Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good morning. After a night filled with more fireworks I am definitely moving quite slowly. I would prefer to sleep some more. No fireworks in the morning. 😂🤣😂

    The morning teapot—sorry, no description.



    Be well. 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Blimey this Limey is in again, wonders! We had a night of thunderstorm and showers so whilst it's still "relatively" less hot before the hot humid swampy stuff sweeps in again for a WHOLE week - aagh, I've just taken out of a very hot oven, true English scones as opposed to what's called scones up here, made from my very old handwritten recipe book when I was a dewy eyed bride! Aaagh. More dewy eyed today with hay fever.

    Then after I hopefully post the interesting stuff - sarcasm, my bloodhound brained dog, her with very short legs, and I will go and see if any nocturnal creature dug up the very dead rat during the night, although Mikes hole was rather deep.

    Your Plastering JACKIE reminds me that Maria is waiting for a plasterer to redo all her basement ceilings after poor Tony turned on a faucet in the middle of the night and didn't turn it off! The dementia society are providing childproof locks for faucets AND the gas oven which is a great relief to me. I'm not ready to be blown sky high along with Jilly Bean and the rat should he turn a gas tap on and light a match.

    You will gather my life might be different now due to the virus but certainly not uneventful. I'm off before this infernal MFP closes down on me, but much more happened in the life story of the accident prone (or clumsy)
    Anne. 🙃🐶🐀
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear hearts! We have a cloudy day, already had a morning shower. And glory be.....the MFP gremlins have run away again. Who knows when they will return. I can jump back on the sneakers group, so all is well.

    Off to take Katie to the vet for her shots. I know how terrified she gets at the vets, and we still can’t go in with her. A tech takes her into the clinic from the parking lot. We are to set in the car and wait for her. This is the problem. In the past we went in with her to help calm her down and distract her while Doctor gives her shots and checks her out. I hope this will not be too traumatic for her. John usually has to drag her into the clinic with much coaching and sweet talk. This virus even effects Katie’s vet visits.

    I have seen that movie Jackie. Starring Martin Sheen, of all people. It is a total fluff piece. Good for when you are doing something else, like folding laundry or dusting and polishing the furniture. That way you can listen to it with half an ear and an occasional glance.

    Anne: we have rats here as well. They raid bird feeders and steal eggs from the chicken nests. Get into almost everything. They eat the coating on wiring in cars. I could go on but you know all this...they are vermin after all. I get absolutely frantic when I see one.

    A very belated happy birthday to Diane. Sorry for my late wishes, please blame MFP. I hope it was a lovely day with some contact with your family and friends, maybe a slice of cake?

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Our storms weren't as bad as predicted and today the sun is shining. There could be a thunderstorm around they say but so far it is beautiful but hot. I am doing my bedding and just being lazy as usual. My son lives in Phoenix, Arizona and said they have to wear a mask or it is a $250 fine. I think more states should do that as well. I did change my eye appointment yesterday now to the later part of July. I have more appointments in July so I hope we don't get another surge but it doesn't look promising to me.

    Patsy, I am sure it is hard to have them take Katie but she might behave better without you. Our furry babies are like kids and behave much better when the parents are around. lol
    Oh gosh, I think I might faint if I saw a rat. I know they exist but even mice terrify me. I guess I am just a city girl.

    Anne, you have me curious with your ending of clumsy Anne. Please don't tell us you fell.
    How horrible for Maria and Tony, dementia is such a horrible disease. It must be so hard for Maria.

    Lin, I hope you got a nap in with all that missing sleep. Can't you call the police if they are shooting them off too late? I think they are against the law in my area.

    Jackie, do you ever just sit and do nothing??? I must be the laziest person in this group.

    I better put above bedding back on bed and ride my bike before it is bedtime again.
    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) Today was my first visit to the library since early March when they closed. I got a notice that a book I had on hold was available to check out. I had a book to return that has been waiting since March. It was a very orderly process. It was like drive through at a fast food place. Returned books went into a cardboard box. They ask your name if you have a book to pick up. No library card needed. The book I wanted wasn't available as either an e book or an audio book so I had to wait for the real thing to be available.

    :) Our only visit to the vet since the shut down was to take Bernie, the cat to get his nails trimmed. They met us at the car, carried him in, trimmed his nails, brought him back and said he was a very good boy.

    :) I have had no trouble doing what I want to on MFP. Right now I'm using Jim's tablet. But all is well on my computer and my phone. I use the website on the phone, not the app.

    :) It has been cold and windy today so I skipped working in the yard in favor of bookkeeping chores on the computer and going to the library. I walked the dogs as usual this morning and the weather didn't bother them at all. Now they are asleep.

    :) I'm going to a Zoom event this afternoon where I will be a listener, so I can ride my bike and listen and keep my camera off.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Sending along good wishes to everyone.

    Nothing interesting here. Continued fireworks with news stories about it being illegal to set off fireworks and the high number of calls to police this past week. They aren’t doing anything except talking to people unless there are multiple calls to the same address. So I guess I will sleep after people run out of things to light up.

    Hot, humid, intermittent storms expected. I haven’t needed to do much watering. 😄

    Tea anyone? I’ll pour.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Surprised they haven't run out of money to buy fireworks LIN. Our turn next week although I am all at sixes and sevens. Is Canada day to be celebrated on the real day, Wednesday, July 1st or this coming Monday to make it a long weekend? What with people laid off or working from home most of us appear to be in the dark. Whatever, it will be an excuse to frighten us, the pets and the wild life!

    Jillys almost out of treats so that's where we will be heading this Sunday and then on a bit further to Mark and Mary Jos place. Masks in place!

    I haven't had an accident or caused chaos for the last few days SANDY but that could change soon with a trip to the Organic Garage looming. Hope the blueberry sprayed cashier is having her day off day!

    I seem to be able to get on this site early morning, but after 8am, forget it.

    Enjoy the SUNday Sneakers. He's up and beaming here.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2020
    It was supposed to be a dry day but we've had a lot of heavy showers. I took the dogs on the moors and we were very lucky to spend our time in the dry although a cold wind had me muttering what happened to mid summer? Poured with rain as I drove home but I took that as a free car wash!

    My neighbours and I hope to visit the allotment around 4pm, not sure what we plan but am sure even if we just have a cup of tea and watch the world go by for half an hour it will be a pleasant trip.
    My hens were screaming loudly around 9am and I think the fox that killed my chooks this time last year has returned. George has had a few angry runs down the garden growling and barking and this morning was sniffing the air as if to pick up its scent. Hopefully all the work I did last Autumn will keep it out of the chicken run and I'm checking carefully each day to make sure it hasn't been digging. One of my neighbours has unfortunately just been made redundant because of the lockdown but says at least she will be home to get some work done, including helping me secure my garden even more! Her partner is the teacher and being paid throughout the time schools are closed so they do at least have one income but still very unsettling. They let their hens out of their run to peck around the garden most days which makes me very nervous for them but am sure they will be extra careful about only doing so when they're home.

    Sandy, you will be pleased to hear I've just sat for over an hour working on my jigsaw so no, I'm not always on the go! :D It's a fiddly one because the same flowers appear in 3 different places and the dogs colouring is nowhere close to that shown in the picture. No rush though... got the rest of my life to finish it! :D

    That's definitely a 1960's pattern Lin and very jolly!

    Have fun Anne and wear that face mask with pride! :D

    Patsy, George is very quick to pick up my apprehension on his behalf and although I feel awful ever having to leave him with the vet, the staff our wonderful with him so I know he's in good hands. Same with the mobile groomer, in fact I know he plays up more if I'm there but behaves on his own with her. Katie will be fine I'm sure. We have the same procedure of meeting in the car park as Barbie and Bernie. George is booked for his booster in a couple of weeks so I'll just have to be brave but Betty hasn't been weighed the whole time lockdown has continued so we might be in for a shock when she finally gets on the scales! :o

    A couple of jobs to do before I head for the allotment. Sunshine at the moment but big angry clouds drifting about too! :/

    Happy Sunday.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Another hot day with chance of thunderstorms, so what else is new?? B)
    The pastor at my old church is leaving after 8 years so they are having a driveby farewell for him today. I was going to participate but have changed my mind especially when they said to feel free to decorate your car.I really like this priest and wish him well. He is going to Kenya on his sabbatical to work with the missionaries. I have changed churches so I have not really been a part of my old church for over a year but still get emails from them which I will call tomorrow to tell them I am at a new church.
    I am having a video call with my kids this afternoon and then later a zoom call with friends.
    I am sure at one point I will go see Joe in his driveway since we seem to do this everyday with social distancing. It brightens his day while I sit in the blazing sun sweating. lol

    Jackie, yes, I am please that you sat for an hour although I don't know how relaxing working on a hard puzzle is. lol I do hope your chickens are safe from that fox, last year was very sad.

    Anne, you have the cutest expressions, sixes and sevens??? Is that significant to something?

    Lin, that tea almost looked real enough to drink. I sure hope you get a good night's sleep soon.

    Barbie, are you cheating on Jake with JIm? :D

    Patsy, stay safe in Oregon, your numbers are going up.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cold and cloudy here. This will go down in history as the strangest and upsetting summer ever. Even though we have some days of humid heat, the next day it is cold enough to use the furnace. Because of the virus, very few gardeners flocked as normal to the nurseries and plant departments to buy annual flower plants etc for flower beds. We normally have a showy flower bed at the entrance to town that is cared for by the garden club also various parks have volunteer flower beds. That didn’t happen this year. Next year we must do a double effort.

    Will phone and chat with our son today. I will try to call our daughter as well. But that is always a gamble. The good news about yesterday is that our vet is such an amazing guy. All his techs were running back and forth with leashes and crates. Katie did okay but was totally stressed. She was panting so hard and her heart was beating a million times a minute. She was also drooling pretty hard. We rushed home and gave her water and spent at least half an hour calming her down. All is back to normal now. She is “large and in charge!”
    Have a safe and healthy Sunday,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I wrote a long post but it shut down on me. I give up and will go and scratch my mosquito bites. THEYRE BACK.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY "I'm all at sixes and sevens" in England means confusion and disarray. It originated in gambling I think.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The washing machine did a great job on bed sheets and covers which were hung out because the forecast was for a dry day.... the heavens have just opened! 😫 A similar experience yesterday when I met my neighbours at the allotment for tea and cake. We hadn’t been there 5 minutes when I spotted rain on the horizon and we just had time to place our chairs under the trees behind our plot before it poured. Another dry day according to forecasters but we still enjoyed ourselves and managed some weeding before coming home.

    The window cleaner has just been but a new man on the job who apparently spent half an hour searching for my property. I thought for for one moment he was going to ask for extra money!

    Poor Katie Patsy. I would say she has the both of you wrapped round several little fingers on those big paws. Yes, definitely a summer to be recorded in history as strange to say the least and there was I looking forward to 2020 with a good feeling! 😏😔

    No mosquitoes in Cornwall yet Anne although you will remember the dratted gnats that sneak up on us if outside on a summer evening. I get covered in their bites but at least they’ve generally faded by morning.

    Nothing much going on. Our morning walk on the moors was blustery and cold but good news... before we left, the chooks started to yell so I went to investigate and discovered a pigeon sitting on a branch close to the hens doing its best to steal from the bird feeder. I know it’s for birds but I consider pigeons to be pests! At least it meant the fox wasn’t trying to break in.

    I’ve a couple of dog blankets in the washing machine that I was hoping to wash and dry today but can’t see that process being completed unless the afternoon is brighter. Apart from that I will finish clearing the dining room walls of bits of wallpaper while the radio keeps me company with mellow music 🎶

    Happy Monday everyone. Stay safe... sadly, this pandemic has a long way to go.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hello, another evening/night of booming which is entertainment apparently. We have a week of steaming hot weather coming. I am going to water my plants while it is just hot rather than steaming hot. 😂

    Here is a wall of teapots and you can choose your favorite. 😁


    Best wishes to everyone. May be back later.

    Hugs 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    <3Lin, Last night Bessie, our rescue dog, got very agitated about 10 PM and when I listened carefully I could hear fireworks nearby. She slept on the floor between the bed and the closet door. The fireworks went on for over an hour. Noises are very upsetting to her.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Testing, testing, testing, MFP. We have bread for the coming week. Made in the machine because its HOT!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Yum, the bread looks so good Anne. I have Comcast coming to fix my TV's, at least I hope he does. I really can't wait to get rid of Comcast but for now while under a contract I will stick with them. If it doesn't rain then I will go watch the kiddos while the parents play volleyball. Not sure how you social distance with a volleyball so I hope they are careful. :s

    Nothing else exciting going on so have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Hopefully a problem with a service contract has been resolved. Took most of the morning and my fee just increased. But if it works, it will be great. Really didn’t need another thing to worry about. 😉

    I started a new puzzle. Looks like it will take a long time. When I start on a new puzzle I pretty much always discover I should have sorted more skillfully. 🙃


    On to a salad and paying some bills.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Anne, the bread looks delicious.

    :)Lin, the puzzle looks challenging

    :)Sandy, i'd worry about social distancing in volleyball too. Have a great day with the kids.

    :) Promises to be a warm day so I'm off to work in the yard while it's still cool.

    <3 Barbie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Cloudy and cool today. In looking about our house, I see way too much clutter. It makes cleaning and trying to keep some sort of order impossible. Now to get to the root cause...both John and I have too much stuff. Books dvds, glasses, papers, notebooks, lists, pens pencils, sketches, and crossword puzzle printouts. Dog toys, get the picture. I really need to thin out all this “very important” clutter.

    Our son went to his boat yesterday to make sure all was well and still afloat. He told us a startling fact. There are at least 10 or 15 very expensive boats ($100,000+) that have just been abandoned. The harbor master told Damon, our son, that he is just trying to keep them afloat and from being used by various homeless and or criminals from entering while unattended. That’s a bit disturbing!

    I belonged to a writers forum, However! The person who usually maintains the group is in the hospital and suspect he has the virus. I loved sharing my scribblings and would often get interesting reactions.

    Jackie: you are so right about Katie. I see other people who also pamper their animals and I see myself! I have become UNHINGED! The animals are just fine. People like John and Me are the ones who need medication. We are full-on nuts!

    Anne: ooooooooooh I will be right there with butter and strawberry jam. Do I bring tea or coffee? That loaf of bread would certainly not last a week. I can smell it from here. Heaven......

    Barbie: those fireworks are so upsetting for our doggies. I have tried a thunder jacket for Katie but getting it on and the keeping her from trying to chew through it seems fruitless. We turn on music and shut the curtains. It sort of helps mask the noise. Sometimes...
    Be safe everyone,