Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Barbie, Gorgeous shirt and model!

    Lin ❤️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Ditto. Anne.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Thanks SANDY. Up here they are saying it's a scam to gain access to ones info, particularly banks. However it's breaking news so I guess we will learn more as time goes by. I think with relations between China and USA/Canada strained authorities suspicious of anything arriving to every day folk via the mail. I think LIN said on the previous page and rightly anything invasive could be disastrous for USA/Canada farmland. Anne.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    This is my shirt award for the library summer reading challenge

    Barbie, love the shirt especially the color. You look amazing as always!!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just read, change your password if you order from Amazon.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Where did you read this Anne? I have no news about changing my password at all.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Options Mystery seeds arriving in US from China could be part of a scam officials say.

    Password change near the end of the article SANDY. Sorry I can't do better than this. I can email or text the article but don't know how to show here.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    But only if you have received package(s). They re only guessing that your information was garnered through Amazon as apparently some of the companies sending the seeds are 3rd party vendors on Amazon. I am not concerned at this point. So many ways my information has been shared.

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It was a different kind of morning walk… 68 degrees but a cool 65 “real-feel” temp with a mildly strong breeze… A hint we are heading out of not into summer feeling. Here is a pic of one lady that passes me every day with a wave/smile. Both Jean and I visited with her one morning – very nice.


    Caught up on some emails, news etc. Jean and I decided not to mall walk and took a car ride to the other side of the city. By 1pm we were ready for lunch and stopped at Applebees. I still try to watch calorie intake although not necessary with IF… had the 6oz steak, steamed broccoli, Garlicky beans and a side salad using just 2 “fork-fulls” of dressing. Delicious.

    The plaza had a Kohl’s I had never been to before, so we checked it out. The “great sale” was still on and I picked up a $100.00 pair of slacks for $7.00 (pic) – no more clothing sale pics after this for a while LOL.


    Jackie – You’re right. If you hit it at just the right time, the mall walking is as good as it gets. They actually have it set out with a marked path for the sole purpose of walking.

    Lin and Barbie – you are correct – we are fortunate to have that mall…but there have been many closures because of the pandemic. It is very expensive to have a business there. Lord & Taylor is moving out, Liberty travel & Armani are gone along with at least another half-dozen stores. Untuck Shirts is going to open – but I am not sure how they will fare in this area. As for family members – lots of great memories. Some regrets like we all have. My brother died in his sleep at 61 with no warning… and I always assumed there would be time for one more Arizona trip to “hang” and have a great time… I haven’t been to Az since 1990.

    Anne – We heard about the packets of seeds…Jean and I looked at each other and said the same thing… we would simply throw them in the trash.

    Lin – That’s a great looking Russian tea pot – all I can say is Прекрасный – You don’t think I used Google translate do you? LOL

    Thanks Buzz on the photos!

    Sandy – Glad you are feeling better and that Aleve helped.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    I’m jealous of your morning sky photo Bob. Today I pulled back bedroom curtains to be confronted by low cloud that blocked any sight of the sky and more rain, that soaking drizzling sort. A relatively short stroll round the village was enough but still required a good rub down for the dogs when we got home... a more gentle one for me!
    I can well imagine how distraught you would have been to lose your mother. Such an experience would leave most teenagers feeling angry at the world. Wonderful memories soften the pain but never quite erase it. A beautiful family photo.

    Great photo Barbie along with the achievement.

    Buzz, it’s wonderful to know you feel you have options because not too long ago you were in a different place. When it comes to crunch time and a decision must be made about apartment living I just know you will make the right one for you. You are strong minded but at the same time sensible so mix the two together and see what you come up with. Of course you must listen to your heart as well because being content is a priority for you, that I do know. ❤️🥰❤️

    Any more news on the mysterious seeds? I’m surprised they slipped past customs if the packages are suspicious although I can’t imagine the Chinese government doing something that obvious. Usually they are sneaky in their nastiness!

    I’d better get on with something productive. Eva Cassidy singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow On the radio. My favourite version. Someday I’ll wish upon a star, wake up where the clouds are far behind me Appropriate as I look out on the misty murk drifting by my window!

    Back to check on today’s teapot later. 😁

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    Today’s teapot.

    “Blue-and-white, a beloved color combination, is elevated with touches of gold. Wedgwood "Hibiscus" teapot.”


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    delraybuzz wrote: »
    I'm continuing to get stronger and the walking is progressing slowly, but better. My day of decision is approaching
    about a permanent move, and I dread breaking up my apartment! oh oh, lunch!
    <3 Buzz

    Buzz, I am very happy that your strength is improving. Important decisions are difficult to make. I am confident you will think it through completely and will take the best course of action for your best health and happiness. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    We've just got home from our sniff and shuffle stroll. Lovely day here and after all the rain, just a hint of the coming fall in the air.

    I'm in a count my blessings mood today. The last forty years have been so good. Seen a lot, done a lot and now quite content to let the world go by.

    Oh JACKIE one man did grow the seeds and ended up with orange flowers and white fruit. Sounds to me like some sort of squash. Can't trash the seeds because they'd grow in the landfill wouldn't they? Sweet mystery of life.

    I too wish BUZZ all the best in her future living quarters. They certainly seem to have looked after you in your present home Buzz and it's wonderful to know you are on the mend.

    I'm beginning to wonder if I'll ever see my local mall again BOB! Great for walking in the winter. I guess it will be back to galloping around the house in the near future.

    The world up here is in a sort of peace today. It's like a hush has descended. Everything in a waiting mood. Hard to describe, but comfortably warm and lovely.

    Annie. 🐶🙃❤️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Had a great day with the kids yesterday, it was a beautiful day to be in the backyard. My son made steaks on the grill so that was a nice treat. Next volleyball game is Monday, haven't heard anything about movie night this weekend.
    I made plans to visit my friends in one of the lady's daughter backyard on Tuesday. We can stay 6 feet apart and be outside so I am comfortable with that. We will see if I change my mind before then.

    Annie, we really should count our blessings everyday, there are so many people who are going through terrible things with this pandemic. I hope the man who grew the seeds didn't eat the fruit, who knows what it is. I am wondering if I will ever see the inside of Walmart again, I just can't seem to make myself go in with all the cars in their lot. I will stick with online groceries for now.

    Bob, I agree with Jackie, that view is just beautiful. You really have scored some big sales, good for you. I got a coupon in the mail for 30% off from Kohl's but I will just look online and not venture to the store.

    I have my meeting this afternoon, the bike and Joe. I was going to order groceries for pickup but the next available is tomorrow so it can wait until later. Have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,135 Member
    edited August 2020
    Hello, we finally got a bit of a rain shower just now. Lovely. I stood outside to smell the rain. ☺️ It wasn’t too heavy and didn’t last long as evidenced by the roofers who did not completely stop working. I don’t think I would want to be on a roof or on a ladder in the rain. They are very sure-footed.

    I really hope people will not plant these seeds or throw them in the trash. The ag people will destroy them so nothing is set loose in the environment. Controlling weeds is a huge problem costing farmers so much money and causes us to get more food with herbicide residue. Many of the seeds are coated with something I hear so I wouldn’t want to handle them. Enough preaching for today.

    Sandy, so glad you had a good day yesterday. Re the Facebook post, do they have tether ball in their own backyard? Looked like fun. You are slowly finding ways to enjoy the company of others. One of my coffee group has totally disappeared, I think she has coffee dates with different friends most days now. Another lady is quietly contacting group members one by one and scheduling coffee dates, just two ladies. Different locations from what I have heard.

    Anne, good attitude today. Excellent. From my perspective, your sons are great blessings. As is Jillo. But your list is long I am certain. I talked to a friend this morning and she was saying that we are fortunate after hearing of the destruction in Beirut and the storm damage along the Atlantic coast. We have our homes, power, food as a start.

    Jackie, I had to sing the Over the Rainbow” song after you mentioned it. I always tear up when I hear or sing it. 😢 lovely song. If the seeds just showed up in the U.S., I would say the Chinese know how incredibly easy it is to trick Americans and I would believe something horrendous was involved. Glad you had a nice, if damp walk. Hoping George is feeling ok.

    Bob, nice photo of your biking ‘companion’. When I walked dogs, we did not have any regular encounters since we were out very early. Before 5am. Even runners start later around here. Oh my gosh. SEVEN DOLLARS!!!!??!!!!!! Now really that is insane. I don’t think I have ever found a deal like that, even when sweaters had holes in them or hems were half out or buttons missing. Well done. And of course I had to look up the Russian word. ‘Beautiful’ 😄😁😄

    Hello Patsy, Barbie, Buzz, Diane and all other Sneakers I may have missed. Wonder how Jeri is?

    Wishing everyone good health❤️❤️❤️

    Lin ❤️

    P.S. New puzzle assembled


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Beautiful day here. We just had a blessed rain shower. This time of year the specter of a forest fire is always lurking around the corner. We are battling one or two in Oregon right now. The shower was welcomed and now we have sun breaks and the most wonderful perfume in the world. Moist damp earth and moist plant life. Why can’t we bottle that?

    John went to the dentist for his tooth cleaning and as usual, he found some big issue. It will involve a crown and months of going back and forth for procedures and fittings and special soft foods. John’s mouth has always been a disaster. Poor guy!

    My only brother is out of hospice care and is home. His choice is to be in his own home for whatever time he has left. I feel so helpless. John says he would simply not support the idea of me hobbling onto an airplane and going to see him in Colorado. We can’t leave open kennel here. Not that I would want that for her. In another time I would go to him and spend quality time, providing any care I could, see that he and family had whatever support they needed. Today, I can only telephone or try to Skype. I have been thinking of all the funny family times as we were growing up. Like when he put on his Batman cape and “flew out of the upstairs window.” That didn’t go well, as I remember.

    Our daughter is improving with antibiotics and firm elastic hosiery. She is complaining loudly about everything. So I know she is improving by the mean sounds coming from her. I think I could be a great diagnostician. I would use a lot of magic and mystery.

    The Chinese plants sound suspicious. While it is sad one should never look a gift horse in the mouth, I disagree! It is often like a used car. Don’t buy someone else’s heart ache. Well all my metaphors are getting tangled.

    I will try to follow all your good examples, dear sneakers.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Congratulations, BARBIE, on both your award and weight control! Beautiful picture!
    PATSY, your brother does not have to leave hospice. They will give him much help and comfort at home. I looked into it before investigating my options. He can always rejoin.
    SANDY, no reason I should be unable to post here, as I already am in Medical, just not a permanent move yet.
    Thanks for your faith, JACKIE.
    Great puzzle, LIN. And there has always been something special about Wedgwood.
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Buzz: thank you so much for your special information. As odd as it may seem, my brother’s family there do not attend to business. By that I mean, when important decisions need to be made, they are incapable of following through. I know they are struggling. I will try to help but can only do some research and offer suggestions in a way that doesn’t seem pushy. In the end, I know life often creates a situation that provides incentive to affect a change or decision. The story of my life, really.

    As for you my beautiful remain that amazing source of strength and wisdom. I have every confidence that wherever you lie your head, you will have considered it carefully and made the best choice. You may have noticed that we all continue to think of you constantly and dare I say it....they better know that we love you and they better take great care of our dear Buzz. Seriously!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Sandy – Thanks on the view and “scores.” To be honest I never shopped at Kohls until this year, but have many family members that love their “Kohl’s Cash.” Don’t blame you on not venturing out. I think for many, it depends on location etc. Told Jean, I am just glad we don’t live in NYC!

    Lin – I know what you mean about the smell of the rain…love most outdoor smells. Jean still hangs clothes outside, just for that fresh air smell. We differ on thunder storms… I like those as well. Must say, I haven’t climbed a ladder onto a roof in a long time. Then again, at my old weight no one could have picked me up! :D

    As for walkers, they do start about 5-5:30am around here… especially dog owners for obvious reasons (poop scooper in hand). Yes, I was thrilled with that $7.00 purchase – but some of the deals have ruined my perception – I don’t even look at things now unless I see “clearance 50-80% off” for quality merchandise. I am sure this won’t last once things normalize a bit. Thought you’d appreciate my Russian LOL.

    Patsy – Looks like we are all having some nice weather mixed with sun and rain. So sorry about your brother, he sounds like a real decent guy. I have volunteered at a local hospice off and on since 1997 (cooking and delivering meals of course) and have always been amazed by the inner strength of some. Thoughts and prayers for him and you.
