Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Wednesday! :) Weather still beautiful in Jacksonville! We are going to Jax Beach today for some tanning, eating and maybe a little shopping! Working on my tan and had a relaxing day at pool yesterday. We joined some of my daughter's friends for dinner at an Italian restaurant last night and then came home and played a game. Great vacation, like being in paradise!

    Jeri, what a wonderful opportunity for your granddaughters! I noticed one girl named Durante, small world! Congratulations to them and best of luck!

    Enjoy your day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Hello, long day!!! Home from cutting plastic bags for hours and hours. Ack. I am tired of bags. Doing laundry now and feeling like I am way behind for the day. Hope the mail arrives soon as it just seems to get colder and colder outdoors. Brrrrrr.

    Sandy, wonderful weather for you. Excellent.

    Jackie, what a way to find the live wire!!!! No more of that if you please. Listening for an updated forecast on our likelihood of a few white flakes.

    Anne, come on now, get those veggies cracking and jumping up out of the soil. :D

    Buzz, not many posts today unless my iPad is not refreshing but the MFP news feed is so I do not know. Maybe I will see more posts later on.

    Back to it. If I sit down too long I will doze off.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    The computer is playing tricks on me again today. First it showed no one had posted today. Then, JACKIE and ANNE appeared when I threatened to log off; BOOM, I was not really alone. I think I fell asleep, anyway, so perhaps there's a message suggesting day is done! Anyway, other than my painful left toe, there's little to report, so goodnight, sweet loves!
    <3 Buzz
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited April 2017
    Oh goodness, I've hiccups after eating peanut butter on an oat biscuit too quickly. Now trying to wash down with a mug of coffee! A glorious morning and warm so the bluebells' scent was everywhere. Although the sun is shining I must get on with decorating although the wallpapering is now finished on the one wall so now I just have to paint the other walls. Yesterday evening I went through a couple of cupboards emptying out anything that I can live without which seemed to be an awful lot of the contents. A job well done so now I just have to look under my bed for items stored there for years!! After our walk I've changed a rear brake light on my car that turned out to be easier than anticipated having watched a not very clear you tube "how to" video.

    Lin ~ Watching my local weather forecast yesterday I did spot a long vertical white blob over the forecaster's shoulder in Canada that drifted into the States so it's not over for you yet perhaps! The light switch continues to hang from the wall but I will shop soon for a plastic replacement and hope I know what I'm doing otherwise another you tube "how to"!!

    Sandy ~ Continue to enjoy because it does sound like paradise!

    Buzz ~ Is that your gout returned? If so you can hopefully work out what caused it and avoid.

    Anne ~ I may have mentioned before that we think Scruff is a Border Jack which is cross between Jack Russell and Border Collie. Well this morning she proved the Border side by running into a field where bunnies were hopping about in the sunshine but rather than chase to kill like any Jack Russell she ran a wide circle before rounding them up and guiding them into the hedgerow where they gratefully disappeared. She was so pleased with herself and boy, did we laugh!!

    I'll just say a quick hello to everyone else because I promised myself I'd be painting by 11.30 and it's almost that time. I do hope Mae is back home safe and sound.

    Hiccups gone!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,268 Member
    edited April 2017
    Happy Thursday! :) Today's adventure is Amelia' Island. I am not as tan as I would like to be because of these side trips but it is worth it with all the fun we are having! Tomorrow will be another pool day so hopefully I will go home darker than I came!

    Sad news is Daisy has pancreatitis but will be fine. The doctor said no more walking because she is eating junk and it caused her pancreatitis because she doesn't digest her food well. She was listless, throwing up and just not herself. They pumped her full of fluids and she is much better.
    We knew she had a sensitive tummy but didn't expect this. Glad she will be okay!

    Have a great day!
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Good cold morning. Some frost advisories for this morning and cold temps but no flakes! Rain expected again Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Meanwhile, the winter coat is at the ready as I will be leaving soon.

    Jackie, I admire your ability to learn through YouTube. My success with that is less than 100%. Particularly when it comes to these mats for the homeless. I have one crocheted but now am to make ties and a handle for it. It makes no sense to me and others in our group who have completed those steps are sort of nebulous about how they do it. No set instructions. I guess I just need to buckle down and do something and move on. The mat is in my living room haunting me each time I walk by. :D

    Again, you are getting so much accomplished Jackie. Good for you tossing out things you no longer need. Happy painting day!!

    Buzz, after dropping that heavy item on your toe I can imagine it will take quite a while for the pain to subside. Are you terribly bruised as well? I hope it feels better soon.

    Mae, good thoughts being sent your way too. <3

    Hello Anne, Marie, Jeri, vacationing Sandy, Barbie and all Sneakers.


  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Hello, just me before Jill and I go into the garden on a beautiful warm spring day.
    I'm so sorry for poor Daisy SANDY, for her tummy of course, but also no more walks. Dogs love to go walks! I'll never tan like you, you are so lucky. My Michael tans but not Mark and I. We've inherited my mother's fair skin.
    Very impressed with Scruff JACKIE! I think Jill would run behind me and peep between my legs if she spots our garden Bunny. Glad the hiccups are no more.
    I once broke my big toe BUZZ and it hurt! Sympathize.
    Hi to JERI, MARIE, MAE, LIN and all Sneakers.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    Sorry Sandy, your post did not show up when I posted. Poor Daisy. :'(:'(
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Missy Marie is spending lots o time with me the computer room
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi, y'all! I swear my computer has gone nuts! First no posts. Then, as soon as I type a few words it starts humming and filling in the missing posts! I just may go back to Chrome, as I don't think Edge like me!! SANDY, Amelia Island was always a "goal" for me to visit...and I'm afraid it will always remain one! I used to sport a gorgeous tan but since watching what sun does to too many people, like most Sunshine Staters, I stay away from more than 20 minutes at a time---just enough for daily Vitamin D ;) So sorry about DAISY!
    JACKIE, adore that story about your "border Jack"! As for my toe, gout; dropped a hurricane lantern directly on the joint of the big toe and saw stars! Try the toe, Restless Leg Syndrome plus a thigh cramp all at the same time while trying to enjoy the Community Annual Hysterikits and you might imagine me trying to be part of a good audience!
    <3 Buzz
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, ANNE, and MARIE, I never meant to cut y'all off! I great big hug to everybody!
    <3 Buzz
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Thank you everyone for your positive thoughts and prayers, very much appreciated. They did do both needle aspiration and punch biopsies. I was there for just over 4 hours, very tiring. MY pulse dropped to 46 with B/P 82/56 so they gave me fluids and kept for a cple hours. I had no pain and minimal discomfort, aside from the Lovenox injections (I have to have before any invasive procedure) in my abdomen leaving large bruises and a few lumps- sore. At my appointment with my PCP the next day he had the results : 3 sections showed hyperplasia (this is good.!) and one section demonstrated moderate dysplasia (this can be pre-cancerous). He referred me to a surgeon for a lumpectomy, so I consider this good news. :)
    I will sow 'cold crop' seeds this weekend, then repeat in 2-3 weeks. Carrots, celery, and lettuce I will serial plant throughout the season. I also have some celery, broccoli, cabbage and chard starts to transplant. The more tender starts: squashes, tomatoes, cukes, herbs, I will put in my little greenhouse in a couple weeks to transplant after last frost.

    Jackie – Can you put down some steel wool stretched out under weed block cloth under your soil in your allotment to keep out the mice?
    Sorry your countryside is being taken over :( With encroachment pollution abounds, noise, air, ground water, etc., how sad. Hope all is well with Boris. You are a good Mom, very attentive to changes in your babies.
    I enjoy your pics so post away!
    You are clever to get You Tube to guide you in home projects. I hope to do some craft and planting things I have seen on You Tube.

    Sandy- It is so nice to hear the weather has been congenial for your trip and you took time to kickback and relax as well. :-) Poor Daisy :'( Sorry she is feeling poorly yet glad she will be ok :)

    Jeri- I enjoyed the clip of the Girl's Choir thank you for sharing. What an exciting time for the girls. Do we see your granddaughters on the clip anywhere?

    Lin – It sounds like you will have a great and exciting day Friday. I am a little envious. What were the cut bags for?

    Buzz – Ouch! Ice and elevate the foot. I applied for Senior Housing today as there is a 1-2 yr. waiting list. Guess I get to enjoy my gardens at least 1 more yr. B)

    Anne- Smart to wait til May to plant. I can just see the Bean with spoon in mouth helping in the garden :D

    Well getting a little sleepy so will try to get some shut eye.
    Good night/day everyone

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
    edited April 2017
    Oh Mae, that sounds quite complex and very uncomfortable. If you say the news is good, I am happy for you. Big step to put yourself on the Senior Housing list. I hope all works out to your advantage and. That you will be happy.

    Okay, the day isn't going as anticipated but hopefully the end of the day will be okay. It is very cold and rainy today and my stomach is giving me guts so I have already given up Tai Chi and a trip to the library. I still plan to get to the stote opening and the class later on. Fingers crossed!!

    The plastic cutting is to make loops which are then fastened together to make a plastic yarn which is crocheted. Here's a photo of the handle-less, tiedown-less 6+ ft mat folded in half haunting my living room. Good thing I don't live there. ;)

    Marie, I am glad Missy is spending time with you now! Wahoo!

    Sandy, homeward bound quite soon. Can you just stay there until this cold weather clears up?

    Buzz, yipes, computers, who knows these days. Something surprising happens most days.

    Hi Jackie, Anne, Jeri....


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,360 Member
  • oystereyes
    oystereyes Posts: 969 Member
    Hello! We have sunshine! Granted it is a bit cool but still, we don't have rain. I really did a number lately on my hip and back. I was grooming Katie and seriously stressed something. She is going about with 1/2 of a hair cut. She is happy but strange looking, actually stranger looking. She is always a blonde shaggy, muddy, messy large gawky pup. That experience has necessitated ordering a groomers table and extra quiet clippers. I have been watching YouTube videos on grooming labradoddles. They make it all look so easy and a just a snap. Hummmmmm, I don't think so....

    I can now walk and go up and down the stairs without crying and snarling. I think that means I am getting bettter. Grooming equipment will be here next week and we will begin again!

    We are watching LaLa Land tonight. John has found some gentle stretches on the internet for me to try while I watch the movie. Something to distract me while I try these. I guess this is a classic. Stressed while bending a long time in an awkward position. Not a good idea...don't do it!

    Lin: your mat is really quite beautiful. It is amazing that you made it from plastic bags.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Unable to sit due to augmenting rls! I think I need to change medication! wonderful reading all today's posts, but cannot sit long enough for comments. Life celebration today was very upsetting and I was not prepared. I had given my first wheelchair to a man whose wife died about 4 weeks ago. He died yesterday! Service today :'( ...I need to go to bed.
    <3 Buzz
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh boy not a good start to Saturday with everyone's mishaps. We had a weird day yesterday in a way as well. Not me, but Jill. Darren trundled over with his mower and cut my grass, and cuddling the Bean he noticed Jill's nails were a bit long, and having acquired Tristan a seven month old gorgeous Labrador/retriever he decided they needed the points clipped. So he trundled back across the road and then came back with his cat nail clippers because my dog ones are far too big for her tiny claws. He did a good job but managed to make the last claw bleed. I gave him my big clippers because Tristan at 7 months is already huge and the cat clippers far too small for HIS claws. Well, we mopped the blood up before Michael spotted it when he came, and Jilly didn't cry or yelp at all so it looked worse than it probably was.

    Mike arrived and then we had our annual check up at the vets where poor Jill had a needle stuck in her jugular vein for blood test results. Hopefully nothings wrong with her, just for records, but the girl who brought my 8 lb pup back said she was a very good patient. Mmm. We never did this in the past and most folk I've talked to since say they don't bother. This doesn't surprise me because I got hurt as well with a $245 bill!

    The results of all this trauma and maybe ingesting a flea/tick pill as well - she, not ME - had us both sleeping late and we've just got up.
    Good morning Sneakers!
  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    Oh forgot to mention that whilst cutting back the ivy I stumbled on a rock and ended up with a rather large cut and the blood flowing everywhere. So between me and Jill it was "bloody Friday!"!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pleasant morning and walk, just me and the 2 dogs as my friend is travelling to St Ives at the far end of Cornwall for lunch with a group she met on the internet. It's renowned for its art galleries and local artists especially from the Newlyn School of Art that some of you may have heard of. Anyway, meanwhile Scruff, George and I enjoyed what could be our last stroll through the bluebells because we are promised rain tonight and tomorrow that will probably flatten them! Two photos taken today then I promise no more bluebells!!

    Patsy ~ I'm sorry to read you are suffering although it sounds as if slow but sure you are healing. It will be interesting to hear what you think of La-la Land as I'm not sure it's something I'd normally watch even after all its hype.

    Buzz ~ You must be exhausted from so many of your friends passing but am guessing it goes with the territory living in that environment. Sorry I seemed to miss you dropping a hurricane lamp on your big toe and am wondering quite why you were holding one in the first place!!

    Lin Crocheted plastic is a novel idea but not sure I'd have the patience. Amazing project but then so many of yours are.

    Mae ~ You Tube is taken with a pinch of salt by me but does at least guide me in the right direction before hopefully a bit of common sense takes over! Our allotment beds are large and the mice incredibly inventive when it comes to finding ways to eat our crops but you have me thinking perhaps it would be best to grow peas in a container rather than in the ground. Boris has a few issues with his kidneys which I thought was probably what's going on so we have another appointment on Tuesday to work on a plan to at least hold off the inevitable for now. Your positive attitude towards the lumpectomy is a great way to approach what is needed and I do hope all goes well.

    I can't concentrate because Scruff is constantly squeaking a toy or jumping on my lap if I take it away to will finish now. The photos are attaching rather than showing on the post for some reason but you should be able to view them.

    Have a good weekend everyone.

  • jacean2017
    jacean2017 Posts: 1,126 Member
    George and Scruff amongst the bluebells! Priceless Jackie. Thank you! Anne.