Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good evening, I was here this morning but when trying to return to the page it wouldn’t load for me. So, finally here I am. Yes, we had storms last night and there was tree damage, power outages and hail. This went on for a few hours and as they said West Des Moines is now in the clear, the winds picked up and and sheets of rain arrived. Luckily we did not lose any trees here and the hail missed us as well.

    My project today was to get a birthday card ready to mail and to finish a few local cards such as get well, etc. Just finished those. I have placed a grocery order with Walmart for early tomorrow morning. And I tuned in for a Zoom meeting on cover crops.

    So tomorrow, Walmart, drop off books at library and go to the drive through dropbox at the post office. I should stop by the credit union but I need to go over some accounts to before stopping there and I need a shower tonight. I got some mosquito bites and I am itching all over. Hope to wash away the itching.

    Sandy, what a busy and productive day you put in. And after looking after some active kids you must still have been tired.

    Buzz, wonderful to see you here again. Wahoo!! I would give you a call but have no idea what is a good time to try to get through. I am thinking of you each day. ❤️❤️ And wishing you continued improvement.

    Patsy, I know this is very difficult for you. I hope you can keep in touch with your children. Talking is good since we really cannot visit anyone now. I think I mentioned that a friend’s daughter was very ill with covid and they of course wanted to rush over to take care of her but they resisted. They kept in touch and bought supplies for her and cooked for her always just leaving things on the doorstep after calling her to let her know they were there with her supplies. They stayed in the car and waved at her when she came to the door. Their daughter is quite independent and they were just thrilled when she would tell them that she needed something. Did their hearts good to take things to her from afar. So courage my friend.

    Anne, sorry your iPad is acting up. I remember you were going to replace it a while ago. Maybe now is the time. Your sons can certainly help you with that. I have faith in their abilities.

    Jackie, Bob, Barbie. Hello, I am itching like crazy and need to run away to the shower now.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    Goodness where did my day go? An extremely pleasant one Including several hours sitting in the sunshine with cups of tea and homemade lemon drizzle cake. After taking George to the vet for his annual booster when I waited in the car park while the vet took him inside, we visited my friend Jill that I used to doggie walk with most mornings. George and Scruff raced to greet each other like long lost loves then we sat in her garden with dogs and had a lovely catch up. Another friend joined us and we stayed outside until late when even the pooches were quiet and resting.
    When the vet had brought George back out to me In the car park she told me she had heard a heart murmur while examining him so I must monitor him over the next 3 months by finding an ap that can be used to count the number of his breaths while he sleeps.

    Hello Buzz, What a treat to see you here with us again. 🥰 you know I love our chats too. It’s as if we’ve known each other all our lives and yet never met. I’m so delighted to know your health is still improving daily. ❤️❤️❤️ My friends talked for a long time over our tea about the effects COVID-19 has had on everyone’s life in such a short time, so much so we can’t see things ever returning to what we considered the past norm. I see promising news coming out of Oxford today about a vaccine that shows good trial results so that’s a glimmer of hope.

    Dear Patsy, I’ll admit I did gasp out loud when I first read your post yesterday that voiced such concerns about your daughter’s symptoms. John is right of course; as much as you want to rush to her side, you must stay home for everyone’s sake. Sending virtual hugs to you and yours in this worrying time and a heartfelt plea to stay safe.

    A cute teapot Lin. I bet it makes a super cuppa. 😆

    Sending Bob and Jean very best wishes for a great birthday celebration. I’m sure you both know how to enjoy yourselves together in spite of any restrictions. 🍾🥂🎈🍲🥗🎂

    It’s so late now, I must get to bed. Hi to sandy and Anne
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Aah! Lin posted as I typed so I’ll have to read her post before sleeping. 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Cheery set today

    Clarice Cliff Blue Crocus Design Teapot and Plate 1930


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    You are one special lady that brightens each day with your sometimes witty, sometimes serious but always caring and thoughtful comments. Dear Patsy, may your day be as wonderful as you are. <3

    Hugs across the pond!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member

    Happy Birthday, Patsy
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Dearest friends! Thank you all for your birthday wishes. It means so much to me. At a time when familiar things and events cannot happen, virtual connections have become all important. Since I have not met any of you in person, it might seem odd in another time, that I have such immense affection for each and every one of you. But I will say it again, you are my dearest friends! I wake each day, wanting to say hello and hear about your latest adventures.

    I am off to make gazpacho for our daughter, taking your advice, I will drop off cough drops, and other soothing otc meds as well as some herbal tea. In a box left on her doorstep. Fingers crossed this is a flu bug. It really could be cellulitis. Serious stuff but treatable if she follows the prescribed regimen. Covid 19? Well we all hope that that is not what she is suffering from.

    John has stashed a birthday cake in downstairs freezer. He has champagne chilling up here in the refrigerator and a special casserole with spinach, mushrooms, chicken and wild rice. That and a good salad and we have birthday dinner! I will call our children unless they call first. Our son gave me an iPhone for my birthday. Now I just need to learn how to use it. I try not to acknowledge that birthday age number thing. I don’t believe it! Even all the wrinkles and sagging and bagging are trying to convince me I am old, they are not telling me the truth!
    Love you all,😘💕💕💕💕💕💕
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a fun birthday celebration yesterday. We had a fabulous side-walk meal with no one around us…and after an order of homemade “garlic meatballs” and a Steak Salad: with Mixed greens, tender sirloin steak, red onion, ripe tomatoes, “crispy garlic”, gorgonzola, and “sweet roasted garlic dressing” we pretty much guaranteed people not getting close to us LOL. (photo)


    Later in the early evening, it was time for dessert, fresh picked fruit and games outdoors at my daughter, her husband and grandkids etc. They are such great kids…love them to death. While tech savvy etc. they don’t post to social media, so we don’t post the kids to FB etc. – otherwise…

    Today, I got up extra early this morning at 4:15am – coffee, walk etc. Later I wanted to buy a cheap webcam for my desktop and had no idea the pandemic had caused a shortage of this older technology. Best Buy, Target, Walmart, Office Depot and several others said the same thing “none available in store” but could order for a later delivery… people working from home apparently found the built-in camera on their iPad / cell phone etc. wasn’t enough.

    Patsy – I saw your comment about keeping blood sugar normal and trying to maintain strength through exercise…exactly my plan. My eating is focused on insulin control and it has made a huge difference in my overall health. Like you, I want to address strength maintenance as well…I need it and realize I am a bit scrawny in the arms (and a few other spots). Good luck! Glad your daughter is doing better, we have a friend that recently was hospitalized for cellulitis and like you noted – it’s no joke.

    Sandy – That birthday card was so cute I did a print-screen to share with her. Thanks for the compliment. I’m a fortunate guy with Jean – she has a good heart towards others (even more for animals). Again – Thanks.
    Buzz – Thanks for the well-wishes and I hope you get as much improvement in your strength and mobility as possible.
    Lin – you mentioned storms yesterday and as I type this I hear thunder in the background. It was a gorgeous day for the most part and the rain was less than forecast – but tonight should be thunderstorms. Being selfish, I just hope cable doesn’t go out. LOL. Hope that shower helped the “itching.”

    Jackie – I will pass along your birthday wishes to Jean. I know she will appreciate it.

    Patsy – Last but not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Bob


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Another busy day culminating in me spending a half hour colouring my hair pink while my evening meal cooked. I was so fed up with it’s untidy length and grubby grey that washed out my features, well I thought it did anyway, so it’s now rose gold! Only semi permanent and most will be cut off when I finally visit my hairdresser next Thursday but it’s condition has improved considerably along with the colour. 👩🏽‍🦰

    I love Clarice Cliff designs and today’s teapot in particular. Susie Cooper is another favourite from that era.

    Patsy, I’m thinking you must be having a terrific birthday with so many plans in place so forget the world’s woes for now And enjoy every moment. Did anyone think to buy you Mary Trump’s Too Much and Never Enough as a gift? Reading just one short review confirmed my suspicions about his psychotic tendencies.

    Another late night so off to bed.
    😴😵 Jackie
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    And same to Bob's JEAN!
    Hi everybody. I downloaded Mary Trump's Too Much and Never enough onto my computer where I have started to read what makes Donald tick. Sitting in this wheelchair hurts after awhile.
    Trying to visualize JACKIE'S PINK HAIR---lol!
    <3<3<3<3<3 to each of you but typing is too difficult tonight!
    Buzz <3<3<3<3<3
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Happy late birthday wishes to Bobs lovely, caring Jean.
    Not hanging around because the machine has the hiccups again.
    Decided I want pink hair as well, AND it's grocery shop day. Rose gold appeals.
    Hope Patsy hasn't a hangover and Buzz is enjoying her book.
    Tenth day of over the top heat.
    Smiled when I read a USA Trump campaign officials remark on border closure, - no one wants to go to Canada anyway.
    Off to shower,
    Anne 😇❤️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Another Clarice Cliff design


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A gorgeous day, warm and sunny so we had a fab walk across the moors. On our way back to the car George went under a gorse bush and came out with something disgusting (I won’t spoil breakfasts!) so we had a fight to get it into a doggy poo bag, the only thing available for me to touch it!
    About to turn into our track when I noticed the garbage truck easing its way out so paused only to hear blast of car horn. Looking in the mirror I could see a young man in his van ranting so I waved him past but more fist waving so I got out to explain why I hadn’t turned in but only received verbal abuse before he raced away. Oh dear, we seem to have so many angry young men in our midst these days! The driver of the garbage truck did give me a cheery thank you wave as he drove out and that made me smile!

    I sort of followed the bean burger recipe from the New York Times but went with Mediterranean flavours rather than spicy Mexican and also added a small amount of soya mince since I have enough in the cupboard to see me to the end of my days! The recipe suggested an egg to bind the mixture but once mashed, the beans remained very moist so I decided a squirt of tomato purée would be enough. Well, perhaps after all I didn’t follow the recipe that much!! I’ll pan fry one this evening and report back.

    Bob, I can understand why you might miss visits to your gym. My brother realised he needed to build his strength up a couple of years ago and made amazing advances at his gym but it was early lockdown for him living in Spain where his local authorities Are still reticent about opening up many facilities. Thank goodness I have the dogs to get me out daily as I’m not so sure I would walk so far on my own. What a fabulous day for Jean and I’m loving the name of the restaurant you visited. Lazy Garlic was another addition to the bean burgers that wasn’t in the original recipe!

    Anne, I wonder if that’s the campaign official that lost his job! No strange looks at my new look hair while out today and it’s certainly given me a boost. My neighbour had suggested blue steel as a colour but although I loved the look of it on the pack I thought it probably too harsh for my old face. 😛

    Another Clarice Cliff set, thanks Lin. 😁

    Ha Buzz, how did I know you would already have your hands on that book? 😉

    Hello to Sandy and Patsy plus anyone else popping in. Must get on.

    Jackie looking very pink and golden!! 🙃😌
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    A very cheery hello on a very wet morning. Since it is fire season, we welcome moisture to keep things less likely to flame up. When weather permits, I love to do my exercise regime outside on the deck. Katie loves to race around barking endlessly...protecting us from all who would harm us, no doubt.

    I also had a lovely birthday. John did indeed have a choclate cake stashed in the refrigerator down in the store room. I confess to having two glasses of champagne. One with the dinner and one with the cake. Nice chats with both of our adult children. Our daughter diffidently has cellulitis. She is on antibiotics but refused to go to the hospital. Her doctor is concerned but is keeping tabs on her. She will know the results of the Covid test in about 5 days.

    Okay! I also have the new book about the Trump family. Could not resist it. Although we already know most of the juicy stuff. The niece is showing up on all the talk shows. Not sure about her motives, but it doesn’t matter, does it?

    Bob: About the b’day card, John also does photoshop and layout work. He loved the card as much as I did. He said you did a masterful job. Very creative. Thank you.

    Jackie: you know I love colors and my hair is sort of faded dark brown. My mom used to say our heritage was “Black Irish”(?) I have tried to color my hair and that murky color keeps showing up. I guess that is what I am stuck with, no matter what. Hope little George is doing okay. I know the thought of him suffering any sort of disability is worrying.

    Anne: enjoy your shopping and your day with Mike. You two always seem to have lovely chats and adventures.

    Lin: are you ever tempted to buy any of those amazing teapots? You are a puzzle champ. It has to do with recognizing shapes and spacial relationships. Not sure if it is an acquired skill or I are you born with it?
    Ooooooops the typing has gone wonky,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    edited July 2020
    Good afternoon. I got busy this morning but I am here now.

    A very hot day with all sorts of flying stinging things thrown in for good measure. 🤣😂🤣

    Patsy, your birthday sounds absolutely lovely. Did you say you had leftover cake? 😉. I am glad you spoke to both of your children. And I am hoping your daughter is well soon. I have never understood much about cellulitis. Our Pastor’s wife had that from time to time as well as Crohn’s disease. I know she was ill often. Enjoy the book. Nuf said. 😒

    Jackie, those patties look marvelous. I am sure you will enjoy them. When I want to fuss and make bean burgers, I love them with (nearly) salt free salsa. Yum! What a wild change for your hair color. Great!!!

    Anne, sorry that you seem to continue to have iPad troubles. Hope you and the Bean are well today. And so hope it is not as hot in your area as here. No one is outside this afternoon. I went to the mailbox and not even one garage door was open. Very unusual. Good shopping trip??

    Buzz, ❤️❤️hello❤️❤️! I hope you are better each day and that you enjoy that book. Please, no high blood pressure over his antics. I am praying for RBG as we learned today she is back to cancer treatments. May she continue to be the toughest lady ever.

    Bob, the garlic meatballs look good. They could only be better if they were vegan. 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Yes, a nice shower helped with the itching and I dug out my organic bug repellent which is helping as I water my plants. Well, as our positive cases surge more and more, people are calling for gyms to be closed again as non-essential. So our governor has a press conference mandating schools be at least 50% in person, no distance learning to be allowed full time. Get the classrooms ready, the kids must go back. No word on the gyms.

    Sandy, hello. I think I missed you today. 🙋🏼‍♀️

    My handyman/lawn care guy is coming over this afternoon. He says he can spray the wasps. He didn’t answer my text inquiring if he had ever treated this type of burrowing crazy insect. I hope he can prevail. Meanwhile, I have a call in to a pest control service to find out how much it would cost for a treatment, no contract . They always want a contract.

    I continue to get in on Zoom calls related to agriculture. Crop conditions, government programs, basis spreads on corn and beans. So much new stuff that I am just not taking it all in. Especially with cover crops and the movement to not kill it before planting. Must read more.

    Yesterday I tried to get stocked up and actually placed a number of orders and ran around picking things up and getting deliveries. The error rate seems to be climbing. And there is no recourse. I called one store after delivery and customer service said, oh if you picked up your order we cannot help you, hold on while I transfer you, so I get the shopping service arm of the store and explain the issue again and the person says, sorry I cannot help you it seems to be a problem with the programming of the shopping app. You will need to contact them. At that point, I surrendered. Total waste of time. Just makes things so expensive to have damaged items, leaking items, totally wrong items that I cannot eat due to allergy. Okay, I will quit now. I think I need to cut back to carrots, peanut butter, rice crackers and frozen fruit/veggies. Those things are usually just fine. ☺️

    Oh and I decided to stay as far away from these harmless wasps as possible (if I can). My friend sent me a photo of her friend’s husband who was apparently attacked by wasps (specifics not provided) and he was in the hospital overnight. A tough guy, former Marine etc. in the photo with a virtually unrecognizable face. So much swelling and redness. Eeeeck!

    Be well.

    Long distance hugs. ❤️❤️


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    My reading is better than my typing so I'm just bringing hugs and love to you all.
    <3 Buzz
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I went for my wellness/physical this morning and I am healthy. Odd kind of exam without changing into a gown and no exam of ears, nose or throat due to covid. My weight was the same as last year even though I tried so hard to lose this week. Due to easy bruising she said to take my baby aspirin every other day and because I get tired easy she said to take some vitamin B12 and Centrum Silver because I am old. (she didn't say that) I gave her a sheet of the blood pressure tests I have been taking but she said they do not warrant a pill.
    Now I just have to wait on the blood work. My mammogram came back benign and all my other tests are up to date. She did suggest a shingles vaccine but I don't think they are covered by insurance. So hopefully, I don't have to go back for a year.

    Lin, I don't blame you for not wanting to interact with those wasps. I hope the handyman can get rid of them for you without having to have an exterminator. I am sorry you are having such a hard time with bad deliveries, I have been lucky with Walmart. I guess I am lucky I have no food allergies except my tummy does not like cauliflower or brussels sprouts and yesterday I found out I can't eat iceberg salad. Maybe those are considered allergies. B)

    Patsy, I am so happy for you and knew John would make your birthday special. To make it even better you talked with your children. I am sorry about your daughter and still praying for negative results on her test.

    Jackie, I hope you post a picture after the bean burgers are cooked, I can't visualize what they will look like. I am not sure what a gorse bush is, but I am curious as to what George could have come out with. I hate rude people but you have to be so careful these days with road rage and guns. I am glad the garbage guy was grateful. How about a picture of you in your new color???

    Anne, we too have excess heat and might reach a heat index of three digits tomorrow. I swear if Trump gets in I am sneaking to your house but I might have to bring the kiddos and their parents with me. lol

    Buzz, so glad to hear from you again. <3

    Bob, you are very good with graphics, do you use photo shop??

    Time is getting away from me. I am doing laundry ate a very late brunch and now have to ride my bike before visiting Joe.

    Have a wonderful and safe day.

    One Day at a Time