Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I have a very odd dog. Fireworks going off. Bean sits up and looks interestedly at the window.
    Thunder claps, Bean sits up and looks interestedly at the window,
    Thunder and fireworks, Anne dives under the blankets.

    Nail clipping, although not happy, the Bean tolerates with a resigned look.
    She is not a bit like all our past dogs and cats who dived under the blankets with me.

    I think the fox left a squirrel tail on the drive. However it had gone this morning! You wouldn't think I lived in a town! Oh and the front garden potatoes are peeping through whilst the earlier ones at the back are huge! Saves weeding!

    I thought I was still a country girl at heart, but with squirrel tails and deceased rats not so sure.

    Happy day everyone, whatever you are up to.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    It's one of our mizzle, drizzle days but I still enjoyed our walk because George decided he would like to walk to the Quoit and along the way I collected a few cuttings from the hedgerows and popped them into a poo bag (empty!!). One in particular is very interesting and either a pretty common wild privet or something rare with small, round white scented flowers. I'm investigating! When I told my neighbour about the dog rose cuttings I collected a couple of weeks ago she said she would love one too so I pulled a couple of small branches away from a plant that is particularly vigorous to pot up this afternoon.
    All 3 of us had a rub down with a towel when we got home and apart from a quick chat with my brother in Spain, not much else has been achieved.

    That loaf looks wonderful Anne but if I was there is would all be gone by now because I find warm bread irrisistible!

    Lin, did you notice there wasn't one teapot in yesterday's collection decorated with pink roses? :D So sorry the fireworks are still going off in the night. What exactly are people doing? Ahh, you've given me a clue to your jigsaw work because you say you sort before you get started. Not me! Apart from beginning with the outer frame I take one section at a time, preferably an easy one, and pick through for what look like the right ones for that one area then move on and repeat the process. Gets easier the more I complete of course!!

    Patsy, that's incredible that so many very expensive boats have been abandoned. Does your son think the owners will reappear after lockdown? What a responsibility for anyone to have to try to keep them safe.... poor Harbour Master! I'll join you in the unhinged club because as much as I tell myself I won't allow my life to be run by my pets that's exactly what does happen. Even my 2 remaining bantams had me rushing down the garden to them at 6am this morning wearing nothing more than nightie and a cardigan I grabbed on the way. They were both shouting loudly so of course my first thought was "FOX" but when I got there the only creature outside their run was my neighbour's cat Badger who barely gave me or George a fleeting glance! We did go back to bed but I couldn't sleep and got up instead for a coffee.

    Lunchtime so I'll get going, think of a snack then do some housework..... exciting!
    Stay well and safe.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    I wrote a nice post, hit the post button and was kicked all the way back to the home page.

    Will be back later to try again.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN. That's what happens to me! IF I can get on in the first place. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,142 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I did go to see the kiddos but the volleyball game was rained out. The Comcast tech that came finally gave me good answers and fixed my TV's. I was able to return two boxes and will save $10 a month. Score. It is a good thing I had Roku boxes that my daughter had given me. I have wireless connection for two of my TV's and the new adapter my son bought was not compatible with wireless. The tech told me to use Roku and download the Infinity app and I will have no more problems. I returned the boxes after I left my son's house last night, of course with a mask. Today I am going to get my hair done, again with mask and in a private home. After that I pick up groceries from Walmart. The volleyball game might be played tonight if not rain but Lisa's mom said she would sit so I didn't have to drive back. It is a scorcher outside and of course more rain is predicted.

    Time to eat some breakfast and get showered. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Jackie, these are my little sorting trays. Not really large enough when doing a large puzzle but they are helpful.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Amazing Lin thanks, I didn't know such things existed. Certainly would help because the current large jigsaw is difficult to lean over when fitting pieces to the top so I end up with back ache as I do tend to work on 1000 pieces. I'll check for UK suppliers. :)
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A rainy cloudy sunny kind of day. Katie and I are have a lazy start to the day. I did turn on dish washer and a load of laundry, made a pot of great coffee, and I am contemplating a piece of toast before I dive into more strenuous tasks. Mopping the kitchen etc etc. rather tedious and uninteresting.

    However! Great news! We have a little road through a heavily forested area to our house. It is sort of our driveway only it is really more of a short road. Big tall trees on either side. The tall trees have overhanging branches and some of the trees are getting very old and leaning precariously over the road. Here is the good part. I think I have mentioned that John is like a territorial old wolf. He wants to do all maintenance himself, no matter how dangerous. (Tall ladders with chain saws) I have convinced him to hire a tree trimming service to do the job. My anxiety level went down several degrees after a casual chat that ended up with both of us relieved. Tree trimmer has been contacted!

    Interesting TV series on PBS. Not sure about the name, something about skying on nature. Robot cameras are placed inside animal replicas to see how the real animals live in the wild. A stuffed orangutan with camera was placed to observe a group of them. Shock! They are just like us, only they live in trees and they have a language and relationships. I was fascinated by this program. Other animals and robots are in future programs.
    Thinking of your bread Anne, making toast but no jam,

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Lovely busy morning with Michael. The three of us piled into the car to go to the Organic Garage where I did a pretty big shop and the girls came out to pet Bean. I bought some really nice beetroot amongst other things and cooked them when we arrived home. Back in the garden Mike cut the lawns and I watered the spuds. He took Bean for three walks and he and I sat for half hour and had real ginger beer on the lawn. More potatoes are peeping through the soil. It's an Irishman's dream of heaven. Finally Mike drove home clutching cooked beetroot and a bag of cauliflower puffs. Jilly has fallen asleep. A busy morning for a wee dog supervising and sniffing for foxes.

    He and Sandy and doggie Amber may visit tomorrow. Canada Day.

    Well done PATSY on convincing John he is far too loved and wanted to be climbing trees. I even worry about 55 year old Mark haring up ladders with his painful back.

    Hard work typing with haltíng letters!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Hello, let’s try again.

    A little teapot, old but definitely good for a giggle. Lift the lid by grabbing the toast. ☺️


    And an interesting old photo of having tea outdoors. What great equipment.


    Going to post this and see if I can continue.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Puzzle update. I am getting to the impossible sections 😁


    Lots of black pieces, some brown and most of the rest lined blue pieces. One kind of checked section. I may need to get out a magnifying glass and my little portable lamp.

    Hello all. Has anyone heard from Buzz? ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Getting nowhere fast with my jigsaw

    Moving into dogs territory now so might get on more.
    Your latest looks complex Lin, similar to the hay barn I started before packing away again.
    Love both the toaster teapot and the lady sipping from her cup. Of course you know that's how I dress and pause for refreshments on my walks across the moors! 😄😂

    I've been thinking I should phone Buzz to check she's alright. Hopefully she's just busy with family and clearing her apartment. Will call this evening.

    Letters jumping as I type which is exhausting so will say hello to everyone and hopefully find the site calmer later.😏🙄

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited July 2020
    🐰🐇 rabbit rabbit

    For good luck. Say it first thing in the morning on the 1st of the month.

    Can’t hurt I guess.


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member

    Happy Canada Day
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We used to say "WHITE RABBITS" LIN. It had to be the very first thing you said on waking, otherwise bad luck would befall instead of good luck. Best thing and safest thing was to keep off rabbits altogether!
    Oh dear, but nice to know someone else - JACKIE - suffers from jumping, halting letters!
    I'm off!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PS. My land line phone is now a goner. Just static crackling. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Jumping and losing my typing! Must be the white rabbits. We only said it March 1st, perhaps to do with March hares, not that they're white!!
    Here's my nostalgia calendar's July page
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    edited July 2020
    Looks like progress to me Jackie. 👍🏻👍🏻 I never think about how difficult a puzzle may be when I am purchasing. Ha. Should do that I guess but I always have one or more days of “oh my gosh, what was I thinking, I will never be able do this”. I am determined to keep on with this puzzle no matter how long it takes. 😂🤣😂

    Anne, oh no, your telephone isn’t working? Not good. Do you have a mobile phone as well? Everyone seems to have their own twist on the rabbit thing. My friend from Maine just says “rabbit “ once, I had always heard you should say “rabbit, rabbit” but overall I would just like to see all of us have some good luck in July and the rest of the year. ☺️ And you had a good shopping experience yesterday. No blueberry problems?

    I get the jumping hasty letters from times to time. It is frustrating. 😤

    Patsy, I am also relieved that you will have a tree service do the needed work rather than your personal lumberjack. Yes!! I can’t think what series that is on PBS. There is so much that I miss. I get caught up in things and never check the channel guide to see what is on. 😋

    Sandy, well done with the Comcast visit. I hope all is now working properly and you are able to watch whatever you want. I see YouTube TV is raising the monthly rate. I forget what it is but I remember thinking, wow, that is a crazy amount to pay. But then, I am always thinking something is a crazy amount to pay. I am still taking my temperature each day since that service guy was in my house for so long. Just need to do so through next Monday.

    Well, fireworks continue. With more news stories I thought people would cut back but nope, last night it was hours of banging and popping. I had horrible nightmares when I did get to sleep and woke up in a terrible state of mind. I am just like a dog, I cannot stand loud noises. 🐕‍🦺

    Best wishes for health and happiness.

    Lin ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,204 Member
    Teapot, interesting shape

    “A beautiful Art Deco tea set made by the Portuguese porcelain maker Vista Alegre, in the thirties and forties. Purveyors of most of the ceremonial tableware for the Presidency of Portugal, they also provided some sets used by the White House.”


    Sorry so often some food item is included. Not trying to trigger anyone.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    LIN I don't have a mobile. I've been trying to get the sons to help me out in the buying of etc. For some reason they don't appear enthusiastic about me getting one, but I think much more useful for me to carry with me when walking Jillo or in the garden. I'm clueless. What do you all own?