Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Hello again. Got most of the groceries on my order this morning. Most everything is put away now, the sun is out again and I am back to working on cards. Almost finished with the birthday card for the little girl. I received an email from a friend stating her grandson graduated from high school and since they could not have a reception due to COVID, here’s the address so you can send him a congratulations. Another friend also had a graduation in the family this spring. She posted some photos on Facebook but made no requests. Must think this over. If I do one, I should do both. Will mull that over.

    I received some bills in the mail today so will sort through them and also a bill stuck in the front storm door. Haaaaa. They’re coming from everywhere. 😂🤣. That one was from my handyman for mowing and other odds and ends. I saw him on the street later and he mentioned he had sprayed twice for the wasps. Well, some are still out there flying around But he said he didn’t see any while he was mowing. I would think the mower sure would not attract them.

    The lady parts are, ummmm, interesting but again, not anything I would find appealing unless I had some costumes for each season. 😄

    Back to work.

    Oh and I have found a few of these 100 piece art puzzles. I love them. Put this one together yesterday. I think this is good for the brain. Unless of course I find out that someday I can no longer do it.


    Hello Sandy, Buzz, Bob and Barbie.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Very hot yesterday. It is to be a bit cooler today but not much. Yesterday once again taught me that I am not suited for hot weather. I think of lovely Sandy sitting on her balcony, in the sun tanning like a piece of toast in the toaster. I would be like our neighbors cat. If the weather isnt perfect he hangs up on their screen door and yowls loudly.

    Today is a day of the usual Monday kind of tasks. I really don’t mind them but I would like to find the energy to do some extra things. I constantly lament the pace of my efforts. I walk slow, and it does take me really twice as long to do anything. That is my new research to see if I can safely find the energy to push harder and faster. Sip gingerly at the fountain of youth....

    I didn’t order anything exciting like Anne but I did order one of those tiny little air conditioners that sit on your desk. It holds about a glass of water and has a tiny fan. It can sit on my painting table and keep me cool while I doodle and fiddle. our son uses one on his computer desk. It only cools one person not a whole room or house. Silly! but I like being cool even in the winter.

    I think there are many mannequin projects that are abandoned in a short time. The inner vision and the ability to recreate it in actuality is often very difficult. As you all know, I have many projects in the dungeon that need “rethinking.” There is something mesmerizing about mannequins, dolls and robots. The have personality and secret intent.

    Not reading the news...being careful and safe.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Well I wasted most of the morning trying to help Babe with a mobile dog groomer only to be told later when his DIL came home to cancel the appointment. She found a cheaper one and said there was no reason to give them Babe's credit card number over the phone and they are probably scammers. Absolutely not true and the reason they do that is to follow CDC rules so no touch of money or credit card. They have been in business for 14 years and the owner was more than patient with me because of numerous phone calls getting her information. I was so angry with Babe I told him I will never help him again and also when he gets his second stimulus check it belongs to me since he screwed me out of the first one.
    He said he can't afford to give it to me and he will make it up to me. I told him I didn't want to talk to him anymore and hung up. And how was your morning?
    It is already time to ride my bike, the day is flying by and I haven't done much of anything.
    Oh yeah, got another text from a friend who said she is not going to spend her last years being afraid of being with us and since we are all responsible she is tired of not having her life back. I told them to go without me as I am not ready for restaurants outside or inside. Not the best morning.

    Patsy, just so you know I am not sitting on my balcony getting a suntan. I tried it a couple of times but it is just too hot without a pool to float around. This is the first summer I haven't had a tan but I am fine with it.

    Lin, it would take me forever to do that puzzle but you are a genius puzzle person.

    Hello to everyone, but the page has flipped and so has my mind. Have a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Something to make you smile: Robby's 6th Birthday Party. His mother went all out for movie night with a Mario theme.

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    How time flies! the kids are gorgeous Read 3 days of posts today and am bleary! LIN, I am a fan of FLW and your puzzle reminds me of his home in Arizona. Can't sit any longer as I still tire easily but sending hugs and kisses to my dear friends...
    <3 Buzz
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    It’s been a wonderful day of 80’s & low 90’s… took a couple walks… enjoyed 70’s temp at 6am on deck…fixed my “1pm lunch at 7am” using all left-over’s from yesterday (pic). Watched several YouTube video’s covering news, lectures, health, music etc….re-visited old Regis Philbin interviews. Loved his show with Kathy Lee (great chemistry) and sad to hear of his passing. … played around with editing programs & some social media.

    Spent some afternoon time organizing & cleaning my “office” area while listening to some albums (Righteous Bros., Mathis and a “special” Sonny & Cher album that hold childhood memories (pic). A low-key day overall… Just heard in last hour that GARMIN that data recovery is underway… can’t wait – thousands of steps over the last week and unable to sync with MFP – not much of a problem compared to others.


    Lin – Thanks and I was happy to have that nasty beef smell gone… great job with the Dogs With Jobs puzzle. Of course, cats are different and they would be supervisors assigning jobs to owners. I know our Sabrina has me in charge of Fancy Feast. As for the mannequin – at least he’d never argue with you.

    Patsy – Totally agree on mannequin fun potential. If I could have nabbed one for under $50.00 I would have picked one up. As for wine, I do love a good port like Cockburn's Special Reserve or Vintage Port (but haven’t had in a long time) and a nice Pinot’s. Guess I will have to check out the Oregon Pinot in the not too distant future. We have taken drives through the Finger Lakes area to check out wineries a few times. I love good wine and hate the stuff that just gives a nice headache LOL.

    Anne - -I wonder why so many women seem to want mannequins … perhaps it has something to do with a man that looks good and says nothing. Ha ha

    Jackie – that photo cracked me up!

    Sandy – that Mario theme party looks awesome!


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Sorry about my venting. Just a bad day!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No prob SANDY. We all have bad days. Hope today is much better, and cooler!

    Jillys day wasn't so good at one point. We waited in the car behind a line of cars full of huge dogs. Jilly was finally carried into the vets looking worried to have her claws clipped. She was carried back out a quarter of a hour later, fully recovered but I am still recovering from the cost! We were told she was a very good girl. I think she should have put up a bit of a fight and made them work for the cost. $40 back paws only!

    The couriers tell me my pants and top will be delivered tomorrow. 6 day wait from the UK instead of the old 3 day wait.

    I don't know about the UK and the USA, but house prices are soaring here. Isn't that odd?

    We are expecting a much cooler day after yesterday's unbelievable heat. In the 80s and I'm off to enjoy it. Ta ta,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good morning. The morning teapot.....

    “ First teapot of a new week! This is a quite large 7 cup bone china teapot in the Indian Tree design by Sovereign China, circa 1970s/80s. I am not able to provide very much info about this pot as I can't find any details about the company. Johnson Brothers had a couple of companies under their wing called Sovereign Pottery, but these were based in Canada and Australia, not Stoke-on-Trent. There is no mention of Sovereign China in the online A-Z of Stoke-on-Trent potters, most curious!”


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Update on my pants and top because I'm still amazed at the speed. They left East Midlands airport late on the 26th, arrived in Cincinnati on the 27th, cleared by customs and on the road by 4:55 am. Crossed the border and at 8:10am today on the 28th are sitting here waiting delivery to me on the 29th! I guess not much traffic at the border? Same delivery speed as before pandemic. Longest time spent was in the depot in Derby.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Walked on the moors in a rather cool breeze but we did stay dry which is always a bonus. After an hour I could see from the top of a hill that rain clouds were chuntering across the county about 2 miles away so home we headed. Friend Jill phoned to say she will be over for a coffee in my garden tomorrow after dropping her car off for its annua MOT then I phoned another friend whose birthday it is. We had a nice catch up as she won't be going out due to having to continue to isolate.
    I've been unpacking my new garden arch that arrived yesterday so that its cardboard packaging can be taken to our recycling point up by the road. No wonder the delivery man was struggling because it's very heavy until taken apart into 4 pieces so I will be needing an extra pair of hands to place it into position and bolt together..... a job for another day!
    The sun has arrived so I shall potter in the garden for a couple of hours and search for the right spot for a variegated honeysuckle cutting given to me by the gardener who helped out last year. Pretty pale yellow and green leaves but no idea what colour its flower will be. A delight whatever, I'm sure.

    Anne, I expect delays in Derby are due to M&S getting so many orders online these days as everyone got used to buying that way during lockdown. Their high street stores are struggling but online business is good so hopefully they will not go under as so many have. My friend whose dog I buy the painkillers for had to pay £30 just to talk on the phone to a vet for less than 5 minutes in order to renew the prescription. They've got us all over a barrel haven't they!!

    Sandy, that's what friends are for so you get these things off your chest whenever you feel the need. <3 Everyone will deal with the current distancing in their own way and if one of my friends decided it wasn't for them I would wish them well but continue to be extremely careful where I go and never feel pressured. The kiddos look as cute as ever!

    Lin, I do remember seeing teapots patterned in similar style to today's picture but have no information about it in my little brain because I tended to look more at antiques.

    Love your choice of music to listen to Bob. I've a cupboard full of vinyl albums from the 60's upwards until cassettes took over for awhile. When I have to clear the rooms for the asbestos removal it will be decision time on whether I get rid of some but somehow can't quite bring myself to depart with all. They do still get played occasionally!

    Waving to Buzz <3<3<3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Sitting early for the two youngest as today is Robby's official birthday and mom and dad are taking him tubing. I will stay the day as they are playing volleyball tonight.
    Did not sleep well as I knew I had to get up early, it is going to be a long day.

    Keep safe and healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just found an email reading my parcel will be delivered today rather than the predicted tomorrow. Unbelievable! That means I'm only one day later then pre virus, and I did order on a Sunday!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    The parcel arrived. I sort of was expecting the worst because contents on sale at a vey low price, but I'm over the moon. The pants are a super perfect fit!......and NOT made in China!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Enjoy your sale, ANNE!
    Waving back to JACKIE, and adding the physical therapist told me I WILL walk again, with therapy. Left side is considerably weaker but responding.
    LIN, you certainly have enlarged on your new hobby!
    SANDY, Robby is 6 already!!!? ANd you are still the great grandmother!
    BOB, is Sabrina your cat?
    I'm tired after a busy afternoon, but learned how to make the wheelchair more comfortable.
    <3 Buzz
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello! Warm day again but not too bad. It is grooming day for the Kate. She will be happy for a short airy cut and makes for easy daily brushing. As I have lamented many times...this breed of sweet doggie is high maintenance.

    The tiny air conditioner works very well for the purpose I wanted. Not for a whole house or even a whole large room, it is for one person and in a small area. I have it on for the grooming area. Great! That and a cd of Tina Turner. Oh Baby! Proud Mary!

    Listened to a bit of Barr’s testimony. I am not really impressed with the questions or the way things are being handled. I want answers! Actually no one asked me what I wanted..........

    I love our sneaker group. We are a caring supportive group, with a touch of whimsy, no small amount of wisdom and good advice. I admit to being bit full-on basket case but I love you all. Happy Tuesday. Time to continue the dog hair vacuuming!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) Grooming for Bessie and Sasha today
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good morning. I am sorry I have not had much to say and will not again today. I have 2 days of farm seminars online in July and another day in August. I thought I would have extra time but I have had a check go missing in the mail, and other things to straighten out online that just eat up time. I was just beat last night and went to bed early. A longer day today but I will be back soon.

    A funny teapot today.

    And matching mugs

    Wishing everyone well.
    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Busy time for me too because during coffee time with friends in my garden my phone rang and it was the company that is fitting my new staircase..... can we do it tomorrow? No notice at all but I'm going with it which means clearing the room as much as possible and boxing small items. I came across a huge selection of cassettes that no one plays anymore which were collected in the 80's and 90's. Sad but I may as well throw them out!

    My new phone has finally arrived at the pick up point so my neighbour has kindly offered to collect it as she has shopping to do anyway. It seems contacting the seller worked!

    Haha, Lin, Lionel Richie! At first I thought it was my favourite painter Bob Ross. :D

    Back later I expect.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Busy day for me as well. I've just made out a huge order for grocery delivery, because much as I love the Organic Garage they don't stock everything the Bean and I like such as milky bone good morning treats for healthy aging (maybe I should try them) for her and Tide detergent for me, well us both actually. Snuck a couple of naughty treats for me in as well because the Organic Garage doesn't really believe in naughty treats.

    I got a letter from my cousin in Australia who's convinced the virus will soon be a thing of the past. HA! Well she's very hopeful and I do hope she's right, but I don't think so with new waves cropping up.

    However, I have a feeling Mike will be recalled into work in September. Jilly is really going to miss him if this is so because he is on his way right now to pop in for a couple of hours and with him she gets much longer walks than with doddery old me. We see him at least three times a week because he's bored I expect. His two best friends are still working. He is still driving the company car and I think that's a hopeful sign he will be recalled. He's not so sure, but then he's more pessimistic than me.

    I better go and tidy the place up,
    Have a lovely busy day Sneakers,