Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Finally the "hiccups" are gone and I'm typing normally.
    I loved BOBS post as well, but Bob you must get Jean to wear harem pants if you place her on a camel!
    LIN, if I was younger and could get OUT, I'd start collecting teapots to join my four. Who would have thought there would be so many styles out there!
    Guess what, this cursed machine is playing up again! Keeps jumping to the beginning.
    I'm away before I throw the iPad out the window!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A rather grey, dismal day weather-wise so even George didn’t want to walk far first thing. Betty never does!! A few chores achieved indoors then I drove into town to post some masks to my friend in London and get a few groceries in. This was in our local town that is always busy so I kept the mask on I wore in the post office. Just as well with so many visitors from afar in holiday spirit totally ignoring any sort of distancing, not wearing masks and rummaging through the shelves as if at a jumble sale. I did my best to not sigh loudly! 😖
    The bites I received from midges cutting the lawns yesterday are still itching like mad but my neighbour brought round a spray to use before I go into the garden that was recommended when she visited Borneo a couple of years ago. I used it just now as I needed to visit the hens so have an interesting scent, not unpleasant but different!
    The joiners that will fit my new staircase phoned to tell me the job is booked for next Wednesday so panicked because the builder that will prepare foundations for my new greenhouse is also booked for next week. What with keeping the dogs out of the way, access complications with their vehicles and materials in a small parking space plus me needing to distance myself I realised it wasn’t going to be possible so called them back and explained my predicament. I do understand they are trying to catch up on lost trade after the lockdown but said I would still send the interim payment now and they agreed to wait until next month... phew!

    Bob, I’ve similar thoughts to you about the death penalty and ran through every gamut of emotion watching the movie. It finished with me no wiser or clearer in my head as to right and wrong!
    Plenty of room to social distance on that street of yours and what a beautiful start to your day. Good luck with your shopping adventure!

    Anne, I love that series. Yes, typical Yorkshire and amazingly, written by the same person responsible for Happy Valley. Now there’s a contrast! Everyone thought there wouldn’t be any more episodes after a gap of about 4 years but then we recently had a short series of just 4 episodes that wetted our appetites again so fingers crossed there will be more.

    Lin, we Brits also prefer our heavier earthenware teapots as they add something to the flavour! Not a pink rose in sight!

    My day seems to have flown away and I must make my cuppa and settle for the evening. I’ve been receiving emails on my iPad from The New York Times offering articles to read and on the whole find them fascinating. Of course they want me to subscribe but it’s not much so for a different perspective on world affairs I might just do so. Something else to read as if I haven’t enough!!

    Hello Sandy and Patsy and anyone else dropping in. BIG hug for Buzz if drop in. ❤️

    Stay safe one and all.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have clouds and showers today. It is cool and misty. Katie has been out several hundred times. She hates being wet so she is now siting with her toes out the door while resting on her tuffet inside.

    Our neighbor, the landscape “rearranger” has been hard at work banging and clanging starting at 6:30 am. Wrong! To my way of thinking. But he is really into this project and I am happy for him. He is following his bliss. We get to enjoy all the dust and clatter of dirt and rocks being rearranged to the never ending barking of Katie. I am on the verge of going totally unhinged!

    At the risk of being labeled radical, I watched a fascinating stage performance of the Play, Gloria, a life. It is a bio of Gloria Stinum. She was a very interesting person and her life story is extremely thought provoking...I am of two minds on her struggles. It was on PBS.

    John has to take the Subaru in for a recall fix. This is worrying really. He must drive to the dealership, turn the car over to a mechanic and then drive back home, in mask and gloves. We are wondering if everyone at the dealership will be masked etc? The dealership is located in a town about an hour and half away. The fix is important.

    Lin: teapots have a personality and demand respect. Even a poorly designed teapot that leaks when used cannot be tossed out. It is used as a flower vase or a piggy bank or a place to put love notes or other secret documents. Teapots are like China treasure chests...sort of.........

    Anne: the problem is not in the ipad, it is the site. I don’t have problems elsewhere. It drives me to distraction. I am forced to leave the iPad and actually get to work on my chores. Aaaaaaargh!

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A bit of news…

    Just heard DestinyUSAl opens Friday (external stores have been open for a few weeks already)… and that we are in for a long stretch of “baking.”

    Anne – I am hoping to get a deal Friday on the “harem pants” you mentioned.. Fingers crossed.
    Jackie – For me I think it is that Catholic guilt influence – most the time I would vote “no” and then there comes those over-the-top situations. Got groceries, prescription etc… quick in & out that early.

    HOT: We’re in the midst of the 2nd heat wave of the year and this one will likely be one of the longest 90+ degree stretches Syracuse has felt since 1902!

    “It appears the most intense heat and humidity will work in for the last half of the week, with highs expected to be well into the 90s! When you combine the 90+ degree air with dew points in the 70s, it will feel more like it’s well into the 90s and possibly exceeding 100° at times for the last half of the week!”

    REOPENING FRIDAY: Destiny USA is a six-story super-regional shopping and entertainment complex on the shore of Onondaga Lake in Syracuse, New York. It is the largest shopping mall in the State of New York. Main anchor stores include J. C. Penney, Macy's, and Lord & Taylor.

    "...great news for Pyramid’s tenants, their employees, our own employees, and all of the people living in the communities where our properties are located. With proper precautions in place and health and safety a top priority, we look forward to restoring our centers to their dominant positions as the economic drivers of their respective regions."


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    You've got the weather we've got up here in Ontario BOB! I feel for you guys, but there again, misery loves company! It's ironic, after shivering inside all winter we are now sweating inside all summer!
    Watching "The last tango in Halifax" on PBS and quite a few scenes of falling rain and dank moors it was rather nice to know there are still places in Yorkshire where one still can still go around, having forgot ones ☔️umbrella, with lank locks rather than go around with sweaty foreheads and equally lank locks in the summers heat. Now BOB if you manage to get those harem pants have your Jean model them for us. I fancy a pair of harem pants myself!

    PATSY your landscape rearranger sounds very much like our neighbour Harry. However he retired in January and therefore gets up later I think. I have great hopes for the rubbish to slowly disappear.

    I too have mixed thoughts about the death penalty. One or two have been hanged in the past for crimes they were innocent of. I ask myself if I could wield the axe, open the trap door, give the syringe and no I couldn't. But the ones who do these appalling crimes should be locked away forever. I think Canada is too quick to let them out.

    Having said that, with heat having me lurking inside with the blissful company of TWO air conditioners I've been going through my bookcase and found Frances Fyfields - Shadow Play. A story about an odious little man. I'm about two thirds through and can't remember the ending. I wonder if he will get his just desserts?

    Glad you got some relief from the midges JACKIE. I remember the midges, beastly little things! Off with THEIR heads!

    Oh, I saw on TV that a Viking burial mound was opened up in the 1800s. At the time it was thought to be a male warrior buried with two horses and enough weaponry to fill Old Fort York (here). However with modern knowledge the skeleton is actually a woman! I wouldn't have liked to have met her on the moors late at night!🗡🗡

    Hope you are all keeping cool even if it means sitting in a bath of tepid water,
    Anne, looking forward to falling leaves, digging up spuds and frosty mornings. 🍂🍁🍂☃️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am back from the dentist with clean teeth!! They did everything right so I felt very safe. From there I went to pick up my groceries from Walmart that I ordered yesterday to fit in with my dentist appointment. I got every item ordered so that was the first time that happened. I am set for a least another week. I still have to ride my bike before going to visit Joe in his driveway and it is already 3:00. I will be back tomorrow when I have more time. Have a cool and safe day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Good morning. It is overcast right now with a chance of rain (or storms) today. The plus is we will not have a heat index over 100 today. 😃

    An anonymous teapot today. It looks quite fragile. Flowers Jackie.


    Lin ❤️❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    edited July 2020
    :)Patsy, our Subaru had warranty recall work that needed doing so the Subaru dealer in the next town sent a young man to our house to pick up the car. We had them do the regular maintenance on the car at the same time. It was returned by the end of the day.

    :)Sandy, Jake and I did our monthly grocery shopping yesterday. Each of us had a list that we'd prepared ahead of time and bought a ton of stuff but now all the cupboards and the freezer are full. It was an extremely stressful day but the results were worth it to get what we wanted and not have to do it again for a month.

    :) Our grocery store is a lovely place to shop. There are other stores in town that are not so pleasant and I won't shop in them.

    :)Bob, It sounds great for your local economy that the Mall is opening again, but I am among the people who won't be shopping anywhere but the pharmacy and one grocery store for a really long time.

    :) Tomorrow Jake is going to prepare the chuck roast he bought and vegetables in his Ninja Foodie. It will make a great meal and the leftovers will go into jars to be frozen for later.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Today and tomorrow are the worst days for heat, but reading LIN saying that she will experience a heat index of under 100 there is hope and relief on the horizon for us.

    I'm with you BARBIE and your feelings and precautions about this deadly disease. I read that nausea and diarrhea are now added to the list of shortness of breath, coughing etc. Mary Jo and Mark are also very worried about it, especially with grandson Derek and Bev moving in with them in September, but Michael whilst very careful when shopping has a more fatalistic approach. Bev is a teacher and both she and Derek like most of the young folk are still socializing (safely they say) and thinking they are invincible. I don't want to leave this little old house but have again offered to move on if it keeps the family safer and a little more separated if Derek and Bev move in. That means I'd be with son Mike, unknown territory at our ages but quite an adventure no doubt. We do have a lot in common, re: a love of history, cooking etc. Not forgetting our joint dog, Jilly the Bean.

    Just stay safe everybody. Shop as little as possible just like Barbie and Jake and try not to play volleyball etc! Goodness knows when our joint border will open up again, but quite a few have been caught crossing into Canada.

    Anne, not as gloomy as I sound! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️☃️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another drizzly day but a lot warmer and I understand tomorrow onwards will be a lot brighter. I took the dogs on the moors because it's on the way to a friend's home and I had a birthday card to deliver. Turned out she was out with her husband, probably checking their ponies that are currently on land a mile of so away, but their son was home so I handed him the card to pass on. I don't seem to have done much since returning home... just one of those days! Maybe a quick flit about with the vacuum cleaner before putting the kettle on for an afternoon cuppa.
    Yes Lin, today's teapot looks ready to crack if filled with hot water and I wouldn't be surprised if the handle came off if overfilled! Pretty though.

    Not just sickness and diarrhea to be wary of Anne but some of the Covid after effects sound horrendous. A lot of younger people falling ill with it now too so I'm guessing it's mutated. Did you see on the BBC news website that Bubonic plague has been found in a Chinese city? What next?

    Bob, we wouldn't be human if we didn't have doubts about an eye for an eye policy but agree there are certainly instances where I feel it should be the only outcome. I do hope the reopening of the shopping mall goes well and everyone stays safe. New York does seem to have got control of the virus for now and I expect an awful lot of lessons were learned. People can only survive so long without any income so although selfishly I'm relieved to be retired I empathise with desperate folk wanting to get back to work.

    Sandy, a brave step going to the dentist so I'm really pleased it all went well and you felt safe. I've no idea when I will get my checkup that was due in April because jobs requiring close up face to face contact are still not allowed.

    I do believe it's stopped raining but time for tea and a chocolate digestive before I step outside.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting day and my hour with Joe in his driveway. Will also ride the bike this afternoon before Joe. It is another hot day but thunderstorms are predicted later so depending when they arrive Joe might not get a visit after all. I have been invited to breakfast with my friends at an outdoor restaurant on Saturday morning. Not sure I will go since I am still not comfortable with that especially since one of the ladies is going back to work tonight at a bar. Even though she will be careful who knows what the customers will be like.

    Anne, when my son and Dil came in from volleyball they immediately took showers and stayed away from me. I feel the same as you as far as this virus but with precautions, masks and social distancing you stand a better chance of not contacting. I think it will be a long time before we get back to any kind of normal but I am trying to stay safe. How does Mark feel about Derek and Bev moving in with them and why are they btw???

    Barbie, I know you are very cautious about the virus and I respect you for that especially with Jake having underlying conditions. I haven't been in a grocery store yet, I am happy with my pickups from Walmart with no contact and no charge although I do leave a tip in my trunk.
    I could refuse to sit for my grandkids but I do feel safe with them and their parents. Let's just pray I am.

    Lin, you have the same weather today and I wouldn't mind a little rain to cool things off. BTW did I mention that my landlord who is the property manager said he doubts they will open the pool, it is not worth all the hassle and expense. We will see if he is right even though I would prefer they didn't.

    Bob, some of our malls have opened as well but I don't even like shopping when there is no virus, I prefer to shop online. A lot of people love to walk the malls for exercise so they are probably happy. Looks like you have our heat spell, I love summer but this is too hot.

    Patsy, speaking of cars I have to take mine for an emissions test before renewing my license plate but they have extended the deadline to October. They suggest I wait until September before getting it tested.

    Jackie, wow lots of work to look forward too but well worth it in the end. Does cortisone cream help with those bites?? Not sure I know what a midge is but it sounds like our gnats that fly into your eyes.

    Every time I think of the virus the song....It's a strange new world pops into my head. Now you can all have it come into yours as well. Have a good one.

    One Day at a Time
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Good morning all! Another day of showers. But it is blessedly moderate temps. A good day to do more homework. I just can’t believe how long it takes me to do anything. And going at such a slow pace is exhausting.

    I am trying to decide and do a bit of research on my exercise. I have some info from the NIH about a set of core exercises for seniors. I do them but then there are also a special set for strength and especially for arthritis I am trying to fit them into my not so busy life. I think I can do them at night before bed but that seems to either wake me up or I want to fall asleep before I finish them. John offers a very pragmatic approach...”just do them, babe!”

    Anne: your dilemma has been on your mind for quite sometime. Maybe you could consider the other way around. Fix up your place a bit and have Mike move into your little house with you and the young couple can move into Mike’s condo. Probably an impractical suggestion due to other concerns but it seems like there might be more options. You and your close caring family will devise a workable situation. I feel certain you and that splendid little black pup will be welcome no matter where.

    Barbie: what a great car dealership you have! Our dealership is certainly not as accommodating. They are moderately nice but if I were grading them, I would give the a B- but I love our Subaru. Not a glamorous car but comfy and a real road warrior!

    Lin: wow that teapot is a beauty. I’ll bet it was never used. Like our grandmothers used to say...we will save it for good. Anyway it is very pretty. You have invented a very pleasant hobby. Your daily teapots are a special event for me. Makes me think and wonder about the teapots, how are they used and who made them etc.

    Must get to it!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, Derek and Bev are moving in because Derek lost his job, along with the rest of the staff of the art department which has gone forever as well, and because their downtown rental in a condo is so high they simply can't afford to live there when the lease is up. Mark feels the same as MJ but of course although worried they will welcome the kids. If you remember, only last year they were thinking of tearing this old house down and rebuilding for Derek and Bev. Derek loved the job. He was there for 5 years before the virus hit. He was giving lectures at a local university as well, which makes us wonder if he should go back to university whilst he has the chance of changing his life course. He would make a super teacher. Easy going personality etc.
    The latest on the virus is not good. It's thought it stays static in the air after leaving a persons mouth, which of course you can then walk into it when the person who breathed it out has moved on. Just be careful dear girl. And it looks as if I am staying put after all.
    JACKIE, yes, I'd heard bubonic plague in China is our next worry. Anyone feel like joining me in the melting Arctic!
    Just had a message at the bottom saying PATSY has arrived. Let's see what our Patsys got to say,
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PATSY that's a SUPER idea, how clever of you. I shall let them know you have come up with such a creative thought! If Derek can be persuaded to go back to university in this standstill time Mikes condo would be close to it as well. AND I get to dig my spuds up in the fall!
    We have such a loving small family I think we are all scared of spoiling it. It's not easy having a young couple live with you and Mark and Mary Jo are not that young anymore in my mind to deal with a young carefree couple who won't have their rigid housekeeping in mind. Just my thought on the subject, not there's. The bedroom I have slept in is so beautiful and perfect that I hardly dared move all night in case I creased the lace encrusted bed linen, lol. Yes, Derek is said to take after me!
    SANDY, I didn't mean to hurt you with the volleyball comment. Just want a very loving grandma to stay well. Those kids adore you. Just look at the photos!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Barbie – With regards to DestinyUSA re-opening, I am just waiting to see how it unfolds etc. Things change so quickly. It is huge and last I knew occupancy is limited to 50% and food court / common areas remain closed and water fountains turned off etc. Our area is “nothing” like NYC…thank goodness!

    Jackie – agree on the mall (see above) … We still are cautious and definitely wear masks when in close quarters and will wear a mask to the mall no matter what. Social distancing is pretty easy and – I never like to sit on top of people anyways LOL. Like many experts based on data have noted – young and healthy = very low risk; elderly with co-morbidity factors are a different group and elderly confined to nursing homes another level of risk.

    Sandy – Must say, I have never ordered so many times on line. In the last 2 months I bought 2 shirts – one came to my door via Amazon and the other 2 were ordered online and delivered to Kohls for easy pickup.

    Mostly I miss working out at the gym (Blink). The facility is HUGE and always avail equipment spread out. Most likely I will primarily walk outdoors even when they re-open and shorten visits for a quick Nautilus workout…depends on many things– will decide with extra caution in mind.

    Went to ophthalmologist first thing today, they track because of RX I take. He also follows up on Latanoprost drops usage for other issue – he suggested a shot in my eyes that would replace the daily drops and last 6 mos – 2yr & will likely go ahead after a bit of research.

    It’s a bit warm today with a “feel – like” temp of 104 – I consider it practice for the afterlife…I also texted a pic of the Invisible Man waiting to be called at the doctor’s office. And finally grilled outdoors at 10am to avoid heat – LOL – HAVE A GREAT DAY !!! Bob


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    Practice for the after life BOB! Oh no! will the after life be like this all year round! 😡 I have decided to try and be good from now on! No more putting my foot in it and TRY to become a dear, sweet, sensitive old soul from now on!
    Anne. 😇🕊
    PATSY, Mike thought your idea great and was all for it. However, after much thought, rejected by the Ms because Bev wants to be close to her work, with no driving.
    MJ says all will be fine so I shall clam up from now on and watch what unfolds from afar.
    Anne 😇🕊
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good afternoon. No rain this morning and now they say we probably will not have any today. But it is overcast so maybe 🤞🏻🤞🏻 Update, we just received the tiniest bit of drizzle.

    I corresponded online with some friends this morning nd had a long telephone conversation with another friend. She is just living her life now and tries to ignore most news about the virus. So she has gone to the eye doctor, dentist, 2 hair appointments, 2 times to the doctor, back to the dentist next week for some type of repair work and has gone to some of the big box home improvement stores to take a walk. She seems to think all is well and will just keep on with her life. Several other friends have the same attitude, I am the turtle. 🐢 with the mask on. 😷

    I cannot possibly address all of the conversation in today’s posts! You are very interesting folks.

    Bob, I love the Invisible Man photo. My gosh, you do look a bit like like that gent. And hey, no practicing for what’s to come. You will singe your facial hair! What an immense regional center. If people shop in centers here, they won’t be there long with all the drinking fountains closed, common areas unavailable and some do not have available restrooms. That item alone would mean a very short trip for me if I was considering it at all.

    Barbie, an excellent shopping day. That must feel so satisfying. And having Jake preparing a special meal in his new Ninja cooking system will bring you both a nice treat.

    Patsy, We have the same option described by Barbie around here. The dealership will pick up your vehicle, do the necessary service or repair and return it to your home. It’s too bad that isn’t an option for you and John.

    Sandy, I did like going to the mall to play Mah Jongg and to shop at Kohl’s and Target while I was there. But I can live without it, well I guess I have to don’t I? I am breathing a sigh of relief that our state has no inspection policy. I know my vehicles would likely not pass.

    Anne, quite a dither to figure out what to do. There will need to be millions of decisions made as so many are without a job now and likely many of those are not returning. What a crisis for so many. I am glad you will be able to harvest your potatoes 🥔🥔🥔 later this year.

    Jackie, good for you on getting the schedule sorted out. Isn’t that the way things seem to work out? You wait and wait for something and all of a sudden multiple things come together at the same moment. The invisible pests. You need some type of repellent or wait, you could wear your bee suit if they don’t climb in with you. We have some type of little gnat (not mosquito) this summer that is just annoying. You come in and end up scratching all over. Oh, and that carpenter bee is living here so my deck or fence has become lunch for a nest of them I guess.

    The next several days my neighbors are having a garage sale and they say social distancing, masks, and hand sanitizer are all required. Our garages are not large enough to stay 6’ apart. I am tempted to at least walk by, but likely I will change my mind by tomorrow.

    I finally put my well loved puzzle away yesterday afternoon. And I put together a Charley Harper puzzle.


    I may have selected the wrong image. One was better than the other. Oh well.

    I need to send a few more messages. I made a huge lunch today but it wasn’t a bit photogenic so nothing to share.

    Be safe and well.


    Lin ❤️❤️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    The shows must go on.....tomorrow. Another show I’ve not seen.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Lin, that is one of my daughter's favorite plays. She loved Donny when she was a teenager. lol
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Early morning good morning whilst it's still easy to get on the site.

    Michael received an email late yesterday. Merely stated "Dear (his nickname at work) please come into the office at such and such a time, to discuss your return to work". If that means his sabbatical is almost over, me and the Bean will really miss him because we've seen an awful lot of him these last few months. Bored I suspect! The office was run by a skeleton staff whilst under lockdown and one of the staff had told him they were exhausted from recent overwork. We shall see.

    It's impossible to be bored here. The world seems to change every day. I will get back to my hobbies if it becomes quiet again.

    I've never had a slow cooker, but Mike has two apparently so he's bringing one over today for me to try out and if I like, keep. We are always exchanging stuff, or he takes off with one of my containers with a scone or two or a slice of pie etc. I've lost track of what's mine and what's his!

    Off to the Organic Garage to stock up. I went last week but will go again in case my shopping buddy is back at his job, we wait and see. I think at this point he wouldn't say no to a package!

    A lovely day for all of you I hope,