making it too late to eat brunch in the dining room, so I went to the Bistro, where I ordered some raisin cinnamon French toast and a baked apple to go. Then went to the auditorium to watch "Elle", but the DVD adn't arrived so there I was watching LaLa Land. PATSY, I have to agree with you about the quality of this movie. It should have simply stuck to dance and music rather than weaving a shallow story around these 2 self unaware people! Give me Gene Kelly any day! As in American in Paris!!! As for "Mia", is Ms Hathaway deluding us all regarding her supposedly breathless singing voice? I forced myself to just sit through the entire movie and I did, and was not impressed.
    Hopefully, I'll use common sense and just get to bed shortly as it's embarrassing to keep nodding off while listening to friends conversing! ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited May 2017
    Heavy rain last night which is good for my garden but oh dear, most of the bluebells in the woods are flattened. At least we saw them at their best. Yesterday I felt I was spending hours shopping for the most basic of items with not a lot of success and ended up driving to the next town and a big DIY store where prices are higher but at least I found what I wanted. The light switch looks simple and according to you tube videos connecting it is just that but as I get older I become more wary of such jobs so will take my time.

    Anne ~ Ah, you should have got your legs up above your heart to stop that bleeding but I'm thinking that would have been a sight! Definitely get those brushes out Anne because I remember paintings you showed us once and you have a talent that should be used. Kidney stones are very painful I gather so hope that issue gets dealt with quickly.

    Lin ~ Some people struggle with such news about life threatening illness and I think go into denial until faced with reality. Let's hope something can be done for your friend's husband. I've a friend who has bone and liver cancer after initial breast so going through similar ghastly treatment in the hopes of some remission.

    Buzz ~ I've got 2 dvd's on the shelf waiting for a rainy day, much like today! The Hundred Foot Journey with Helen Mirren and My House in Umbria with Maggie Smith so guess what I'll be doing later while the paint dries?

    Sandy ~ Good to see you are home safe even if it is cold and wet. I see bad weather hit Texas and surrounding states and hope it's nowhere near Marie.

    It's May Day bank holiday in the UK, a real blast from the past of red flag waving!! My nice neighbour just dropped in and has taken a chest of drawers off my hands that was destined for a charity shop. She'll donate a sum next time she passes because it belongs to the animal shelter George came from. I colour washed it about 30 years ago but she's too young to remember such a fad! That's it.... back to my never ending decorating.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Nothing much happened here yesterday. We didn't see Mark and MJ of course because Mark said on the phone he was in pain. It rained and it thundered most of the day, so I hopefully took all the wintry drapes down to let the May sunshine in today, but it's still a gloomy rainy day. Michael was fixing the electric wiring in his condo, but finally showed up around 5:30 in the rain, but it suddenly stopped and we took little Jilly Bean for a nice long walk before it started again. My grass was cut, but not many people had cut theirs so we came home with one very wet but happy dog even if no other dogs where about to yap or sniff noses with. So ended a quiet, peaceful day.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    Happy Monday! :) My cousin has gone home, I am back to reality and doing laundry, a lot of laundry. There seems to be a glimmer of sunshine so I am hoping to see the boys later although Lisa said Robby has a slight temperature so I might wait until tomorrow. I gained three pounds while on vacation even though we ate low carb most of the time. My downfall was when my cousin spent the night and treated us to beef sandwiches. I am back on track today and hopefully by Friday I will be back at my goal weight. (at least I hope)
    I only have a little over three weeks when I am traveling again, this time to D. C. and back to Florida. After that my pool should be open and I can enjoy the summer relaxing.

    Anne, sorry to hear your son has kidney stones. My granddaughter had them last year when I took her to Florida. She was in so much pain but luckily she passed them the first night or I was going to pay over $200 for some medicine that was supposed to work fast.

    Jackie, we also had heavy rain and thunder so I still am not caught up on sleep. Please be careful with the electric, the one thing that scares me. My father would work with live wires and get zapped all the time, he was too careless. It was on Facebook that Marie and her family were safe from all the storms, so that is great.

    Buzz, I had hoped to watch LaLa Land but with the reviews from you sneakers maybe I have changed my mind. I do hope you got some sleep and can stay awake today.

    Lin, I am with you on the warmer weather. My cousin and I were freezing with the rain and colder air. I agree, the cards are beautiful, doesn't matter if they are not originals, they were made by your hands. Sorry yet another friend is fighting for his life, we do hear this much to often as we age. Loved Call the Midwife last night!!

    Hello to those I missed but the dryer just stopped.

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Howdy sneakers! I have a ton of laundry and that is chugging along in the washing machine. I also have another lunch date with our musician friend and his toxic wife. I really need to be more supportive of her because she is dealing with some difficult issues. Her dear husband is less and less aware of things going on around him. Oddly, he still plays his music. I wonder if he will remember that we wrote a piece of music together. He put music to my words. Cruel disease, this dementia!

    We still have wet weather. We are to have some lovely weather later this week. Our son is busy getting his boat ready for a coast guard inspection and a sailing trip next weekend. We found a pirate flag for his boat, just for fun. I am just too unsteady to sail with him. Also there is no gangplank so getting in the boat requires climbing up a ladder on the side if the boat. Let me tell you, seeing me get on his boat isn't pretty. I have John and our son urging me on, telling me not to look back and no hesitating. Then there is getting off the boat. I see me standing at the mooring basin waving from now on. John and son have declared that I will not be allowed to be a landlubber wimp. Hummmmmm we will see.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    PATSY, music is the last thing to go with dementia! Wonderful distraction and helpful for calming the caretaker AND patient! (I think you have my unabridged admiration for even attempting to climb that ladder! So BE a wimp! I would, too!)
    SANDY, it's likely water that turned the scales, and you'll be down by Friday! Great that you have busy travel plans ahead!
    ANNE, thank goodness you actually had a non-eventful peaceful day! You deserved it!
    JACKIE, I don't recall if I ever saw that Hundred Footg Journey, but loved My House in Umbria and don't we all love Maggie? My toe is almost 100% better today and what a difference it makes. Unfortunately, I was so busy yakking after dinner, I forgot to take my pills for Restless Leg Syndrome, and tonight I cannot sit! I finally remembered, so eventually they'll calm down! :( I recall paint-washing furniture years ago! Saved a lot of cast-aways, didn't it?
    Glad to hear MARIE and family were not in those terrifying tornado paths!
    LIN, there you go again, not taking credit for your lovely work! Most things are not truly original in that others design patterns we knit by, or paint by , or cook by; but YOU do the work and figure out how and what to put together, so cherish your creativity!
    Sorry, can't stay seated without banging my legs so I will walk about and do some standing up work while I'm at it!
    Did you all hear about how Netflix got hacked and robbed of it's 2017 biggest series which is being held for ransom before the hackers show it first? Unbelievable stuff!
    <3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Good evening, busy day running errands after my trip to the dentist. Then I started to work on filling out all my life's history for my Welcome to Medicare doctor's appointment next week. Also found out I have a limited amount of time to take the AARP online driving course I registered for a while ago and could not do that on my iPad as flash was required. So I thought easy, I will do that on my laptop except I use Google Chrome which also does not allow flash or pop-up windows. Soooo I finally figured out how to get both items enabled and started the course which I have to spend 4 hours taking---another requirement. So I have made a good start on it. Hope to finish by next week end.

    Ready, I hope, for a trip to TraderJoe's, a quick stop by Hobby Lobby, Mah Jongg, a bit of time to pick up sticks in my yard, and book club tomorrow evening.

    Patsy, I think there needs to be a gangplank if they want you to come along!

    Sandy, there is hope for better weather tomorrow. Yippee!!

    Anne, I am glad the rain stopped for a while so dear Beam was able to go for a walk.

    Jackie, oh darn, the end of the bluebells. Darn but thanks for the photos. Never ending decorating. Good for you, you have a vision of what you want. Excellent.

    Time to zip along.

    Sending hugs.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, I' ve gone back to Edge for my browser since I discovered they now allow extensions and it is said to be safer than Chrome at this point. The settings are quite easy so you can allow pop ups. I guess I still miss the old Menu Bar, but the 3 dots really have everything we used to have!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Our sun has returned so we enjoyed our usual walk including the fields down to the river. A few bluebells have sprung back up but unfortunately the overall effect is now lost. My scales show a 3 lb loss but I won't celebrate until I see my weight remain the same at the end of this week. A busy time today because I want to keep going with painting the bedroom walls but also Boris has an appointment at the vets to discuss options for his failing kidneys this afternoon and then on to yoga. In between I will do my best to eat healthily!! Patsy, my head has all sorts of images of me climbing, bending, digging and so much more but my body sometimes says no way so I'm with you, don't take risks if you don't feel safe because that's when accidents really can happen. I must get on so will wish everyone a peaceful and enjoyable Tuesday.