Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Anne, well, I am certain you will miss Michael’s visits if he has to go back to work in the office. Maybe they will be in the office some days and at home other days? Guess wait and see right?

    Morning teapot more art than functional I think.

    “Ceramics artist Madeline Kaczmarczyk created this wheel-thrown teapot with luster glazes and glass beads.”


    See everyone later.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a difference to wake up to sunshine and although I didn’t see a soul to chat to on our walk to the Quoit I’m still feeling cheery! The dogs enjoyed themselves running through the wild flowers and are now snoozing.
    Chores for the day... muck out the hen house, prune the apple tree that grows in the middle of their enclosed run and refill 🐀 baits. I’ll spray myself from head to toe with insect repellent before I start though. Midges are what you all call gnats but almost invisible to the eye... pesky things leave large bites in comparison though!

    Most of our British shopping malls are owned by one huge corporation and they recently announced they are going into receivership. We also heard Yesterday that 2 large retail businesses will be closing many stores so the times are certainly a-changing. Gyms and public swimming pools are set to open this month but when chatting yesterday to my friend I used to swim with We agreed we won’t be rushing back. Wait and see is our policy too.

    Gosh Anne,full circle again on the moving front so it’s obviously not meant to be right now. You WILL enjoy those spuds come what may. 😃

    Patsy if I was you I would phone the dealership to ask if staff will be wearing masks when John visits. Hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised but at least he won’t go in unprepared. Sometimes I get cross at how long the simplest of jobs takes which of course is nothing to do with me getting older. My stepmum used to complain to me about the times she would spot my dad standing in their garden pondering, trowel in hand. A family trait obviously since I do the same! 👩🏻‍🌾

    Joseph is a blast from the past Lin, I saw it in the theatre in Plymouth back in the 80’s. another jigsaw completed!! I love this one. I must take a photo of my current one that’s turning into a nightmare as I can only think someone left the completed puzzle in sunlight for months so the colours faded. I will not be defeated!. I would certainly keep my distance from friends insisting life goes on as normal, not the old normal anyway!

    Really Bob, I hope you’re not anticipating a downwards journey to that hot place in the next life? You did make me laugh! 😆😂

    Funny Sandy,the song A Whole New World is currently playing on my radio. Funny how many lyrics seem relevant these days. Did you get to see Joe or thunderstorms? I can understand your landlord not wanting the hassle of opening the pool this year. Although so much is now opening in England lots of people are not prepared yet to risk going anywhere other than for necessities.

    Now it’s time for lunch so that’s the morning gone somewhere! 😲

    Have a good Friday everyone and as ever, stay safe.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Trivial Thought for the day as I tied on my mandatory scarf (can't wear a mask with ear loops because the metal bit skins the top of my thin skinned nose), I wonder if lipstick sales have gone down with all this mask wearing and eye makeup sales gone up? Should add, we can't go into grocery stores or other enclosed places here without a mask.
    JACKIE, totally resigned to digging up spuds in my garden until I descend into BOBS retirement place!
    All that wondering and worrying for nothing! Don't forget the spray! And don't chickens get something named red mites in the summer months?
    Anne 😇?? 🐶❤️❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Anne, the old style wooden chicken houses with lots of hidey-hole nooks and crannies breed red mites because they retain dampness from the air and bedding but my girls live in a plastic home so there are none to settle under their feathers as they have nowhere to hide! It was a horrible problem when I first kept hens but you live and learn! 😊.
    Pipe cleaners are great for placing in masks to sit over the nose but not many smoke pipes these days!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE. Glad the red mites are a thing of the past. I vaguely remember my Dad going on about them.
    That's a good idea, pipe cleaners! IF you can find them. I looked lovely for a few days with a red raw nose but now it's just a bit scabby! Mikes about to arrive. He's feeling pessimistic about the work email now. I tell you, things seem to be changing daily at alarming speed but I've told him to take it in his stride if it's bad news, we will all rally to help him out.
    Anne. Who's rapidly becoming the rich one in this family and isn't that ironic! 😇❤️
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Not too much on the agenda today…got up at usual 5am… walked at 5:45am…then it was coffee on the deck at 6:30am with mid-70’s temp – listening to Harry Chapin sing “Circle”

    “All my life's a circle;
    Sunrise and sundown;
    Moon rolls thru the nighttime;
    Till the daybreak comes around…”


    Jean helps out an old friend from church on a regular basis… she honestly does a ton for her. The woman is 89 but physically gets pretty well and not meek by any means. She has grown kids, but they aren’t really on the scene much. Jean takes her to doctor appts., hair appts, groceries, church, makes lots of her appts, orders online for her etc. Today it’s a hair appt and that usually entails a small lunch for the two of them… this is every week. God bless her…

    Late this afternoon, we plan to check out the mall… just a quick visit to see what the setup is like…no plans to shop etc. Even when we don’t do a lot – the days fly by…. Tomorrow should end or 7 day 90 plus weather.

    Anne – you had me laughing out loud with: “I have decided to try and be good from now on! No more putting my foot in it and TRY to become a dear, sweet, sensitive old soul from now on!” Don’t we all try to bargain with God at some point. LOL

    Lin – On the Inv Man photo that old movie was the 1st thing I thought of. And your right about short mall visits. The mall is a huge 2.4 million square foot facility…socializing is a focus when COVID isn’t around…that is going to take a while. As we all know 2020 is really turning out to be a bust, but I do have a glass is half-full attitude – most (not always) of the time. Do you ever glue and treat your puzzles to hang on the wall?

    Hope you enjoy Donny in the “Amazing…” We had wanted to go to NYC to see it but never made it. I always remember how hard that was for him… he had long suffered from anxiety disorder and had a bad time with panic disorder at that time – he had described it as thinking he was having a nervous breakdown and going crazy. Not an easy time for him. Jean surprised me with “Donny & Marie Christmas Show” tickets Christmas 2018 and we saw them at the Turning Stone casino – fabulous – Huge audience and Donny ran the length of the auditorium taking time to dance and sing with some of the audience. Great show.

    Jackie – Jean and I actually visited that “hot place back in 1997” in the
    Grand Cayman… here we are… LOL


    Well that’s about all this morning – have a great day and stay healthy, safe and cool! Bob

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! It is cloudy and cool at the moment. But as we all have been discussing, change is imminent. Yesterday started cool but the the skies cleared and the heat got turned on and by early afternoon it was extremely unpleasant!

    John returned from the trip to the car dealership. It was uneventful, sort of. First of all the whole fix was really a plug in of a little doodad. Then the big sell started. “You need to buy special service insurance” at an eye-popping price. John almost punched him in the nose. John growled something unprintable and came home. Everyone was wearing masks, including John. He also remained further than 6 ft. Away, because he wanted to start home immediately. The real negative happened here at home. I had my cell phone in my pocket. We lost our reception somehow. So John checked on me by calling me on our landline. No answer, he left 5 messages to tell me to call him. He then called our daughter and she called her husband at work and they both rushed over here in case I had fallen or something. The wires to the landline phone had some malfunction so John is fixing that today. It scared everyone and we realize just how vulnerable we all are. It was with heartfelt gratitude I saw our daughter rush to help me because she thought I had met with some misfortune. I often felt we had lost touch.

    Car is fixed, John is putting new connection and wires to the landline phone, called daughter and son-in-law to thank them for their concern. Still annoyed at the car dealership but that is over now. “Much ado over nothing” as old Willy would say.

    Anne: slow cookers are great for so many things. Youtube has hundreds of good recipes or ideas if you need them. However, as good a cook as you are, I doubt you will need them.

    Jackie: I also remember mites and a disturbing time when the chickens started pecking at each other for no apparent reason. I was in charge of the chickens and I was about 9 or 10 years old. I remember going to a lot effort and doctoring each one with some sort salve and special vitamins in their water. I thought of them as pets and named them all. I believe they loved me. They actually came to me when I called them. Okay I realize most people don’t see chickens in that way, but I know they are much smarter than some people realize.

    Making enchiladas for dinner and a glass of sangria. It is summer after all.........

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Friday! :) My Friday routine of doing laundry is almost done so another week complete. My tummy is a little bit queasy which during this time I jump to oh no not the virus, why did I go to the dentist?? I have no fever so hopefully it will pass. I am not going to the restaurant for breakfast with friends tomorrow, I am just not comfortable with going. You don't sit six feet apart at a table and two of the ladies are back working, one bartending the other serving both at the American Legion where I played bingo. The clientele is mostly older vets so who knows who has what? I like my small group, my son and his family and visiting Joe six feet apart outside. I do have a mammogram, a physical and an eye appointment in the next two weeks so hopefully I will make it through them with no problems.

    Patsy, I am sure your husband was beside himself when he couldn't get a hold of you. That is the reason I text my son and his wife good morning each day, so if I don't I hope they would check on me. In fact yesterday they didn't answer me so I texted back later and said is everything all right? They didn't see my text for some reason. I am glad your daughter came and you now know that indeed she cares and loves you. BTW, my friends have a farm and their granddaughter has chickens there which are her pets. She does amazing things with them.

    Bob, 5am?? I am turning over at 5am. lol We had rain last night so our weather cooled down to 85. Funny name for a gift shop but very cute. How nice of Jean to help the elderly friend. I go sit with Joe each afternoon, he is 96 but wouldn't feel comfortable with him in my car for now. We used to go to church together and then get something to eat, which he misses very much, which is why I go talk with him.

    Anne, I have more money than I every had since this pandemic. Of course I don't go anywhere anymore. I like it, maybe I will just keep doing what I do. lol Now how old is Michael again?
    Is he ready to retire if that is an option with a buyout? Hmm, my mask doesn't have a nose type holder, it is all material. It covers my nose because it is made to do that and I have three so wash them as soon as I wear one.

    Jackie, the other kind of bug I was thinking is jiggerbug.(not jitterbug) However, it says we don't have them in the U.S. so don't know where I heard of them. Yes, I saw Joe yesterday, the rain held off until later in the evening. If my tummy continues to act up I will not go to see him today just to be safe.

    Lin, busy day today?? The teapot is pretty, I like it.

    I am going to leave you with a picture of Charlie who went to the doctor yesterday for her two year checkup. Her mom said she was surprised she left her mask on and when leaving the doctor gave both of them a disposable one. Charlie will be two on the 16th and the doctor said she is ready to be potty trained. She came home and has been doing good with the potty chair, she is one amazing little girl.


    Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    First, I'm not going anywhere near the Devils Hang Out Gift Shop BOB. You made me think:

    Ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
    If God don't get you, The Devil must. (Still trying very hard - 😇)

    PATSY Secondly, when I was a kid all our chickens had names. Dad named them after various war figures,
    Montgomery became Monica Mary - the favourite.
    Winnie for obvious reasons.
    The Japanese top dog, which was okay because none of us could speak Japanese and his name could have been female for all we knew.
    And so forth.

    Thirdly, Mike gave me his smaller slow cooker and I'm busy cooking a hearty chicken stew for supper.
    It looks as though it's never been used! My lucky day!

    Anne 😇 (this behaving oneself is getting hard. 24 hours now?)
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello again, I am watching the musical right now. What a wonderful voice Donny Osmond has. Very bizarre adaptation of the story. But that’s why it is a musical and entertaining.

    I had to make a get well card for a lady and want to get to the post office later to mail it. She has been through lots of trials the last several months with lots of days in both the hospital and the ICU. Not the virus, a heart problem. She has moved to a rehab facility and now we can send her cards. I wanted to get one in the mail. You know I fuss with things even if the end product is not that good. 🤣😂🤣

    We didn’t get much rain yesterday so I watered my plants this morning. I have been busy ordering things for delivery once again.

    I watched a Zoom meeting on sprouting methods and they offered a 25% discount on some products. It is a company I have done business with this year and the guest is a chef I have followed for years so I was busy trying to figure out which seed mix would work for me. It is amazing how much time can be spent in these pursuits.

    Anne, be as good as you can be. Enjoy the meal from your new slow cooker. They are nice. I used one often until I moved to my Instant Pot. The slow cooker is retired for now.

    Sandy, my goodness what a bunch of appointments. I hope all goes well. As far as pools in general, my friend says it is expensive to open them, maintain them during the season and then close them down again. She hires most of the expertise she needs. She loves her pool and cooking herself outdoors in the sun. She is so incredibly tan each summer it frightens me. She says it is her Italian heritage. And hey, I have no money at all now so my shopping habits are apparently pretty horrible compared to yours. Charlie is adorable. ❤️❤️

    Patsy, glad the trip to the dealership is over and very happy to her your family keeps an eye on you. That is wonderful and we are all glad you are okay.

    Bob, still snickering at that photo. What a joint!! And ‘no parking zone’ really got to me. 🤣😂🤣 highway to hell, no stopping here.

    Jackie, another very busy day for you. I have no stories to offer regarding chickens. My dad raised some fancy chickens for a while, and he got chicks each spring to raise for eating. Some were fryers and others for baking. I stayed as far away as possible.

    I am going to to the post office now.

    I have peeked out several times with longing at my neighbor’s garage sale but have managed to stay away.

    A squirrel as settled in on top of my fence (in the shade) with his head lolling over the edge looking into the neighbor’s yard, He seems to be asleep. He has been there for hours. He must be very tired.

    Best wishes to all.

    (Hi Buzz!!❤️❤️)


  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Good morning “Sneakers” – Awakened earlier than norm at 4am and took a walk at 5am in light rain (humid/sticky/mid-70’s) sun should be out later.

    Checked out DestinyUSA yesterday… 99% + customers/staff were polite, had face covering and adhered to social distancing. As always there were a few (very few) that didn’t but could easily be avoided. Hand sanitizer was available throughout stores and the mall was VERY CLEAN. Food Court etc CLOSED. Some stores gave out free masks…even to those of us already wearing one.

    People were buying “a lot” and sales were darn good. Picked up a $45.00 BOCINI id case for $8. And a light weight hoodie at Nordstrom for $3.00! LOL. Plenty of spacing throughout mall. Lines were long in stores with great buys (Nordstrom additional 40% of “everything” and ditto at Burlington for 50% off…lines were socially distanced but super LONG! Didn’t even browse Burlington…cash-out line so long I wouldn’t wait for a free item LOL.

    NO PLANS to return on the weekend…positive it will be much more crowded etc and will avoid.

    Patsy – not sure why but my eyes landed on “making enchiladas for dinner and a glass of sangria” before I read about the car dealership etc.

    Sandy – Well from the intro above you can see I didn’t awaken at 5am today…ha ha ha. Nice what you do for is a lot of responsibility. Jean was bringing this woman to church Christmas Eve 12/24/18 when a woman ran a stop sign and drove through an intersection and broad sided them… $10,000 damage… I had to drive to scene, cops etc. The woman admitted it was her fault 1000% and that her husb was a lawyer etc. Fortunately Jean’s elderly friend was just shaken. I personally think the woman had been drinking because she just wanted things resolved asap and never disputed one word.
    Charlie is adorable!!!

    Lin – Love the hell photo too… wish I had more photos of it… but that was back before cell phones etc.
    Here is a photo from the mall… might take a 2nd walk with Jean now… Carpe Diem!


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Heavens BOB I'm realizing I've been there in the days when we were still exploring the new world!
    The lakes as well.
    More later,
    Anne. 😇❤️ social distancing helps one stay well behaved......well me anyway.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good morning all. I have been out watering my plants and was buzzed by a very large insect. I hit it with full force of my watering hose. It flew away and I resumed watering. The giant bug came back and perched on the railing of my deck to dry off its wings I think. Yipes! I came in and looked over photos online. I think it is a giant hornet. I will be going out with my Raid spray from now on. I don’t think the water will protect me.

    Bob, great mall collage. Good grief. Great deals but I can see why you might want to skip certain checkout lines. I wouldn’t have waited at Nordstrom’s! Those carts at Burlington’s were overflowing. Like the day after Thanksgiving! Good place to walk in bad weather though, perhaps. I had years of being totally responsible for my dad and I tell you, it made my palms sweat often. Your wife is a gem.

    Holy Toledo. There are multiple gigantic insects flitting around the big pine tree between my house and the neighbor’s house. Just noticed them.

    Meanwhile, I am not sure what I will tackle today. I have laundry to do, books to read, cleaning, filing and paper shredding, etc. I would like to put the Charley Harper puzzle away but if I do, I know I will immediately start another one and I might want to do something else with part of the day. ☺️

    Best wishes sent along to everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Oh, and an elegant tea setting today.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Saturday is wash the sheets day, I am a creature of habit. :D Today is Lisa's dad's birthday and I at first invited myself then changed my mind. On the 4th I remembered that my son invited his dad the morning of without telling Lisa. She was not happy because they were serving steaks and she didn't have enough (she really did) so my son uninvited his dad who said he was going to call and cancel anyway because his back was sore.
    I didn't want her parents to have the same problem so I am staying home. I will ride my bike and visit Joe like normal.
    Update: Lisa's mom just called me and asked me to come and she has plenty of food. So I will be going after all. lol

    Lin, did the bug look like this?
    That is the Asian Murder Hornet. They are dangerous to honeybees and can attack a whole hive. Not too common in the states so I doubt that is what you see. I have seen big black ugly flying things that scare me half to death.

    Bob, what time do you go to bed, 6:00pm?? Lots of people shopping, glad you were careful. You did score some good sales prices though so good for you.

    Anne, I use my crockpot more in the winter than the summer since I really enjoy grilling.
    How did your first meal turn out?

    Jackie, where oh where did our Jackie go?

    Patsy, hello.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    Stew? Delicious SANDY.
    In my new personae of being kind, sweet and sensitive, please don't hurt dear little Asian Murder Hornets LIN. Just kidding! I love today's photo and pretty cup, saucer and teapot! Very genteel, just like me! Okay, okay, I'm kidding again!
    Anne. 😡❤️🐶❤️8pl7mxh1p3ay.jpg
    I'm wondering what happened to JACKIE as well.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Ah yes, what happened. Well, after a stroll on the moors I met up with my neighbours to attack the 100’ hedge between our properties with every available garden tool. As we got started a friend of theirs arrived with more tools so we’ve spent most of the day cutting, strimming and filling those big garden bags with cuttings to drag out to a communal area. The hedge had grown so tall in all that rain we had beginning of the year so there’s a huge pile to go on a bonfire some time soon. I’m now patiently waiting for one neighbour to return from the local Chippy with a bag of chips to enjoy with an egg and smoked ham. There was no time for lunch although we did stop for 2 tea breaks because it’s been a hot, sultry day. I just took a photo of all our hard work but what with surrounding trees you would never know how hard we worked!

    The Asian hornet is a menace and apparently has found its way across the English Channel from France so beekeepers are wary. I was shown a dead one at a local apiary meeting a couple of years ago and thought it looked quite harmless... not if you’re a honey bee of course!

    That’s a pretty picture Lin with it’s teapot big enough to quench the thirst of a dozen ladies! Your picture not so pretty Anne😲

    Ooh, chips arrived so I must cook an egg to have with them, maybe some brown sauce too!

    Hello to everyone. I’ll check back later. Fascinated by Bob’s pictures of the Mall.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Chuck roast, potatoes, celery, carrots, and onions prepared by Jake in his Ninja Foodie
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Saturday and the weekend begins! Overcast with showers predicted. That’s okay! I have much to do. Since i go at a snails pace. I am forever behind.

    I am still trying to maintain the exercise regimen in the morning and stretches in the evening. Holy cow! This is boring. Thank goodness for my cd of Motown soul music. It kept me movin and groovin. I love all the groups. I can’t think of any kind of music I don’t enjoy some of.

    Dust is mysteriously accumulating at odd places here...actually everywhere. We are still waiting for the tree trimming service to address the huge overhanging branches and limbs over our little road. The road would be the equivalent of about three city blocks. John says not to worry, he is not that ready to scurry up a tall tree with a chainsaw in hand. Oh thank goodness.

    Barbie: I can almost smell that roast and veggies. I have not had beef in many years but the aroma is sooooooooo inviting!

    Anne and Jackie: You know how I feel about wasps! I see no reason for that species to share the planet with us. Hornets? Seriously! Be gone, thy nasty bug from hell!

    Tonight we are having stuffed zucchini and sliced tomatoes, garlic bread, Green Grapes for dessert. I love the bread but I have to watch it carefully. One small slice! Aaaaaaargh
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A beautiful day but a short walk because we 3 are all still tired after the hedge cutting, George in particular. He felt the need to put on his security hat and check everything that happened. Got himself covered in grass seeds but I managed to brush most out before his groomer arrived. He is currently outside in her mobile grooming salon while I get on with housework and Betty snoozes. A disturbed night for her after several trips into the garden and a mess on the carpet but doing our best to move on from that ghastly experience!!

    I'm always waiting for people to turn up to carry out work Patsy so at the moment it's the builder who told me he would start work this coming week on the foundations for the greenhouse. I'm going to have to send a pleading text or maybe an angry one because he's gone very quiet!

    Lunchtime coffee to sip and wait for George to pop in looking as cute as a button. (Old English saying but not sure why a button should be cute!!)

    After my egg and chips meal I fell asleep on the sofa last night so didn't get back to the forum; however I'll return to see what you are all up to this evening my time.
