Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    Good morning. Today’s teapot.

    From the original post:
    Portmeirion Pottery was started by Susan Williams-Ellis and her husband 60 years ago. The daughter of Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, the architect who designed Portmeirion, the Italian style tourist village in Gwynedd, North Wales. Susan's first design is now iconic, Botanic Garden. Breaking from tradition it was the first time that one collection consisted of a variety of different patterns.


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Dodging showers today so no soaking... yet! We walked the moors my pooches and me where no social distancing required. Not a soul to be seen except this young lady
    On our way home I stopped at the friends home whose dog I buy online prescription painkillers for but they were out, probably tending to their ponies. Package left in a safe place then home for coffee and Sunday phone calls. One friend I hadn't spoken to for a few weeks has been in hospital after collapsing at home alone. Turns out she has a stomach ulcer that painkillers for arthritis probably caused. She's bruised from the fall but thankfully nothing broken.
    Enjoy each day friends!

    It's incredibly quiet here today, not even distant traffic or Sunday church bells so I'm wondering if I missed something! We are expecting bad weather today and worse to come tomorrow so I'll have a pottering day and enjoy the peace!

    I'm having a battle with the courier service that lost a package of summer clothes early in lockdown. This time a replacement updated iPhone has disappeared at their depot and it's impossible to actually talk to anyone, just one of those typing messages boxes. Someone in the far East assures me it will be delivered tomorrow, a week late with no explanation why. As a good friend always says, but this is progress!! 😏🙄😖

    Gorgeous sunrise photos Bob to remind us each new day should hold something to enjoy. Of course your barbeque food falls into the same category. 😋

    Anne, that's the sort of online mischief I enjoy and hope M&S have a secret route across the border! I'm sure they'll have made alternative plans if necessary.

    Coffee finished so time to get moving. Have a peaceful Sunday everyone.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello, love today's teaset LIN. Me to a T you might say!

    We are expecting Mike today, but I don't know. He might change his mind with today being the hottest day of all! I need the pet store for Jillys treats. Next door is the LCBO and all this talk of cool drinks on hot days makes me think I might pop in there as well!

    I'll say one thing about online shopping with M&S they email how things are progressing. Just checked and I'm still being processed. Hope they fly stuff over to Toronto Airport now! I've a feeling they've sacked the last fashion editor after she was accused of being stodgy. Seems to be a young man in charge. We will see but their front page of "inspire me" is attractive. I fancy the robe! Down girl, let's see if the pants and top arrives first!

    Just had the news on and apparently protests are being quelled in Seattle! It's all so hard to believe, such disruption since Donald decided to make America great again. At least he looks more attractive in a mask!

    Of course it turns out our Justin isn't much better now that he's been caught in a charity scandal. Handing out donated money to Mom and his cronies. Are there ANY decent honest politicians?

    Like JACKIE, today I will bury my head and potter and let the rest of the world go by.

    Hope everyone also has a happy, peaceful, not too hot day,

    Anne and my helpful Bean who helps me take my socks off, sometimes with disastrous results, but she means well? 😇🐶❤️

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    PS. Michael's staying home because he's got a sore throat and has had it for two days. 🤞
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    What a gorgeous teapot, cup and saucer Lin. I often see Portmeirion pottery in auctions and it sells for a great price. I've not seen that pretty pattern before though. Did you ever watch the TV series The Prisoner back in the late 60's with Patrick McGoohan? Rather surreal because his captors wouldn't tell him who they were but when he tried to escape, which was most episodes, he got chased along the beach by a giant balloon!!. That was filmed in Portmeirion so you can imagine how the tourists flocked to the town once it was broadcast!

    I spent a couple of hours pruning roses and cutting high branches out of a Rhododendrom that has grown too high. Cup of tea time now!

    I hope Jilly gets her treats soon Anne and that Michael chases away his sore throat.

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Marks got a sore throat as well! He thinks it's the heat. The heat affects my throat but not sore. I lose my voice almost completely which can be a blessing I guess for others.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    edited July 2020
    Happy Sunday! :) Really struggling with digestive problems, starting to think I need to eat Gluten Free. Staying healthy is not easy work between dieting, exercise and food in itself. :s
    Today is my eldest son's birthday, he is 57. We will have another zoom birthday call later this afternoon with my side of the family. It is again another scorcher with temps in the 90's and heat index of 102. I will be staying in except for my hour with Joe.

    Anne, I am sorry both boys have sore throats, we all worry over any illness these days, no matter how trivial. I knew someone who lost their voice when flying, it was very odd.
    Things are so out of hand politically it is hard to watch the news at all. I hope your new clothes come quickly and that they fit you perfect.

    Jackie, I don't think I have watched the Prisoner but I do like that actor. Lucky you having the moors to yourself with the exception of Bessie or Bernie. :D All the items I ordered off of Facebook from China I had to fight for refunds. Four items and not one of them was right or hasn't arrived at all. I am giving one until the end of the month before demanding a refund.
    I have certainly learned my lesson. Ugh.

    Lin, I too, like that teapot, simple but elegant. Are you still in this hotspell?

    Patsy, your doctor's advice sounds good to me and I followed by having only one glass of wine with dinner last night. I do think other things are going on but (Bob don't read this, hum or something) I think the only way to find out for sure is with a colonoscopy which I really don't want to do because of the prep. The test itself is fine since I am asleep. I am not due for another for two years but if things don't change I will consider it sooner. Ok, Bob you can come back now. lol

    Bob, my brother is like Jean's uncle, you have to be really close to him for him to see you and when he was living alone he had a big magnifying type thing in front of his TV and for his computer. He is living with his daughter now so not sure if he is still using them or not.
    He has the wet macular and he said there is nothing they can do for him since it is so bad.

    Buzz, hope all is well with you today.

    Have a good day and wear those mask, social distance and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    I said “Jean…just where do you ever think you’d find a “full bodied man” to replace me? She said “that’s a dumb question” and headed off to JC Penny’s. Looks like JCP isn’t going to hold back any merchandise. :D


    Started the day with coffee, walk and church on TV. Quick stop at mall (only 3 miles from us – as usual at open the place is pretty empty so social distancing is very easy) and a grocery store pit-stop. Dropped groceries at home and brought Jean for a custard down the street – it’s roughly 90 degrees right now. Having another coffee and then cooking “thin” pork chops on the grill.

    That’s about it…

    Patsy - -Thought about popsicles for dinner and although tempting – the grill it is. LOL Tomorrow we should hit around 102 degrees “feel-like” temp.

    Let’s see – you’re a self-admitted “radical” that is “defensive” about Oregon wine vs. the obvious inferior wines of California and Washington. You state “ours is better” and that I must agree… Therefore I will capitulate not wishing to face your wrath. LOL :D

    Jackie – LOVE your pic… so green and serene! Thanks re: sunrise… Early mornings is when I seem to take in my surroundings and soak in the fact of how great it is to be alive…sun, rain, light snowfall, autumn leaves – love it all.
    Absolutely remember the TV series The Prisoner with Patrick McGoohan. Our #1 current addiction is Doc Martin…sadly we blitz each season as fast as we can… after swearing to slow down. LOVE Martin Clunes and the entire cast / and acting. The main reason we now subscribe to ACORN TV. :)

    Sandy – You didn’t stop me quick enough and I read about the colonoscopy… lol. I am overdue, but will likely wait a few more months. The last one I had was an adventure. Started bleeding like crazy at home that night and next day…off to ER and ended have a “procedure” to correct things…and it was the 4th of July of all days. ;)

    Off to make a HUGE salad and side dishes to go with the grilled pork chops! Enjoy your day everyone. Bob
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello, the morning started out hot and sticky but the clouds rolled in and it rained like crazy around noon. Still overcast and now only 74 degrees F. Works for me. Tonight, 69 degrees F. Wahooo!

    I did water my plants this morning as I didn’t know if we would get rain or not. Did some more veggie prep and edited a Walmart order that is to be picked up tomorrow.

    Sandy, so maybe better weather is on the way to you. Happy birthday to your son, enjoy the online calls(s). Sorry you are not feeling well.

    Anne, sorry to hear your sons have sore throats. I agree, these days, we are concerned about any symptom that could be one of the multitude of COVID signs. But as they learn more, almost anything can be a sign of that virus. A lady at church asked for prayer for her granddaughter the granddaughter’s husband, both have COVID and are apparently quite ill. I have sore throats for sinus problems as ‘stuff’ can cascade down my throat and apparently my throat doesn’t like it at all! But not the virus. Hope they are on the mend soon and it is just the heat, allergies or sinuses.

    Jackie, oh yes, I watched The Prisoner, loved it. It was quite odd but I hunted down old re-runs and finally bought some DVDs. Of course, no connection to lovely teapots for me! 😂 I sincerely hope your package appears tomorrow. Chasing things down is beyond tedious. Oh, I did hear from PayPal all of a sudden, and they are issuing a credit to my charge card from that episode a while ago. BUT it may take 30 days for it to show up on my account. I kept that email. Odd that the charges can instantly appear but credits can take so long.

    Bob, beautiful photos once again. I am so happy your dear wife disposed of the nasty beef far away from your trash bin. Well done!! I bet that won’t happen again soon, maybe ever?

    Patsy, how is your daughter feeling? Sorry if I should not have asked that. She was just on my mind. Do you have an arrangement hammered out with the tree trimmers? Hope you are feeling well today.

    Buzz, greetings my friend. ❤️❤️ 🙋🏼‍♀️

    After finishing a couple of cards yesterday I decided to start a new puzzle. I thought it would be a breeze, but not quite as simple as I had anticipated.

    Well, need to get back to cards. I am invited to a birthday party next Saturday. Not going but need to finish a card and get it in the mail. Would like it to arrive by the end of the week. I think there are several other birthdays. Must check my calendar.

    Here’s the Dogs With Jobs puzzle.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Sunday, Sunday, could be a warm but fun day! I really do have sugar-free popsicles that I made myself waiting for just the right moment. I doubt that I will be able to convince John that they are a dinner item.
    I will serve him a light chicken salad in lettuce wraps or boats if the lettuce cooperates. He is pretty hard-core about dinner. As warm as it is, I know he will appreciate a cold dinner.

    Sandy: you might be thinking of testing for your tummy problems in the wrong area.....ummmm the lower intestines might not be the area of concern. Stomach, esophagus would likely be an
    ulcer area. Talk to your doctor before you order another procedure. This is something that John struggles with. He has ulcers from time to time, when he eats wrong or doesn’t get enough rest or is upset for some reason. There is a list of food culprits he has to avoid when he has a flare up. Once the ulcer heals, he can have a few of these things but not all.

    Anne: heat does make people sick! Honestly I get absolutely fiendish when I get too hot. Hope your sons are not too ill. I know we moms worry about our boys. I have to fight my Mary Poppins instinct to rush in with my chicken soup when either of our children are ill. But I hope you can resist that urge since the pandemic is still with us.

    Bob: ohhhhh baby! I would be buying one of those manikins! Seriously. What fun! Have one you could dress up for Halloween or Christmas. As a butler at parties! Good grief, you must get one. As far as Oregon wines, well there is an ongoing dispute about that, right here in this family. Oregon is famous for its award winning Pinot wines. John is a lover of deep dark cab wines. I would use those to clean the oven with, but that’s just me. And the debate goes on. Our lovely Willamette valley is dotted with small vineyards and wineries.

    Jackie: oh yes! I remember that TV series. Loved it and the actor. Since we are on the verge of another lockdown, we are getting as much entertainment options as possible. We don’t have high speed connections here in this rural area so streaming is not available,e. We must buy DVDs but we are okay with that.

    Stay well and vigilant!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    No I didn't JACKIE! I love that area around Whitby. Staithes etc. Thank you so much for sharing!
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I started watching The Prisoner JACKIE. Shades of things to come? Getting there with the virus and street surveillance etc. Anne.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A wet and windy start so waterproofs definitely required even if we only walk locally round the village. My temporary tomato house has collapsed and I’m not so sure the plants will survive but do have a couple more in the garden room.

    Yes Anne, The Prisoner was ahead of its time and I’m sure if we all now shouted “I am not a number” few would see a problem! I’m with Patsy Bob, and would be dashing to the store to buy a mannequin although mine would be placed among the shrubbery in my garden like a Magnificent Greek god statue!
    Jobs for the dogs Lin! 🤣. I’ll show your puzzle to my 2 later and see if they’ll be encouraged to do more than sleep, eat and play!

    Can’t put that walk off any longer..... back later.
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BOB, ooh yes a mannequin please. I'd have mine lurking behind the frosted glass of the front door to warn all intruders, canvassers, etc that a great big muscular man lives here!
    Guess what, MFP is playing up again. Impossible to type. GRRrrrrr ! Bye !
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,166 Member
    edited July 2020
    Hello, Bob I did not see your post yesterday. MFP is so odd. The mannequins don’t seem like good company, not very talkative so I will pass on getting one. 🤣😂

    Jackie, sorry your temporary tomato house collapsed. Yesterday I received a totally crushed package with my 2 tomato supports and pots. Yes, they were ordered in the spring and yes, they were continually put on back order. The fertilizer is now back ordered until mid-September. I can do nothing but laugh at this point.

    Anne, sorry for the MFP problems. I have my own apparently since posts don’t seem to appear.

    I don’t have to water plants this morning. I am fiddling around this morning before going to pick up my grocery order and making a trip to the post office.

    Here’s a plain teapot, no description provided. A flat top😄



  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    And the good news is, my M&S order is on its way. However, it will depend on delivery services over here when I actually get my pants and top. Whether you like M&S or not one can't fault them for delivery efficiency at their end at least.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2020
    Now here's a funny coincidence. Back from a soaking doggy walk I went next door to drop off requested spare bottle of tomato feed and was faced with an image of a magician' s act gone wrong! Apparently friends of theirs were housing this lady in their attic but she's been let out to enjoy a car journey from one village to the next. I was shown a hilarious photo of her sitting strapped into her seatbelt on a back seat. The plan is to spray her green and brown so she can become a garden nymph and reside in their wild flower meadow
    (Something went wrong... the nymph did a disappearing act!!)

    Thanks for the giggle Bob. It's the month of the Mannequin!!

    Oh dear Lin, this online shopping can be a nightmare can't it but well done for laughing unless it's hysterically! As for my new phone, I've messaged the seller to ask them to chase it. Good news though as my new garden arch has just been delivered. The driver was so pleased I'm in to receive it because there are 2 heavy packages that he'd obviously struggled with to get to my door.
    Win some, lose some Lin! 🙄😏

    Time for lunch!

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited July 2020

    Hooray for M and S Anne. Fingers crossed with your courier. 😉
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    JACKIE. It wouldn't be the same for me with a garden nymph, beautiful as she is. If she lurked behind my frosted glass, all the intruders, canvassers would be flocking IN, LOL.

    All depends on if my pants and top land in Cleveland JACKIE with the border shut and maybe Donald thinking something's from China with every package flown in. Now, Toronto would be a doddle. As you say hurrah for good old Marks and Spencer's! If they are this quick the family might get something for Christmas after all!
