Senior Golden Sneakers



  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :) Happy for Bessie and me that there were no fireworks last night and we both slept comfortably.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Another scorcher here as well Anne. The A/C is getting a workout and I am sure so is my future bill. :s I got a text from my landlord yesterday asking to meet about my lease. I told him I am home everyday so just let me know when. And I wait..............
    Nothing exciting going on here, same old, same old. My dentist office called and asked me all the virus questions and told me the dentist is probably the safest place to go so I am keeping my cleaning appointment for Wednesday. Wish me luck. I will probably keep my other appointments later this month even though I am still not that comfortable. Illinois is still at 2.6% positivity which is much lower than some other states so I hope we keep this up.

    Patsy, the card sounds very cute, can you post a picture?

    Anne, I am more than impressed with your picture, you were and probably still are "hot"!! Those legs were indeed a huge asset!! And then to top it all off you sing, I am just so jealous.
    The one thing I have always said if I could have one talent it would be singing since I can't carry a tune at all. lol

    Lin, waving back!!

    Jackie, thank you for the update on Buzz. I have sent another card to help cheer her up.
    I am trying like all of you to stay safe and healthy. Being very cautious even at my son's house although since we are outside we do not wear masks. I am sitting tomorrow for their volleyball game unless it rains, which a little bit of me hopes it does. Her mother and I are not that comfortable with them playing volleyball even though it is the same two families but neither of us is refusing to sit, just praying we keep safe. Strange new world.

    Bob, wow, breaking and entering, should I make a citizen's arrest? Glad it all worked out and you got back into your house.

    Just got a text my landlord is in the office and we can meet about the lease. I better eat and shower. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Nothing new here. Hot, hot, hot. Made a trip to the post office to drop off some mail. Going to spend the afternoon doing some paperwork. I have signed up for quite a few webinars/zoom meetings this month. Getting them all on my calendar and am setting up some reminders since the days all melt together.

    Wishing everyone well. Loved reading all the updates.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    $50 raise and a two year lease. He showed me a tax bill which went up a thousand dollars and asked what I thought was fair, I said $50, should have said $25. lol
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Here is the little birthday card animal from my fabric designer friend.....too cute!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Very Cute Patsy
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Drat! Lost my post with the sneakers page skipping about before disappearing. Gone midnight and must get to bed as it has been a busy day. Will catch up tomorrow but have to comment on Patsy’s little toy card... how adorable! It gave me a big smile. 😁
    I don’t think I mentioned yesterday that Buzz told me she is loving the cards she’s receiving. It really does brighten her days.

    See you all tomorrow.
    😴😴 Jackie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE, I think you are experiencing what I'm experiencing with this site. It's very frustrating and I wonder if it's connected with the extreme heat. I won't linger. I have some trouble with BBC news as well. Normal for everything else.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Sandydur wrote: »
    Very Cute Patsy

    I agree! Unique. 😉

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Tea time

    “This is a Keeling Losol Ware porcelain (I think) Andes pattern teapot produced somewhere between 1912 and 1936.”



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,136 Member
    Happy Hot Tuesday! :) The heat wave continues so the A/C is still running. I am going to sit later with the kiddos for their parents to play volleyball. I think we will be staying in the house unless it cools down a little. Not sure how they can play volleyball in this heat but they are young. Nothing else exciting going on here so have a nice day and stay safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    edited July 2020
    It was a very hot morning. Pant, pant. After watering everything I got in the car and actually made a trip to the gas station at Costco. There were people there but not every pump was busy so I did all the stuff. Put on gloves grabbed a disinfecting wipe and my cards before getting out to fill up. When finished, I cleaned off my car’s door handle, tossed the disinfecting wipe and gloves in the trash and headed home. It was a nice long drive home as there is quite a bit of road repair underway.

    I decided I should give a couple of plants another fertilizer spike but wow, suddenly there was an aggressive carpenter bee not letting me out on my deck. I thought this was a spring thing, not in the heat of the summer. Wow, what a fast little critter. I hope they didn’t build a nest, I do not want to deal with this each time I go outside. Or try to! The mosquitos are also flitting all over looking for a bit of blood I guess.

    Back to playing with card stock this afternoon, maybe finishing a book and still only thinking about putting the current jigsaw puzzle away so I can start another one.

    The air conditioner is running full time again today. Thankfully.

    Stay cool, be safe and wishing all best health.

    ❤️❤️ Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Michael came over because he had an appointment with his barber. One customer at a time. He's looking very spiffy now I must say. Then Mark came over and my two lovely sons took out the small A/C in the LR and put it in the bedroom. After that, up the basement stairs came an older bigger unit and they put that in the LR window instead. So for the first time in days I am comfortable. Actually comfortable! It's bliss and I think Bean and I will get some sleep tonight!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    No point in repeating yesterday’s lost post. It was busy with everything from gardening to a visit from my lovely pedicurist for the first time since lockdown. Although I had managed to reach my toes with scissors over that time my back complained a lot so I tended to leave them as long as possible! The foot massage at the end of the session was bliss! After walking across the moors this morning I caught up with a few chores before deciding to have an early light lunch then cut the lawns and trim the footpath before popping to the post office. The best laid plans and all that... a friend Skyped and after 2 hours catching up I knew I wouldn’t achieve everything so managed to get all the grass cut and tidied. It’s now raining and apparently will do for the next few days so back to decorating!

    That’s a pretty teapot Lin and a pattern similar to wallpaper I found online that I may use on the walls in the alcoves of the room I’m working on. It’s designed by a Canadian artist and very expensive so I’ll definitely get a professional decorator in for that job! The midges have left me itching like mad after cutting grass but nowhere near as bad as mosquitoes thank goodness. I looked up your carpenter bee and read it’s mostly the male that hovers closely to people but doesn’t sting. Females only when provocated. You know I had to say! 😊🙃😉. For all that, I wouldn’t like the damage they cause.

    Great news Anne about your a/c. Your weather can do whatever it wants now!

    I was admiring Bob’s latest meal earlier so made a point of chopping cucumber, peppers, spring onion and tomato into small pieces before scattering on a few lettuce leaves. That with a handful of wholewheat pasta, fresh basil, chopped smoked ham and Parmesan was delicious and I enjoyed the preparation as much as the eating!

    Sandy, when I was young I loved the heat, except in Toronto’s humidity but these days I’m always quick to find shade. When I last visited friends in Canada I noticed a huge tree that grew long pea pods and picked a couple to bring home. I managed to produce young trees from the peas but one I kept for my garden didn’t like my acid soil so didn’t survive but my friend I chatted to on Skype earlier has one that’s turning into a monster tree. She told me she loves to sit in it’s shade on a hot day and listen to the rustling leaves rather than be out in the sunshine. We’re all getting a bit older!

    I see Brazil’s President has contracted the virus... not surprising! Here in England we are already seeing businesses having to be locked down again, just 4 days since Pubs and restaurants reopened. I just hope we don’t all get locked down again before I get my hair appointment!! 💇🏻‍♀️

    Take care friends and stay well. ❤️
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Wow! You would not believe the process I just went through to get to this forum. I guess they really would prefer I not be a part of this or any forum. The rigamarole was very off-putting. I am still fuming and I need to do something more positive right now. I love being a part of the sneakers. I don’t understand this new process. I have to go to extraordinary efforts to find the sneaker forum, then to comment I have to log in with password. Doesn’t sound too arduous but believe me the back and forth and back again was maddening. Never had this happen before. As you all know, I am a low tech person, but this is ridiculous!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Sympathy PATSY. I was beginning to think "they" wanted me gone. Actually I wondered if they wanted all "furriners" gone. But then perhaps the heat was making me a bit paranoid. And is it ever hot! The worst since 1957! which broke all records then. Even with the two A/Cs it's still very warm and humid inside. Bean and I haven't ventured out so far since Mike took her for a quick walk at I:00.
    Anyway, I now wonder if MFP have people off work sick with this virus hence everything going crazy.

    Back to the heat we have reached 90F but the humidity makes it feel like 100 and Thursday and Friday are worse at 95F with humidity feeling like 108. Yikes. I long to sit in the North Sea which is supposedly the coldest on earth. We've had hardly any rain in June and none so far in July.

    Mike looks like a convict. He got the barber to cut his wavy hair back to the scalp in case we have lockdown again. Mark looks like a film star. We all admired his longer locks so much he got the barber to give him a rather romantic swashbuckling look. I think Mary Jo had a hand in that!

    Because of the heat all cooking and baking are gone for now. I've just been shoving potatoes and veggies in the microwave.

    And I'll get back to the novel I'm reading but wanted to tell Patsy she's not alone! Hang in there!
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Same for me Patsy. I have to click on the box agreeing to cookies, click log in, fill the next box that pops up with name and password, use finger touch, select log in again then, if lucky I’m in.... not always though!! Oh yes, there’s also a free trial of their latest dietary offer pops up that I must have declined a hundred times. 😤

    Nearly midnight and midge bites still itching on arms, shoulders and neck. Should have wrapped myself in cling film to cut the lawns!!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Mornin Gang ! Glorious day ahead. Mid-70’s before 7am and headed to 92 with a feel-like of 99F. Even at 5-6am people in the neighborhood are very friendly with waves and a verbal “good morning.” Very fortunate. (pic from this mornings walk and yes – that’s Jean on the camel.


    Jean has plans with one of her girlfriends today (the one she gets lunch/ice cream with every couple months). Feel bad for her… she hasn’t had a “girls night” with her life-long friends in ages because of COVID…they have one place they’d go to dinner etc. and talk for 4 or 5 hours – they love it! I’d shoot myself. LOL – men / women so different. Great bunch.

    Jean has her 68th birthday next week and I only bought 1 thing so far, so I might see what I can do while she is gone today…

    Jackie – thanks for the reminder of “Dead Man Walking.” Haven’t seen it in many years and might rent. As for death penalty…I have always been against it…but have mixed emotions at times. When a child is hurt etc and the guilty person is caught, goes to prison and “something happens” I then think “oh well.” What can I say… As for your meal – and adding wholewheat pasta, fresh basil, chopped smoked ham and Parmesan…sounds great! For me, cooking is like photography… fun and enjoyable.

    Anne – Love the photo! You said you wished you had appreciated your legs more and I am reminded of the quote: "If I knew I was going to live this long, I'd have taken better care of myself." – That’s how I feel. I can hear you singing now.

    Lin – Love the mystery teapot. Actually have found all your teapots interesting to look at and I never gave them a thought until seeing your collection. Beautiful. The Keeling Losol Ware porcelain was awesome.

    Sandy – Hope that A/C is chugging along for you. Good luck at the dentist…I am overdue myself and always did that 6 months cleaning – but my dentist of 25-30 yrs retired (heck he was almost 60! lol)…not thrilled with 1st replacement and haven’t been able to “shop” around obviously. As for B&E… it was funny and NEVER will I leave without triple-checking us both for either keys or a phone. Stay cool. On the tax bill… you are like me…I always end up feeling for the other persons pain.

    Patsy – cute card!!!

    It’s 7:30am and I need to get dressed and pick up some groceries and an RX… so signing off for now.

    Everyone HAVE A GREAT DAY, if at all possible! Bob

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,195 Member
    Good morning. What a great surprise to see a terrific post from Bob! Love it. All of it. Interesting photos for certain. Heat advisory starts at noon today in this locality but it is darn hot already. Happy shopping for you dear wife. I saw photos last night of the pool party I did not attend on July 4th. Looks like everyone had a good time and as usual there was a long table of potluck food and beverages. You wouldn’t think there was a thing different in the world from last year to this. 💔

    Well, here’s my offering for a daily teapot. The web and Facebook are just great. I see so many things that I would never have found IRL. 😃 yes, blue!

    From the original poster: I bought this teapot from Amazon with the assistance of a gift card I had for my birthday. I love Burleigh products, I love popping over to Middleport Pottery, Burslem, where their products are made and rummaging around in their shop for seconds (or firsts if I have enough money) This is my 4th Burleigh teapot, great solidly made earthenware teapots in beautiful Victorian patterns.


    Must water plants. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Be safe.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    Quickie from me because we are bouncing around an awful lot! Typing that is. The worst time for me for weird disturbances!
    Wanted to tell JACKIE, I'm finally watching Last Tango in Halifax and really enjoyed the last episode of the wedding and the grooms speech or rather song to the bride. Had a real good laugh. Typical Yorkshire!