Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :) I have long wanted to shop in a way that would allow me to return to stores no more frequently than once every four or five weeks but Jake doesn't get out much so he always looked for excuses to go to the store. Now that he is required to stay home for his health, he has gotten comfortable with staying home while I go to the store every four or five weeks. We are fortunate to have a big upright freezer (and the money to replace it if it quits working) and lots of storage space. Additionally we are content to be without fresh fruits and vegetables for long periods of time.

    :) Our library finally has allowed returns of materials and will soon provide curbside pickup of requested materials. I have so many books that I bought from Paperback Swap that it's not a big deal to me, although I have several books on hold and will pick them up when they are available. They foresee a 7-10 day wait between the time a book is returned and the time it is marked returned on one's account.

    :) Beautiful day coming up with temps around 70 F. Great for working in the yard in the morning.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    edited June 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) It is a beautiful day here so I will either sit on my balcony for some sun or take a nice walk. I first want to put in an order to Walmart and hope they have most of my items. I made an appointment to get my hair done next week. She works out of her home and is very careful so with masks I think it will be okay, at least I hope so. Last night I came close to adopting a little ten year old shitzu mix.
    But my son told me that he and his wife couldn't stay here if I did because she is allergic. Besides the adoption fee of over $400 and then the continued vet and food bills would be too much for me. She is adorable though and fully housebroken. I am sure they will find a good home for her so she will be fine.
    As far as veggie rice, I loved it, but it doesn't like me. I bought the cauliflower rice because I don't like sweet potatoes. Now I just eat frozen mixed veggies which agree with my tummy.

    Barbie, when I was shopping in the stores it certainly wasn't every week. Since this pandemic I seem to be shopping at least once a week if not more. I used to eat out a lot more but eating home is so much healthier.

    Lin, I haven't seem the rice broccoli so maybe I will try that but it might cause the same problems so I don't know. I doubt I will stock up on food, will just continue to do as I do now and hope for the best. I really pray we don't get a second wave but it doesn't look good.

    Bob, I love Cindi Lauper and her music. I saw her in concert a long time ago. I have many autographs from stars that I hounded and it wasn't when I was a teenager. I have Frank Sinatra's from Las Vegas while he was playing black jack. I went to go up to him and his body guard said where do you think you are going? I explained I wanted his autograph and Sinatra turned around and said let her come. He wrote it on a cocktail napkin with my name. Also have Liberace, Shecky Green and many others. Fun times. Love the pictures!!!

    Jackie, just saw on yahoo news: Archaeologists have discovered a wide circle of deep shafts surrounding an ancient settlement close to Stonehenge, opening up new lines of investigation into the origins and meaning of the mysterious, prehistoric monument.
    Have you ever noticed?? You are a better person than me. Even though I love animals I still love my steak and other meats. I just don't want to hear about how I get it.

    Anne and Patsy, sorry the gremlins were at work again on MFP. Hope to hear from you later.

    Have a wonderful and safe day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello there! I have high hopes today. I so enjoy our chats. It means a lot to me. We have sunny, mild weather. I thought we were to have rain, so this is a bonus day.

    We had a lovely father’s day. I think the phone chats worked for John. But we still really miss our kids. They may be adults but they are still,our babies. My salmon dinner pleased John. We had a strange dessert of “enhanced” sugar-free chocolate pudding and 3 sugar-free cookies. I jazzed up the pudding with strong coffee and a spoonful of cocoa powder. It made an acceptable mocha-truffle substitute. Sugar-free and very limited fat. Made with 1% milk and the coffee. The grilled salmon and salad weren’t a threat to the diet either. Yea!

    I know that until that vaccine shows up, I am confined to our house and environs and the occasional drive around town. I have lots of work/play/ projects to keep me occupied.

    When we lived in Colorado near Aspen, I worked for an entertainment booking company. Mamy rock and classical musicians came through our booking agency. I loved the interesting speakers that appeared at the Aspen design conference and the Aspen Music festival. The musicians were fun, rowdy, scandalous and often caused a lot of damage and trouble. We also arranged condo and food catering. It was an exciting well paid job but constant agony. I had the excitement of meeting many talented people. Those people live a hard exhausting life.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    After a couple of hours happily pottering in the garden I came in to put the kettle on for you know what and found a message on my answer machine from a friend who lives in France. She moved there with her husband about 20 years ago and although at one point she wanted to return to England, they decided to stay and do have an idealic life in a rural area. I called her back and we chatted for an hour to catch up with news. She suffered a cerebral aneurysm before Christmas and remembers nothing of a month spent in ICU where they saved her life so when she returned for a check up and the surgeon gave her a big hug because he said, patients rarely recover, she didn't remember him at all! We've agreed that in these unprecedented times we need to chat more often so we know for sure we're ok. They helped me through a terrible time 40 years ago when my family were involved in a car accident that killed my mother. I'm not sure I'd have coped without their care.

    I stir fried lots of fresh veggies for my evening meal and had every intention of cutting the grass now it's cooled off but think instead I'll relax and hope it isn't too hot to tidy the lawns tomorrow.

    I'm thinking Bob I will have to come up with some tasty additions to the cauliflower and sweet potato rice dishes as I see they are 100% vegetable. Your dishes look so appetising which I think is half the battle.

    Lin, the soya mince would be very bland on its own of course but I tend to use it for bolognese sauces, stirfries or curries so don't really notice a difference from meat once prepared. The packet suggests 10-12 portions and I bought a box of 6 packets not realising they were that big so had better like it!!

    A sweet dog Sandy and I do hope she finds a good home. We are hearing stories of people adopting dogs during lockdown to get out walking who now want to hand them in to shelters... so thoughtless!
    I did hear something on the radio about the amazing find near Stone henge. Here's an article from a paper that tells how amazingly creative people were so many thousands of years ago. Makes me wonder where it all went wrong!! :p

    I'd better get outside and pick up garden tools etc before dark.

    Take care everyone. Hello Buzz! <3<3<3

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    wish i could type painlessly, but sending love...................improving daily
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member

    A couple of birthday wishes for you Buzz❤️❤️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dearest Buzz

    Sending lots of love and hugs across the Pond

    We have known each other a lot of years dear friend and you have become a very important part of my life. Your strong spirit will see you through so if you can, remain as determined and positive as you've taught me to be. Thinking of you today and every day! <3<3<3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST BUZZ. In my thoughts daily, have a super lovely day!

    I just couldn't get on the site yesterday. MFP telling me it couldn't connect to my server. Mind you we had torrential rain all day and I now have my own wee pond in the back garden. Mark is coming over to clean out the gutters of gunk and leaves. I'll be out as well to hold the ladder!

    Read all your interesting posts Sneakers.
    Anne. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,148 Member
    :)Buzz, Happy Birthday to you. I sure miss hearing from you and wish you the best.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Birthday Buzz! 💕💕💕
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited June 2020
    I was up early because Betty considered 6.30am a good time to play! Out on the moors by 7.30 in warmth and sunshine and few people, in fact I only heard voices once and assumed they were on horseback because I didn't get to see them behind high gorse bushes but they moved quickly! We stopped at the top for refreshments before climbing back down and driving to my friends with their dog's prescription painkillers I order online.
    I've been pottering in the garden but the heat is rising so a good time for a cup of tea.
    My hairdresser messaged today to let me know she plans reopening in 2 weeks but i have to be patient because she's got 300 desperate clients! I guess the pink streaks will have to wait! 😁

    Sandy, you're not a bad person to not want to know where your meat comes from. It's something the vast majority don't think about. Call me over sensitive! 😞
    I read today that America is still in its Initial virus peak that's going back up so am glad you will continue to be careful.
    Just like Anne's been advised, I've been told to be very careful and start stocking up groceries by my friend who's a nurse because scientists think we are relaxing lockdown too soon so better safe than sorry. 😉

    A cup of tea calls!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest Buzz! very happy birthday wishes! I hope you realize how important you are to each and every one of us. I envision you in full makeup and stylish outfit, off to share your beloved chocolate covered strawberries. No matter how you spend your birthday, I am with you, pinching your cheek, laughing with you as we share a bit of political humor, and giving you huge tight birthday hugs, because kindred spirits are never very far apart❣️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Another beautiful day. I have a Walmart order to pick up this afternoon but nothing else except of course my bike. Exciting life I lead.
    I do hope you see our birthday wishes Buzz, we miss you and love you. <3

    Nothing to report so I will just wish you all a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Art Deco set once again. ☺️


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Uuuuuuuuuhgh....warm weather and high humidity And drizzle. It is like walking through that sticky molasses we talk about. We have fans on high and it sounds like an airport in here. Needless to say, arthritis is also letting me know it is still something to be dealt with.

    I think this is a day I will serve John a chicken sandwich and I will hang out in my dungeon. I will turn on some cool mellow jazz and just fiddle and fuss. I will doubtless accomplish very little but my energy is being used up just breathing and walking about. I would never be able to live in the south again. Florida would be out of the question. How does dear Buzz do it?

    Heard from our little newspaper, they would like to print my column, they are honest about tittering on the edge of bankruptcy. So I think it would be a lot of work for a drowning enterprise. Think I will spend my time more productively. Speaking of writing, my old MAC computer is in need of serious cleaning and restarting. I love apple products. John can’t stand them. He is a PC guy.

    Down to the dungeon with a huge mug of strong coffee. Wish me luck........

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Lin & Sandy – Thanks… been a Lauper fan since the early 80’s. You’d likely know her husband David Thornton if you saw a pic. As or Rebel Ice Cream – I really liked it and will buy in the future. I like that it “only uses all-natural, keto-friendly ingredients that won't raise your blood sugar, raise your insulin levels, or kick you out of a fat-burning state.” No added sugar and the fat keeps a decent taste. I only do ½ portion at a time.

    Sandy – you lucky lady – with all those autographs! Sinatra, Liberace, Shecky – loved them all. I have seen Richard Gere a few times but haven’t asked for an autograph. Home (his dad) lives almost walking distance from us. I did ask Redd Foxx in Vegas once for his autograph…he was outside smoozing the ladies. He responded “Don’t do no written man.” Love fun times. HUGE fans of “The Mavericks” band… thru one of the band members that is friends with a relative, we were able to visit on the band bus after a concert…had a beer, photos etc. It was unique – not a meet and greet with others. Funny – we were the old people on the bus.

    Jackie – I hear you on the “presentation.” I love to cook and never know what I will end up with... My wife laughs at the time I will spend preparing a meal even if just for myself. I do 99% of the grocery shopping at the store is my “Cheers Bar” where I know and visit with a lot of people. (posting a pic of today’s lunch: Organic Shrimp Jumbo, garlic &herbs riced cauliflower, Spaghetti Squash, Rao's Alfredo Sauce finely chopped Scallions, finely chopped celery, - Lightly Dried Italian Herbs….


    BUZZ – Happy Birthday and warm wishes for less pain!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy it should say "Homer" not "Home" re: Gere's dad. LOL
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,364 Member
    Good afternoon, Anne wanted everyone to know that she is having problems getting to the Sneaker group, server not available. Oh, I know that error message well.

    Hope everyone stays well. Have been chasing down supplies again today.

    Big Score: water softener salt.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Hot, hot, hot so up and out by 7am for a quiet stroll round the village. Both dogs were dragging heels by the time we got home. Now waiting in for the engineer's visit to hopefully fix my washing machine. It would have been a perfect day for hanging out a load to dry but storms arriving tonight and tomorrow so no chance now even if the machine is fixed.

    After my evening meal I managed to finally cut the lawns down to size last night so it's looking as if I'm in control when I'm really not. An archway that's covered with a Chinese climber that's become too heavy is ready to collapse so I'm thinking I should get busy today and cut it all away before the storms do the job for me. It's easy to make such plans when sitting in my cool cottage but I know it's scorching outside.

    I feel for you Patsy in that suffocating air. When I lived in Toronto I came to hate the summers and feeling as if I'd walked into a warm, wet blanket every time I stepped outside.

    Loving more Art deco designs Lin although I did think of you the other day when I was pruning the roses. Here's a shrub that was given to me as a retirement gift all those years ago.... a pretty design for a teapot!

    An enticing meal there Bob and I'm definitely going to think more about how I place food on my plate rather than look on food as some sort of energy bar! Not sure about today's lunch because it won't be anything more than cottage cheese and a couple of pineapple rings but I'll do my best. :D

    Ok, let's see how much that Chinese climber is going to fight back!!
