Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,731 Member
    Lin, that cat teapot is hilarious and rather appropriate for yesterday! No rain today but suddenly chilly which is a shock to the system! How worrying it must be with those storm threats and I will be thinking of you when I wake in the morning.

    Last night’s public meeting was interesting and Linda and I both came away feeling good after hearing several local business leaders voicing dissatisfaction with the way the council is run. I’m not sure anything will change but we have been told the incident that took place in January when a friend was attacked by Mr Nasty will be discussed next month. He was at the meeting and sat opposite us but kept his head down!

    Today I walked locally with the dogs because I had plans to clean the drain gullies at the rear of my property that had filled with earth, old leaves and silt that came off the property next door during the torrential rain. The metal grids came up easily, thank goodness, then it was a case of scooping out the muck into a bucket and that took 4 loads to clear before washing it down with a hose. I was careful how I bent to reach down but twice hit my head on my mailbox as I stood up! I didn’t do much else after I finished but rested my back. That was my day and tomorrow I hope to get more of the never ending gardening done before rain that’s forecast in the afternoon.

    Take care and Lin, stay safe. Bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    A day in the middle 80s for us with finally little wind. We have been having some strong ones this past week. Tackled the dead roses off of my bush roses trimming up as I went. They didn't get this done last fall due to an early rainy season, so they were quite large and very pretty the last few weeks. Now I have hope by fall they will be down in size again.

    The fencing company finally came to repair 3 sections of fence and 2 posts, which took quite a bit of time. Hopefully all is well with the fences again. Two years in a row with strong winds creating havoc with 26 yr old fences. Now to research out a good place to buy some much needed mulch for the back yard, get the windows cleaned and some power washing done. Once the carpet gets cleaned this years projects will finally be done. We will be glad when it is all finally done.

    It appears everyone is safe from the horrible storms in the mid west and England. Glad no one had anymore major damage other than the typical tree limbs and twigs to clean up.

    Stay safe, Diane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    :):) I learned a long time ago to not compare my insides with someone else's outsides. While I was a rumbling bucket of anxiety in the dentist's waiting room yesterday, everyone else looked serene. The new young dentist was very thorough and kind as was his assistant but the exam and x-rays showed what I feared-- two small cavities that will be filled next month and a cavity in a cracked wisdom tooth that can't be filled and will have to be extracted. I have all my teeth and have worked hard to keep them but I guess I'll have to put on my big girl pants and do what I don't want to do.

    :) Our weather has been mild and a bit rainy. Our yard is simple to care for so I know I'll get everything done eventually.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I don't have a lot of time as I am going to see Robby get an award from his school at noon. Storms are coming so I hope I don't get caught in them. Tonight going to see our friend the performer with Cheryl and Kathy.

    Barbie, I also fear the dentist and have to have nitros and novacaine when my teeth are being worked on.
    Because I had a problem with my gums I now go to the dentist every 3 months for a cleaning.

    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hello. Survived the super early morning storms. No storms expected tonight or early tomorrow morning. I think I will sleep in a bit and then have a nice long shower.

    Diane, glad the fence is fixed! You did have to wait a long time. 👏🏻👏🏻 Best wishes on completing your list of home chores.

    Barbie, pretty much all types of medical or dental appointments give me high blood pressure. But actually dental fillings are low on my panic list. I had a tooth pulled and was quite scared but the tooth extracted easily. Thankfully. Best wishes.

    Sandy, enjoy the night out! Glad you don’t have to do the driving.

    Jackie, I get a daily email with stories in the news in England. It seems they are writing almost every day about the contaminated blood scandal and once again the horrible Post Office story.

    I guess people in charge cannot be trusted when money and power are at stake. So sad.

    Well, need to run along. Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Waiting for the weather to warm up enough to go to pool for the first time this year.
    It's only 65F so a little chilly for me. Hoping it gets into the 70's, preferably 75. The kiddos will be coming later this afternoon to spend the night so I hope I get some sleep. lol

    More storms are coming tomorrow and Memorial Day will be chilly. Bad start for pool opening.

    Have a good day and hope the sun is shining for you.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hi, we have a lovely day today followed by storms around midnight. The forecast I received this morning has possibilities of heavy rain, hail, strong winds, and maybe a tornado or two.

    It was nice to sleep without sirens or other warnings. I did sleep later and had that warm shower. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, have fun with the kids. And don’t get worn out.

    Hi Barbie, Diane, Jackie and Anne.

    Back to punching out little stars. Still don’t have a design, just fiddling around.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Spent the day at the pool and now waiting for grandkids to arrive to spend the night.
    I hope you had a nice day like I did.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,731 Member
    Oh goodness, another lost post I was sure I sent yesterday! Nothing exciting missed, just the usual walking, gardening and cooler weather. I collected six eggs from the hen house today so they must be enjoying more settled weather.

    Lin, I struggle to watch our news these days because there seems to be one scandal after another. Sadly, our corporate bodies appear morally corrupt and our government’s talk of compensation for victims is just that, talk and no action. The contaminated blood story is appalling when it turns out people within our NHS and therefore supposed to be looking after our health, covered up what was happening, knowing thousands were dying. That really was a case of ‘there, but for the grace of God’ when it came down to requiring a blood transfusion. I expect you will also be reading about our upcoming election when I don’t think many will vote as we lump all parties together as ineffective and lacking a moral compass.

    I’m due a dental check up and must make an appointment. I chipped enamel off a filled back tooth a couple of weeks ago so know I will require work.

    Must get to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    Today we hung our 4 new plants in macrame to hang from our patio cover. Hoping we can keep them alive by not over or under watering them as our heat increases shortly. It is always a challenge for me. Also potted the 6 pink vinca plants as well as repotted 2 other plants. Gardening now done except for the photinia bushes to get pruned by our gardener. Prefer that to get done before we get all of the mulch put down in back. Short outside window before the heat hits us hard.

    Barbie thinking of you at your dental appt. I had what you are having done last year. I now dread going to the dentist this year after last years multiple appts. Pray my next appt in 3 months proves to be nothing other than a tooth cleaning.

    I am going to an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday regarding a thumb nail problem. It all started 7 yrs ago when I closed my thumb in the car door. Suspecting my nail will have to get removed, but I believe this appt is only a consultation. My nail keeps getting wider and wider pushing onto some tissue. I took a nail file to it the other day to alleviate the pain that I started having. Thyroid issues again to be dealt with in August, which is the soonest I could get in. Hopefully this endo will not just sluff it off. 40 yrs of dealing with it has put me at the point where some autoimmune problems could be in my future. My sister has lupus and it is a possibility per the antibody test that was done. My family genetics are not good sad to say.

    Wishing better days ahead for everyone.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) So far so good with the kiddos. They ate dinner, watched a movie and went to bed easy. Boys slept until 7 and Charlie is still sleeping. I hope mom and dad had a nice night as well.
    Rob will pick kids up by 11 so I can go to Church at 11:30.
    I had a nice day at the pool yesterday weather was perfect. Today is is raining and tomorrow maybe more showers. But summer has begun with the pool being open.

    Diane, sorry about your thumb, sounds very painful. Good luck with doctor. Also sorry about your thyroid issues as well. There is always something to worry about isn't there?

    Jackie, sorry about your tooth, nothing worse than dental work. I guess I haven't watched the news in a while to know what's going on in England but politics are terrible all over the world.

    Lin, hope your weather is getting better, this rain is just terrible. I know it's good for the flowers and plants but gets so depressing.

    Have a great Saturday.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hello, the thunderstorms did start around 1am this morning. Nothing severe but they kept me awake. The sun is out now but more rain expected later today. Rain is good and it is alleviating the severe drought but it is drowning things now. My friend’s vegetable garden has standing water in it that isn’t draining.

    I plan to attend online church and then will attend several Zoom classes and tune in the French Open. Still sorting through card supplies as well.

    Diane, I am sorry about the fingernail. I hope there is a pain free fix.

    Sorry for everyone’s upcoming dental appointments. Barbie, Jackie, and Diane (hope it will just be a check-up).

    Sandy, glad to hear you had a good time with the kids.

    Must run along. Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    Labeled as a coffee and tea set
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Memorial Day/Sunday! :) Too chilly and too cloudy for pool unless things change. Will just stay in and relax, except for recumbent bike. Mondays and Tuesdays seem to be the only days I get to stay home so I don't mind at all. I hope you all enjoy your Monday as well.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    Hi! No rain here last night. Wahoo! There may be some later today. I am doing laundry, reading, setting up to do some stamping for 4th of July cards. And the French Open is on Peacock Streaming once again.

    I just heard a friend is back in the hospital again. She had surgery and was released to a care center for recovery. She was home for a few hours Saturday and spiked a fever of 103 and was taken back to the hospital. I don’t think they ever totally cured the infection she had originally.

    Sandy, sorry it is too cold to spend the day at the pool. An hour on the recumbent bike sounds like a lot of exercise to me. Enjoy your day.

    Happy day Sneakers.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) The suns is shining and temp is 73F but rain is expected once again. I don't think it will be a pool day but one never knows. Tomorrow I have a clinic trial appointment.

    Lin, I am sorry about your friend and hope they cure her before sending her anywhere again. Yes, I guess my hour on the bike is good exercise but yours probably tones you more.

    Jackie, hope all is well in England.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    edited May 28
    Hi! I will be off by a day for the rest of the week. Tuesday, Tuesday! 😄

    I have been making calls just about all morning straightening things out. How do they get so messy. I just talked to my utility company and they informed me that they never got my personal information for their credit file!! Hello?? I have lived here since the mid 1990’s. I have been giving them the last 4 digits of my social security number for years and now they tell me they have never had it, the field in the records is blank. Now that was a huge surprise. Enough shocks for today thank you very much.

    I have signed up for a block of Zoom classes this afternoon. Need to get a few things accomplished before then.

    Sandy, I don’t think these classes are toning me at all but I enjoy them.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Sun is shining but only 68F. I have trial appointment later this morning and then should be good until September 11. I have many plans this summer so glad to have a little time off.

    Lin, with how many cards you make you can expect some messiness. lol You did call the utility company from your bill and not from an email correct? There are so many scams going around we really have to be careful.

    Jackie, how is the garden growing? Any exciting plans?

    Hello to everyone else who pops in and make sure you drop a word or two.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,150 Member
    edited May 29
    Hello, the lawn mowers were up and making noise early this morning. A day of sunshine is predicted so I think people and lawn care companies do not want to waste a bit of it.

    I dug out some sprouting seed and expect edible broccoli sprouts in a few days. I used less seeds than usual as I would prefer to start a new batch more often. Keeps them fresher!

    Sandy, yes, I was the one who called them about an overpayment so I had the legitimate number. Since they were going to return money to me they were very scrupulous in verifying it was indeed me although actually the check would be made out too me and sent to the address on file and my phone number matched. But I jumped all the hoops and someday I will receive a check. I don’t think they will be in a hurry though. 😁

    I hope your appointment goes well. Yes, I believe you have lots of summer plans.

    How’s everything going for the rest of our group?

    Barbie, any dental appointments out of the way?

    Diane, any progress on the thyroid issue?

    Jeri, where are you?

    Joy, I hope you join us again one of these days.

    Jackie, happy growing days!

    Anne, waving hello…..

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,731 Member
    Here I am! I’ve been having all sorts of problems with my iPad since updating overnight Monday. Messages from a couple of friends on WhatsApp were being archived for some reason and the App disappeared off my AppleMac altogether! When I tried to log into MFP I was getting an unable to make a connection. Please try later message. I never know if it’s my end or theirs! My iPhone has never been the same since I got locked out so all a bit frustrating.
    This morning I bought a few groceries then took George and Betty for a short stroll on a lower level path of the moors, then decided it was time to clear the mess of rain, mud and stones from my garage, washed in by that hefty storm. I began at 11am sweeping, digging and wheelbarrowing back and forth and didn’t finish until 2pm. The garage floor is still wet so I left my car outside overnight to give it a chance to dry. After all that I had to sit down and rest and promptly fell asleep for an hour! Rain held off all day and late afternoon the sun arrived so I pottered in my greenhouse. Slugs have destroyed one potato plant in the raised bed but those in grow bags are doing fine.

    I was going to meet up with Sheila tomorrow but she left a message while I was clearing my garage to say she was about to attend an emergency dental appointment because when she chewed her breakfast cereal a front tooth bit into what felt like a piece of metal that split her tooth in half down into the root. She was in a lot of pain so hopefully the dentist has repaired the damage but she asked I don’t phone until I hear from her in case she is sleeping.
    I phoned my dental practitioner yesterday to make a check up appointment but was told he is extremely busy and trying to sort out an overload of appointments so could I phone again at the end of June. No have chipped enamel off a back tooth but am not in any pain so will wait as asked.

    I’m going to get myself to bed as it’s 11pm. Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,101 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Sunny but cool. Meeting today and then I am going to the hospital to reschedule an appointment I had for a heart scan next week. It is just a routine follow up and the clinic trial wants me back on the same day. It seems the hospitals affiliated with mine all got hacked for ransom so it is impossible to get through on a phone call and I can't change it online either. What a nightmare. It's possible they couldn't do the test anyway but I have no way of knowing unless I go there in person.

    I also have a dental cleaning on Monday so joining those of you that have to go to dentist.

    Jackie, please be careful with all that lifting, we don't need you in the hospital. Was the piece of metal in the cereal Shelia was eating? I hope she saved it and will get some compensation for her tooth.

    Lin, glad you called them. I get so many spam emails as I did today telling me that my package will be returned for UPS if I don't reschedule. I always check the email it is coming from and can tell when it is spam so it goes into my spam folder.

    Running out of time as usual, have a good day.

    One Day at a Time