Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Cooler but sunny day. Still deciding if I want to go to the BBQ or not. It's not to later and I am tired but maybe I will get a second wind, we will see.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Sunshine and showers but a few small chores carried out, including planting runner beans and spreading some wild flower seeds. Clearing the blocked drain yesterday didn’t take long as it was caused by all the recent rain washing silt into it and blocking the grill. A few minutes of digging it away with a trowel and it was done! Nothing else going on but hope everyone is enjoying a peaceful Sunday.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 5
    Hello, sunny and pleasant today. More rain and perhaps storms expected tomorrow.

    I attended online church services this morning, cleaned up some paperwork, responded to a friend’s email. She always has interesting things to share. In addition to the Silver Sneakers schedule, I have access to Burnalong, a mix of live and recorded classes. One of the instructors I like quite well on Silver Sneakers Live classes (only Zumba Gold 3 times a week) has a number of classes on this additional platform. I got signed up and have done one of her classes both yesterday and today. Whoooo, sweaty!

    Jackie, congratulations on getting the runner beans planted and flower seeds as well. I still am not sure I want to plant anything this year.

    Sandy, did you get a second wind? Sometimes I do have a first wind. 😂

    Hi Barbie, Diane, Anne, Jeri, Joy and the rest of our Sneaker members.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Nice sunny day with temps in the 70's. I did end up going to the BBQ and had fun.
    Tonight I am going to dinner with Cheryl and her SIL and cousin. Nothing until Thursday when I am going with Cheryl to pack up Marisa's stuff to bring home from college. She is not going back next semester and will do classes from home instead. She would have stayed if she could get her own apartment but they changed the rules and sophomore's have to stay in the dorms. She wants to get her own apartment and will also be training to become a fire fighter paramedic. (I think) I get confused on exactly what she wants to be. Cheryl wants her to go back to physical college her junior and senior year so we will see what happens by then.

    Lin, are you feeling more energetic with those classes? I do feel better when I ride my recumbent bike for an hour and of course it helps with losing weight. What ever works right?

    Jackie, you amaze me, is there anything you can't do? I am glad it wasn't a difficult job but does sound gross. (sorry) BTW, I did send Anne an email but no response as of yet. I do hope her boys would let us know if something was wrong if she gave them any of our information.

    Have a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 6
    Hello. Lunchtime already! I made a fairly quick trip to Walmart and Trader Joe’s first thing this morning. Stock was low but I got a few things. Home quickly enough to put groceries away before my first class. Just finished the second one and I need to start crushing boxes and tossing things in the trash in anticipation of tomorrow’s trash day. My neighbor put out several bags of clippings (in the approved bags) last week and they were never picked up. I notice this week she has 6 or 7 bags out there. Wow. She and her guy pal must have worked hard this past weekend.

    Sandy, it is difficult to keep up with people’s plans and ambitions. Young folks seem to be very flexible when planning their future. I was quite a drifter and it didn’t end up that well. I hope things go well for her. Enjoy your week! ❤️ And sometimes I feel much better when getting a lot of exercise, other days, I feel absolutely drained. I have no idea what the difference may be. I tried to cut down to one cup of coffee and wow, that has not worked, back to my usual two cups I think…..

    Silver Sneakers ditched all of their Zumba classes over the weekend. Must have been a quick decision, they had just published their daily calendar for May and Zumba was still on it and poof, no matter what the schedule says, we now have cardio dance. I had the first of those classes this morning, the teacher is still good, lots of the moves are the same, lots of sweat and an addition—-hand weights. There was an uproar from the students but hey, the instructor couldn’t do anything about it. She was quite upset by all the comments, she will be evaluating whether she still wants to teach the revised class. She has a studio and live students as well as Zoom participants.

    Jackie, hope all is well with you. I am the only one who hasn’t tried to contact Anne. I didn’t want to bother her as she settled in but I am concerned about her. Hope she picks up her card soon.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    My favourite sort of day! Walking George and Betty on the moors in bright sunshine early then the rest of the day was gentle gardening. Linda dropped in at one point with a tray of plants because when we visited the expensive plant nursery last week I had mentioned that Forget me nots were my mother’s favourite, but they struggle in my garden. Also another flowering plant I lost in the garden called London Pride had originated in her garden many years ago and they grow like weeds in Linda’s so I will try both again!

    Sandy, a pair of thick rubber gloves and bottle of disinfectant helped me cope with the drain! I thought it would be gross but my only issue was crouching and bending. My brain says I can but thighs and back don’t agree! I am worried about Anne because now she lives with Michael I haven’t a phone number for her, or even an address. If she was still at the care facility I could have asked my Canadian friends who live in Ontario, to make enquiries. The virus she developed there has apparently damaged her heart but in her last message she was feeling positive about making improvements.
    Charmaine’s daughter is going through similar upheaval to Marisa at University but is older so made her own plans to share a house with friends. I hadn’t been aware dormitories still existed!

    Crikey Lin, Zumba!! That is energetic. 😳 That teapot is fascinating and seems to have an amazing mix of items, rather like a Victorian travel case that would have carried something for every emergency!

    Chicken in the oven is almost cooked so I will stir fry some chopped veggies, then collapse in a heap. Tomorrow I will visit Linda’s neighbour to collect timber he doesn’t need. It will be perfect for burning on the log burner next Autumn.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We are being hit with some storms with thunder and lightning. They come and go and are supposed to last all day. A good day to stay in and just relax except for riding my bike.
    Our dinner was good last night, short but sweet.

    Jackie, glad to hear you finally got some sunshine and enjoyed your day. That is a problem when there is no way to actually reach her since we don't know her sons numbers. And I tried googling them but couldn't find any Burgess is Canada. I really wish we could contact someone to let us know she is ok.

    Lin, your exercises sound exhausting but fun. I will have to look on You Tube to see if I can do any of those zumba classes. With my back and artificial knees not sure I can handle a lot of movement.

    Have a good day, hope it is dry by you.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 7
    Hi, I have a new kitchen faucet. Craziness to get to this point. But thankful it is finally finished. Now which of the many things that are broken or half broken will need attention next?

    I tried to find addresses/phone numbers for Anne’s sons and had no luck. Loads of Burgesses but I don’t know the exact towns/cities they live in. I also tried to call the Senior Living facility to see if she left any forwarding address or telephone number. I am sure you can guess what happened, no one answered the phone. I doubt they would release any information considered personal.

    Sandy, we had storms again last night and they didn’t arrive here until after midnight. I didn’t sleep well and gosh, we had RAIN! The sump pump is cycling almost continually. Stay safe!

    If you look on YouTube, try to find Zumba Gold rather than just Zumba. That is supposedly the slower version of the original. It is still a sweaty workout for me. But any 45 minute cardio class is! 😁

    Jackie, hope you are having a happy (and sunny) day. Where are you planting all your new starts from Linda?

    Be safe everyone. I have an afternoon full of classes and the usual Tuesday evening YouTube Live.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Sorry I didn’t check in yesterday. After walking the dogs I drove to Linda’s neighbour to collect the chopped wood he had offered for my log burner. Most was stored in a plastic coal bunker so it was a case of hanging head first from the top and handing it out for Linda to place in canvas garden bags I had taken with me. By the time we finished the back of my car was full with 6 extra full rubble bags and my two largest bags were in Linda’s vehicle. We drove back to my cottage, unloaded the bags and carried along the footpath to my garden. Linda went home while I stacked the wood into my log store! Phew, just one large bag left to empty but I was beginning to wilt so will deal with it later today. No surprises, I fell asleep in front of the tv in the evening! Remarkably, I have few aches this morning but won’t overdo things.

    Storms around the word at the moment. I watched a YouTube video of flooding in Texas at the weekend and last night saw how areas of Brazil are under water. Mother Nature saying I told you not to cut down the Rain Forests!

    Sandy, I guess with so much hacking and scams that go on these days it is understandable no one wants their personal details to be easily accessed. I know Anne would respond if she read our messages so fingers crossed it’s only because she hasn’t checked recently. If the home don’t even answer the phone it’s just as well she left when she did but I wish she had never gone in the first place, although understand why, at the time, she made the decision.

    Lin, the bluebell plants Linda has given me are in a border I’m gradually turning over to English natural plants and the London Pride will be placed in a rockery at the end of my garden once it has been weeded! Congratulations on your new faucet. Break out the champagne!🍾

    I must walk George and Betty round the block. Happy Wednesday everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) I have a list on my fridge of people to contact in case of emergency. One name on the list is Sandy since I have her email address so if anything happened to me, Sandy would be contacted. <3
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) I have a list on my fridge of people to contact in case of emergency. One name on the list is Sandy since I have her email address so if anything happened to me, Sandy would be contacted. <3

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It is going to be a beautiful day here with temps in the 80's. I am tempted to sit on my balcony and get some sun, but also have errands to run. Maybe I will do both. lol Still thinking of planting some inpatients around our light in front of building. Just not sure I can turn over the soil to add new soil since I don't have a shovel. I am hoping to do it with a hand trowel but also want to throw some grass seed down because our landscapers do a terrible job. Do I really want to spend the money as a renter? It would be pretty.

    Barbie, nice idea, I will also add to my contact list to notify the sneakers in case of emergency.

    Jackie, I feel so lazy compared to all you do. I just put a couple of planters on my balcony in self watering containers and take care of my hummingbird feeder. If I do plant flowers out front I will water them daily as needed but nothing compared to what you do.

    Lin, glad you finally got your new faucet. I didn't have a chance yet to check you tube but will when I have time. I have to take advantage of today's weather before it rains again.

    Time is getting away from me again so have a good day everyone.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :) When Sasha, the red poodle died almost two years ago, I grieved her terribly. I missed having a dog to walk with me and a dog to snuggle next to me in bed all night. Be careful what you wish for. Annie snuggles so close that am only inches from the edge of the bed. She likes to walk with me but not exactly where I want go so we have a lot of starting and stopping and standing around "deciding" where to go. It is a work in progress.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 8
    Good evening. More storms tonight. My sump pump is still running periodically from the last deluge. And more rain is a strong possibility tomorrow. We were in a drought…..what the heck happened.

    I pulled a few weeds today, started working on cleaning out a drawer in my kitchen. Everything is out of it right now—I have a moderately big pile of things that I need to sort through. Tomorrow. I tried to get the automatic drain to start working again on my dehumidifier. No luck. I will be dumping it daily. Not a bad chore as long as my joints are working.

    Barbie, I will try to be careful what I wish for. I wonder if it would be safe to wish for good health and for everything associated with my home to not break down?

    Sandy, if you will enjoy the things you want to plant then it is worth it. But if you won’t see the things continually, or it will cost well outside your budget, I would say no. I am sure you will make a decision that you are comfortable with.

    Jackie, darn, no champagne here but I did smile a lot as I used my sink a lot today. I made quinoa and cooked beans. Lots of dishes! 👍🏻👍🏻

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Rainy Thursday! :) Leaving early this morning to go with Cheryl to pack up Marisa's dorm room as she is done with College for this semester. Cheryl wanted a second driver as it is a 3 hour ride so 6 hours in one day. I can't do much lifting but will help in the best way I can.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 9
    Hi, I finished sorting though and tossing things from that large kitchen drawer. And I emptied out the lazy Susan cabinet that will not close properly. Now it seems with nothing in it, it does close. But I am going to leave it empty. Also emptied the cabinets over my refrigerator. Not a handy place to store anything I use even occasionally.

    I tried again to get the hose drain on my dehumidifier working again this morning. Fail!

    I have a short Zoom meeting at noon from a conference in Ohio. Then all of my Zoom exercise classes this afternoon.

    Sandy, safe travels.

    Be safe Sneakers.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Marisa's dorm room is empty and clean and she is home. A much better day weather wise as the sun is shining and temps should reach high 60's. Laundry has been started and I am going to plant my planters for balcony with basil as it keeps the bugs away. I will also put my African Violet out for the summer. I did buy a hanging basket for out front and am still thinking of planting something around the lamp post. My neighbor doesn't think it will grow but I think otherwise. I also went and got the two big mushrooms I had at my old place since I left them there when I moved but now took them back. (Indian Giver) My humming bird has returned so he will get new food today. I am hoping to get to Walmart to pick up some grass seed as we have some bare spots and the landscapers don't seem to care.
    Lots of ideas now to follow through with them.

    Have a great day and stay healthy and safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,167 Member
    edited May 10
    Good afternoon. Happy weekend to everyone.

    Sandy, you sound full of pep! Happy planting. Hopefully the weather will be nice at least tomorrow.

    Jackie, hello. I was tempted to send a card to Anne. There are such lovely ones on the JacquieLawson website. I resisted.

    Barbie, best wishes to you as well. Tell Jake hello.

    And a hello to Diane, Jeri, Joy and of course our missing Anne.

    I tried a bit of Pilates today. A horrendous experience. I am definitely a cardio gal.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,747 Member
    Good morning! One post lost and another not wanting to leave me! A beautiful morning and I’m taking Sheila to the GP practice for her Covid vaccination then hopefully a walk. I will be back……
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,113 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) I finally got my balcony plants done, bought some mulch for under the lamp post and some grass seed for bare spots on the lawn. Now I have to wait to see if everything grows.
    I have a family zoom call this afternoon and church later. Other than that not too much going on.
    Tomorrow for Mother's Day, I will be going to Rob and Lisa's. The weather is supposed to be beautiful so I am hoping Rob grills some hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill. Just a relaxing afternoon spent with family.

    Me weight continues to go up and down but I am determined to get to my goal weight, at least I hope so.

    Have a great day and enjoy the sunshine if you can.
    One Day at a Time