Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member

    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs from Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    It’s all go! Walked at 6am and been to the hospital with Sheila again. More on that later. Our hottest day yet but thankfully my cottage always remains cool. Plumber now working on my leaky loo and just gone off to supply store for a rubber seal. I’ve also asked him to change over the toilet seat I couldn’t find strength in my hands to undo. Chatty man!! 😆

    Happy Wednesday. I will be back!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member

    Have a wonderful day.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    Midnight so off to bed. An exhausting day but looks like a quiet time tomorrow so can spend time catching up and posting properly.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited June 26
    Good night Jackie. See you tomorrow.

    I ran errands this morning and did more research on home improvement companies. The guy from the fence company was here this afternoon measuring and talking about fence materials. Looks like it will be Cedar once again. Pricing to arrive in the next day or two. Talked to a friend from Church about a repair that has been undertaken for a roof leak. But it turns out they found more damage as they were doing the work. Eeeck. Price just went up. 🙁

    And I heard from a friend late today. She has been in remission in connection with a chronic illness but found out it is back. Not sure what will be done but she is back on a medication which may help.

    There ends my happy news for the day.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Having a wonderful time with my son and DIL. It was really hot here with temperature reaching 105 degrees F. Today is cooler at 87, so will be going to the pool. We had a nice dinner last night followed by a game of Settlers of Catan which I won. :D Tomorrow we will be going to a Basilica in St. Louis which should be great. I leave Saturday afternoon on the train and Cheryl will pick me up at the station. Fun week with family. <3

    Lin, glad you are finally get answers for your fence. Is cedar better than vinyl, I have no idea except you don't have to paint vinyl. I don't think you have to do anything with Cedar except let it take it's own course, correct? Sorry about your friend and hopes she goes back into remission.

    Jackie, busy as a bee as usual. Glad you got your loo fixed and a new seat to boot.

    Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    edited June 27
    Hello! Finally a few minutes while chicken wrapped in bacon bakes in the oven. So much to do but I am pacing myself! Yesterday’s trip to Plymouth was upper 80’s in Fahrenheit which is a scorcher for us but a relatively early appointment for Sheila worked well for us because the hospital was quiet. I gave us extra travelling time, expecting the rush hour to delay us but I can see that with many now working from home, roads are quieter. I waited in the foyer and read my book while she went for her biopsy but after about 40 minutes felt the need to stretch my legs so walked outside and that’s when I received a phone call to say she was on her way. Luckily she bumped into the same volunteer who took her to the department so was guided back through what is a rabbit warren! She was unsteady on her feet so I suggested she sit and wait while I collected my car and drove to the entrance. That went well until, in a red hot vehicle, I had to work out how to get through the barriers because Sheila has a special disability badge for parking. I waved it at the screen but nothing happened so drove round the car park until I found an attendant who explained I had to show the back of the badge to the exit machine. The space for stopping at the front was full so I double parked and ran into the building only to find Sheila wasn’t there! A couple who had been sitting nearby told me she had mentioned she saw me pull up so went outside so back I went and found her next to my car. We had obviously passed each other in our rush to leave! The biopsy procedure was more involved than she was anticipating because they had to make an incision on the side of her temple and remove a piece of the nerve that is giving her so much pain. I called her this morning and although she didn’t sleep well is beginning to feel better, but sore.

    The plumber that fixed the leak in the toilet cistern didn’t stop talking even when he had finished the job and swapped the seat. I really wanted to be outside but instead got the same life history for over an hour that I heard the last time he worked here. It was exhausting!!

    Today has been wonderfully quiet and a bit cooler so I walked George and Betty locally, met who I now know is Lin with her gorgeous rescued black Labrador called Pip. He is fine with people but nervous of other dogs so we made a point of standing talking on a street corner for a few minutes so he gets to know my pair of reprobates!

    I’ve dug up my garlic to hang to dry in the greenhouse and repotted a few plants.

    Sandy, that sounds like a wonderful visit and how great is that you are being spoilt with transport to and from the train. You deserve it because you do so much to help your family.

    Lin, my greenhouse is cedar so doesn’t require any coating but because our weather can be so wet I did paint one layer of clear water repellent when I first bought it. You don’t need to I’m sure.
    Awful for your friend with roof problems. I can’t remember if I mentioned Sheila has a leak that turned out was caused when solar panels were installed on her roof. She lives in sheltered accommodation so the local authorities are responsible but that can mean a long wait, especially while we are in the middle of elections.

    My oven is beeping so I must take the chicken out and steam a few veggies. Sorry I rambled so much!

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member

    Sandy, glad you are having a wonderful visit. They usually come to see you due to doctor’s appointments. Even better time in store tomorrow. Yippee !

    As far as cedar versus vinyl, many people like the look of vinyl and it doesn’t need any water proofing or anything. But, mold and mildews will grow on it and it should be power washed periodically. If anyone hits it with mowing or other equipment, it will crack and it costs much more than cedar. I got my estimate this afternoon. I am reviewing it closely.

    Jackie, my first fence was cedar and I applied water proofing several different times when it was fairly new. I have disposed of my sprayer so a new fence will have to get along on its own. I highly doubt I will see a new fence get as old as this one since it is 27 years old. 😄

    You have been super busy again but I am glad to hear you had a fairly quiet day. Yummy, garlic is hung. Excellent.

    I did a bit of laundry this morning and sorted out card making supplies that I want to put away for now.

    I may watch some of the debate. I am undecided.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Happy Friday! :) We are back from visiting The Basilica Cathedral of St. Louis which was absolutely beautiful. We had lunch first and then walked to Cathedral in hot humid weather. My son went back for the car to pick us up when we were done thank goodness.
    Will spend the rest of the day relaxing and probably play a game later. Tomorrow I head home.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,754 Member
    Finally a relaxing day mentally. I headed to the moors early with George and Betty so it was cool and easy to walk for an hour. At times both of them ran about at full speed which made me laugh! Before coming home I drove into town and the pet store because Brady was running low on his Whiskas food and he’s such a demon if he thinks I’m not feeding him enough! I haven’t done too much, just cleaned a few garden pots, swapped plants into larger containers to encourage growth and prepared an area of vegetable garden for Spinach Tree seedlings that Linda gave me a few weeks ago. I repotted them not really knowing what to expect and they shot up so I did a google search and wow, they can grow up to 6’ tall. I’ve got 8 plants and not sure there will be room for them all if they become so big!

    Sandy, I also Google searched the Cathedral you visited and it’s breathtaking. That must have been a fabulous experience. Safe journey home tomorrow.

    Lin, I’m sure your cedar fence will outlive all of us!! It’s renowned for being sturdy. I’m not usually into gold as a colour but love yesterday’s tea set, especially the pot. Your debate hit our news for obvious reasons! It seems wrong to me that someone so obviously incapable is being set up for humiliation but that’s just my opinion. Hope a replacement can be found, and quickly.

    Trying for an early night.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    edited June 28
    Hello. I sent a message confirming my acceptance of the estimate for the new fence. The estimate said materials had to paid for before the installation. I didn’t think much more about it when within a half hour they got in touch saying I had to pay for the materials immediately. It gets better. I was asked to drive downtown to drop off a check (not likely—there’s no place to park). I could call in with my credit card number and pay a 4% surcharge or I could get the check ready and they would pick it up. Sending them a check in the mail doesn’t work for them. With 5+ weeks of work ahead of me, I can understand the materials they need to order must be fairly astronomical but they should have said payment for materials is due upon acceptance of the estimate. Anyway, I moved some funds around, made out the check and told them they could pick it up. She said it would be this afternoon and if I needed to leave the house I should hide the envelope outside and resend them a text on where I put it. Biggest laugh, they couldn’t get here at all today. The poor lonely check is still waiting. Now they say it will be Monday—early afternoon. 🤦🏼‍♀️

    Sandy, a very good trip… travels home!

    Jackie, wow, spinach trees? I have never heard of them. Each should produce a huge amount of spinach. Thank heavens you replenished Brady’s food supplies. Early night sounds very good.

    We had a number of heavy rain showers today. So far, no severe storms. And I thought we wouldn’t get much rain this summer.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
