Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) One more day at pool and my son is coming for a little while. Tomorrow back injection and wake, Friday heart scan, Saturday packing, Church and dinner for Cheryl's birthday and Sunday on a train to see my son and DIL for a week.

    Lin, thank you for info, that is why my son is coming he is off today. I am glad Anne responded to you, I wonder if she is reading our posts that I send.

    Jackie, must have been tied up yesterday with all that she does to help people.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited June 19
    Hello! I’m sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. I had a wonderful walk across the top moors then took George and Betty to visit Maddy, sip coffee and talk about her experiences of WWII. Debbie Woof Woof had gone to a wolf sanctuary with her husband but returned home before I left. Both had scratches on noses and faces from playing with puppies but I didn’t get a reason for wolves being in England other than it is for educational purposes! I found a large van parked across my garage when I got home and a cement mixer churning away, so had to persuade the men working there to move the vehicle enough to allow me to put my car away. Whatever job they were carrying out was on my neighbours’ property and when I sat outside to enjoy a cheese and crackers late lunch an extremely loud pneumatic drill started up and quickly drove me back inside! I tried one more time to go outside to carry out weeding but couldn’t concentrate so gave up and instead called my friend Pat to check if she was ok after her first cataract removal. The drilling finally stopped around 4pm but by then I was ready to prepare chicken coq au vin so did no more than water outdoor pots.
    I had typed a long email to Anne but again, must have hit a wrong key so off it whooshed into the ether. It’s never the same to repeat news but I did manage a late message before bed.

    Today I have spent the morning with friend Linda. She drove us to a garden centre that has a very nice cafe so we sat in the sunshine and enjoyed avocado and egg on toast with lots of coffee. We hadn’t met up for about 3 weeks so there was lots of news back and forth. I bought more bags of potting compost and a couple of reduced price plants that are already sitting up after I watered them.
    Next doors’ builders seem to have finished whatever they were doing and left a pile of rubble in their parking space! At least it’s peaceful again!

    Oh no, I don’t want to turn back the page and risk losing everything but do remember Sandy has plans for another busy few days but hopefully no storm arrived Lin? Anne and I generally chat politics as we have an election next month and she does appear to be well looked after by Michael and his friend Sandy. Promise I will check if she is receiving copies of our Sneakers posts later today!

    I must feed the hens some corn then myself!

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited June 19
    Hello, I made my trip to the dentist this morning. First appointment of their day and was surprised that the waiting room was nearly full! I have the same hygienist each time and she said it has been very busy lately. She is pretty well booked up until September! I always get my next appointment booked before I leave. She doesn’t work on Fridays and the entire office is closed on Wednesday afternoons. She has a little granddaughter now and she gets time with the baby every Friday. I got to see baby pictures. ❤️❤️

    I finished one load of laundry and did a couple of cardio classes. More later in the afternoon.

    Last night we had some strong winds and lots of rain but no serious damage. Yes!

    Sandy, wow, busy lady as usual. Ooh, a ride on the train. Lovely!!

    Jackie, I am sure you and Anne have lots to talk about. And your neighbors are such a bother. 😠

    I do wish we had some give and take with Anne. I loved her stories. At least we know she and Jilly are in a good home with Michael.

    Joy, if you ever stop by, I apologize for not saying Happy Birthday but had no way to get in touch with you.

    Hope everyone has a happy day.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Not much time as I have to get ready for injection. Another hot day but no pool today.

    Lin, glad things went well with dentist. Always cute to see baby pictures.

    Jackie, you do have problems with those neighbors don't you? Please let us know if Anne is reading the posts and if i should continue sending them to her. Thank you,

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hi, busy day! I am trying to look into a company to remove the old overgrown shrubs so that a handrail can be installed on my front steps. Also doing some preliminary inquiries on replacing my backyard fence, or at least a part of it.

    Sandy, I hope your appointment went well today. We didn’t get to really high temperatures today. We had rain overnight once again. Hotter tomorrow.

    Paid a few bills, ordered some lentil burgers to be delivered next week, and talked to a friend for a little while on the phone. Did some Zoom classes.

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    edited June 21
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is going, getting things done on computer before my heart scan and then possibly the pool depending on how long the appointment is because I have to stop at bank.
    Nothing else today, tomorrow will be more busy.

    Lin, my appointment went well, instant relief. The sad news is that the doctor who gives me the injection is leaving this practice and moving somewhere else. I really like him since he is so kind and gentle and always concerned with my pain level. I am really going to miss him. Are lentil burgers anything like veggie burgers because I love veggie burgers.

    Jackie, another busy day for you. It's has to be hard managing a garden as big as yours.

    Have a good day eveyrone.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited June 21
    Hello, wow, a day of phone calls. I think I spoke with the landscaping company six times today. And I have no appointment, they have a work order in place and will call when they have time to come over this way. I do have an appointment next week to speak with a company about replacing my fence. At least I will get some information. Even if I want to go ahead, they may not be able to get me on the schedule before winter.

    Sandy, I am so glad that the shot brought instantaneous relief but sorry the doctor is leaving. It is so nice to have a doctor you like who does a good job. Hope you find an excellent replacement.

    Jackie, I hope you have had a good day!

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,748 Member
    I’m sorry to be heading into Saturday and only just getting to bed! Yes, a very busy day outside because the forecast was for rain by 5pm so I just kept going until I dropped! What happened next? Yes, I fell asleep watching my favourite gardening programme and now awake I’m wondering if I’ll sleep when I get to bed!

    I’ve heard from Anne to tell me she has been unwell again. I’ll copy and paste here. Poor love keeps getting these setbacks which I think she feels might be something to do with meds she has been subscribed.

    Hi Jackie, I’m just sending this to let you know I was horribly ill yesterday. Much better today but as weak as a kitten before it grows into Brady! Yes I’m getting Sandys emails and much appreciate them. Hope I’ll be sending a communal email soon will you tell her! Meanwhile, back to join Bean on the couch for an afternoon nap. Sorry to be such a bore, but this thing I’ve got really knocks the stuffing out of me. Lots of love to you, the pet girls, and of course our Sneaker friends, Anne.

    Sandy, I’m sure once Anne is feeling more like her old self she will find her way back to our Sneakers forum. Good news, your injection worked!

    Lin, I do empathise with trying to find tradespeople to even turn up to look at a job. Happens too often in my experience. Gorgeous teapots. I recently watched a programme about a senior lady living in a house similar to the pretty green 2 storey home one. She is an artist so surrounded by materials to create her eye catching paintings, all in strangely shaped rooms! All a bit too claustrophobic for me. 🫨

    Off to bed!
    Jackie 🥰

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited June 22
    Happy Saturday, again! It was after 1am when I got to bed, then up at 7am to go for a walk on the moors. A fleece jacket and hat were needed because the temperature has fallen but that suits George and Betty so we walked up and over the top for an hour. There was only one other car parked and when we returned mine was on its own so it seems the cooler air put walkers off!
    Sandy, you asked a few days ago about how many steps a day I average and I can say it’s not high because I’m more interested in the uphill element that helps my breathing as well as muscles. My morning walk takes between 4-5,000 steps and when I carry my phone in my back pocket at home that increases to 5-6,000. Lots of bending as well as a terraced garden to walk up and down and apparently the same amount of exercise as last year, which is promising. I don’t normally look closely at the Health App on my phone but noticed today it registered my walking had become unsteady during the time I spent so long sitting in hospital waiting rooms with Sheila. My back and hips were aching from too much inactivity so I expect that was why but I have managed to get back to normal, whatever that is! 😉

    Time to prune my roses and a crab apple tree then finish potting up the rest of my tomato plants.
    I have emailed Anne this morning and will continue to keep sneakers updated.

    Enjoy the weekend.
    Jackie 🥰

    P.S this rose was a cutting I took from a friend’s garden nearly 15 years ago when I wasn’t sure it would ever become established in my lifetime! It’s scented too so well worth the wait!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another hot day but no pool day again as I have a family zoom call, packing, an errand, church and then dinner for Cheryl's birthday. I will have time at my son's house to go to their community pool or Laurie's sister has a pool they said I could also use. It's the packing I hate the most.

    Jackie, I am happy if I get 5000 steps which is why I try and ride my recumbent bike as much as possible.
    If I am with the kids I can get to 5K steps easier than when I am alone. The rose is beautiful. I am sorry to hear that Anne is unwell and hope she bounces back. I really miss her posts.

    Lin, why is so hard to get help when we need it? I hope you are able to get things done in a timely manner.

    Time to eat and get ready for zoom call. The day is moving too fast.

    Have a good day. I will try to post daily while on vacation.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Hello friends

    I started out quite early this morning to drop off some mail at the post office. Nice when no one else is there. Wow, it was very humid that early. Harder to breathe. Lucky for me my exercise is all indoors. I received some emails from friends and a couple of cousins I seldom hear from. Those were interesting and I do need to respond.

    I did more research on plants I would like in front of my house. And read a bit of news as well. I think I have finished my list for Christmas cards. I can start sorting older cards and finishing new ones. But, lots of birthday cards left to make.

    I think I have done enough cardio for today. I try to get about the same number of minutes most days. Steps vary quite a bit.

    I placed a small grocery order to pick up early tomorrow morning as slots for today were full.

    Sandy, by the way, lentil burgers are about the same as any bean burger. They are my favorites. I hope your packing goes quickly and that your train trip is smooth!

    Jackie, thanks for the update on Anne. I am so sorry to hear she has bad days. ❤️❤️ With all of the work that you do, I would think steps really would not matter that much. The rose blossom is gorgeous. I hope you get a good measure of sleep tonight.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Hi Everyone. Missing in Action again. I had a cortisone injection in my right hamstring on Thursday. Still recovering. Hope it works.

    Soccer tournaments. I was too sore to go to Lukas’s morning game but went out for the 3 pm one. I love going because he loves soccer and really likes it when we go out.

    Tomorrow Lukas has a gold medal game at 10:30 am and the Blairs have soccer at noon. Hope I can make the games.

    Before my cortisone shot I got in a couple nice walks.

    Sleep overs with our little granddaughters on Monday and Tuesday. That will be fun.

    Have fun everyone

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Just popping in to say good morning. Cheryl is picking me up at 9:15 to take me to train station so haven't much time. I am sure I will be checking in daily as I am brining my laptop.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Hello Sneakers. Suddenly we have muggy, steamy weather so I’ve not been overdoing things! A local walk round the block had my thick hair flopping uncontrollably because I needed to use the hood of my jacket to stay dry. Once George and Betty were settled back home I drove into town for some pet items and moisturiser for my poor hands that require constant washing when gardening. The country has a heatwave warning for a few days but I don’t think it will affect me because there is a lot of cloud hanging overhead.

    Hello Jeri. Always great to hear from you, especially when your photos are included. We have a few Canada geese that spend summer months at our local reservoir. I love to hear them flying over my roof, calling out as they go!

    Enjoy your visit Sandy and any pool time.

    Christmas cards Lin? That is forward planning! 🎅🏼. Are you looking at perennial shrubs to plant in front of your house? Still waiting for landscapers? No news from Anne over the weekend but I’ll continue to send her little messages.

    Betty just asked to go out into the garden and blow me, it’s raining. So much for a heatwave coming anywhere near Cornwall!

    Feet up time. Stay safe everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited June 23
    Good afternoon

    Jeri, great to hear from you. Sorry you are sore from the injection in your hamstring. It sounds monstrous to me. I hope it brings you relief soon.

    Love the photo! I always admire your photos. And wow, sleepovers with the granddaughters. Fun!

    Sandy, enjoy your trip.

    Jackie, yes, last year I started Christmas card designs in July so not that early for me. Take care in the heatwave. Keep buying that hand lotion. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Just the usual things on this Sunday afternoon.

    Take care.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited June 24
    It has been a strange day weather wise. All the talk of a dangerous heatwave seems to cover everywhere but here. I went out early to get some groceries and it did feel slightly muggy in town but once home and off to the moors, I had to put an extra layer of clothing on because it remained cloudy and breezy. I took George and Betty on a short, level route but did stop to talk to the owner of a huge Malamute I only see occasionally. I really must get a photo of my two standing next to him!

    Not much going on after that. Brady’s cat flap in the door between the dining room and conservatory has been playing up, usually in the middle of the night when I’m woken up by the sound of him desperately trying to force the flap open because the magnet on his collar isn’t working the mechanism. It could have been nothing more than a speck of dirt fallen in a tiny gap so I removed it from the door and washed it thoroughly. It does seem to be working again when I operate it with a spare magnet but time will tell tonight when I’m sleeping! I also washed the shower room from top to bottom before relaxing with my usual cup of tea. I like the latest teapot with its naive art picture of a magpie Lin. It would sit perfectly in my yellow kitchen.

    Time for bed. The dogs have already been out for their last visit in the garden and are snoozing. I must remember to rub the new cream into my over washed hands!
    Nite, nite
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Good afternoon. We have a heat warning this afternoon and my air conditioner hasn’t stopped running at all. The experts are saying to set the thermostat at 20 degrees lower than the outside temperature. I am not sure I want to move the temperature up. It is kind of stuffy and muggy upstairs.

    I did end up on the phone with a friend who finally had a much needed appointment with a doctor who will help her manage her diabetes. She likes him and thinks he is very knowledgeable.

    I did a couple of loads of laundry today and hunted for more information on a potential hazard for the company removing the bushes. They may get to me in less than 2 weeks. 🤞🏻

    Nothing else interesting I guess.

    Be cool my friends!

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,114 Member
    Happy Tuesday. :D I have been very busy having fun with more fun to follow. Hope all are well. Just wanted to check in.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    edited June 25
    Sandy Glad to hear you are having fun!

    I spent part of my day checking through eye doctors who are accepting new patients and accept my insurance. I located one I was interested in and spent a long time on my phone and ultimately was able to schedule an appointment in August. And I called the office of the place I used to go to every few years and they said they would send my records to the new office. I think I am finally set. I have wanted to find a new doctor for months but didn’t want to spend the time needed to sort through the provider directory.

    Hope everyone is okay. Lots of storm watches and warnings here. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 hoping nothing severe lands here.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,168 Member
    Happy birthday Diane!