Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Much to my utter amazement I'M BACK! Mind you I don't know how long it will last so I'm making hay while the sun shines.

    LOVE the pretty roses JACKIE, have they a name? You don't have to tell me about the hot, humid, sticky, weather here in the summer! All freezing winter one yearns for summer and sea breezes and then it arrives and one feels like a soggy hot dish cloth and yearns for a lovely bone chilling wintry freeze up. I think it's okay for people born to it, but for us transplanted island weeds, (I won't say roses!) it can be agony accompanied by arthritic knees and hay fever. Mikes coming over but he can only stand the great outdoors for a short while because my garden causes him runny eyes, nose, and sneezes. Even the Beans eyes get a little watery and have to be wiped.

    Mark was hobbling up and down ladders yesterday cleaning the gutters and cutting back the Apple tree. My little boys are growing old! In the knee department anyway. I helped by cutting the branches into smaller twigs. It all ended with less tree, gunk free gutters and him limping to his car and me limping indoors for a cup of tea.

    Meanwhile the fox family are now grown and making short work of any unwary bunny, squirrel, rodent etc. I keep a very sharp eye out for wee Jilly the Bean.

    An awful lot happened here yesterday but I will bore you no further. Enjoyed everyone's posts.

    Heavens, even the jerky typing is gone! iPad heaven.

    Anne, about to go and see how the front garden spuds are doing in all this humidity.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Good morning. I was up at 4am when Whole Foods started sending texts about a morning delivery scheduled between 7 and 9am. I couldn’t go back to sleep so started the day with a nice shower and my usual routine. Surprise, more texts about what was available on the order. I thought, I had better get going, this looks like it is going to be early. I was putting on my second shoe when I got the notice that the order had been delivered. That was just before 6:30am. 😂🤣😂

    All items are now unpacked, with the cold and frozen items put away. I shifted over to my little pots of growing things on the deck, watering one container that seemed dry and wondering what type of bug would chew on the leaves of an onion. I have no idea.

    A trip to the library is on my schedule for today. But I still don’t want to go inside so will try the option to call and just wait until they bring them out.

    I called my cousin and his wife. We do not keep in touch. I cannot remember he last time we spoke on the phone. But they live in Texas, have some health conditions and I just wanted to check in. Their anniversary is Saturday so I called with best wishes. They are okay but staying in for the most part. Doing curbside pickups or deliveries for all their needs. They have little specialty suppliers that are shipping to them and they are ordering from restaurants. So as we were signing off I again wished them a good day on their anniversary and my cousin said, one thing is certain, whatever we do will be at home. 😂

    Jackie, lovely roses. A long lasting retirement gift.

    Bob, it makes so much sense to me that with your visual skills and arts as we see in your photos that you would spend time creating beautiful and appealing presentations. And we enjoy seeing what you create. Thank you.

    Sandy, wow, the autographs you have are great. I am such a timid little mouse that I would never have the spine to ask anyone for an autograph. I would likely just peer at a celebrity and hope they did not see me looking at them.

    Patsy, we have had several nice mornings but apparently we are now heading into very hot and humid weather more typical for us in late June and July. Try to stay cool. The little newspaper would have had a real catch if you had decided to go on with a column for them but you have much creativity to share. I have my fingers crossed for more art pieces.

    Anne, I hope you can get back on MFP today. The app isn’t syncing for me. Oh well, that means no new content on the news feed. I am lucky for it to refresh a couple of times in 24 hours.

    Well, I was just falling asleep last night when the huge bangs started up again. All week long it has been fireworks and more fireworks. Last night they were closer. I think I literally jumped while lying down. Is that possible?

    Well, had better move along.

    Best wishes to all. 🙋🏼‍♀️


    Buzz, I hope you received many birthday greetings. ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Teapot of the day.

    “Chantal Teapot - Ceramic Talavera Collection - 4 cupper.“


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Another beautiful day but it is going to get hot. I have my meeting today and nothing else planned. I got my Walmart order yesterday and out of stock of three items.
    Luckily I can do without them so all is good. After putting groceries away I finally got my car washed in one of those places where you stay in your car so no human touch. I can now see out my back window again. lol I woke up early (for me) for some reason so I am glad I don't have to be anywhere.

    Lin, gosh I thought I woke up early but your time is like the middle of the night for me. I actually put my phone on do not disturb between midnight and 9am so I don't get annoying texts or notifications. All calls can come through in case of emergency. I don't have fireworks yet but I did have to get up and close my windows because the birds were having a party. lol

    Anne, so glad you got back on to MFP. I had problems logging food so gave up. It is hit or miss with this site. I do hope Mike recovers from all his hard work as well as you. Does Jilly like the heat?

    Jackie, your government is being smart and not wanting any Americans visiting your company.
    We are getting more and more cases each day and people still don't listen. It is so frustrating.
    The roses are just beautiful I love roses especially yellow roses. I do hope your service man fixed your washer. I just can't get over how you keep moving and do so much work outside.
    I feel very lazy next to you. :(

    Bob, here is where I show my ignorance. I always though Cindi was gay until you posted she had a husband. In googling I now realize she has a lesbian sister thus her work for the LGBTQ. No matter how old we get we can always learn something new. Thanks.

    Patsy, I love hot weather but not humidity, try and keep cool.

    Hello to all and keep safe this isn't over yet.

    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2020
    The garden arch and climber are down after a couple of hours clipping in extreme heat... Phew! I should have lost a pound or two although am probably retaining fluids because I'm drinking lots of water but it's not reappearing! ;) I've returned to the cottage to find lots of honey bees investigating the storage box under a window so had to put on my beekeeping suit, wellies and thick gloves in order to investigate.... that was extreme!
    Stormy weather has a way of encouraging bees to swarm and earlier, when my neighbours returned from a trip to take George to the river for a swim they told me a swarm was sitting in a tree above them. Perhaps it followed them home! Anyway, I've moved the box of bee bits and bobs to the bottom of the garden where I set up a hive a few weeks ago so hopefully they will get the message.

    The engineer arrived wearing a face shield and I stood outside while he worked. The machine plugs into a socket in the back of the kitchen units so all he did was unplug, test it for power then push it back in. On came the machine but he had no idea why or what had gone wrong. At least if it happens again I can try myself so long as I can pull it out from under the worktop. When he'd left I noticed it was sticking out into my small kitchen 4" or 5" so I sat on the floor with my back to the opposite units and pushed with my feet. It's now looking neater than it ever did!

    Hooray Anne, welcome back! Occasionally my desktop offers up that server message but not for long. Sounds as if you had an enjoyable day anyway. :D The person who gave me the rose bush told me it was called "Retirement" but I think he was having me on! It's been moved once when it got crowded out in its original spot but coped well with the disturbance. I always worry about the cats when I know a fox is about although I think it's rare for one to go after a feline, probably because of the claws!

    Sandy, English people are acting so stupidly and ignoring social distancing we will soon have as many cases of covid as we had in April so no better than America and our death rate per 100,000 is higher too. The photo in this article shows what's happening today on beaches and I shall be more than cross if we all have to self isolate again.

    Even when I worked at the local tv studios and saw many stars and celebrities I never had the courage to ask for an autograph except Harry Secombe and you probably don't know who he is!! :D I did get a beautiful smile from Deborah Kerr once when she was interviewed outside my office window but that doesn't count!!

    Patsy I agree you would have been a wonderful addition to the local paper but am guessing there would be deadlines to meet and who needs that sort of pressure?

    That's a sturdy, basic teapot Lin and good enough for workmen on a site!

    I'm hoping Buzz had a wonderful birthday with lots of family contact, at least by phone or Facetime. <3<3

    Goodness me, another day over but it has at least been filled with a variety of events. Baked chicken and salad will do this evening in the heat although I see clouds building so we may have some respite soon.

    Take care everyone. <3
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    I love the bee suit Jackie!! ❤️❤️ You look at ease.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I did get on this site earlier and then poof I was gone again. Tried hourly purely out of interest and then at 3pm or just now got on again. I haven't a clue what's going on but if I'm not around tomorrow I haven't fallen off my twig, put it down to MFP.

    Mike couldn't make it over so I spent the morning creating a card for Mary Jo's birthday. It's a cartoon of Mary Jo watering her flowers - she's a keen gardener as you know and she's peering at a large snail who is peering back at Mary Jo. Can't show you thank goodness because it is in the envelope sealed.

    I enjoyed reading everyone's posts! The news from across our border is shocking but not unexpected. The USA had 38,000 new cases of the virus today. Yikes. Canada has the worst record in the world for virus deaths in long term care homes - 81% and the worst cases are here in Ontario and Quebec with only 18% in the rest of Canada! Shocking, so I guess I'll need to change provinces if I have to go into care one day. I suppose if people continue flocking to beaches or have street parties, or band together to pull statues down, or playfully chuck fireworks around during the night etc we are stuck in limbo for a very long time. The good news, I will have loads of time to start making some very amateurish cards for Christmas.

    Our new way of life! Well the restaurants are opening again along with the pubs so let's enjoy while we can.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy - Can easily see why you might assume she was gay. She has several activist causes and her "True Colors" is an LGBT anthem. Not to get political, but 99% of the people I know only care about a persons character.

    Its been a busy day. Got out for a walk by 6am… 1st time back in several days for my wife. She had excision done on her leg and then got what appears to be a upper leg muscle strain. But she made it all the way…I remember when I was the real slow one telling her to go ahead. Slow but sure. Made a nice lunch and then we headed to the mall…really just to gain some additional steps. Only a handful of stores are open that have exterior entrances…99 % of the mall is closed. Of course, it’s the whole mask/social distancing thing. Maybe I should get a “Jackie” outfit like her photo. LOL

    Our area is nothing like NYC (or California / Texas)… today it was reported hospitalizations from COVID-19 have dipped below 1,000 for the first time in over 3 months and Central New York will begin Phase 4 of reopening on Friday. So that’s good. Lots of politics involved too….
    Have a great night ! Bob

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Count me in on the 99% Bob. I am so liberal some of my family doesn't even understand. lol
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    Hello, a night with disturbed sleep. Loud fireworks erupted two times and each time I had just fallen asleep. Right now a storm is rolling through with lots of lightning and thunder. I swear naps may become essential if the fireworks don’t cease.

    Well, I have an errand this morning so I guess I will be prepared. 😂🤣😂

    Sending a set of rose decorated china. 🤗



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Count me in on the 99% Bob. I am so liberal some of my family doesn't even understand. lol

    :) Me, too.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    edited June 2020
    And I don’t have any family to approve or disapprove of me and my views.

    Anne is having problems getting to the Sneakers today. I am having issues with the app syncing not just with Fitbit but my profile information as well as server access to this group. I am accessing through Safari login, not the app.

    Looks like days and days of on and off showers. I hope my little pots of plants on the deck don’t drown.

    Best wishes to everyone. Much health and happiness.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We have Lin's weather with lots of rain. I have an eye appointment this afternoon but I called and left a message that I would like to reschedule. I hate driving in the rain and would prefer another appointment. So far they haven't called me back so not sure what to do. I just don't want to be charged if I don't hear from them. :s
    I had some problems with MFP as well, there are probably just too many people trying to access at the same time. We have moved into phase 4 today so that could mean our pool is opening soon. Truthfully as much as I like the sun I don't think I am ready to be near a lot of people since you can now gather is groups of 50. I have other friends anxious to go to restaurants now that indoor dining is okay, but I must be the only one who is no hurry to do anything until I feel perfectly safe, which might not be until they have a vaccine. Only time will tell. :'(

    Lin, I am so sorry you have to deal with all that noise while trying to sleep. I am a light sleeper and the slightest noise wakes me. I am running a fan and a humidifier in my room to help block out noise.

    I guess I better take a shower and get ready incase they don't call, darn.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear sneakers! A warm sunny day and I have a ton of chores. I have had GREAT difficulty getting on the forum. I can log in and send and receive messages but I can’t get on the sneaker forum unless I continually click done and retry.

    Not that I have any exciting news. I am mystified at what is going on with the virus reopening plan. Here we are have a spike in cases. More in the hospital and people who were recovered are developing it again, only worse. People are not distancing, life has just become seriously odd. We have now placed a new requirement that everyone MUST wear a mask, indoor or outdoor in public. But who or how will enforce this?

    Oh well, we are continuing as we were. Trying to be very cautious.

    Let tell you I must be very bored indeed. I have ordered hair coloring from amazon, also makeup and other skin care products. That is risky. Hair color? I have not colored my hair in years. I have been studying how to tips on YouTube. You can learn everything on YouTube. John teases me that he must put his foot down at my DIY efforts to redo the house. He maintains I have yet to learn about which end of the hammer to use. So wrong! YouTube shows us everything. Right?
    Continuing on,
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Well, I finally got on again. This is so weird. Very off putting to write anything of interest because by the time one finally gets in after clicking "done" a few times all useful stuff has departed ones head.

    Michael showed up and we pulled out the deck chairs to sit on the lawn after taking Bean for a very long walk only to be confronted by a very strong pong. Took us ages to track it down, in fact the pint sized blood hound tracked it down and sorry Sneakers but we found a very large and very dead rat with teeth marks and flies crawling over it. I think the fox must have lost her breakfast! Anyway, out came a spade and one very dead rat was duly buried under the Apple tree. Don't you just love nature.

    Before Mike went home we divided the huge bag of flour into three. So now I have two large containers of flour and Mike staggered to the car with two thirds to share with friend Sandy.

    And I am going to have to finish before I can tell you more about the life of Anne because I can barely type! Halting letters. Pity because life has been much more interesting just lately.

    See you all tomorrow - or NOT! Wonder if it's the heat and thunderstorms.

    Annie. ❤️🙃🐶

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    The heat has most definitely moved away so the bedroom curtains were pulled back first thing to show thick low cloud. The thunder storms didn’t materialise overnight but goodness, it’s a lot colder! I took the pooches up on the moor where the fog was even thicker so was relieved I had at least put a long sleeved top on under my rain jacket but didn’t stay long.... thought we might get lost in the murk!

    That’s a pretty China set Lin. MFP dodgy today for me too.

    My impression is politics has taken over from scientific advice about COVID-19 so I’ll keep to my own ways of avoidIng it. No restaurants, pubs or cinema for me because like Patsy I’m noticing too many people not keeping their distance as common sense has gone out the window. I did smile at Bob’s thought of wearing a bee suit for protection as I reckon that would scare a lot of people away... buzzy bees might be close!

    Raining tonight so hopefully cooler air will mean less fluid retention so that added pound will disappear. A comfortable night’s sleep too.

    Jackie 😻
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Better late than never! Hope you had a lovely day.
    Jackie <3
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I'm enjoying a lazy, slow start to the day and so far have only managed to walk the pooches although already gone 1130. Grey, dismal day with showers but we managed to walk most of the way before getting soaked.

    Patsy mentioning You Tube yesterday had me smiling because my plans to finish stripping wallpaper went to pieces when I paused at my laptop that sits in the same room to look up local plasterers. Can I do the job myself? Haha, one look at You Tube told me not to even try but then, as so often it does, I was shown a few videos to view that might interest me and 2 hours later I emerged having gone from one subject to another. Goodness, there are some incredible stories out there, some heart-wrenching and others hilarious. In the evening I watched the sort of movie I don't often bother with called Maid in Manhattan and have to say thoroughly enjoyed it. A typical chic flick but I guess I was in the right mood for it. Imagine Cinderella meets Pretty Woman and if you want a fluffy couple of hours check it out. :)

    That's why I missed your post Anne as I tried to type mine and watch the movie at the same time! Disgusting creatures rats aren't they that can't even die without leaving a nasty smell. :s Thank goodness Jilly and Mike were there to help. Brady dragged one into my dining room a couple of days after my 2nd hip replacement and Sue the gardener who was helping me at that time had to go above and beyond her duties to help me dispose of it and disinfect the area. She must have wondered what she'd let herself in for! :D

    Ok, so before I find the hours have flown again I'm going to get a bucket of hot water, sponge and scrapper to finish the wallpaper removal once and for all. Next week I want to phone a local plasterer to move things on.

    Have a good Saturday everyone and stay safe. Keep an eye on W.H.O advice. ;)