Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Good morning. We had a storm roar through early evening. Oh my what wind. My tomato plants were whipped back and forth. They didn’t break apart though. It is sunny today, the horrid huge bug is back and the squirrel is lounging on the fence. So I guess all is okay.

    Jackie, my gosh, Mobile grooming is an excellent service. I have seen the truck on our street only once. But we have many dogs! What a hard day’s work yesterday. I will admit I am having trouble seeing exactly where you did all that cleaning out. Perhaps a sign I should go to the eye doctor some day.

    Patsy, stuffed zucchini sound heavenly to me. I try not to think of everything I am not accomplishing. I do spend a lot of time reading. And I like to read rather than listen so I don’t do much multi tasking while holding a book. 😉

    Barbie, very nice looking meal from the Ninja. I am sure you enjoyed it.

    While the storm was building yesterday I opened a package and found a little puzzle I ordered. So while it stormed I was busy putting it together without extra light. A challenge for sure. It was fun and this is a puzzle I know I will assemble repeatedly.


    I have a collage puzzle that is too big for me. I would have preferred just 500 pieces because it is pretty much unsortable by color. Well, I guess this will be a slow one. 😂🤣

    Hello all. 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Teapot of the day.

    “...[this is an ] impressive bone china teapot produced by Hammersley and Co. of Longton, Stoke=on-Trent. This particular piece was part of Hammersley's 'Palmetto' range (pattern 1047) and was produced for Thomas Goode & Co. Ltd of Mayfair, London. The back stamp indicates it's post 1939 and the 1.72 marking MAY indicate a manufacture date of January 1972. Hammersley closed its factory in 1982.”


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Can You see my problem Lin? It's pointless sorting colours at the moment because they are nothing like the picture. Doggy groomer Debbie Woof Woof gave it to me but I won't complain, just complete one dog at a time. At least the white Westies won't be difficult!
    Pretty teapot and certainly a look of the 70's about it.

    George is back with me and I'm once again climbing my ladder perched against the hedge.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Oh my goodness! That puzzle has been through something traumatic!!


    Yes, color sorting is not an option here.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Church service is done but still haven't eaten breakfast. Lisa's dad's birthday celebration was wonderful. The food was grilled by her dad with many sides done by her mother. We spent most of the day outside in their beautiful yard where they also set up a swimming pool for the kids. We did eat inside but this is my bubble of family which is all I see except for Joe. I am not sure when I will ever want to be with other people I just know it is not now.

    Jackie, is that one puzzle? How are you going to move the top to the bottom?? Inquiring minds want to know. Your groomer comes on Sunday?? I think because your picture was sideways it was hard to see all the work you did. Please be careful with that ladder, we want nothing to happen to you.

    Lin, so I paid half of my payment to State Farm when it was due on July 5th as instructed by my agent. The second half was due in September but when I checked for the discount today I did indeed get $53 off my bill so I just paid it. I pay every six months instead of yearly but I am sure your next bill will have at least a 11% discount.
    We didn't get any rain but it did cool down to 76 with a real feel of 82.

    Patsy, I am not a wasp or bee lover myself. I remember once a giant bumble bee was bothering me and Jackie told me it won't sting me and to just talk nicely to it. Yeah, I probably ran in the house. lol

    Barbie, that meal looks absolutely delicious to me but after how much I ate yesterday I don't think I should eat for a week, like that could happen. lol

    Anne, did I miss a post from you other than that ugly hornet???

    Buzz, hope you are able to check in and see that I am waving.

    Bob, what is on your agenda today???

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2020
    Sandy, the puzzle is right side up....if not Jackie, I really do need to see the eye doctor! Also, I logged into the State Farm website and each discount will calculated by state. No information on what will be given in Iowa.

    The giant insect wasn’t letting me out onto the deck this morning. It lurked near the door and came at me each time I started to open it. I stood there a while and it hit the door over and over. We are not getting along. It was pretty close to a regular wasp for a while and my gosh, the wasps look like midgets compared to this thing. At least 3 to 4 times larger. I got out my spray and found out this thing also moves like greased lightning. I have badly damaged my tomato plants with the drift of the spray. I wondered if the spray still worked (it’s old) but it felled a regular wasp easily.

    Looks like a summertime of insect fear on my part. 🦟🐝🕷🐜 Next it will be 🦂🦂🦂🦂🦂

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
      Today, I can wave back; to SANDY and all my dear patient friends! Slow as it appears, I see improvement
    • every day. Hands becoming a bit more useful, ability to attempt standing (with help) a bit stronger and am now spending time in a wheelchair or recliner each day instead of bedbound. My fingers are able to bend somewhat though feeling is very numb still. My entire floor is under 14 day quarantine due to one of the aids testing positive.
    • I am still having pain typing and WiFi s very irregular so please overlook my scarce appearance; you are all in my mind and heart daily!
    • I miss much of your posts but do catch enough to sort of keep up with LIN's super insects , impossible puzzles for puzzle solvers, etc.
    • JACKIE, Judy said she was emailing you yesterday so sent my love.
    • One day, I shall return to normal and return on my regular basis. Until then, I send you all my
    • <3 love,
    • Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello Buzz❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Hi BUZZ!

    It was rather ironic yesterday. After Mike and Mark installed two window a/c's for me, Mark and Mary Jo's house system broke down. Only for 24 hours though and it got repaired late yesterday.

    We had a tremendous downpour and thunderstorm two days ago and I couldn't believe my eyes today. All that water and humidity had my potatoes double in growth and some are already showing flower buds!

    Mike has to go into his office tomorrow and discover his future. He suspects he will be asked to return but on the employers terms from what the skeleton staff have told him. The skeleton staff are not happy with the new terms which include wage reduction. Mike at 58 has enjoyed his forced sabbatical so I'm not sure what he will agree to......or not! He's had quite the year!

    He came over this morning and has just driven home. If he leaves his firm after 32 years he will lose the company car. We all live in interesting and uncertain times. Life is anything but boring here!

    And that's about it dear Sneakers. The Bean is snoring after two long walkies and a chicken dinner.
    No giant hornets in my garden.....just mosquitos.

    Anne, also feeling sleepy in the heat after two walkies, watering the potatoes and chicken stew for lunch, 😇❤️🐶❤️
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Sunday - No plans today…but ended up busy. Up at 5am and walked in the rain at 6am…but sun came out mid-morning. Then to store for steaks to grill at dinner time. Back home I worked on photo edits for a family member. Jean was working all over the place inside & out. We decided to make a quick stop at the mall at 11am opening... there were no lines yet.

    I’m still adjusting to buying clothes that fit – paid through the nose when “huge” (size 60”) and now a size 35-36” – in a “slim”. Picked up jeans for $9.99 and a Tommy Hilfiger $69.95 white shirt for $10.00 – crazy! It helped to be there at open. I know – I said we weren’t going on the weekend. LOL. I hope to gain about 10 lbs when gym re-opens focusing on toning / shaping. Just enjoying “the feeling” while it is here. (pics)



    In the afternoon, it was cookout time and a trip to deliver the edited photos to a family member for a celebration she has planned next weekend. We finished Season 2 of Hanna on Amazon and trying a new show. Tonight is “Yellowstone” w/ Kevin Costner. And now it is 6pm – the day flew by…

    Anne – Look forward to your “more later.” And yes, we are definitely big on social distancing - :)

    Lin – People were really buying a lot Friday and someone told me it was VERY BUSY yesterday (I thought it would be). You’re right about Jean and the fact is we fit like a glove…while each our own person, we play well together. Life is so short and we literally don’t sweat the small stuff. I never thought of you as a killer (RAID)… let me know the calling hours for the hornet! Exquisite tea set!

    Sandy – the bug photo cracked me up! As for bedtime – I really only need about 5 hours of sleep. Try to hit the sack by 11pm – play talk radio for 1 hour with auto shut off at midnight and I am usually up by 5am. Thanks on the sales… did even better this morning as noted above.

    Jackie – You must have worked up a big sweat working on that 100’ foot hedge. Great work!

    Barbie – I can almost smell the chuck roast – looks fantastic!

    I am hearing my name called – so I guess I will sign off – have a wonderful evening and enjoy yourself. Bob

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Warm day that started cloudy and cool. Always a surprise here regarding what the weather gods throw at us. We are totally unprepared for warm weather. No AC only fans. But actually it works fairly well.

    Had a lovely phone chat with our son and our daughter as well. Tomorrow is John's day to mow the whole acreage. He said he will weed whack and trim later in the week. The funny thing is, we hear about everyone losing their jobs but we can’t find anyone to help us with the gardening, even though we want it to be a regular gig. Not only that, we are offering $10-15 an hour. College students? High school students? Not interested!

    Laughed hysterically at Bobs photos of his jeans. He kept his big jeans! And not only that he could find the old price tag! That is impressive. I can’t find the price tag of something I boughT yesterday, much less something from a few months ago. I need to have a better filing system for my stuff.

    Watching Fargo the series.....weird! But well done.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good morning! Shouting hens again had me out of bed and jogging down my garden in dressing gown at 6.30 but again no sign of a fox. It was a beautiful morning so I was out walking the dogs by 7.30 and we walked a couple of miles only seeing one couple In the distance with their black Labrador. On the way home I stopped off at the local farm shop for fresh salad plus some carrots to chop into George’s food. Couldn’t resist a punnet of strawberries too! We might see some rain this afternoon as the edge of a tropical storm drifts by but nothing like the amountAnne experienced. 😮
    I’ve messaged the builder to enquire why he hasn’t turned up to begin work on the greenhouse foundations... not holding my breath for a response though.

    ❤️❤️❤️ Hello Buzz. I did receive a long newsy email from Judy and will respond later today. They seem to be coping well with their confinement although horrified at the rapidly rising infection rate in your State. She tells me she spoke to you and what wonderful care you are receiving. No longer being bedridden is a fabulous start to gaining some independence again. Please take care and keep a steady pace. ❤️❤️❤️

    Sandy, half the puzzle is hidden in the photo but it is enormous so I think I’ll have to move myself round the table as I go! A good job I’m not in a hurry with it although it would be good to finish before Winter when the light will be fading. 😉🙃 Small bubbles are the way forward for all of us right now I think and sounds like you are all taking care.

    Anne, I do hope Mike doesn’t hear bad news at his interview what with so much uncertainty everywhere. My nephew turned 50 last week and is having to look for a new post-COVID job. He seems quite upbeat at the moment and has always worked in banks, the one area that always survives whatever the trauma! Fingers and toes crossed for Mike although I know your little band will look after him whatever.

    Wow Bob, no wonder you’re visiting the mall looking for a new wardrobe. I’m truly in awe of your commitment. My online perusal of this morning’s New York Times has offered up a black bean burger that sounds and looks delicious so although my store of beans is a mixed variety I’m going to soak some overnight and follow the recipe tomorrow. Watch this space.

    Patsy, my list of people not interested in carrying out work for me is getting longer by the day but I’ll dig it out and remind myself if the should end up scrabbling around for work in the future! I think it’s great your telephone drama got your daughter thinking about how much you matter to her even if it was an initial worry for John.

    Oh Lin, I probably shouldn’t laugh but your antics withe the monster bug did amuse me. Could it have got in somehow and started work on a nest before you banned it? Certainly the way it’s pinging your door when you appear is a warning but do take care with that spray! 🤭

    It’s clouding over so I’ll do a couple of outdoor jobs before any rain arrives.
    Happy Monday everyone.

    P.S George is on my lap while I sip coffee and struggle to type😄
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Things are a-changing everywhere it appears. For a start I had to use my password to get in here today! Took a while to find my pages of numerous passwords but wonders, here I am!

    Mark and Mary Jo braved Costcos yesterday to buy appliances for Derek and Bev when they move in, in September, MJ has a super kitchen and I don't think she fancies two messy "kids" in it! My conclusion, not hers by the way. Anyway they also have a huge finished basement, never used by the two Ms so everything should be just fine. I can't believe the chickens are all coming home to roost in my lifetime which reminds me please everyone cross fingers for my Michael today and his encounter with the somewhat ruthless bossy kind. I'll find out the outcome this afternoon I guess.

    Then we've got PATSY and her John unable to find a gardener in these belt tightening times for their plot! I can only suggest you cultivate a wild garden! However, we don't want our Katie chasing her ball and encountering a mother bear or a hornet, even a hornet would make short work of the short legged Bean!

    JACKIE tackling jobs a strong man would blanch at, BUZZ discovering isolation, SANDY almost forgetting her pool and her bingo but gladly not the little ones. BARBIE no longer leading a line of seniors? in dance moves.

    LIN is also changing! All this time quietly doing her puzzles and composing her beautiful cards only to change into a maiden from Valhalla going into battle with her can of raid!

    BOB has changed the most I guess. Reduced to half the man he was and congratulations on that. Absolutely fantastic.

    As for me, I don't know if I'm coming or going. I'm like the small child on being told what ashes to ashes meant on grandpa's decease crawled under his bed to retrieve a toy and encountering dust bunnies yelled "Mummy, mummy, there's someone under my bed either coming or going." In England and supposedly a true story.

    I've yapped long enough just like Jilly Bean who takes after:
    Anne. 😇❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    A quick morning teapot.

    “This is a Copeland-Spode 'Seagull' pattern teapot, the pattern number Y1240 dates it to 1928-29.”


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello again. I suited up to go out on the deck. Jackie, do they make Hornet suits? I thought the coast was clear and suddenly 3 of the monsters flew up from underneath my deck. I tried to spray them but these things are super sonic. I got my hose, watered my plants and got the heck back in the house.

    This is going to be a long summer. I think there may be an underground nest under my deck somewhere or maybe somewhere deep in my neighbor’s tree. Who knows but it started with one, then two, today three. By the end of the summer my house will be encased in bugs. Ack!

    Bob, what wonderful photos once again. Love the comparison. Wahoo! And what a deal you got on that shirt and jeans. Amazing. Did you get just one each? 🙃 Lovely meal once again. Our gyms opened up again and I noticed one day as I was going to pickup groceries there were 14 cars in the parking lot and people coming out weren’t wearing masks. That location is not very large so I hope everyone stays well.

    Patsy, I am sorry you cannot find someone to hire for your gardening. I see ads here for people’s wanting to mow lawns but have not noticed anyone for general gardening. I guess people are using professional services or maybe there’s an underground network of handymen/gardeners and you need to be referred by someone. 🤣 it is actually something like that if you want a not so expensive tree trimming service. I hope you can find someone. It is great that you spoke with both your son and your daughter by the way.

    Jackie, George looks so handsome. And I am sorry Betty has not been well. Gosh, where is that gent who is to work on your greenhouse foundation? You are right, if they don’t want to speak to you, your call will not be returned. Hate that. You did make me laugh regarding dust under the bed. We just called them dust bunnies and had no story associated with it. Unless my people just never shared it with me.
    Here’s the new puzzle I started. I do need to get out a lamp, as peering at every little piece would go better with more light.


    Anne, I am hoping for good news for Michael today. I hope you and Jilly are well. We may have a stormy day tomorrow and then a week of intense heat. I am happy to have indoor pursuits. A week to use the slow cooker again?

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Nothing going on today, just the usual bike and Joe. Tomorrow I am sitting for their volleyball game which still makes me nervous but I go anyway. Charlie will be two on Thursday but Lisa is combining her birthday and Robby's birthday with movie night with the grandparents on Saturday. Robby will be six on the 28th, where does the time go?? Lisa will have a small kids party closer to his birthday because we the grandparents asked her to not have other kids come while we are there. I keep praying for a vaccine but I think that won't happen until next year. :s My son is Arizona has been tested for Covid because he wasn't feeling well but he hasn't gotten his results back. He is not worried because he is one of those who thinks things are blown out of proportion. I am worried because Phoenix is a hot spot and their numbers keep going up. He is staying home and gets paid so at least there is that.

    Lin, wow, 1000 piece puzzle, you and Jackie are really good at these puzzles, me not so much.
    I do have one somewhere, maybe I will put it together again and see if I got any better. lol
    I think our rain is coming Wed, Thurs and Friday but it seems they are more wrong than right.
    Maybe you have Mud Daubers wasps, check google. No matter what they are they sound scary.

    Anne, it sounds like the M's have a nice house and with a finished basement the perfect new home for Derek and his significant other. Is there a bathroom in the lower level?
    I also hope Michael gets good news and what is best for him during these trying times.
    Love the dust story, I have never heard it but I can imagine a child thinking that. lol

    Jackie, handsome George is adorable. How is Betty's tummy? I am sure my other friends who do get together are upset with me even though they say they understand but I really don't care. I am not only worried about my health but the health of my grandkids.

    Patsy, glad you talked to both kids, always is a good thing.

    Bob, another good purchase and half the size of the old Bob's clothes. Such an amazing story, you should be so proud of yourself. I am thinking of hiring you to make my meals. lol

    Buzz, as always love to you. <3 So happy things are moving in the right direction, now just stay safe from anyone infected.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    Hello again. I just walked out to the mailbox (the long half block walk 🙃) and I am sending an insect update. The horrid things were along the side of my house in the day lilies and at my neighbor’s house in the bushes and his trash barrel. Again, flying at super sonic speed. I have no idea what they are or why they seem to be spreading. I would like them to pack their bags and move on. 😡😡

    Puzzle is complete.


    Sorry it is sideways.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    What?? 1000 pieces done in one day??? I am impressed!! Maybe call a pest control company.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Are you sure the hornets aren't drones?
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,189 Member
    A day and a half on the puzzle Sandy. I do love puzzles.

    Anne, I talked to a local gardening friend and she said they have fought these pests many times. They are cicada killer wasps. There has likely been a new hatch with females emerging, driving the males totally crazy. So they are attracted to anything that moves I guess. They don’t sting for the most part. My friend knocks them out of her way with a badminton racket. I don’t have one. She said do not use a tennis racket. The badminton racket has a long reach, is very light and is apparently closely strung. I of course do not have one. 🙂 They have used strong nasty poison to treat the tunnels. From what I read, experts say leave them alone. I did find the tunnel entrance and I thought I would be over run by the beasts. I think leaving them alone and maybe purchasing a racket will work.

    Increased virus numbers in this county has more suburbs moving to close what little opening had been accomplished in municipal buildings. Another city is closing the lobbies and/or limited entrance at end of business today. So for me, that means libraries.

    Listening to all the good news.
