Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member

    One of the beasties holding a cicada.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Oh no! They actually kill cicadas. 😟 I thought that was just a silly name but what do I know. So long as they won't sting Lin, I'd hesitate to swing any sort of racket at them for fear of proving that theory wrong!

    I'm already in bed so nite, nite 😴😴
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Took an early morning walk alone and then a walk with Jean around 7am – a mixed bag of clouds and sun. Did lots of running around – delivered some photo edits to my sister, grilled outside (ran out of propane argh & got more), Jean visited her 89 yr old uncle and delivered the photos I had done for him. Nothing super exciting today.

    Patsy – Yes – those Jeans are pretty much all I kept…everything else was donated and in great condition, so I think I made a few heavyweights “happy campers” LOL.

    Jackie – Look forward to seeing your bean “creation” – I must say Jean is a big “bean” person and loves all kinds. As for clothes, in the “old days” I would keep larger sizes just in case – but decided tht was kind of a negative mindset…the last time I gained I had no fallback and they kept me focused. This is the first complete lifestyle change and I have stuck with it over 1 year…so I may finally have hit paydirt. For now, I close my eyes and envision a woman jumping out of bed and chasing a fox at 6:30am. LOL

    Anne – Thanks…still adjusting and awaiting the day I can get to the gym for some other exercises. I share some things here (& MFP) that I do not put on other social media. I feel your pain on passwords. I have so many – I finally had to do a spreadsheet.

    Lin – You lucky stiff with gyms opening LOL. Fingers crossed for us, but no word yet. It is a shame given the open size of the gym with lots of distance between equipment. I already have my work out planned in my head – it will be a short, but cover the needed areas. They have tons of sanitizer but I will likely bring my own too, so I can do one station at a time – wiped down equipment and move to next station. I am expecting they will ask us to wear masks too and I will. Yes, I just bought the one dress shirt and a Brooks Brothers polo for $10.00. Waiting for the final bankruptcy close-outs at JC Penny next month – I like those 80% discount sales LOL.

    Sandy – Thanks – I did feel good about the purchases. Just something about getting a quality bargain. As noted above, I don’t talk about weight loss etc much off MFP. So many people have challenges and I pretty much think, people should do what is right for themselves – everyone is different. I have a niece making great progress with WW over the last year (about 80 lbs) and everyone has their fav exercise – I even love to walk the treadmill – many hate it.

    Lin – did you take that photo of “One of the beasties holding a cicada.” Great pic!

    Have a great night! Bob
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    Morning tea

    Sadler Belgravia teaset


    And a lovely little quilt that a tea lover posted. No credit or info provided.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Oh, I like today's teapot offering and the quilt LIN. Nice clean lines.

    I'm not sure what today will bring. I've had my boiled for four minutes egg, buttered toast and marmalade, the bread dough is churning away in the machine and the washing likewise in the washing machine.

    Mike went for his interview and has been offered a new position. Same office, same company car, no more dealing with the public, therefore safer. Administration post which he thinks will be boring and has no idea of the salary at this point. His firm is definitely cutting back with some folk already gone. It's up to him but I'd go for it and see how things progress.
    I hope that's all our excitement for the time being.

    The only exciting thing in my life today will be watering the spuds and taking the Bean for a walk.

    Maintaining weight is the hardest thing BOB, much harder than losing. About 10 years ago I got down to my 21 year old self. Everyone said I was too thin so I discarded the diet-like eating for the goodies and promptly shot back up in no time. You are an old hand now so I'm sure you will be more successful than me and it's a good plan chucking out the too large clothes. I yearn to go out to the mall and smarten up!

    It's impossible to type right now, halting letters so I give up with apologies for no comments on everyone's lovely posts. Great to read though, gang.

    Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A misty, murky start to the day but the sun is burning it all away so we have a pleasant afternoon. I've walked on the moors with the pooches and visited the farm supply store for chicken corn and food for the dogs and Brady plus a couple of packs of face masks since it seems it will soon be compulsory to wear in shops, something I'm already doing. Now, after a positive phone call to a specialist asbestos removing company am now on a mission. They will visit Friday week to see what needs to be done to remove old sheets of the stuff used to line walls 50 years ago but have already offered a reasonable quote. Then, in my mind I have a list of jobs to follow on.... plasterer, electrician, tiler etc. Maybe it will all be completed by the time Winter arrives!! I'm currently attacking an alcove that was lined with what looks like compressed cardboard but is still a pain to remove.
    Oh yes, I received a text from the builder who was supposed to work here this week responding to my rather pointed message yesterday. Full of apologies and excuses is all I'll say, finishing with a promise to be here next Monday. Still not holding my breath!

    A subtle design on today's teaset Lin. I seem to remember the 80's or 90's going in that direction after bright, cheery designs in the 60's and 70's.

    All quiet on the fox chasing game this morning Bob so you can rest those eyes of yours! :D I forgot to soak the beans last night but hopefully they will be ready to use this evening having been put into water early this morning.

    Stopped for a toasted plain bagel and coffee but must now get on. Hello everyone; have a good and safe day whatever you get up to.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Bean burgers to follow!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good morning, I have been out to bring in anything that might blow away in severe weather. I really love my watering can and do not want it to fly away. A couple of other odds and ends came in as well. The forecast is for a potential of severe weather later today and tomorrow. It is overcast right now but I believe the sun may come out, heat things up and then, STORMS.

    Laundry is chugging away in the basement.

    My neighbors have two tents up in their backyard. I love seeing them out with their daughters doing camping type activities, but no open campfire. Apparent one of our local churches started this as a Vacation Bible School event. Clever. They posted a picture on Facebook this morning, the girls look quite happy.

    Bob, the photo was a stock photo of some sort on a page about the wasps and no photo credit was given. Believe me, these guy are flying waaaay too quickly for that type of photo and I haven’t seen a female with a cicada. Speaking of photos, I found a photographer on Facebook who is located in the community where I grew up. I enjoyed going through his page yesterday as he posts photos of old buildings in their current state (of disrepair), historical photos, and he has a box of odds and ends from the old days and he is posting photos of them as well. Lovely. You did lots of errands yesterday. And our state opened up relatively quickly and unfortunately there are lots of people who refuse to follow rules and now cases are increasing in a 2-county area (part of our metro area). Our governor says she will not shut things down again. So while gyms may be open, the burden is on the individual business to keep things under control. We have had several businesses close due to one or more positive employee Tests, then they do deep cleaning, and open again.

    Anne, you are busy today. Wow. The bread machine is also keeping busy well done. That flour will be disappearing quickly and you will have to order more. I hope your son gives the new job a whirl as I am not seeing the downside. But there might be some niggling details. Stay safe outside today. Another hot day?

    Jackie, good for you on following up on projects. I hope the builder shows up and gets cracking! Good for you, having a supply of disposable masks is a good idea. Our Costco store has them in supply now and there was lots of chatter on Facebook about purchasing multiple packs while they are in stock. The idea is to donate extras to schools or teachers as it looks as if many will be back in the classroom soon.

    Oh, and I love your bean mix. I used to buy something similar at Costco but it was discontinued. That happens often doesn’t it? Find a product you like, and pop, it’s no longer carried!

    Well, time to tend to the laundry.

    Set wishes for good health and happiness ❤️❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just got home with Bean. It's hot and humid out there and we both shot off for a drink of water once home.
    Not a fox, or a hornet, or a Canada goose in's hot out there!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Tuesday! :) So yesterday I asked Babe if he got his taxes done since they are due tomorrow. He said the paperwork was there so he called the accountant and they were ready at 10:00am this morning. Babe asked if I could go get them and sign them and bring them to him which I did. He met me in his driveway like cloak and dagger. lol I wore my mask to pick up papers and accountant also had his mask on even though we were in his driveway and also when I handed Babe the folder, he of course did not have one on. I did a lot of hand sanitizing this morning. I then went to the Dollar Tree to get all the cards I needed for August, I swear everyone was born in August. Now I am home, ate some brunch and will leave around 3:00 to sit for the kiddos. I am also not drinking any alcohol this week because I have a physical on Friday and hope I am down in weight from last year. Sneaky aren't I???
    My son's in Arizona got his results and they are negative. He still has to guarantee for ten days but I am grateful he is fine.

    Anne, I got an email this morning from a friend and it was a video from a Canadian truck driver begging Trudeau and Doug Ford not to open your borders to the US. He was in Texas and had to go to urgent care and almost all were there being tested. Six people came in with signs but had no insurance so they had to leave. He is very upset with Trump and with the people in several states who don't wear masks and social distance. He is really trying to keep your borders closed and I don't blame him. He thinks your numbers will go sky high if the borders are open. It about a six minute video and can be found on youtube. Look under Canadian truck driver who wants to keep borders closed if you are interested.

    Since I am already behind I will just say have a great day, stay cool and safe.

    One Day at a Time

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    SANDY, on the news at lunchtime, the border remains closed for another month into August. People here are very worried. Most folks follow the rules and consequently our cases and deaths are low compared to other countries. It is felt as long as our close neighbours can't or won't follow sensible requests however restrictive we will never get rid and it will just get worse as we enter fall.
    Things are slowly opening but not Toronto or surrounding areas, including my town.
    I guess it is much harder to control a huge population like the States.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Asked Jean about going out for a birthday lunch tomorrow and she picked The Angry Garlic in Baldwinsville NY… always great reviews etc. I am thinking of getting the steak salad: mixed greens, sirloin steak, red onion, ripe tomatoes, crispy garlic, gorgonzola, and sweet roasted garlic dressing… had it last year and it was fabulous! Not sure what Jean will order. The weather has turned out better than expected…a small amount of rain and now sunshine. Tomorrow should be 100% sunny and great for outdoor eating… reservations already made. Today has been the usual…walking etc and lite lunch in prep for tomorrows eating. LOL

    Anne – Glad you got some good news on Mike re: job. I have found myself more than once on that job elimination and twice the companies moved or just went out of business. Even now I think of picking up something for 10 hrs a week or so -- but I don’t want anything to do with heavy customer contact… after decades of always pleasing the customer – patience with rude people is depleted. Not interested in much of anything until we get past the mask wearing…

    I agree – maintenance has always been the tough battle…this is the first time out of many where I have made a lifestyle change with the intent of it being permanent. I really stick with the IF and it controls the insulin levels (and cravings) I have cut 90% of processed carbs now for over a year…and never crave them anymore. So – like the Serenity Prayer – one day at a time. Best wishes to you.

    Yes re: the clothes. Not buying meant 4 or 5 times going to the Tux store to rent a suit for various events – I could have easily bought a couple suits cheaper, but that would have set the stage for accepting a larger size and I refused to do that. Glad I held out and now get to shop for “bargains” in sizes I haven’t seen since high school.

    Jackie – The first word I hit upon was “misty” and immediately thought of the Johnny Mathis song and then the Clint Eastwood movie… too funny – now I am humming “Look at me...I'm as helpless as a…”
    Good luck with that asbestos removal – what a job and not cheap. Hope it goes well.

    Lin – Thanks for the photo status --- it reminds me that I definitely need to update my photo website at As for openings etc., so far I have been pleasantly surprised at the courtesy most people have shown. The vast majority comply even if they don’t like it…there will always be the few… but I avoid them. Fortunately, our area is not like so many others and nothing like NYC.

    Hope everyone enjoys what is left of the day. Bob
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A warm day here. Not my favorite. Closed blinds against the heat and sun. Only a few windows open for ventilation. Our fans are swirling to move the air around.

    Our (my) goal is to try for a plant-based diet. That keeps my blood sugar normal and the weight under control. Slow paced loss, trying to maintain strength through exercise. Sounds disciplined doesn’t it? Well dear friends, there is a difference between goals and actuality. I live with a true dedicated meat eater! I have gradually had him think in terms of chicken or fish. He only tolerates my veggie meals. I exercise but not like Bob. I really would rather be doing something else. But I do it! I use the NIH core exercises for seniors. Bleck! I will never qualify for the Miss America contest. And never wanted to, if truth be told.

    Anne: isn’t it true...we worry and try to offer suggestions and options to our grown children. Then out of the blue they come up with their own ideas that work just fine. I like to think we have outfitted them with a full tool kit to make their own good decisions. That’s my story and I am sticking to it!

    Jackie: watch out for that asbestos removal. Dangerous stuff. I am sure you already know that. We have now begun those nagging phone calls to the tree trimmers.

    Sandy: we are still very much involved in a virus spike. More cases locally every day. Also more people doing crazy things. A weird church tent meeting. Why the big deal about church in a tent? People crowding together for that and our local farm and craft market out on the street. People jammed in together looking to buy stuff. I am a demented cranky old lady with a mask and will try not to get out of my house and yard unless forced into it . I really should say I am terrified of this virus.

    Lin: I love the little quilt. I adore quilts and I have two antique quilts. One was made by my great grandmother from Ireland. She could make anything. But I understand family legend Has it the woman could not cook at all. Her food was horrible so the daughters all learned to cook very young, in self defense.

    Scary and terrified note......our daughter is being tested for the virus. She has fever, chills and can hardly walk to the bathroom. My head is spinning and I am totally helpless. Doc says that under NO conditions should I go see her. I can only call my grandson for updates and chew my nails in fear and worry. Wear your mask, distance yourself further than 6 set if at all possible. Look out! This virus is sneaky and mean.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,359 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello, did not get blown away last night. Yeah!

    Here’s a small delicate teapot. I have 2 or 3 tiny teapots that just make me smile when I look at them. This is not one of mine.


    And a little something extra.



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    My pad is on the blink. The boys will try and cure it later, but meanwhile I can't text out, etc. I need a new pad! But can't get out to look for one.
    This is really to say to PATSY I PRAY your daughter is not suffering from the virus. You mustn't go and visit her Patsy however much you want to. I'm so sorry that you are going through a worrying time and pray you have good news from the test soon.
    Pearson Airport, Toronto is laying off a quarter of its workforce. A huge number of people and they won't be recalled in the near future,
    Please be vigilant Sneakers, take care whatever the leaders of our respective countries say or want, thinking of you all and especially Patsy today,
    Anne. 🙃❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Mikes fixed things but I've had a message from Apple asking me to update my security settings. Glad he's here! Annie.
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello dear ones! The day is to be warm again but currently under a marine layer. It will/ burn off soon and we will be heating up.

    Our daughter said she is feeling sort of better. No more chills but still has a fever. It is lower now and she is able to walk to the bathroom with help of her husband and a cane. She suffers periodically with cellulitis. It is a serious condition and can be fatal. But it can be treated with antibiotics. (Normally in hospital intravenously). But she had a Skype appointment with her doctor and was given antibiotics in pill form. No one can go to our hospital except Covid patients and those really in extreme emergency. Her Covid test is tomorrow. Then it takes a few days to come back with results. John is constantly telling me, “you are not going to go see her right now!” She and her family are yelling at me, this is too dangerous right now., don’t risk coming and getting this. So I guess I will put away my chicken soup and try to send positive thoughts. She is having trouble breathing and has extreme fatigue. I have read these are usual Covid symptoms. my doc has threatened to come tie me down. He reminded me I am high risk for myself AND John.
    Enough whining for the moment!

    Must do a load of laundry, brush Katie, and clean bathrooms. All the fun stuff! Hummmmmmm, maybe not so much. 🎶🎶🎶🎶calm cool jazz for today seems right.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,267 Member
    Happy Wednesday. :) Busy day today, I went for my mammogram, then to get the emissions test on my car, ordered my vehicle sticker when I go home and finally picking up groceries from Walmart which I ordered this morning. I will ride my bike and weather permitting I will go visit Joe is his driveway.
    Kids were really good before the parents left for volleyball, my son even told them because they were so good he was going to get them donuts. Well he jinxed me because after they left the two boys were bored and wild, not really bad but usually they sit and watch shows but decided to run around instead. I am not really complaining but let's just say I was tired when I got home.

    Patsy, prayers for your daughter that her test is negative like my son's. If she is positive stay calm and positive yourself. More patients are cured than those more serious so you need to send healing thoughts and absolutely do not go to her even if she doesn't have it, until she feels better. That is an order. (love you)

    Anne, shop online for a new IPad, there are so many good deals going on with Amazon and/or Walmart. I am sure your son knows of a good deal so listen to him. I am happy for Mike and hope he makes the decision best for him.

    Lin, the teapots are cute with the sayings. I think we are getting your storms today. Glad I got my errands done early enough.

    Bob, happy birthday to Jean, I hope she has a wonderful day since it not over yet.
    You are a wonderful caring husband making her day special.

    Jackie, did I miss a post from you today??

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :'( PATSY, My heart and hugs go out to you and your families and I am concentrating on your daughter having false symptoms! And of course you must ALL stay far away!
    Although my finger pressure is still very poor, I am continuing to feel stronger each day. Am able to stand almost every time I Attempt and my hopes of recovery are quite high now. Only now do I Realize how ill I was!
    Ido hope all your relatives job recoveries will work out for them. The times are so nightmarish. I remember nothing in my 93 years as threatening as today! Including WW2, (which we sort of knew we would eventually win with our Great American and Allied Heroes!)...
    After several hours of updating my computer and various businesses installed on it, I Can No longer stay upright in my wheelchair, so sending kisses and love to you all, including BOB, from somewhere in NY! Congrats on your determination!
    And thank everyone of you for the Facebook messages I just discovered from weeks ago! And for your email and notes and cards full of warmth and so special! And JACKIE, your international calls are a treasure. Is it true we've never met? :o Judy and Gerald always send love!
    My aide is about to help me to bed so I'll blow kisses to my dear online"family" and promise to be back ASAP