Senior Golden Sneakers
Hello, I haven’t been working too hard today. A few Zoom exercise classes, digging for card making supplies and working on the fronts of Easter cards. I have about half of the fronts completed. Yippee!
Sandy, wow, I am glad you will be getting some rest. Sorry the music last night wasn’t your type of music.Barbie, I am glad you figured out a solution to have lunch with your friend for your birthday. Good thinking.
Jackie, it is nice that you got a walk with Linda but sorry you were frozen by that cold wind.
And I agree, time is flying. Take care everyone.
Lin 🙋🏼♀️
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Happy Sunday!😁 Got some much needed sleep and feel good. We have some snow flurries but I am going to go to 11:30 Mass. I am trying to decide if I want to spend the night at Rob's or just be there by 8am. As you all know I am not a morning person. I am meeting friends for St. Paddy's dinner tomorrow at 3:30 so not sure if I want to bring my dinner clothes and all the other supplies I need to get ready to Rob's. Decisions, decisions.
Lin, you are always busy doing something. I feel so lazy compared to you, Jackie and Barbie.
Barbie, I agree with Lin and glad you figured out a solution to have lunch with your friend.
Jackie, weather is so crazy, I had my A/C on Friday and today I have my heat on.
Have a good day my friend,
Sandy One Day at a Time
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Hello and happy Sunday. I didn’t sleep well, mostly due to eating homemade stir fry too late in the evening but got myself up early and took George to the moors. That freezing wind took me by surprise because at home it is sheltered but we set off along a lower path and halfway along bumped into David walking Hattie. After a short chat I decided it was too cold to go further and headed home. I have spent several hours weeding but by 4pm the temperature had dropped so fires were lit and a comforting cup of tea made! After a few days of George not eating he seems to be returning to his old routine so I’m sure it was the loss of Betty that unsettled him.
I contacted Linda to see how she is getting on but it seems she is still struggling with her breathing and low blood pressure so after more blood tests she is booked on Tuesday for x-rays and more tests at the hospital in Plymouth.
That’s a fancy teapot with similar colouring to china we used back in the 50’s. Very nostalgic!
Stay safe and warm everyone. I’m heading for my kitchen to prepare a meal of a concoction of leftovers!
Jackie 🥰1 -
😕 I had a tough day yesterday. I got into the safe to get something I knew was in there that I wanted to send to someone and ended up emptying everything out and going through it all which brought me into contact with a lot of stuff with huge emotional content (documents, cards, jewelry, photos) I sorted everything and put it away in a variety of places because I couldn't leave stuff out on the chance that Annie would get into it. Now I'm exhausted. Today has been a detox day of grocery pickup, a bit of planting, a walk with a friend, and TV and exercise bike.
😀 I had prepared a section outside the fence (safe from Annie) for planting gladiola. I planted and watered one small section. One step at a time.
💓 Barbie
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Good evening. Today was Easter card work but my eyes weren’t working great so there were some cards that look much off kilter. Attended online church and did a number of Zoom cardio classes. Didn’t get anything else on my list done. Need to get up early tomorrow and try to catch up on a few things before my tax appointment.
Barbie, you took on a monumental task with examining everything in the safe. I hope you get some rest and that you recover quickly.
Jackie, freezing wind,yipes! We had below freezing temperatures here today. Friday it was around 77 degrees. What changes! I heard this afternoon that we may be facing some sort of snow storm mid-week. I hope you are sleeping well tonight.
Sandy, pit sounds like lots of packing if you decided to spend the night at Rob’s. Early morning always sounds viable to me the night before but not so much early in the morning.
Take care everyone.
Lin 🙋🏼♀️
The text is barely visible with that big Shamrock plant ☘️☘️0 -
Happy Monday! 😊 Got up early, got the kids feed and off to school. Praying my son does well at his interview and gets the new job he wants. I am staying for a little while so dogs aren't alone too long. Then going home to meet my friends for some corn beef and cabbage, our yearly St. Paddy's Day tradition. I am sure there will be some slot machines after dinner.
Lin, thank you for the card, you are always so thoughtful. I do not have an account with them so sorry I can't recipocate. We had the snow yesterday, it started in the morning and quit by evening. Today near 60. And some people do not believe in Global Warming. SMH
Barbie, you will have days like that often, it has been two years since I lost Babe and still have bad days. When you love someone the hurt of not seeing them doesn't get better but we learn to live with it somewhat. Just take care of yourself.
Jackie, hope you are well in England.
Have a good day,
Sandy One Day at a Time
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Good evening. Well, the tax appointment is over. Checks will be written…..😓
At least now the uncertainty is over.And everything else is still putting along. Still working on Easter cards. The light is good in the morning so fewer wonky placements. Afternoon and evening are not good times for careful alignment. Will be back to it tomorrow. Also need to do some laundry. Got the trash out this evening.
We are under fire warnings every day due to a combo of dry conditions and wind. The snow remains in the forecast.
I hope everyone had a good day.
See ya tomorrow.
Lin 🙋🏼♀️❤️❤️
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Happy Monday. Looks like yesterday’s post didn’t arrive! Today I have taken my car to the garage for its service and ABS repair. I was going to catch a bus back home but realised by the time it picked me up I could have walked so set off up and down the hilly roads, only stopping to talk to a lady with her newly adopted dog whose owner had become too unwell to look after him. A mini George and full of life! I can tell I’m fitter than a few years ago when that walk would exhaust me so the daily strolls on the moors must be doing me some good. Hopefully the garage will let me know I can collect my car by mid afternoon because I would prefer to catch the bus in that direction and by late afternoon it will be full of rowdy school children! It is a beautiful day and that awful wind has finally calmed down so I can spend time outside. George stayed home while I was dropping the car off so I will take him round the block first.
Take care everyone. My disjointed day is unsettling, which is probably an age thing, but I must get on and get jobs done.
Jackie 🥰
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Happy Tuesday! 😁 Our St. Paddy's Day dinner was okay, we weren't thrilled with the corn beef. I like it best when cooked at home but it has been years since I made it. Two of us went to play some slots machines but neither of us won. Today is a rest day before my trial appointment tomorrow, meeting on Thursday and dental cleaning on Friday.
Jackie, that sounds like a long walk from the car place to your house. How many miles did you walk? I do hope you were able to catch the bus to pick up your car.
Lin, I am still waiting to see if I have to pay any taxes and how much I have to pay the accountant. Next year I may use my daughter as she does accounting for other people.
Barbie, I hope today is a better day and each one gets a little easier.
Going to be near 70 today so who knows maybe I will sit on my balcony. Enjoy your day.
Sandy One Day at a Time
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Good evening
I need to keep this short, Tuesday night and my usual Live presentation.I had a busy day. Finally started on my laundry, cleaned and baked sweet potatoes, started to cut additional greetings for Easter cards. Unfortunately the due stopped cutting well. Each piece is difficult to cut with only potion of the die cutting through the card stock. That turns a quick job into a long frustrating job.
I will prevail!
Tomorrow strong winds and some sort of precipitation. 55 - 60 mph winds. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 hang on roof shingles.Sandy, I hope you had a good afternoon. A friend posted a photo, she went for an afternoon walk.
Jackie, impressive walking my friend. Well done. I hope the timing for your car pickup worked out as you hoped.
Barbie, I hope you have had a good day. Hello to Annie.
Take care everyone.
Lin 🙋🏼♀️❤️❤️
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😀 My tax refund was deposited in my bank account yesterday. My accountant said that she'd let me know what changes I should make in withholding for 2025 to accommodate the change in my filing status. Next year I'll be the one holding my breath waiting to see if I have to pay anything.
😀 Mailed back the paper required to put the car loan in my name only. Still no call from Social Security. I'll call them again at the end of the month. My community has a small office and a huge concentration of retirees.
😀 The weather was mild enough again so I could plant more gladiola bulbs. There are still more to do today.
💓 Barbie
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Happy Wednesday! 😊 Trial appointment today which means too much time waiting around. I know I might be helping other people with this trial but it just seems like such a long time. I would like my summer to be free with no appointments. Sorry if I sound cranky.
Barbie, have you tried making an online account with Social Security? I find I get all my answers there. Have you not started getting Jake's social security yet? With the closing of many social security offices it is going to be impossible to make an appointment.
Not much time so have a good day.
Sandy One Day at a Time